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OpenHands: pyjwt
Pytest Summary for test tests
status |
count |
failed |
96 |
passed |
163 |
skipped |
2 |
xfailed |
1 |
total |
262 |
collected |
262 |
Failed pytests:
self =
jwt = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ.6ulDpqSlbHmQ8bZXhZRLFko9SwcHrghCwh8d-exJEE4'
key = b'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPL1I9oiq+B8crkmuV4YViiUnhdLjCp3hvy1bNGuGfNL'
algorithms = ['none', 'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', ...]
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ'
crypto_segment = b'6ulDpqSlbHmQ8bZXhZRLFko9SwcHrghCwh8d-exJEE4'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
if signature != b'':
raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
return {
'header': header,
'payload': payload,
'signature': signature
alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
if key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
> key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
key = b'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPL1I9oiq+B8crkmuV4YViiUnhdLjCp3hvy1bNGuGfNL'
def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)):
raise TypeError('Expected a string value')
key = force_bytes(key)
if is_pem_format(key) or is_ssh_key(key):
> raise InvalidKeyError('The specified key is an asymmetric key or x509 certificate and should not be used as an HMAC secret.')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidKeyError: The specified key is an asymmetric key or x509 certificate and should not be used as an HMAC secret.
jwt/ InvalidKeyError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
def test_ghsa_ffqj_6fqr_9h24(self):
# Generate ed25519 private key
# private_key = ed25519.Ed25519PrivateKey.generate()
# Get private key bytes as they would be stored in a file
# priv_key_bytes = private_key.private_bytes(
# encoding=serialization.Encoding.PEM,
# format=serialization.PrivateFormat.PKCS8,
# encryption_algorithm=serialization.NoEncryption(),
# )
# Get public key bytes as they would be stored in a file
# pub_key_bytes = private_key.public_key().public_bytes(
# encoding=serialization.Encoding.OpenSSH,
# format=serialization.PublicFormat.OpenSSH,
# )
# Making a good jwt token that should work by signing it
# with the private key
# encoded_good = jwt.encode({"test": 1234}, priv_key_bytes, algorithm="EdDSA")
encoded_good = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJFZERTQSJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ.M5y1EEavZkHSlj9i8yi9nXKKyPBSAUhDRTOYZi3zZY11tZItDaR3qwAye8pc74_lZY3Ogt9KPNFbVOSGnUBHDg"
# Using HMAC with the public key to trick the receiver to think that the
# public key is a HMAC secret
encoded_bad = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ.6ulDpqSlbHmQ8bZXhZRLFko9SwcHrghCwh8d-exJEE4"
algorithm_names = list(get_default_algorithms())
# Both of the jwt tokens are validated as valid
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> jwt.decode(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ.6ulDpqSlbHmQ8bZXhZRLFko9SwcHrghCwh8d-exJEE4'
key = b'ssh-ed25519 AAAAC3NzaC1lZDI1NTE5AAAAIPL1I9oiq+B8crkmuV4YViiUnhdLjCp3hvy1bNGuGfNL'
algorithms = ['none', 'HS256', 'HS384', 'HS512', 'RS256', 'RS384', ...]
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJ0ZXN0IjoxMjM0fQ'
crypto_segment = b'6ulDpqSlbHmQ8bZXhZRLFko9SwcHrghCwh8d-exJEE4'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
if signature != b'':
raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
return {
'header': header,
'payload': payload,
'signature': signature
alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
if key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
> except InvalidKeyError:
E NameError: name 'InvalidKeyError' is not defined
jwt/ NameError
self =
def test_ec_jwk_public_and_private_keys_should_parse_and_verify(self):
tests = {
"P-256": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
"P-384": ECAlgorithm.SHA384,
"P-521": ECAlgorithm.SHA512,
"secp256k1": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
for curve, hash in tests.items():
algo = ECAlgorithm(hash)
with open(key_path(f"jwk_ec_pub_{curve}.json")) as keyfile:
> pub_key = cast(EllipticCurvePublicKey, algo.from_jwk(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwk = {'crv': 'secp256k1', 'kid': 'bilbo.baggins.256k@hobbiton.example', 'kty': 'EC', 'x': 'MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs', ...}
def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]:
if isinstance(jwk, str):
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
if jwk.get('kty') != 'EC':
raise InvalidKeyError('Not an EC key')
> curve = {
'P-256K': SECP256K1,
'P-256': SECP256R1,
'P-384': SECP384R1,
'P-521': SECP521R1
E KeyError: 'secp256k1'
jwt/ KeyError
self =
def test_ec_jwk_fails_on_invalid_json(self):
algo = ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA512)
valid_points = {
"P-256": {
"x": "PTTjIY84aLtaZCxLTrG_d8I0G6YKCV7lg8M4xkKfwQ4",
"y": "ank6KA34vv24HZLXlChVs85NEGlpg2sbqNmR_BcgyJU",
"P-384": {
"x": "IDC-5s6FERlbC4Nc_4JhKW8sd51AhixtMdNUtPxhRFP323QY6cwWeIA3leyZhz-J",
"y": "eovmN9ocANS8IJxDAGSuC1FehTq5ZFLJU7XSPg36zHpv4H2byKGEcCBiwT4sFJsy",
"P-521": {
"x": "AHKZLLOsCOzz5cY97ewNUajB957y-C-U88c3v13nmGZx6sYl_oJXu9A5RkTKqjqvjyekWF-7ytDyRXYgCF5cj0Kt",
"y": "AdymlHvOiLxXkEhayXQnNCvDX4h9htZaCJN34kfmC6pV5OhQHiraVySsUdaQkAgDPrwQrJmbnX9cwlGfP-HqHZR1",
"secp256k1": {
"x": "MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs",
"y": "7r8d-xF7QAgT5kSRdly6M8xeg4Jz83Gs_CQPQRH65QI",
# Invalid JSON
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.from_jwk("")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in from_jwk
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
s = "", idx = 0
def raw_decode(self, s, idx=0):
"""Decode a JSON document from ``s`` (a ``str`` beginning with
a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
representation and the index in ``s`` where the document ended.
This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
have extraneous data at the end.
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
except StopIteration as err:
> raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
E json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ JSONDecodeError
self =
def test_ec_to_jwk_raises_exception_on_invalid_key(self):
algo = ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA256)
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.to_jwk({"not": "a valid key"}) # type: ignore[call-overload]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
key_obj = {'not': 'a valid key'}, as_dict = False
def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
if isinstance(key_obj, EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
numbers = key_obj.private_numbers()
jwk = {
'kty': 'EC',
'crv': {
SECP256K1: 'P-256K',
SECP256R1: 'P-256',
SECP384R1: 'P-384',
SECP521R1: 'P-521'
'x': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.x).decode('ascii'),
'y': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.y).decode('ascii'),
'd': to_base64url_uint(numbers.private_value).decode('ascii')
> numbers = key_obj.public_numbers()
E AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'public_numbers'
jwt/ AttributeError[False][False]
self =
as_dict = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_ec_to_jwk_with_valid_curves(self, as_dict):
tests = {
"P-256": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
"P-384": ECAlgorithm.SHA384,
"P-521": ECAlgorithm.SHA512,
"secp256k1": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
for curve, hash in tests.items():
algo = ECAlgorithm(hash)
with open(key_path(f"jwk_ec_pub_{curve}.json")) as keyfile:
> pub_key = algo.from_jwk(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwk = {'crv': 'secp256k1', 'kid': 'bilbo.baggins.256k@hobbiton.example', 'kty': 'EC', 'x': 'MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs', ...}
def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]:
if isinstance(jwk, str):
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
if jwk.get('kty') != 'EC':
raise InvalidKeyError('Not an EC key')
> curve = {
'P-256K': SECP256K1,
'P-256': SECP256R1,
'P-384': SECP384R1,
'P-521': SECP521R1
E KeyError: 'secp256k1'
jwt/ KeyError[True][True]
self =
as_dict = True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_ec_to_jwk_with_valid_curves(self, as_dict):
tests = {
"P-256": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
"P-384": ECAlgorithm.SHA384,
"P-521": ECAlgorithm.SHA512,
"secp256k1": ECAlgorithm.SHA256,
for curve, hash in tests.items():
algo = ECAlgorithm(hash)
with open(key_path(f"jwk_ec_pub_{curve}.json")) as keyfile:
> pub_key = algo.from_jwk(
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwk = {'crv': 'secp256k1', 'kid': 'bilbo.baggins.256k@hobbiton.example', 'kty': 'EC', 'x': 'MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs', ...}
def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]:
if isinstance(jwk, str):
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
if jwk.get('kty') != 'EC':
raise InvalidKeyError('Not an EC key')
> curve = {
'P-256K': SECP256K1,
'P-256': SECP256R1,
'P-384': SECP384R1,
'P-521': SECP521R1
E KeyError: 'secp256k1'
jwt/ KeyError
self =
def test_ec_to_jwk_with_invalid_curve(self):
algo = ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("testkey_ec_secp192r1.priv")) as keyfile:
priv_key = algo.prepare_key(
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.to_jwk(priv_key)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
key_obj =
as_dict = False
def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
if isinstance(key_obj, EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
numbers = key_obj.private_numbers()
jwk = {
'kty': 'EC',
> 'crv': {
SECP256K1: 'P-256K',
SECP256R1: 'P-256',
SECP384R1: 'P-384',
SECP521R1: 'P-521'
'x': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.x).decode('ascii'),
'y': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.y).decode('ascii'),
'd': to_base64url_uint(numbers.private_value).decode('ascii')
E KeyError:
jwt/ KeyError
self =
def test_rsa_jwk_private_key_with_other_primes_is_invalid(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_key.json")) as keyfile:
> with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
tests/ Failed
self =
def test_rsa_jwk_private_key_with_missing_values_is_invalid(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_key.json")) as keyfile:
> with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
tests/ Failed
self =
def test_rsa_jwk_private_key_can_recover_prime_factors(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_key.json")) as keyfile:
keybytes =
control_key = cast(RSAPrivateKey, algo.from_jwk(keybytes)).private_numbers()
keydata = json.loads(keybytes)
delete_these = ["p", "q", "dp", "dq", "qi"]
for field in delete_these:
del keydata[field]
parsed_key = cast(
RSAPrivateKey, algo.from_jwk(json.dumps(keydata))
> ).private_numbers()
E AttributeError: 'cryptography.hazmat.bindings._rust.openssl.rsa.RSAPublicKey' object has no attribute 'private_numbers'
tests/ AttributeError
self =
def test_rsa_jwk_private_key_with_missing_required_values_is_invalid(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("jwk_rsa_key.json")) as keyfile:
> with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
tests/ Failed
self =
def test_rsa_jwk_raises_exception_if_not_a_valid_key(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
# Invalid JSON
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.from_jwk("{not-a-real-key")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in from_jwk
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
s = '{not-a-real-key', idx = 0
def raw_decode(self, s, idx=0):
"""Decode a JSON document from ``s`` (a ``str`` beginning with
a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
representation and the index in ``s`` where the document ended.
