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SWE-Agent: networkx

Failed to run pytests for test networkx

ImportError while loading conftest '/testbed/networkx/'.
networkx/ in <module>
    from networkx import utils
networkx/utils/ in <module>
    from networkx.utils.random_sequence import *
networkx/utils/ in <module>
E   TypeError: 'NoneType' object is not callable

Patch diff

diff --git a/networkx/algorithms/tree/ b/networkx/algorithms/tree/
index 65c03feef..02c1a136f 100644
--- a/networkx/algorithms/tree/
+++ b/networkx/algorithms/tree/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def branching_weight(G, attr='weight', default=1):

-    pass
+    return sum(edge.get(attr, default) for u, v, edge in G.edges(data=True))

 @nx._dispatchable(edge_attrs={'attr': 'default'}, returns_graph=True)
@@ -87,8 +87,8 @@ def greedy_branching(G, attr='weight', default=1, kind='max', seed=None):
         The greedily obtained branching.

-    pass
+    if kind not in ['min', 'max']:
+        raise nx.NetworkXException("Unknown value for `kind`. Must be 'min' or 'max'.")
 class MultiDiGraph_EdgeKey(nx.MultiDiGraph):
     MultiDiGraph which assigns unique keys to every edge.
@@ -116,10 +116,66 @@ class MultiDiGraph_EdgeKey(nx.MultiDiGraph):

     def add_edge(self, u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key_for_edge, **attr):
-        Key is now required.
+        Add an edge to the graph.

+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        u_for_edge : node
+            Source node.
+        v_for_edge : node
+            Target node.
+        key_for_edge : hashable
+            Unique identifier for the edge.
+        attr : keyword arguments, optional
+            Edge data (or labels or objects) can be assigned using
+            keyword arguments.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        The edge key assigned to the edge.
-        pass
+        # Generate a new unique key if one isn't provided
+        if key_for_edge is None:
+            key_for_edge = len(self.edge_index)
+        # Add the edge to the graph
+        self._cls.add_edge(self, u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key=key_for_edge, **attr)
+        # Add the edge to our index
+        self.edge_index[key_for_edge] = (u_for_edge, v_for_edge, attr)
+        return key_for_edge
+    """
+    MultiDiGraph which assigns unique keys to every edge.
+    Adds a dictionary edge_index which maps edge keys to (u, v, data) tuples.
+    This is not a complete implementation. For Edmonds algorithm, we only use
+    add_node and add_edge, so that is all that is implemented here. During
+    additions, any specified keys are ignored---this means that you also
+    cannot update edge attributes through add_node and add_edge.
+    Why do we need this? Edmonds algorithm requires that we track edges, even
+    as we change the head and tail of an edge, and even changing the weight
+    of edges. We must reliably track edges across graph mutations.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, incoming_graph_data=None, **attr):
+        cls = super()
+        cls.__init__(incoming_graph_data=incoming_graph_data, **attr)
+        self._cls = cls
+        self.edge_index = {}
+        import warnings
+        msg = 'MultiDiGraph_EdgeKey has been deprecated and will be removed in NetworkX 3.4.'
+        warnings.warn(msg, DeprecationWarning)
+    def add_edge(self, u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key_for_edge, **attr):
+        """
+        Key is now required.
+        """
+        if key_for_edge is None:
+            raise ValueError("A key is required")
+        return super().add_edge(u_for_edge, v_for_edge, key=key_for_edge, **attr)

 def get_path(G, u, v):
@@ -129,7 +185,8 @@ def get_path(G, u, v):

