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Commit0 provides several commands to facilitate the process of cloning, building, testing, and evaluating repositories. Here's an overview of the available commands:


Use commit0 setup [OPTIONS] REPO_SPLIT to clone a repository split. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
repo_split str Split of repositories to clone
--dataset-name str Name of the Huggingface dataset wentingzhao/commit0_combined
--dataset-split str Split of the Huggingface dataset test
--base-dir str Base directory to clone repos to repos/
--commit0-dot-file-path str Storing path for stateful commit0 configs .commit0.yaml


Use commit0 build [OPTIONS] to build the Commit0 split chosen in the Setup stage. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
--num-workers int Number of workers 8
--commit0-dot-file-path str Path to the commit0 dot file .commit0.yaml
--verbose int Verbosity level (1 or 2) 1

Get Tests

Use commit0 get-tests REPO_NAME to get tests for a Commit0 repository.

Argument Type Description Default
repo_name str Name of the repository to get tests for


Use commit0 test [OPTIONS] REPO_OR_REPO_PATH [TEST_IDS] to run tests on a Commit0 repository. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
repo_or_repo_path str Directory of the repository to test
test_ids str Test IDs to run
--branch str Branch to test
--backend str Backend to use for testing modal
--timeout int Timeout for tests in seconds 1800
--num-cpus int Number of CPUs to use 1
--reference bool Test the reference commit False
--coverage bool Get coverage information False
--rebuild bool Rebuild an image False
--commit0-dot-file-path str Path to the commit0 dot file .commit0.yaml
--verbose int Verbosity level (1 or 2) 1
--stdin bool Read test names from stdin False


Use commit0 evaluate [OPTIONS] to evaluate the Commit0 split chosen in the Setup stage. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
--branch str Branch to evaluate
--backend str Backend to use for evaluation modal
--timeout int Timeout for evaluation in seconds 1800
--num-cpus int Number of CPUs to use 1
--num-workers int Number of workers to use 8
--reference bool Evaluate the reference commit False
--coverage bool Get coverage information False
--commit0-dot-file-path str Path to the commit0 dot file .commit0.yaml
--rebuild bool Rebuild images False


Use commit0 lint [OPTIONS] REPO_OR_REPO_DIR to lint files in a repository. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
repo_or_repo_dir str Directory of the repository to test
--files List[Path] Files to lint (optional)
--commit0-dot-file-path str Path to the commit0 dot file .commit0.yaml
--verbose int Verbosity level (1 or 2) 1


Use commit0 save [OPTIONS] OWNER BRANCH to save the Commit0 split to GitHub. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
owner str Owner of the repository
branch str Branch to save
--github-token str GitHub token for authentication
--commit0-dot-file-path str Path to the commit0 dot file .commit0.yaml



Use agent config [OPTIONS] AGENT_NAME to set up the configuration for an agent. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
agent_name str Agent to use, we only support aider for now. aider
--model-name str LLM model to use, check here for all supported models. claude-3-5-sonnet-20240620
--use-user-prompt bool Use a custom prompt instead of the default prompt. False
--user-prompt str The prompt sent to agent. See code for details.
--run-tests bool Run tests after code modifications for feedback. You need to set up docker or modal before running tests, refer to commit0 docs. False
--max-iteration int Maximum number of agent iterations. 3
--use-repo-info bool Include the repository information. False
--max-repo-info-length int Maximum length of the repository information to use. 10000
--use-unit-tests-info bool Include the unit tests information. False
--max-unit-tests-info-length int Maximum length of the unit tests information to use. 10000
--use-spec-info bool Include the spec information. False
--max-spec-info-length int Maximum length of the spec information to use. 10000
--use-lint-info bool Include the lint information. False
--max-lint-info-length int Maximum length of the lint information to use. 10000
--pre-commit-config-path str Path to the pre-commit config file. This is needed for running lint. .pre-commit-config.yaml
--agent-config-file str Path to write the agent config. .agent.yaml


Use agent run [OPTIONS] BRANCH to execute an agent on a specific branch. Available options include:

Argument Type Description Default
branch str Branch for the agent to commit changes
--backend str Test backend to run the agent on, ignore this option if you are not adding run_tests option to agent. modal
--log-dir str Log directory to store the logs. logs/aider
--max-parallel-repos int Maximum number of repositories for agent to run in parallel. Running in sequential if set to 1. 1
--display-repo-progress-num int Number of repo progress displayed when running. 5