This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
have extraneous data at the end.
> obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
E json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting property name enclosed in double quotes: line 1 column 2 (char 1)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ JSONDecodeError[False][False]
self =
as_dict = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_rsa_to_jwk_returns_correct_values_for_public_key(self, as_dict):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("")) as keyfile:
pub_key = algo.prepare_key(
key: Any = algo.to_jwk(pub_key, as_dict=as_dict)
if not as_dict:
key = json.loads(key)
expected = {
"e": "AQAB",
"key_ops": ["verify"],
"kty": "RSA",
"n": (
> assert key == expected
E AssertionError: assert {'e': 'AQAB',...vuiycYcI3DiQ'} == {'e': 'AQAB',...vuiycYcI3DiQ'}
E Omitting 3 identical items, use -vv to show
E Right contains 1 more item:
E {'key_ops': ['verify']}
E Use -v to get more diff
tests/ AssertionError[True][True]
self =
as_dict = True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_rsa_to_jwk_returns_correct_values_for_public_key(self, as_dict):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("")) as keyfile:
pub_key = algo.prepare_key(
key: Any = algo.to_jwk(pub_key, as_dict=as_dict)
if not as_dict:
key = json.loads(key)
expected = {
"e": "AQAB",
"key_ops": ["verify"],
"kty": "RSA",
"n": (
> assert key == expected
E AssertionError: assert {'e': 'AQAB',...vuiycYcI3DiQ'} == {'e': 'AQAB',...vuiycYcI3DiQ'}
E Omitting 3 identical items, use -vv to show
E Right contains 1 more item:
E {'key_ops': ['verify']}
E Use -v to get more diff
tests/ AssertionError[False][False]
self =
as_dict = False
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_rsa_to_jwk_returns_correct_values_for_private_key(self, as_dict):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("testkey_rsa.priv")) as keyfile:
priv_key = algo.prepare_key(
key: Any = algo.to_jwk(priv_key, as_dict=as_dict)
if not as_dict:
key = json.loads(key)
expected = {
"key_ops": ["sign"],
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"n": (
"d": (
"q": (
"p": (
"qi": (
"dp": (
"dq": (
> assert key == expected
E AssertionError: assert {'d': 'rfbs8A...: 'AQAB', ...} == {'d': 'rfbs8A...: 'AQAB', ...}
E Omitting 9 identical items, use -vv to show
E Right contains 1 more item:
E {'key_ops': ['sign']}
E Use -v to get more diff
tests/ AssertionError[True][True]
self =
as_dict = True
@pytest.mark.parametrize("as_dict", (False, True))
def test_rsa_to_jwk_returns_correct_values_for_private_key(self, as_dict):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with open(key_path("testkey_rsa.priv")) as keyfile:
priv_key = algo.prepare_key(
key: Any = algo.to_jwk(priv_key, as_dict=as_dict)
if not as_dict:
key = json.loads(key)
expected = {
"key_ops": ["sign"],
"kty": "RSA",
"e": "AQAB",
"n": (
"d": (
"q": (
"p": (
"qi": (
"dp": (
"dq": (
> assert key == expected
E AssertionError: assert {'d': 'rfbs8A...: 'AQAB', ...} == {'d': 'rfbs8A...: 'AQAB', ...}
E Omitting 9 identical items, use -vv to show
E Right contains 1 more item:
E {'key_ops': ['sign']}
E Use -v to get more diff
tests/ AssertionError
self =
def test_rsa_to_jwk_raises_exception_on_invalid_key(self):
algo = RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256)
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.to_jwk({"not": "a valid key"}) # type: ignore[call-overload]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
key_obj = {'not': 'a valid key'}, as_dict = False
def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
if isinstance(key_obj, RSAPrivateKey):
numbers = key_obj.private_numbers()
jwk = {
'kty': 'RSA',
'n': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.n).decode('ascii'),
'e': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.e).decode('ascii'),
'd': to_base64url_uint(numbers.d).decode('ascii'),
'p': to_base64url_uint(numbers.p).decode('ascii'),
'q': to_base64url_uint(numbers.q).decode('ascii'),
'dp': to_base64url_uint(numbers.dmp1).decode('ascii'),
'dq': to_base64url_uint(numbers.dmq1).decode('ascii'),
'qi': to_base64url_uint(numbers.iqmp).decode('ascii')
> numbers = key_obj.public_numbers()
E AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'public_numbers'
jwt/ AttributeError
self =
def test_ec_should_throw_exception_on_wrong_key(self):
algo = ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA256)
> with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
tests/ Failed
self =
def test_okp_ed25519_should_reject_non_string_key(self):
algo = OKPAlgorithm()
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.prepare_key(None) # type: ignore[arg-type]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in prepare_key
key = force_bytes(key)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
value = None
def force_bytes(value: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
if isinstance(value, str):
return value.encode('utf-8')
elif isinstance(value, bytes):
return value
> raise TypeError('Expected string or bytes type')
E TypeError: Expected string or bytes type
jwt/ TypeError
self =
def test_okp_ed25519_jwk_fails_on_invalid_json(self):
algo = OKPAlgorithm()
with open(key_path("jwk_okp_pub_Ed25519.json")) as keyfile:
valid_pub = json.loads(
with open(key_path("jwk_okp_key_Ed25519.json")) as keyfile:
valid_key = json.loads(
# Invalid instance type
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
algo.from_jwk(123) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# Invalid JSON
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.from_jwk("")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in from_jwk
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
s = "", idx = 0
def raw_decode(self, s, idx=0):
"""Decode a JSON document from ``s`` (a ``str`` beginning with
a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
representation and the index in ``s`` where the document ended.
This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
have extraneous data at the end.
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
except StopIteration as err:
> raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
E json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ JSONDecodeError
self =
def test_okp_to_jwk_raises_exception_on_invalid_key(self):
algo = OKPAlgorithm()
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.to_jwk({"not": "a valid key"}) # type: ignore[call-overload]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
key_obj = {'not': 'a valid key'}, as_dict = False
def to_jwk(key_obj: AllowedOKPKeys, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
if isinstance(key_obj, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey)):
crv = 'Ed25519'
elif isinstance(key_obj, (Ed448PrivateKey, Ed448PublicKey)):
crv = 'Ed448'
> raise TypeError('Key must be an EdDSA key instance')
E TypeError: Key must be an EdDSA key instance
jwt/ TypeError
self =
def test_okp_ed448_jwk_fails_on_invalid_json(self):
algo = OKPAlgorithm()
with open(key_path("jwk_okp_pub_Ed448.json")) as keyfile:
valid_pub = json.loads(
with open(key_path("jwk_okp_key_Ed448.json")) as keyfile:
valid_key = json.loads(
# Invalid instance type
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
algo.from_jwk(123) # type: ignore[arg-type]
# Invalid JSON
with pytest.raises(InvalidKeyError):
> algo.from_jwk("")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in from_jwk
jwk = json.loads(jwk)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in loads
return _default_decoder.decode(s)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ in decode
obj, end = self.raw_decode(s, idx=_w(s, 0).end())
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
s = "", idx = 0
def raw_decode(self, s, idx=0):
"""Decode a JSON document from ``s`` (a ``str`` beginning with
a JSON document) and return a 2-tuple of the Python
representation and the index in ``s`` where the document ended.
