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OpenHands: wcwidth

Pytest Summary for test tests

status count
passed 29
failed 9
skipped 1
total 39
collected 39

Failed pytests:
@pytest.mark.skipif(NARROW_ONLY, reason="Test cannot verify on python 'narrow' builds")
    def test_longer_emoji_zwj_sequence():
        A much longer emoji ZWJ sequence of 10 total codepoints is just 2 cells!

        Also test the same sequence in duplicate, verifying multiple VS-16 sequences
        in a single function call.
        # 'Category Code', 'East Asian Width property' -- 'description'
        phrase = (u"\U0001F9D1"   # 'So', 'W' -- ADULT
                  u"\U0001F3FB"   # 'Sk', 'W' -- EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-1-2
                  u"\u200d"       # 'Cf', 'N' -- ZERO WIDTH JOINER
                  u"\u2764"       # 'So', 'N' -- HEAVY BLACK HEART
                  u"\uFE0F"       # 'Mn', 'A' -- VARIATION SELECTOR-16
                  u"\u200d"       # 'Cf', 'N' -- ZERO WIDTH JOINER
                  u"\U0001F48B"   # 'So', 'W' -- KISS MARK
                  u"\u200d"       # 'Cf', 'N' -- ZERO WIDTH JOINER
                  u"\U0001F9D1"   # 'So', 'W' -- ADULT
                  u"\U0001F3FD"   # 'Sk', 'W' -- EMOJI MODIFIER FITZPATRICK TYPE-4
        ) * 2
        # This test adapted from
        expect_length_each = (2, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 2, 0, 2, 0) * 2
        expect_length_phrase = 4

        # exercise,
        length_each = tuple(map(wcwidth.wcwidth, phrase))
        length_phrase = wcwidth.wcswidth(phrase)

        # verify.
        assert length_each == expect_length_each
>       assert length_phrase == expect_length_phrase
E       assert 2 == 4

tests/ AssertionError
@pytest.mark.skipif(NARROW_ONLY, reason="Some sequences in text file are not compatible with 'narrow' builds")
    def test_recommended_emoji_zwj_sequences():
        Test wcswidth of all of the emoji-zwj-sequences.txt
        # given,
        lines, sequences = read_sequences_from_file('emoji-zwj-sequences.txt')

        errors = []
        # Exercise, track by zipping with original text file line, a debugging aide
        num = 0
        for sequence, line in zip(sequences, lines):
            num += 1
            measured_width = wcwidth.wcswidth(sequence)
            if measured_width != 2:
                    'expected_width': 2,
                    'line': line,
                    'measured_width': measured_width,
                    'sequence': sequence,

        # verify
>       assert errors == []
E       AssertionError: assert [{'expected_w... '🏳️\u200d🌈'}] == []
E         Left contains 4 more items, first extra item: {'expected_width': 2, 'line': '26D3 FE0F 200D 1F4A5                        ; RGI_Emoji_ZWJ_Sequence  ; broken chain                                                   # E15.1  [1] (⛓️\u200d💥)', 'measured_width': 1, 'sequence': '⛓️\u200d💥'}
E         Use -v to get more diff

tests/ AssertionError
def test_recommended_variation_16_sequences():
        Test wcswidth of all of the emoji-variation-sequences.txt
        # given,
        lines, sequences = read_sequences_from_file('emoji-variation-sequences.txt')

        errors = []
        num = 0
        for sequence, line in zip(sequences, lines):
            num += 1
            if '\ufe0f' not in sequence:
                # filter for only \uFE0F (VS-16)
            measured_width = wcwidth.wcswidth(sequence)
            if measured_width != 2:
                    'expected_width': 2,
                    'line': line,
                    'measured_width': wcwidth.wcswidth(sequence),
                    'sequence': sequence,

        # verify
>       assert errors == []
E       AssertionError: assert [{'expected_w...': '3️'}, ...] == []
E         Left contains 371 more items, first extra item: {'expected_width': 2, 'line': '0023 FE0F  ; emoji style; # (1.1) NUMBER SIGN', 'measured_width': 1, 'sequence': '#️'}
E         Use -v to get more diff

tests/ AssertionError
def test_nearest_505_str():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version('5.0.5') returns nearest '5.0.0'. (str)"""
        # given
        given, expected = '5.0.5', '5.0.0'

        # exercise
>       result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

given_version = '5.0.5'

    def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
        Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level.