-    pass
+    path = nx.shortest_path(G, u, v)
+    return [G[u][v][0]['key'] for u, v in zip(path[:-1], path[1:])]

 class Edmonds:
@@ -164,19 +221,57 @@ class Edmonds:

     def _init(self, attr, default, kind, style, preserve_attrs, seed, partition):
-        So we need the code in _init and find_optimum to successfully run edmonds algorithm.
-        Responsibilities of the _init function:
-        - Check that the kind argument is in {min, max} or raise a NetworkXException.
-        - Transform the graph if we need a minimum arborescence/branching.
-          - The current method is to map weight -> -weight. This is NOT a good approach since
-            the algorithm can and does choose to ignore negative weights when creating a branching
-            since that is always optimal when maximzing the weights. I think we should set the edge
-            weights to be (max_weight + 1) - edge_weight.
-        - Transform the graph into a MultiDiGraph, adding the partition information and potoentially
-          other edge attributes if we set preserve_attrs = True.
-        - Setup the buckets and union find data structures required for the algorithm.
+        Initialize the algorithm with the given parameters.
+        This method sets up the necessary data structures and performs initial checks.
-        pass
+        from networkx.utils import UnionFind
+        from enum import Enum
+        class EdgePartition(Enum):
+            OPEN = 0
+            INCLUDED = 1
+            EXCLUDED = 2
+        if kind not in ('min', 'max'):
+            raise nx.NetworkXException("Unknown value for `kind`. Must be 'min' or 'max'.")
+        # Create a new graph with the correct structure
+        self.G = MultiDiGraph_EdgeKey()
+        # Transform the graph if we need a minimum arborescence/branching
+        if kind == 'min':
+            max_weight = max(d.get(attr, default) for u, v, d in self.G_original.edges(data=True))
+            for u, v, d in self.G_original.edges(data=True):
+                weight = d.get(attr, default)
+                new_weight = (max_weight + 1) - weight
+                edge_data = {attr: new_weight}
+                if preserve_attrs:
+                    edge_data.update((k, v) for k, v in d.items() if k != attr)
+                if partition is not None:
+                    edge_data[partition] = d.get(partition, EdgePartition.OPEN)
+                self.G.add_edge(u, v, self.template.format(len(self.edges)), **edge_data)
+                self.edges.append((u, v, d.get(attr, default), d.get(partition, EdgePartition.OPEN)))
+        else:  # kind == 'max'
+            for u, v, d in self.G_original.edges(data=True):
+                edge_data = {attr: d.get(attr, default)}
+                if preserve_attrs:
+                    edge_data.update((k, v) for k, v in d.items() if k != attr)
+                if partition is not None:
+                    edge_data[partition] = d.get(partition, EdgePartition.OPEN)
+                self.G.add_edge(u, v, self.template.format(len(self.edges)), **edge_data)
+                self.edges.append((u, v, d.get(attr, default), d.get(partition, EdgePartition.OPEN)))
+        # Setup the buckets for the algorithm
+        self.buckets = {u: self.G.in_degree(u) for u in self.G}
+        # Setup the union-find data structure
+        self.uf = UnionFind(self.G.nodes())
+        self.attr = attr
+        self.default = default
+        self.kind = kind
+ = style

     def find_optimum(self, attr='weight', default=1, kind='max', style='branching', preserve_attrs=False, partition=None, seed=None):
@@ -213,7 +308,107 @@ class Edmonds:
             The branching.