This can be used to decode a JSON document from a string that may
have extraneous data at the end.
obj, end = self.scan_once(s, idx)
except StopIteration as err:
> raise JSONDecodeError("Expecting value", s, err.value) from None
E json.decoder.JSONDecodeError: Expecting value: line 1 column 1 (char 0)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/json/ JSONDecodeError
self =
def test_should_load_key_ec_secp256k1_from_dict(self):
with open(key_path("jwk_ec_pub_secp256k1.json")) as keyfile:
key_data = json.loads(
> jwk = PyJWK.from_dict(key_data)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in from_dict
return cls(obj, algorithm)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwk_data = {'crv': 'secp256k1', 'kid': 'bilbo.baggins.256k@hobbiton.example', 'kty': 'EC', 'x': 'MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs', ...}
algorithm = 'ES256K'
def __init__(self, jwk_data: JWKDict, algorithm: str | None=None) -> None:
self._algorithms = get_default_algorithms()
self._jwk_data = jwk_data
kty = self._jwk_data.get('kty', None)
if not kty:
raise InvalidKeyError(f'kty is not found: {self._jwk_data}')
if not algorithm and isinstance(self._jwk_data, dict):
algorithm = self._jwk_data.get('alg', None)
if not algorithm:
crv = self._jwk_data.get('crv', None)
if kty == 'EC':
if crv == 'P-256' or not crv:
algorithm = 'ES256'
elif crv == 'P-384':
algorithm = 'ES384'
elif crv == 'P-521':
algorithm = 'ES512'
elif crv == 'secp256k1':
algorithm = 'ES256K'
raise InvalidKeyError(f'Unsupported crv: {crv}')
elif kty == 'RSA':
algorithm = 'RS256'
elif kty == 'oct':
algorithm = 'HS256'
elif kty == 'OKP':
if not crv:
raise InvalidKeyError(f'crv is not found: {self._jwk_data}')
if crv == 'Ed25519':
algorithm = 'EdDSA'
raise InvalidKeyError(f'Unsupported crv: {crv}')
raise InvalidKeyError(f'Unsupported kty: {kty}')
if not has_crypto and algorithm in requires_cryptography:
raise PyJWKError(f"{algorithm} requires 'cryptography' to be installed.")
self.Algorithm = self._algorithms.get(algorithm)
if not self.Algorithm:
> raise PyJWKError(f'Unable to find an algorithm for key: {self._jwk_data}')
E jwt.exceptions.PyJWKError: Unable to find an algorithm for key: {'kty': 'EC', 'kid': 'bilbo.baggins.256k@hobbiton.example', 'crv': 'secp256k1', 'x': 'MLnVyPDPQpNm0KaaO4iEh0i8JItHXJE0NcIe8GK1SYs', 'y': '7r8d-xF7QAgT5kSRdly6M8xeg4Jz83Gs_CQPQRH65QI'}
jwt/ PyJWKError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_non_object_options_dont_persist(self, jws, payload):
token = jws.encode(payload, "secret")
> jws.decode(token, "secret", options={"verify_signature": False})
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = 'secret'
algorithms = ['ES384', 'RS384', 'EdDSA', 'HS256', 'RS256', 'RS512', ...]
options = {'verify_signature': False}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': False}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
> raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
E NameError: name 'InvalidKeyError' is not defined
jwt/ NameError
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None
kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9'
crypto_segment = b'eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
> header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
E ValueError: not enough values to unpack (expected 2, got 1)
jwt/ ValueError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jws =
def test_decode_missing_segments_throws_exception(self, jws):
secret = "secret"
example_jws = "eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9" # Missing segment
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as context:
> jws.decode(example_jws, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None
kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9'
crypto_segment = b'eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
> raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError: Not enough segments
jwt/ InvalidTokenError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_algorithm_param_should_be_case_sensitive(self, jws, payload):
jws.encode(payload, "secret", algorithm="HS256")
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError) as context:
> jws.encode(payload, None, algorithm="hs256")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = , payload = b'hello world'
key = None, algorithm = 'hs256', headers = None, json_encoder = None
is_payload_detached = False, sort_headers = False
def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
"""Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
payload: The claims content to sign
key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
# Check that we have a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
if algorithm is None:
algorithm = 'none'
if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: Algorithm not supported
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_with_headers_alg_none(self, jws, payload):
msg = jws.encode(payload, key=None, headers={"alg": "none"})
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as context:
jws.decode(msg, algorithms=["none"])
> assert str(context.value) == "Signature verification failed"
E assert 'Algorithm "none" not allowed' == 'Signature ve...cation failed'
E - Signature verification failed
E + Algorithm "none" not allowed
tests/ AssertionError
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.'
key =
algorithms = ['ES256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
if signature != b'':
raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
return {
'header': header,
'payload': payload,
'signature': signature
alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
if key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
except InvalidKeyError:
except Exception as e:
raise InvalidTokenError('Unable to parse signature key: %s' % e)
if not alg_obj.verify(signing_input if header.get('b64', True) else payload, key, signature):
> raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError: Signature verification failed
jwt/ InvalidSignatureError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_with_headers_alg_es256(self, jws, payload):
with open(key_path("testkey_ec.priv"), "rb") as ec_priv_file:
priv_key = load_pem_private_key(, password=None)
with open(key_path(""), "rb") as ec_pub_file:
pub_key = load_pem_public_key(
msg = jws.encode(payload, priv_key, headers={"alg": "ES256"})
> assert b"hello world" == jws.decode(msg, pub_key, algorithms=["ES256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.'
key =
algorithms = ['ES256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
if signature != b'':
raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
return {
'header': header,
'payload': payload,
'signature': signature
alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
except KeyError:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
if key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
except InvalidKeyError:
except Exception as e:
raise InvalidTokenError('Unable to parse signature key: %s' % e)
if not alg_obj.verify(signing_input if header.get('b64', True) else payload, key, signature):
raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
except Exception as e:
> raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed: %s' % e)
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidSignatureError: Signature verification failed: Signature verification failed
jwt/ InvalidSignatureError
self = , payload = b'hello world'
key =
algorithm = 'HS256', headers = {'alg': 'ES256'}, json_encoder = None
is_payload_detached = False, sort_headers = False
def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
"""Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
payload: The claims content to sign
key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
# Check that we have a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
if algorithm is None:
algorithm = 'none'
if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if algorithm != 'none' and key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
# Header
header = {'alg': algorithm}
if self.header_typ is not None and 'typ' not in (headers or {}):
header['typ'] = self.header_typ
if headers:
if header.get('typ') == '':
del header['typ']
elif header.get('typ') is None:
del header['typ']
if is_payload_detached:
header['b64'] = False
if not payload:
raise InvalidTokenError('Payload cannot be empty when using detached content')
if sort_headers:
header = dict(sorted(header.items()))
json_header = json.dumps(header, separators=(',', ':'), cls=json_encoder).encode('utf-8')
header_input = base64url_encode(json_header)
if is_payload_detached:
payload_input = b''
payload_input = base64url_encode(payload)
signing_input = b'.'.join([header_input, payload_input])
alg_obj = self._algorithms[algorithm]
if algorithm == 'none':
key = None
elif key is None:
raise TypeError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
> key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
key =
def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)):
> raise TypeError('Expected a string value')
E TypeError: Expected a string value
jwt/ TypeError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_with_alg_hs256_and_headers_alg_es256(self, jws, payload):
with open(key_path("testkey_ec.priv"), "rb") as ec_priv_file:
priv_key = load_pem_private_key(, password=None)
with open(key_path(""), "rb") as ec_pub_file:
pub_key = load_pem_public_key(
> msg = jws.encode(payload, priv_key, algorithm="HS256", headers={"alg": "ES256"})
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = , payload = b'hello world'
key =
algorithm = 'HS256', headers = {'alg': 'ES256'}, json_encoder = None
is_payload_detached = False, sort_headers = False
def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
"""Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
payload: The claims content to sign
key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
# Check that we have a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
if algorithm is None:
algorithm = 'none'
if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
if algorithm != 'none' and key is None:
raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
# Header
header = {'alg': algorithm}
if self.header_typ is not None and 'typ' not in (headers or {}):
header['typ'] = self.header_typ
if headers:
if header.get('typ') == '':
del header['typ']
elif header.get('typ') is None:
del header['typ']
if is_payload_detached:
header['b64'] = False
if not payload:
raise InvalidTokenError('Payload cannot be empty when using detached content')
if sort_headers:
header = dict(sorted(header.items()))
json_header = json.dumps(header, separators=(',', ':'), cls=json_encoder).encode('utf-8')
header_input = base64url_encode(json_header)
if is_payload_detached:
payload_input = b''
payload_input = base64url_encode(payload)
signing_input = b'.'.join([header_input, payload_input])
alg_obj = self._algorithms[algorithm]
if algorithm == 'none':
key = None
elif key is None:
raise TypeError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
signature = alg_obj.sign(signing_input if not is_payload_detached else payload, key)
except Exception as e:
> raise TypeError('Unable to encode JWT: %s' % e)
E TypeError: Unable to encode JWT: Expected a string value
jwt/ TypeError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_bad_secret(self, jws, payload):
right_secret = "foo"
bad_secret = "bar"
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, right_secret)
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as excinfo:
# Backward compat for ticket #315
> jws.decode(jws_message, bad_secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = 'bar'
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws =
def test_decode_with_optional_algorithms(self, jws):
example_secret = "secret"
example_jws = (
> with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
tests/ Failed
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_load_no_verification(self, jws, payload):
right_secret = "foo"
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, right_secret)
> decoded_payload = jws.decode(
options={"verify_signature": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = None
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {'verify_signature': False}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': False}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_no_secret(self, jws, payload):
right_secret = "foo"
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, right_secret)
with pytest.raises(DecodeError):
> jws.decode(jws_message, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = None
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_verify_signature_with_no_secret(self, jws, payload):
right_secret = "foo"
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, right_secret)