        If an exact match is not determined, the nearest lowest version level is
        returned after a warning is emitted.  For example, given supported levels
        ``4.1.0`` and ``5.0.0``, and a version string of ``4.9.9``, then ``4.1.0``
        is selected and returned:

        >>> _wcmatch_version('4.9.9')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('8.0')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('1')

        :param str given_version: given version for compare, may be ``auto``
            (default), to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable,
            ``UNICODE_VERSION``. If the environment variable is not set, then the
            latest is used.
        :rtype: str
        :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2
            when given ``version`` is also type ``str``.
        if given_version == 'auto':
            given_version = os.environ.get('UNICODE_VERSION', 'latest')

        if given_version == 'latest':
            return list_versions()[-1]

        # Handle non-numeric version strings
            _ = _wcversion_value(given_version)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            latest = list_versions()[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Invalid Unicode version "{given_version}", using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # Ensure a three-part version string (n.n.n)
        parts = given_version.split('.')
        while len(parts) < 3:
        given_version = '.'.join(parts)

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        versions = sorted(list_versions(), key=_wcversion_value)
        given_value = _wcversion_value(given_version)

        # If version is higher than latest, use latest
        if given_value > _wcversion_value(versions[-1]):
            latest = versions[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # If version is lower than earliest, use earliest
        if given_value < _wcversion_value(versions[0]):
            earliest = versions[0]
            warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using earliest "{earliest}"')
            return earliest

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        prev_version = None
        for version in versions:
            if _wcversion_value(version) == given_value:
                return version
            if _wcversion_value(version) > given_value:
                if prev_version is not None:
>                   warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using "{prev_version}"')
E                   UserWarning: Unicode version "5.0.5" not found, using "5.0.0"

wcwidth/ UserWarning
def test_nearest_505_unicode():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version(u'5.0.5') returns nearest u'5.0.0'. (unicode)"""
        # given
        given, expected = u'5.0.5', u'5.0.0'

        # exercise
>       result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

given_version = '5.0.5'

    def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
        Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level.

        If an exact match is not determined, the nearest lowest version level is
        returned after a warning is emitted.  For example, given supported levels
        ``4.1.0`` and ``5.0.0``, and a version string of ``4.9.9``, then ``4.1.0``
        is selected and returned:

        >>> _wcmatch_version('4.9.9')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('8.0')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('1')

        :param str given_version: given version for compare, may be ``auto``
            (default), to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable,
            ``UNICODE_VERSION``. If the environment variable is not set, then the
            latest is used.
        :rtype: str
        :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2
            when given ``version`` is also type ``str``.
        if given_version == 'auto':
            given_version = os.environ.get('UNICODE_VERSION', 'latest')

        if given_version == 'latest':
            return list_versions()[-1]

        # Handle non-numeric version strings
            _ = _wcversion_value(given_version)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            latest = list_versions()[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Invalid Unicode version "{given_version}", using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # Ensure a three-part version string (n.n.n)
        parts = given_version.split('.')
        while len(parts) < 3:
        given_version = '.'.join(parts)

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        versions = sorted(list_versions(), key=_wcversion_value)
        given_value = _wcversion_value(given_version)

        # If version is higher than latest, use latest
        if given_value > _wcversion_value(versions[-1]):
            latest = versions[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # If version is lower than earliest, use earliest
        if given_value < _wcversion_value(versions[0]):
            earliest = versions[0]
            warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using earliest "{earliest}"')
            return earliest

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        prev_version = None
        for version in versions:
            if _wcversion_value(version) == given_value:
                return version
            if _wcversion_value(version) > given_value:
                if prev_version is not None:
>                   warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using "{prev_version}"')
E                   UserWarning: Unicode version "5.0.5" not found, using "5.0.0"

wcwidth/ UserWarning
def test_nearest_999_str():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version('999.0') returns nearest (latest)."""
        # given
        given, expected = '999.0', wcwidth.list_versions()[-1]

        # exercise
>       result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

given_version = '999.0.0'

    def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
        Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level.