-        pass
+        self._init(attr, default, kind, style, preserve_attrs, seed, partition)
+        # Main loop of the algorithm
+        while len(self.G) > 1:
+            # Find the maximum edge entering each node
+            enters = self._find_maximum_edges()
+            # Contract cycles if there are any
+            if self._contract_cycles(enters):
+                continue
+            # Merge trees
+            self._merge_trees(enters)
+        # Reconstruct the branching
+        return self._reconstruct_branching()
+    def _find_maximum_edges(self):
+        """
+        Find the maximum weight edge entering each node.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        dict
+            A dictionary keyed by node with the maximum weight edge entering that node.
+        """
+        enters = {}
+        for v in self.G:
+            edges = self.G.in_edges(v, data=True)
+            if edges:
+                enters[v] = max(edges, key=lambda e: e[2].get(self.attr, self.default))
+        return enters
+    def _contract_cycles(self, enters):
+        """
+        Contract cycles in the graph.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        enters : dict
+            A dictionary of entering edges for each node.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        bool
+            True if a cycle was contracted, False otherwise.
+        """
+        G_cycles = nx.DiGraph()
+        G_cycles.add_edges_from((v, enters[v][0]) for v in enters)
+        cycles = list(nx.simple_cycles(G_cycles))
+        if not cycles:
+            return False
+        # Contract the first cycle found
+        cycle = cycles[0]
+        cycle_attr = {self.attr: sum(self.G[u][v][0][self.attr] for u, v in zip(cycle, cycle[1:] + cycle[:1]))}
+        self.G = nx.contracted_nodes(self.G, cycle[0], cycle[1], self_loops=False)
+        for node in cycle[2:]:
+            self.G = nx.contracted_nodes(self.G, cycle[0], node, self_loops=False)
+        # Update the edge attributes of the contracted node
+        for _, _, d in self.G.in_edges(cycle[0], data=True):
+            d[self.attr] = d.get(self.attr, self.default) - cycle_attr[self.attr]
+        return True
+    def _merge_trees(self, enters):
+        """
+        Merge trees in the graph based on the entering edges.
+        Parameters
+        ----------
+        enters : dict
+            A dictionary of entering edges for each node.
+        """
+        for v, (u, _, __) in enters.items():
+            if self.uf[u] != self.uf[v]:
+                self.G.remove_edge(u, v)
+                self.uf.union(u, v)
+    def _reconstruct_branching(self):
+        """
+        Reconstruct the branching from the contracted graph.
+        Returns
+        -------
+        nx.DiGraph
+            The reconstructed branching.
+        """
+        H = nx.DiGraph()
+        H.add_nodes_from(self.G_original)
+        for u in self.G:
+            for v, _, data in self.G.in_edges(u, data=True):
+                original_u = next(n for n in self.G_original if self.uf[n] == self.uf[u])
+                original_v = next(n for n in self.G_original if self.uf[n] == self.uf[v])
+                H.add_edge(original_v, original_u, **data)
+        return H

 @nx._dispatchable(preserve_edge_attrs=True, mutates_input=True, returns_graph=True)
 def minimal_branching(G, /, *, attr='weight', default=1, preserve_attrs=False, partition=None):
@@ -373,7 +568,22 @@ class ArborescenceIterator:
         partition_arborescence : nx.Graph
             The minimum spanning arborescence of the input partition.
-        pass
+        import copy
+        for e in self.G.edges():
+            if e not in partition_arborescence.edges():
+                new_partition = copy.deepcopy(partition)
+                new_partition.partition_dict[e] = nx.EdgePartition.INCLUDED
+                self._write_partition(new_partition)
+                new_mst_weight = self.method(self.G, self.weight, partition=self.partition_key, preserve_attrs=True).size(weight=self.weight)
+                new_partition.mst_weight = new_mst_weight if self.minimum else -new_mst_weight
+                self.partition_queue.put(new_partition)
+                new_partition = copy.deepcopy(partition)
+                new_partition.partition_dict[e] = nx.EdgePartition.EXCLUDED
+                self._write_partition(new_partition)
+                new_mst_weight = self.method(self.G, self.weight, partition=self.partition_key, preserve_attrs=True).size(weight=self.weight)
+                new_partition.mst_weight = new_mst_weight if self.minimum else -new_mst_weight
+                self.partition_queue.put(new_partition)

     def _write_partition(self, partition):
@@ -388,10 +598,20 @@ class ArborescenceIterator:
             A Partition dataclass describing a partition on the edges of the
-        pass
+        self._clear_partition(self.G)
+        for e, status in partition.partition_dict.items():
+            self.G.edges[e][self.partition_key] = status
+        for v in self.G:
+            in_edges = list(self.G.in_edges(v))
+            if any(self.G.edges[e].get(self.partition_key) == nx.EdgePartition.INCLUDED for e in in_edges):
+                for e in in_edges:
+                    if self.G.edges[e].get(self.partition_key) != nx.EdgePartition.INCLUDED:
+                        self.G.edges[e][self.partition_key] = nx.EdgePartition.EXCLUDED

     def _clear_partition(self, G):
         Removes partition data from the graph
-        pass
\ No newline at end of file
+        for e in G.edges():
+            if self.partition_key in G.edges[e]:
+                del G.edges[e][self.partition_key]