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
> jws.decode(jws_message, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = None
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt = b'e30.eyJhIjo1fQ.KEh186CjVw_Q8FadjJcaVnE7hO5Z9nHBbU8TgbhHcBY'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None
kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}, signing_input = b'e30.eyJhIjo1fQ'
crypto_segment = b'KEh186CjVw_Q8FadjJcaVnE7hO5Z9nHBbU8TgbhHcBY'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
> alg = header['alg']
E KeyError: 'alg'
jwt/ KeyError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_verify_signature_with_no_algo_header_throws_exception(self, jws, payload):
example_jws = b"e30.eyJhIjo1fQ.KEh186CjVw_Q8FadjJcaVnE7hO5Z9nHBbU8TgbhHcBY"
with pytest.raises(InvalidAlgorithmError):
> jws.decode(example_jws, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'e30.eyJhIjo1fQ.KEh186CjVw_Q8FadjJcaVnE7hO5Z9nHBbU8TgbhHcBY'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None
kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}, signing_input = b'e30.eyJhIjo1fQ'
crypto_segment = b'KEh186CjVw_Q8FadjJcaVnE7hO5Z9nHBbU8TgbhHcBY'
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
> raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidTokenError: Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers
jwt/ InvalidTokenError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_invalid_crypto_alg(self, jws, payload):
with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
> jws.encode(payload, "secret", algorithm="HS1024")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = , payload = b'hello world'
key = 'secret', algorithm = 'HS1024', headers = None, json_encoder = None
is_payload_detached = False, sort_headers = False
def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
"""Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
payload: The claims content to sign
key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
# Check that we have a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
if algorithm is None:
algorithm = 'none'
if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: Algorithm not supported
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_unicode_secret(self, jws, payload):
secret = "\xc2"
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, secret)
> decoded_payload = jws.decode(jws_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = 'Â'
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_nonascii_secret(self, jws, payload):
secret = "\xc2" # char value that ascii codec cannot decode
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, secret)
> decoded_payload = jws.decode(jws_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = 'Â'
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_bytes_secret(self, jws, payload):
secret = b"\xc2" # char value that ascii codec cannot decode
jws_message = jws.encode(payload, secret)
> decoded_payload = jws.decode(jws_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ.', key = b'\xc2'
algorithms = ['HS256'], options = {}, detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'verify_signature': True}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_get_unverified_header_fails_on_bad_header_types(self, jws, payload):
# Contains a bad kid value (int 123 instead of string)
example_jws = (
> with pytest.raises(InvalidTokenError) as exc:
tests/ Failed[ES256K]
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
algo = 'ES256K'
def test_encode_decode_ecdsa_related_algorithms(self, jws, payload, algo):
# PEM-formatted EC key
with open(key_path("testkey_ec.priv"), "rb") as ec_priv_file:
priv_eckey = load_pem_private_key(, password=None)
> jws_message = jws.encode(payload, priv_eckey, algorithm=algo)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self = , payload = b'hello world'
key =
algorithm = 'ES256K', headers = None, json_encoder = None
is_payload_detached = False, sort_headers = False
def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
"""Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
payload: The claims content to sign
key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
# Check that we have a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
if algorithm is None:
algorithm = 'none'
if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: Algorithm not supported
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jws =
def test_ecdsa_related_algorithms(self, jws):
jws = PyJWS()
jws_algorithms = jws.get_algorithms()
if has_crypto:
assert "ES256" in jws_algorithms
> assert "ES256K" in jws_algorithms
E AssertionError: assert 'ES256K' in ['ES384', 'RS384', 'EdDSA', 'HS256', 'RS256', 'RS512', ...]
tests/ AssertionError
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_fails_on_invalid_kid_types(self, jws, payload):
> with pytest.raises(InvalidTokenError) as exc:
tests/ Failed
self =
jws = , payload = b'hello world'
def test_encode_detached_content_with_b64_header(self, jws, payload):
secret = "secret"
# Check that detached content is automatically detected when b64 is false
headers = {"b64": False}
token = jws.encode(payload, secret, "HS256", headers)
msg_header, msg_payload, _ = token.split(".")
msg_header = base64url_decode(msg_header.encode())
msg_header_obj = json.loads(msg_header)
assert "b64" in msg_header_obj
assert msg_header_obj["b64"] is False
# Check that the payload is not inside the token
> assert not msg_payload
E AssertionError: assert not 'aGVsbG8gd29ybGQ'
tests/ AssertionError
self =
jws =
def test_decode_detached_content_without_proper_argument(self, jws):
example_jws = (
example_secret = "secret"
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
jws.decode(example_jws, example_secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
> assert (
'It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message having the b64 header set to false.'
in str(exc.value)
E assert 'It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message having the b64 header set to false.' in 'It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.'
E + where 'It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.' = str(DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.'))
E + where DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.') = .value
tests/ AssertionError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_with_invalid_audience_param_throws_exception(self, jwt):
secret = "secret"
example_jwt = (
with pytest.raises(TypeError) as context:
> jwt.decode(example_jwt, secret, audience=1, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiAiSFMyNTYiLCAidHlwIjogIkpXVCJ9.eyJoZWxsbyI6ICJ3b3JsZCJ9.tvagLDLoaiJKxOKqpBXSEGy7SYSifZhjntgm9ctpyj8'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = None, kwargs = {'audience': 1}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload': b'{"hello": "world"}', 'signature': b'\xb6\xf6\xa0,2\xe8j"J\xc4\xe2\xaa\xa4\x15\xd2\x10l\xbbI\x84\xa2}\x98c\x9e\xd8&\xf5\xcbi\xca?'}
payload = {'hello': 'world'}
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
if merged_options['verify_nbf'] and 'nbf' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
nbf = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['nbf'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now < nbf - leeway:
raise ImmatureSignatureError('The token is not yet valid (nbf)')
if merged_options['verify_iat'] and 'iat' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
iat = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['iat'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now < iat - leeway:
raise InvalidIssuedAtError('Issued at claim (iat) cannot be in the future')
if merged_options['verify_iss']:
expected_issuer = kwargs.get('issuer', None)
if expected_issuer is not None:
if 'iss' not in payload:
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('Issuer claim expected but not present')
if payload['iss'] != expected_issuer:
raise InvalidIssuerError('Invalid issuer')
if merged_options['verify_aud']:
expected_audience = kwargs.get('audience', None)
if expected_audience is not None:
if 'aud' not in payload:
> raise MissingRequiredClaimError('Audience claim expected but not present')
E jwt.exceptions.MissingRequiredClaimError: Token is missing the "Audience claim expected but not present" claim
jwt/ MissingRequiredClaimError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_raises_exception_if_exp_is_not_int(self, jwt):
# >>> jwt.encode({'exp': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
example_jwt = (
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(example_jwt, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJleHAiOiJub3QtYW4taW50In0.P65iYgoHtBqB07PMtBSuKNUEIPPPfmjfJG217cEE66s'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = None, kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload': b'{"exp":"not-an-int"}', 'signature': b'?\xaebb\n\x07\xb4\x1a\x81\xd3\xb3\xcc\xb4\x14\xae(\xd5\x04 \xf3\xcf~h\xdf$m\xb5\xed\xc1\x04\xeb\xab'}
payload = {'exp': 'not-an-int'}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 42, 942554, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
> exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
E TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
jwt/ TypeError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_raises_exception_if_iat_is_not_int(self, jwt):
# >>> jwt.encode({'iat': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
example_jwt = (
with pytest.raises(InvalidIssuedAtError):
> jwt.decode(example_jwt, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOiJub3QtYW4taW50In0.H1GmcQgSySa5LOKYbzGm--b1OmRbHFkyk8pq811FzZM'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = None, kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload': b'{"iat":"not-an-int"}', 'signature': b'\x1fQ\xa6q\x08\x12\xc9&\xb9,\xe2\x98o1\xa6\xfb\xe6\xf5:d[\x1cY2\x93\xcaj\xf3]E\xcd\x93'}
payload = {'iat': 'not-an-int'}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 42, 964811, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
if merged_options['verify_nbf'] and 'nbf' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
nbf = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['nbf'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now < nbf - leeway:
raise ImmatureSignatureError('The token is not yet valid (nbf)')
if merged_options['verify_iat'] and 'iat' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
> iat = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['iat'], tz=timezone.utc)
E TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
jwt/ TypeError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854717, 'iat': 1732854712, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_raises_exception_if_iat_is_greater_than_now(self, jwt, payload):
payload["iat"] = utc_timestamp() + 10
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.raises(ImmatureSignatureError):
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE3LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMyODU0NzEyfQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE3LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNzMyODU0NzEyfQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iat': 1638202770, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_works_if_iat_is_str_of_a_number(self, jwt, payload):
payload["iat"] = "1638202770"
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> data = jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNjM4MjAyNzcwfQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiaWF0IjoxNjM4MjAyNzcwfQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_raises_exception_if_nbf_is_not_int(self, jwt):
# >>> jwt.encode({'nbf': 'not-an-int'}, 'secret')
example_jwt = (
with pytest.raises(DecodeError):
> jwt.decode(example_jwt, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJuYmYiOiJub3QtYW4taW50In0.c25hldC8G2ZamC8uKpax9sYMTgdZo3cxrmzFHaAAluw'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256'], options = None, kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'HS256', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload': b'{"nbf":"not-an-int"}', 'signature': b'sna\x95\xd0\xbc\x1bfZ\x98/.*\x96\xb1\xf6\xc6\x0cN\x07Y\xa3w1\xael\xc5\x1d\xa0\x00\x96\xec'}
payload = {'nbf': 'not-an-int'}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 43, 36709, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
if merged_options['verify_nbf'] and 'nbf' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
> nbf = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['nbf'], tz=timezone.utc)
E TypeError: 'str' object cannot be interpreted as an integer
jwt/ TypeError
self =
jwt =
def test_encode_datetime(self, jwt):
secret = "secret"
current_datetime =
payload = {
"exp": current_datetime,
"iat": current_datetime,
"nbf": current_datetime,
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> decoded_payload = jwt.decode(