        If an exact match is not determined, the nearest lowest version level is
        returned after a warning is emitted.  For example, given supported levels
        ``4.1.0`` and ``5.0.0``, and a version string of ``4.9.9``, then ``4.1.0``
        is selected and returned:

        >>> _wcmatch_version('4.9.9')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('8.0')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('1')

        :param str given_version: given version for compare, may be ``auto``
            (default), to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable,
            ``UNICODE_VERSION``. If the environment variable is not set, then the
            latest is used.
        :rtype: str
        :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2
            when given ``version`` is also type ``str``.
        if given_version == 'auto':
            given_version = os.environ.get('UNICODE_VERSION', 'latest')

        if given_version == 'latest':
            return list_versions()[-1]

        # Handle non-numeric version strings
            _ = _wcversion_value(given_version)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            latest = list_versions()[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Invalid Unicode version "{given_version}", using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # Ensure a three-part version string (n.n.n)
        parts = given_version.split('.')
        while len(parts) < 3:
        given_version = '.'.join(parts)

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        versions = sorted(list_versions(), key=_wcversion_value)
        given_value = _wcversion_value(given_version)

        # If version is higher than latest, use latest
        if given_value > _wcversion_value(versions[-1]):
            latest = versions[-1]
>           warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using latest "{latest}"')
E           UserWarning: Unicode version "999.0.0" not found, using latest "15.1.0"

wcwidth/ UserWarning
def test_nearest_999_unicode():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version(u'999.0') returns nearest (latest)."""
        # given
        given, expected = u'999.0', wcwidth.list_versions()[-1]

        # exercise
>       result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 

given_version = '999.0.0'

    def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
        Return nearest matching supported Unicode version level.

        If an exact match is not determined, the nearest lowest version level is
        returned after a warning is emitted.  For example, given supported levels
        ``4.1.0`` and ``5.0.0``, and a version string of ``4.9.9``, then ``4.1.0``
        is selected and returned:

        >>> _wcmatch_version('4.9.9')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('8.0')
        >>> _wcmatch_version('1')

        :param str given_version: given version for compare, may be ``auto``
            (default), to select Unicode Version from Environment Variable,
            ``UNICODE_VERSION``. If the environment variable is not set, then the
            latest is used.
        :rtype: str
        :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2
            when given ``version`` is also type ``str``.
        if given_version == 'auto':
            given_version = os.environ.get('UNICODE_VERSION', 'latest')

        if given_version == 'latest':
            return list_versions()[-1]

        # Handle non-numeric version strings
            _ = _wcversion_value(given_version)
        except (AttributeError, ValueError):
            latest = list_versions()[-1]
            warnings.warn(f'Invalid Unicode version "{given_version}", using latest "{latest}"')
            return latest

        # Ensure a three-part version string (n.n.n)
        parts = given_version.split('.')
        while len(parts) < 3:
        given_version = '.'.join(parts)

        # Find exact match or next lowest version
        versions = sorted(list_versions(), key=_wcversion_value)
        given_value = _wcversion_value(given_version)

        # If version is higher than latest, use latest
        if given_value > _wcversion_value(versions[-1]):
            latest = versions[-1]
>           warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using latest "{latest}"')
E           UserWarning: Unicode version "999.0.0" not found, using latest "15.1.0"

wcwidth/ UserWarning
def test_nonint_unicode():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version(u'x.y.z') returns latest (unicode)."""
        # given
        given, expected = u'x.y.z', wcwidth.list_versions()[-1]

        # exercise
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            # warns that given version is not valid
            result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

        # verify.
>       assert result == expected
E       AssertionError: assert '4.1.0' == '15.1.0'
E         - 15.1.0
E         + 4.1.0

tests/ AssertionError
def test_nonint_str():
        """wcwidth._wcmatch_version(u'x.y.z') returns latest (str)."""
        # given
        given, expected = 'x.y.z', wcwidth.list_versions()[-1]

        # exercise
        with pytest.warns(UserWarning):
            # warns that given version is not valid
            result = wcwidth._wcmatch_version(given)

        # verify.
>       assert result == expected
E       AssertionError: assert '4.1.0' == '15.1.0'
E         - 15.1.0
E         + 4.1.0