jwt_message, secret, leeway=1, algorithms=["HS256"]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJleHAiOjE3MzI4NTQ3MDMsImlhdCI6MTczMjg1NDcwMywibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzAzfQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJleHAiOjE3MzI4NTQ3MDMsImlhdCI6MTczMjg1NDcwMywibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzAzfQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854702, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_with_expiration(self, jwt, payload):
payload["exp"] = utc_timestamp() - 1
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.raises(ExpiredSignatureError):
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff', 'nbf': 1732854713}
def test_decode_with_notbefore(self, jwt, payload):
payload["nbf"] = utc_timestamp() + 10
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.raises(ImmatureSignatureError):
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzfQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzfQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854702.144174, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_skip_expiration_verification(self, jwt, payload):
payload["exp"] = time.time() - 1
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_exp": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLjE0NDE3NCwiY2xhaW0iOiJpbnNhbml0eSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLjE0NDE3NCwiY2xhaW0iOiJpbnNhbml0eSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff', 'nbf': 1732854713.169743}
def test_decode_skip_notbefore_verification(self, jwt, payload):
payload["nbf"] = time.time() + 10
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_nbf": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzLjE2OTc0M30.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzLjE2OTc0M30'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854701, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_with_expiration_with_leeway(self, jwt, payload):
payload["exp"] = utc_timestamp() - 2
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
# With 5 seconds leeway, should be ok
for leeway in (5, timedelta(seconds=5)):
> decoded = jwt.decode(
jwt_message, secret, leeway=leeway, algorithms=["HS256"]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAxLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAxLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff', 'nbf': 1732854713}
def test_decode_with_notbefore_with_leeway(self, jwt, payload):
payload["nbf"] = utc_timestamp() + 10
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
# With 13 seconds leeway, should be ok
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, leeway=13, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzfQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwibmJmIjoxNzMyODU0NzEzfQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_check_audience_when_valid(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:me"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn:me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_check_audience_list_when_valid(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:me"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(
audience=["urn:you", "urn:me"],
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_check_audience_none_specified(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:me"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_invalid_audience_list(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:me"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
> jwt.decode(
audience=["urn:you", "urn:him"],
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_check_audience_in_array_when_valid(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": ["urn:me", "urn:someone-else"]}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn:me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46bWUiLCJ1cm46c29tZW9uZS1lbHNlIl19.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46bWUiLCJ1cm46c29tZW9uZS1lbHNlIl19'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_invalid_audience(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:someone-else"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn-me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpzb21lb25lLWVsc2UifQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjpzb21lb25lLWVsc2UifQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_audience_as_bytes(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": ["urn:me", "urn:someone-else"]}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
> jwt.decode(
token, "secret", audience="urn:me".encode(), algorithms=["HS256"]
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46bWUiLCJ1cm46c29tZW9uZS1lbHNlIl19.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46bWUiLCJ1cm46c29tZW9uZS1lbHNlIl19'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_invalid_audience_in_array(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
"aud": ["urn:someone", "urn:someone-else"],
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidAudienceError):
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn:me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c29tZW9uZSIsInVybjpzb21lb25lLWVsc2UiXX0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6WyJ1cm46c29tZW9uZSIsInVybjpzb21lb25lLWVsc2UiXX0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_token_without_issuer(self, jwt):
issuer = "urn:wrong"
payload = {"some": "payload"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", issuer=issuer, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_token_without_audience(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn:me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_token_with_aud_none_and_without_audience(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": None}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", audience="urn:me", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6bnVsbH0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6bnVsbH0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_check_issuer_when_valid(self, jwt):
issuer = "urn:foo"
payload = {"some": "payload", "iss": "urn:foo"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", issuer=issuer, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlzcyI6InVybjpmb28ifQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlzcyI6InVybjpmb28ifQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_raise_exception_invalid_issuer(self, jwt):
issuer = "urn:wrong"
payload = {"some": "payload", "iss": "urn:foo"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(InvalidIssuerError):
> jwt.decode(token, "secret", issuer=issuer, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlzcyI6InVybjpmb28ifQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlzcyI6InVybjpmb28ifQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_skip_check_audience(self, jwt):
payload = {"some": "payload", "aud": "urn:me"}
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_aud": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': False, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': False, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImF1ZCI6InVybjptZSJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_skip_check_exp(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
"exp": - timedelta(days=1),
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_exp": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImV4cCI6MTczMjc2ODMwM30.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImV4cCI6MTczMjc2ODMwM30'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_exp_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
# exp not present
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(
options={"require": ["exp"]},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': ['exp'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': ['exp'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_iat_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
# iat not present
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(
options={"require": ["iat"]},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': ['iat'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': ['iat'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_decode_should_raise_error_if_nbf_required_but_not_present(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
# nbf not present
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
with pytest.raises(MissingRequiredClaimError) as exc:
> jwt.decode(
options={"require": ["nbf"]},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': ['nbf'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': ['nbf'], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_skip_check_iat(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
"iat": + timedelta(days=1),
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_iat": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlhdCI6MTczMjk0MTEwM30.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': False, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': False, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsImlhdCI6MTczMjk0MTEwM30'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_skip_check_nbf(self, jwt):
payload = {
"some": "payload",
"nbf": + timedelta(days=1),
token = jwt.encode(payload, "secret")
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_nbf": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsIm5iZiI6MTczMjk0MTEwM30.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lIjoicGF5bG9hZCIsIm5iZiI6MTczMjk0MTEwM30'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
def test_custom_json_encoder(self, jwt):
class CustomJSONEncoder(json.JSONEncoder):
def default(self, o):
if isinstance(o, Decimal):
return "it worked"
return super().default(o)
data = {"some_decimal": Decimal("2.2")}
with pytest.raises(TypeError):
jwt.encode(data, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
token = jwt.encode(data, "secret", json_encoder=CustomJSONEncoder)
> payload = jwt.decode(token, "secret", algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lX2RlY2ltYWwiOiJpdCB3b3JrZWQifQ.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJzb21lX2RlY2ltYWwiOiJpdCB3b3JrZWQifQ'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854702, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_with_verify_exp_option(self, jwt, payload):
payload["exp"] = utc_timestamp() - 1
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_exp": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': False, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854702, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_with_verify_exp_option_and_signature_off(self, jwt, payload):
payload["exp"] = utc_timestamp() - 1
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(
options={"verify_signature": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = 'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzAyLCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = None, algorithms = None, options = {'verify_signature': False}
kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'none', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload': b'{"iss":"jeff","exp":1732854702,"claim":"insanity"}', 'signature': b''}
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854702, 'iss': 'jeff'}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 43, 847841, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
exp = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 42, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
leeway = datetime.timedelta(0)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
> raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
E jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: Signature has expired
jwt/ ExpiredSignatureError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_with_optional_algorithms(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.raises(DecodeError) as exc:
jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret)
> assert (
'It is required that you pass in a value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode().'
in str(exc.value)
E assert 'It is required that you pass in a value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode().' in 'Algorithm "none" not allowed'
E + where 'Algorithm "none" not allowed' = str(DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed'))
E + where DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed') = .value
tests/ AssertionError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_no_algorithms_verify_signature_false(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, options={"verify_signature": False})
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret'
algorithms = ['ES384', 'RS384', 'EdDSA', 'HS256', 'RS256', 'RS512', ...]
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
if alg == 'none':
if merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
> raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
E NameError: name 'InvalidKeyError' is not defined
jwt/ NameError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_legacy_verify_warning(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.deprecated_call():
# The implicit default for options.verify_signature is True,
# but the user sets verify to False.
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, verify=False, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_legacy_verify_warning(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> with pytest.deprecated_call():
E Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type (, , ) were emitted.
E Emitted warnings: [].
tests/ Failed
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_no_options_mutation(self, jwt, payload):
options = {"verify_signature": True}
orig_options = options.copy()
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, options=options, algorithms=["HS256"])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_warns_on_unsupported_kwarg(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.warns(RemovedInPyjwt3Warning) as record:
> jwt.decode(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"], foo="bar")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE4LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854718, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_warns_on_unsupported_kwarg(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> with pytest.warns(RemovedInPyjwt3Warning) as record:
E Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type (,) were emitted.
E Emitted warnings: [].
tests/ Failed
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_complete_warns_on_unsupported_kwarg(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.warns(RemovedInPyjwt3Warning) as record:
> jwt.decode_complete(jwt_message, secret, algorithms=["HS256"], foo="bar")
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5In0'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
jwt =
payload = {'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_complete_warns_on_unsupported_kwarg(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> with pytest.warns(RemovedInPyjwt3Warning) as record:
E Failed: DID NOT WARN. No warnings of type (,) were emitted.
E Emitted warnings: [].
tests/ Failed
self =
jwt =
payload = {'aud': 'urn:foo', 'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_strict_aud_forbids_list_audience(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
payload["aud"] = "urn:foo"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
# Decodes without `strict_aud`.
> jwt.decode(
audience=["urn:foo", "urn:bar"],
options={"strict_aud": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': False, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': False, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'aud': ['urn:foo', 'urn:bar'], 'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_strict_aud_forbids_list_claim(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
payload["aud"] = ["urn:foo", "urn:bar"]
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
# Decodes without `strict_aud`.
> jwt.decode(
options={"strict_aud": False},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpmb28iLCJ1cm46YmFyIl19.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': False, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': False, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpmb28iLCJ1cm46YmFyIl19'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'aud': 'urn:foo', 'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_strict_aud_does_not_match(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
payload["aud"] = "urn:foo"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
with pytest.raises(
InvalidAudienceError, match=r"Audience doesn't match \(strict\)"
> jwt.decode(
options={"strict_aud": True},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': True, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': True, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
jwt =
payload = {'aud': 'urn:foo', 'claim': 'insanity', 'exp': 1732854719, 'iss': 'jeff'}
def test_decode_strict_ok(self, jwt, payload):
secret = "secret"
payload["aud"] = "urn:foo"
jwt_message = jwt.encode(payload, secret)
> jwt.decode(
options={"strict_aud": True},
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in decode
decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
jwt/ in decode_complete
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
jwt = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9.'
key = 'secret', algorithms = ['HS256']
options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': True, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
detached_payload = None, kwargs = {}
deprecated_kwargs = {'verify': 'verify_signature', 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud', 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp', 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat', ...}
old_name = 'verify_iss', new_name = 'verify_iss'
merged_options = {'require': [], 'strict_aud': True, 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, ...}
signing_input = b'eyJhbGciOiJub25lIiwidHlwIjoiSldUIn0.eyJpc3MiOiJqZWZmIiwiZXhwIjoxNzMyODU0NzE5LCJjbGFpbSI6Imluc2FuaXR5IiwiYXVkIjoidXJuOmZvbyJ9'
crypto_segment = b''
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
deprecated_kwargs = {
'verify': 'verify_signature',
'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
options = options or {}
for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
if old_name in kwargs:
f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
for kwarg in kwargs:
f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
merged_options = {**self.options}
if options:
if not isinstance(options, dict):
raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
if isinstance(jwt, str):
jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
except ValueError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(header, dict):
raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
if header.get('b64', True):
payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
if detached_payload is None:
raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
payload = detached_payload
signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
if algorithms is None:
algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
alg = header['alg']
except KeyError:
raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
if alg not in algorithms:
> raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
E jwt.exceptions.InvalidAlgorithmError: The specified alg value is not allowed
jwt/ InvalidAlgorithmError
self =
def test_get_signing_keys_raises_if_none_found(self):
url = ""
mocked_key = RESPONSE_DATA_WITH_MATCHING_KID["keys"][0].copy()
mocked_key["use"] = "enc"
response = {"keys": [mocked_key]}
with mocked_success_response(response):
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url)
with pytest.raises(PyJWKClientError) as exc:
> assert "The JWKS endpoint did not contain any signing keys" in str(exc.value)
E AssertionError: assert 'The JWKS endpoint did not contain any signing keys' in 'No signing keys found in JWKS'
E + where 'No signing keys found in JWKS' = str(PyJWKClientError('No signing keys found in JWKS'))
E + where PyJWKClientError('No signing keys found in JWKS') = .value
tests/ AssertionError
self =
token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRd...kc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA'
refresh_jwks = True
def get_signing_key_from_jwt(self, token: str, refresh_jwks: bool=True) -> PyJWK:
"""Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the kid in the token header.
token: The JWT token to get the key for.
refresh_jwks: Whether to refresh the JWKS if the key is not found.
> headers = decode_token(token, options={'verify_signature': False})['header']
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
key = None, algorithms = None, options = {'verify_signature': False}
kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'RS256', 'kid': 'NEE1QURBOTM4MzI5RkFDNTYxOTU1MDg2ODgwQ0UzMTk1QjYyRkRFQw', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload':...f;\x1b\xdf]5K\\\xbd\xa3zNfx~\xa7\xf9U\xa0\xac\x17h0Q\xfd\xdd\x01,\xcc@\xe8\xc00\x04\x85\x03\xc7V\xcd1\x8f\xb4\x88\xcc'}
payload = {'aud': 'https://expenses-api', 'azp': 'aW4Cca79xReLWUz0aE2H6kD0O3cXBVtC', 'exp': 1572006964, 'gty': 'client-credentials', ...}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 44, 182936, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
exp = datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 25, 12, 36, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
leeway = datetime.timedelta(0)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
> raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
E jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: Signature has expired
jwt/ ExpiredSignatureError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
def test_get_signing_key_from_jwt(self):
token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRdyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi04N2V2eDlydS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiYVc0Q2NhNzl4UmVMV1V6MGFFMkg2a0QwTzNjWEJWdENAY2xpZW50cyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZXhwZW5zZXMtYXBpIiwiaWF0IjoxNTcyMDA2OTU0LCJleHAiOjE1NzIwMDY5NjQsImF6cCI6ImFXNENjYTc5eFJlTFdVejBhRTJINmtEME8zY1hCVnRDIiwiZ3R5IjoiY2xpZW50LWNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIn0.PUxE7xn52aTCohGiWoSdMBZGiYAHwE5FYie0Y1qUT68IHSTXwXVd6hn02HTah6epvHHVKA2FqcFZ4GGv5VTHEvYpeggiiZMgbxFrmTEY0csL6VNkX1eaJGcuehwQCRBKRLL3zKmA5IKGy5GeUnIbpPHLHDxr-GXvgFzsdsyWlVQvPX2xjeaQ217r2PtxDeqjlf66UYl6oY6AqNS8DH3iryCvIfCcybRZkc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA"
url = ""
with mocked_success_response(RESPONSE_DATA_WITH_MATCHING_KID):
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url)
> signing_key = jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(token)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRd...kc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA'
refresh_jwks = True
def get_signing_key_from_jwt(self, token: str, refresh_jwks: bool=True) -> PyJWK:
"""Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the kid in the token header.
token: The JWT token to get the key for.
refresh_jwks: Whether to refresh the JWKS if the key is not found.
headers = decode_token(token, options={'verify_signature': False})['header']
except Exception as e:
> raise PyJWKClientError(f'Failed to decode JWT headers: {str(e)}')
E jwt.exceptions.PyJWKClientError: Failed to decode JWT headers: Signature has expired
jwt/ PyJWKClientError
self =
token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRd...kc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA'
refresh_jwks = True
def get_signing_key_from_jwt(self, token: str, refresh_jwks: bool=True) -> PyJWK:
"""Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the kid in the token header.
token: The JWT token to get the key for.
refresh_jwks: Whether to refresh the JWKS if the key is not found.