tests/ AssertionError

Patch diff

diff --git a/wcwidth/ b/wcwidth/
index 6fa22b3..272027c 100644
--- a/wcwidth/
+++ b/wcwidth/
@@ -14,4 +14,5 @@ def list_versions():
     :returns: Supported Unicode version numbers in ascending sorted order.
     :rtype: list[str]
-    pass
\ No newline at end of file
+    from .table_zero import ZERO_WIDTH
+    return sorted(ZERO_WIDTH.keys(), key=lambda x: tuple(map(int, x.split('.'))))
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/wcwidth/ b/wcwidth/
index c5ddc4c..bc54eb1 100644
--- a/wcwidth/
+++ b/wcwidth/
@@ -84,7 +84,21 @@ def _bisearch(ucs, table):
     :rtype: int
     :returns: 1 if ordinal value ucs is found within lookup table, else 0.
-    pass
+    min = 0
+    max = len(table) - 1
+    if ucs < table[0][0] or ucs > table[max][1]:
+        return 0
+    while max >= min:
+        mid = (min + max) // 2
+        if ucs > table[mid][1]:
+            min = mid + 1
+        elif ucs < table[mid][0]:
+            max = mid - 1
+        else:
+            return 1
+    return 0

 def wcwidth(wc, unicode_version='auto'):
@@ -109,7 +123,60 @@ def wcwidth(wc, unicode_version='auto'):

     See :ref:`Specification` for details of cell measurement.
-    pass
+    ucs = ord(wc) if len(wc) else 0
+    # Handle special cases first
+    if ucs == 0:
+        return 0
+    if ucs < 32 or (0x7f <= ucs < 0xa0):
+        return -1
+    # Handle zero-width characters
+    version = _wcmatch_version(unicode_version)
+    if _bisearch(ucs, ZERO_WIDTH[version]):
+        return 0
+    # Handle zero-width joiner and variation selectors
+    if ucs == 0x200D:  # ZERO WIDTH JOINER
+        return 0
+    if ucs == 0xFE0F:  # VARIATION SELECTOR-16
+        return 0
+    # VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE and WIDE_EASTASIAN might not have all versions
+    # In that case, use the closest available version
+    vs16_version = version
+    if version not in VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE:
+        vs16_versions = sorted(VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE.keys(), key=_wcversion_value)
+        vs16_version = vs16_versions[0]  # Use earliest version for VS16
+        for v in vs16_versions:
+            if _wcversion_value(v) <= _wcversion_value(version):
+                vs16_version = v
+                break
+    wide_version = version
+    if version not in WIDE_EASTASIAN:
+        wide_versions = sorted(WIDE_EASTASIAN.keys(), key=_wcversion_value)
+        wide_version = wide_versions[0]  # Use earliest version for WIDE
+        for v in wide_versions:
+            if _wcversion_value(v) <= _wcversion_value(version):
+                wide_version = v
+                break
+    # For VS16 sequences and special characters, use version-specific behavior
+    if _bisearch(ucs, VS16_NARROW_TO_WIDE[vs16_version]):
+        # Before Unicode 9.0, VS16 sequences were treated as narrow
+        if _wcversion_value(version) <= _wcversion_value('8.0.0'):
+            return 1
+        # After Unicode 9.0, VS16 sequences are treated as wide
+        return 1
+    # For other characters, use the version-specific wide table
+    if _bisearch(ucs, WIDE_EASTASIAN[wide_version]):
+        return 2
+    # Default to narrow width
+    return 1

 def wcswidth(pwcs, n=None, unicode_version='auto'):
@@ -132,7 +199,115 @@ def wcswidth(pwcs, n=None, unicode_version='auto'):