> headers = decode_token(token, options={'verify_signature': False})['header']
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
key = None, algorithms = None, options = {'verify_signature': False}
kwargs = {}
merged_options = {'require': [], 'verify_aud': True, 'verify_exp': True, 'verify_iat': True, ...}
decoded = {'header': {'alg': 'RS256', 'kid': 'NEE1QURBOTM4MzI5RkFDNTYxOTU1MDg2ODgwQ0UzMTk1QjYyRkRFQw', 'typ': 'JWT'}, 'payload':...f;\x1b\xdf]5K\\\xbd\xa3zNfx~\xa7\xf9U\xa0\xac\x17h0Q\xfd\xdd\x01,\xcc@\xe8\xc00\x04\x85\x03\xc7V\xcd1\x8f\xb4\x88\xcc'}
payload = {'aud': 'https://expenses-api', 'azp': 'aW4Cca79xReLWUz0aE2H6kD0O3cXBVtC', 'exp': 1572006964, 'gty': 'client-credentials', ...}
now = datetime.datetime(2024, 11, 29, 4, 31, 48, 215542, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
exp = datetime.datetime(2019, 10, 25, 12, 36, 4, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc)
leeway = datetime.timedelta(0)
def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
jwt: The JWT to decode.
key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
**kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
A dict including:
- header: A dict of the JWT header
- payload: The decoded payload
- signature: The signature of the JWT
merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
now = kwargs.get('now',
exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
if now > exp + leeway:
> raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
E jwt.exceptions.ExpiredSignatureError: Signature has expired
jwt/ ExpiredSignatureError
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
self =
def test_failed_request_should_raise_connection_error(self):
token = "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRdyJ9.eyJpc3MiOiJodHRwczovL2Rldi04N2V2eDlydS5hdXRoMC5jb20vIiwic3ViIjoiYVc0Q2NhNzl4UmVMV1V6MGFFMkg2a0QwTzNjWEJWdENAY2xpZW50cyIsImF1ZCI6Imh0dHBzOi8vZXhwZW5zZXMtYXBpIiwiaWF0IjoxNTcyMDA2OTU0LCJleHAiOjE1NzIwMDY5NjQsImF6cCI6ImFXNENjYTc5eFJlTFdVejBhRTJINmtEME8zY1hCVnRDIiwiZ3R5IjoiY2xpZW50LWNyZWRlbnRpYWxzIn0.PUxE7xn52aTCohGiWoSdMBZGiYAHwE5FYie0Y1qUT68IHSTXwXVd6hn02HTah6epvHHVKA2FqcFZ4GGv5VTHEvYpeggiiZMgbxFrmTEY0csL6VNkX1eaJGcuehwQCRBKRLL3zKmA5IKGy5GeUnIbpPHLHDxr-GXvgFzsdsyWlVQvPX2xjeaQ217r2PtxDeqjlf66UYl6oY6AqNS8DH3iryCvIfCcybRZkc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA"
url = ""
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url)
with pytest.raises(PyJWKClientConnectionError):
with mocked_failed_response():
> jwks_client.get_signing_key_from_jwt(token)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
token = 'eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6Ik5FRTFRVVJCT1RNNE16STVSa0ZETlRZeE9UVTFNRGcyT0Rnd1EwVXpNVGsxUWpZeVJrUkZRd...kc_hdy-6ZMoKT6Piijvk_aXdm7-QQqKJFHLuEqrVSOuBqqiNfVrG27QzAPuPOxvfXTVLXL2jek5meH6n-VWgrBdoMFH93QEszEDowDAEhQPHVs0xj7SIzA'
refresh_jwks = True
def get_signing_key_from_jwt(self, token: str, refresh_jwks: bool=True) -> PyJWK:
"""Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the kid in the token header.
token: The JWT token to get the key for.
refresh_jwks: Whether to refresh the JWKS if the key is not found.
headers = decode_token(token, options={'verify_signature': False})['header']
except Exception as e:
> raise PyJWKClientError(f'Failed to decode JWT headers: {str(e)}')
E jwt.exceptions.PyJWKClientError: Failed to decode JWT headers: Signature has expired
jwt/ PyJWKClientError
self =
def test_get_jwt_set_refresh_cache(self):
url = ""
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url)
# The first call will return response with no matching kid,
# the function should make another call to try to refresh the cache.
with mocked_first_call_wrong_kid_second_call_correct_kid(
) as call_data:
> jwks_client.get_signing_key(kid)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
def get_signing_key(self, kid: str) -> PyJWK:
"""Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the provided kid.
kid: The key ID to search for.
signing_keys = self.get_signing_keys()
for key in signing_keys:
if key.key_id == kid:
return key
# If no key is found, try refreshing the JWKS once
signing_keys = self.get_signing_keys()
for key in signing_keys:
if key.key_id == kid:
return key
> raise PyJWKClientError(f'Unable to find a signing key that matches: {kid}')
E jwt.exceptions.PyJWKClientError: Unable to find a signing key that matches: NEE1QURBOTM4MzI5RkFDNTYxOTU1MDg2ODgwQ0UzMTk1QjYyRkRFQw
jwt/ PyJWKClientError
self =
def test_get_jwt_set_timeout(self):
url = ""
jwks_client = PyJWKClient(url, timeout=5)
with pytest.raises(PyJWKClientError) as exc:
with mocked_timeout():
> jwks_client.get_jwk_set()
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
jwt/ in get_jwk_set
data = self.fetch_data()
jwt/ in fetch_data
response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/unittest/ in __call__
return self._mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/unittest/ in _mock_call
return self._execute_mock_call(*args, **kwargs)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
self =
args = (,)
kwargs = {'timeout': 5}, effect = TimeoutError('timed out')
def _execute_mock_call(self, /, *args, **kwargs):
# separate from _increment_mock_call so that awaited functions are
# executed separately from their call, also AsyncMock overrides this method
effect = self.side_effect
if effect is not None:
if _is_exception(effect):
> raise effect
E TimeoutError: timed out
/root/.local/share/uv/python/cpython-3.12.6-linux-x86_64-gnu/lib/python3.12/unittest/ TimeoutError[-1-][-1-]
inputval = -1, expected = ''
(0, b"AA"),
(1, b"AQ"),
(255, b"_w"),
(65537, b"AQAB"),
(123456789, b"B1vNFQ"),
pytest.param(-1, "", marks=pytest.mark.xfail(raises=ValueError)),
def test_to_base64url_uint(inputval, expected):
> actual = to_base64url_uint(inputval)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
val = -1
def to_base64url_uint(val: int) -> bytes:
if val < 0:
> raise ValueError('Must be a positive integer')
E ValueError: Must be a positive integer
jwt/ ValueError
Patch diff
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index b3897bf..0a18f4e 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -38,7 +38,28 @@ def get_default_algorithms() -> dict[str, Algorithm]:
Returns the algorithms that are implemented by the library.
- pass
+ default_algorithms = {
+ 'none': NoneAlgorithm(),
+ 'HS256': HMACAlgorithm(HMACAlgorithm.SHA256),
+ 'HS384': HMACAlgorithm(HMACAlgorithm.SHA384),
+ 'HS512': HMACAlgorithm(HMACAlgorithm.SHA512),
+ }
+ if has_crypto:
+ default_algorithms.update({
+ 'RS256': RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA256),
+ 'RS384': RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA384),
+ 'RS512': RSAAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm.SHA512),
+ 'ES256': ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA256),
+ 'ES384': ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA384),
+ 'ES512': ECAlgorithm(ECAlgorithm.SHA512),
+ 'PS256': RSAPSSAlgorithm(RSAPSSAlgorithm.SHA256),
+ 'PS384': RSAPSSAlgorithm(RSAPSSAlgorithm.SHA384),
+ 'PS512': RSAPSSAlgorithm(RSAPSSAlgorithm.SHA512),
+ 'EdDSA': OKPAlgorithm(),
+ })
+ return default_algorithms
class Algorithm(ABC):
@@ -51,7 +72,17 @@ class Algorithm(ABC):
If there is no hash algorithm, raises a NotImplementedError.
- pass
+ if not hasattr(self, 'hash_alg'):
+ raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm does not have a hash algorithm')
+ if has_crypto and isinstance(self.hash_alg, type) and issubclass(self.hash_alg, hashes.HashAlgorithm):
+ h = hashes.Hash(self.hash_alg(), backend=default_backend())
+ h.update(bytestr)
+ return h.finalize()
+ else:
+ h = self.hash_alg()
+ h.update(bytestr)
+ return h.digest()
def prepare_key(self, key: Any) -> Any:
@@ -98,6 +129,24 @@ class NoneAlgorithm(Algorithm):
Placeholder for use when no signing or verification
operations are required.