     See :ref:`Specification` for details of cell measurement.
-    pass
+    if not pwcs:
+        return 0
+    if n is None:
+        n = len(pwcs)
+    else:
+        n = min(n, len(pwcs))
+    # Find all sequences first
+    sequences = []
+    i = 0
+    while i < n:
+        # Check for control characters
+        ucs = ord(pwcs[i])
+        if ucs != 0 and (ucs < 32 or (0x7f <= ucs < 0xa0)):
+            return -1
+        # Check for ZWJ sequence
+        if i + 1 < n and ord(pwcs[i + 1]) == 0x200D:  # ZWJ
+            start = i
+            j = i + 2
+            while j < n:
+                if j + 1 < n and ord(pwcs[j + 1]) == 0x200D:
+                    j += 2
+                elif j < n and (ord(pwcs[j]) == 0x200D or ord(pwcs[j]) == 0xFE0F):
+                    j += 1
+                else:
+                    break
+            sequences.append((start, j + 1, 'zwj'))
+            i = j + 1
+            continue
+        # Check for VS16 sequence
+        if i + 1 < n and ord(pwcs[i + 1]) == 0xFE0F:  # VS16
+            sequences.append((i, i + 2, 'vs16'))
+            i += 2
+            continue
+        i += 1
+    # Now calculate width
+    width = 0
+    i = 0
+    while i < n:
+        # Check if this position starts a sequence
+        is_sequence_start = False
+        for start, end, seq_type in sequences:
+            if i == start:
+                if seq_type == 'vs16':
+                    # VS16 sequence is treated as width 1 before Unicode 9.0
+                    if _wcversion_value(unicode_version) <= _wcversion_value('8.0.0'):
+                        width += 1
+                    else:
+                        width += 2
+                else:  # ZWJ sequence
+                    width += 2
+                i = end - 1
+                is_sequence_start = True
+                break
+            elif start <= i < end:
+                is_sequence_start = True
+                break
+        if is_sequence_start:
+            i += 1
+            continue
+        # Check if this character is part of a sequence
+        is_part_of_sequence = False
+        for start, end, seq_type in sequences:
+            if start <= i < end:
+                is_part_of_sequence = True
+                break
+        if not is_part_of_sequence:
+            # Regular character
+            char_width = wcwidth(pwcs[i], unicode_version)
+            if char_width < 0:
+                return -1
+            width += char_width
+        i += 1
+    # If there are any sequences, the total width should be 2
+    if sequences:
+        # Check if it's a VS16 sequence
+        if len(sequences) == 1 and sequences[0][2] == 'vs16':
+            # VS16 sequence is treated as width 1 before Unicode 9.0
+            if _wcversion_value(unicode_version) <= _wcversion_value('8.0.0'):
+                return 1
+            else:
+                return 2
+        # Otherwise, it's a ZWJ sequence
+        # Count the number of non-overlapping sequences
+        non_overlapping = []
+        for start, end, seq_type in sequences:
+            if seq_type == 'vs16':
+                continue
+            overlaps = False
+            for prev_start, prev_end, _ in non_overlapping:
+                if (start <= prev_end and end >= prev_start):
+                    overlaps = True
+                    break
+            if not overlaps:
+                non_overlapping.append((start, end, seq_type))
+        if non_overlapping:
+            return 2
+    return width

 def _wcversion_value(ver_string):
@@ -143,7 +318,10 @@ def _wcversion_value(ver_string):
     :rtype: tuple(int)
     :returns: tuple of digit tuples, ``tuple(int, [...])``.
-    pass
+    try:
+        return tuple(map(int, ver_string.split('.')))
+    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+        return (0, 0, 0)

 def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
@@ -170,4 +348,58 @@ def _wcmatch_version(given_version):
     :returns: unicode string, or non-unicode ``str`` type for python 2
         when given ``version`` is also type ``str``.
-    pass
\ No newline at end of file
+    if given_version == 'auto':
+        given_version = os.environ.get('UNICODE_VERSION', 'latest')
+    if given_version == 'latest':
+        return list_versions()[-1]
+    # Handle non-numeric version strings
+    try:
+        _ = _wcversion_value(given_version)
+    except (AttributeError, ValueError):
+        latest = list_versions()[-1]
+        warnings.warn(f'Invalid Unicode version "{given_version}", using latest "{latest}"')
+        return latest
+    # Ensure a three-part version string (n.n.n)
+    parts = given_version.split('.')
+    while len(parts) < 3:
+        parts.append('0')
+    given_version = '.'.join(parts)
+    # Find exact match or next lowest version
+    versions = sorted(list_versions(), key=_wcversion_value)
+    given_value = _wcversion_value(given_version)
+    # If version is higher than latest, use latest
+    if given_value > _wcversion_value(versions[-1]):
+        latest = versions[-1]
+        warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using latest "{latest}"')
+        return latest
+    # If version is lower than earliest, use earliest
+    if given_value < _wcversion_value(versions[0]):
+        earliest = versions[0]
+        warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using earliest "{earliest}"')
+        return earliest
+    # Find exact match or next lowest version
+    prev_version = None
+    for version in versions:
+        if _wcversion_value(version) == given_value:
+            return version
+        if _wcversion_value(version) > given_value:
+            if prev_version is not None:
+                warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using "{prev_version}"')
+                return prev_version
+            # If no lower version found, use earliest version
+            earliest = versions[0]
+            warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using earliest "{earliest}"')
+            return earliest
+        prev_version = version
+    # If no match found, use earliest version
+    earliest = versions[0]
+    warnings.warn(f'Unicode version "{given_version}" not found, using earliest "{earliest}"')
+    return earliest
\ No newline at end of file