+ def prepare_key(self, key: Any) -> None:
+ if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
+ return None
+ def sign(self, msg: bytes, key: Any) -> bytes:
+ return b''
+ def verify(self, msg: bytes, key: Any, sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ return sig == b''
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_jwk(key_obj: Any, as_dict: bool = False) -> NoReturn:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm "none" can\'t be exported as JWK')
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jwk(jwk: str | JWKDict) -> NoReturn:
+ raise NotImplementedError('Algorithm "none" can\'t be imported from JWK')
class HMACAlgorithm(Algorithm):
@@ -110,6 +159,51 @@ class HMACAlgorithm(Algorithm):
def __init__(self, hash_alg: HashlibHash) -> None:
self.hash_alg = hash_alg
+ def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
+ if not isinstance(key, (str, bytes)):
+ raise TypeError('Expected a string value')
+ key = force_bytes(key)
+ if is_pem_format(key) or is_ssh_key(key):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('The specified key is an asymmetric key or x509 certificate and should not be used as an HMAC secret.')
+ return key
+ def sign(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
+ key = self.prepare_key(key)
+ h =, msg, self.hash_alg)
+ return h.digest()
+ def verify(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes], sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ key = self.prepare_key(key)
+ h =, msg, self.hash_alg)
+ try:
+ return hmac.compare_digest(sig, h.digest())
+ except TypeError:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[str, bytes], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
+ key_bytes = force_bytes(key_obj)
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'oct',
+ 'k': base64url_encode(key_bytes).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ if as_dict:
+ return jwk
+ return json.dumps(jwk)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> bytes:
+ if isinstance(jwk, str):
+ jwk = json.loads(jwk)
+ if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
+ if jwk.get('kty') != 'oct':
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Not an HMAC key')
+ k = jwk.get('k')
+ if not k:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('k parameter is required')
+ return base64url_decode(k)
if has_crypto:
class RSAAlgorithm(Algorithm):
@@ -124,6 +218,107 @@ if has_crypto:
def __init__(self, hash_alg: type[hashes.HashAlgorithm]) -> None:
self.hash_alg = hash_alg
+ def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes, RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey]) -> Union[RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey]:
+ if isinstance(key, (RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey)):
+ return key
+ key = force_bytes(key)
+ if is_pem_format(key):
+ try:
+ return load_pem_private_key(key, password=None, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ return load_pem_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid PEM format')
+ elif is_ssh_key(key):
+ try:
+ return load_ssh_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid SSH key format')
+ else:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid key format')
+ def sign(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, RSAPrivateKey]) -> bytes:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, RSAPrivateKey):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an RSAPrivateKey instance')
+ padder = padding.PKCS1v15()
+ return key_obj.sign(msg, padder, self.hash_alg())
+ def verify(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey], sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, (RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey)):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an RSA key instance')
+ verifier = key_obj if isinstance(key_obj, RSAPublicKey) else key_obj.public_key()
+ padder = padding.PKCS1v15()
+ try:
+ verifier.verify(sig, msg, padder, self.hash_alg())
+ return True
+ except InvalidSignature:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
+ if isinstance(key_obj, RSAPrivateKey):
+ numbers = key_obj.private_numbers()
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'RSA',
+ 'n': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.n).decode('ascii'),
+ 'e': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.e).decode('ascii'),
+ 'd': to_base64url_uint(numbers.d).decode('ascii'),
+ 'p': to_base64url_uint(numbers.p).decode('ascii'),
+ 'q': to_base64url_uint(numbers.q).decode('ascii'),
+ 'dp': to_base64url_uint(numbers.dmp1).decode('ascii'),
+ 'dq': to_base64url_uint(numbers.dmq1).decode('ascii'),
+ 'qi': to_base64url_uint(numbers.iqmp).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ else:
+ numbers = key_obj.public_numbers()
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'RSA',
+ 'n': to_base64url_uint(numbers.n).decode('ascii'),
+ 'e': to_base64url_uint(numbers.e).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ if as_dict:
+ return jwk
+ return json.dumps(jwk)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> Union[RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey]:
+ if isinstance(jwk, str):
+ jwk = json.loads(jwk)
+ if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
+ if jwk.get('kty') != 'RSA':
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Not an RSA key')
+ if 'd' in jwk and 'p' in jwk and 'q' in jwk:
+ # Private key
+ numbers = RSAPrivateNumbers(
+ d=from_base64url_uint(jwk['d']),
+ p=from_base64url_uint(jwk['p']),
+ q=from_base64url_uint(jwk['q']),
+ dmp1=from_base64url_uint(jwk['dp']),
+ dmq1=from_base64url_uint(jwk['dq']),
+ iqmp=from_base64url_uint(jwk['qi']),
+ public_numbers=RSAPublicNumbers(
+ e=from_base64url_uint(jwk['e']),
+ n=from_base64url_uint(jwk['n'])
+ )
+ )
+ return numbers.private_key(backend=default_backend())
+ else:
+ # Public key
+ numbers = RSAPublicNumbers(
+ e=from_base64url_uint(jwk['e']),
+ n=from_base64url_uint(jwk['n'])
+ )
+ return numbers.public_key(backend=default_backend())
class ECAlgorithm(Algorithm):
Performs signing and verification operations using
@@ -136,10 +331,150 @@ if has_crypto:
def __init__(self, hash_alg: type[hashes.HashAlgorithm]) -> None:
self.hash_alg = hash_alg
+ def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes, EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]) -> Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]:
+ if isinstance(key, (EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey)):
+ return key
+ key = force_bytes(key)
+ if is_pem_format(key):
+ try:
+ return load_pem_private_key(key, password=None, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ return load_pem_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid PEM format')
+ elif is_ssh_key(key):
+ try:
+ return load_ssh_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid SSH key format')
+ else:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid key format')
+ def sign(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, EllipticCurvePrivateKey]) -> bytes:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an EllipticCurvePrivateKey instance')
+ signature = key_obj.sign(msg, ECDSA(self.hash_alg()))
+ return der_to_raw_signature(signature, key_obj.curve)
+ def verify(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey], sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, (EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey)):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an EC key instance')
+ verifier = key_obj if isinstance(key_obj, EllipticCurvePublicKey) else key_obj.public_key()
+ curve = verifier.curve
+ try:
+ der_sig = raw_to_der_signature(sig, curve)
+ verifier.verify(der_sig, msg, ECDSA(self.hash_alg()))
+ return True
+ except (InvalidSignature, ValueError):
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_jwk(key_obj: Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey], as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
+ if isinstance(key_obj, EllipticCurvePrivateKey):
+ numbers = key_obj.private_numbers()
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'EC',
+ 'crv': {
+ SECP256K1: 'P-256K',
+ SECP256R1: 'P-256',
+ SECP384R1: 'P-384',
+ SECP521R1: 'P-521'
+ }[type(numbers.public_numbers.curve)],
+ 'x': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.x).decode('ascii'),
+ 'y': to_base64url_uint(numbers.public_numbers.y).decode('ascii'),
+ 'd': to_base64url_uint(numbers.private_value).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ else:
+ numbers = key_obj.public_numbers()
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'EC',
+ 'crv': {
+ SECP256K1: 'P-256K',
+ SECP256R1: 'P-256',
+ SECP384R1: 'P-384',
+ SECP521R1: 'P-521'
+ }[type(numbers.curve)],
+ 'x': to_base64url_uint(numbers.x).decode('ascii'),
+ 'y': to_base64url_uint(numbers.y).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ if as_dict:
+ return jwk
+ return json.dumps(jwk)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> Union[EllipticCurvePrivateKey, EllipticCurvePublicKey]:
+ if isinstance(jwk, str):
+ jwk = json.loads(jwk)
+ if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
+ if jwk.get('kty') != 'EC':
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Not an EC key')
+ curve = {
+ 'P-256K': SECP256K1,
+ 'P-256': SECP256R1,
+ 'P-384': SECP384R1,
+ 'P-521': SECP521R1
+ }[jwk['crv']]()
+ if 'd' in jwk:
+ # Private key
+ numbers = EllipticCurvePrivateNumbers(
+ private_value=from_base64url_uint(jwk['d']),
+ public_numbers=EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(
+ x=from_base64url_uint(jwk['x']),
+ y=from_base64url_uint(jwk['y']),
+ curve=curve
+ )
+ )
+ return numbers.private_key(backend=default_backend())
+ else:
+ # Public key
+ numbers = EllipticCurvePublicNumbers(
+ x=from_base64url_uint(jwk['x']),
+ y=from_base64url_uint(jwk['y']),
+ curve=curve
+ )
+ return numbers.public_key(backend=default_backend())
class RSAPSSAlgorithm(RSAAlgorithm):
Performs a signature using RSASSA-PSS with MGF1
+ def sign(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, RSAPrivateKey]) -> bytes:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, RSAPrivateKey):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an RSAPrivateKey instance')
+ padder = padding.PSS(
+ mgf=padding.MGF1(self.hash_alg()),
+ salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH
+ )
+ return key_obj.sign(msg, padder, self.hash_alg())
+ def verify(self, msg: bytes, key: Union[str, bytes, RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey], sig: bytes) -> bool:
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, (RSAPrivateKey, RSAPublicKey)):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an RSA key instance')
+ verifier = key_obj if isinstance(key_obj, RSAPublicKey) else key_obj.public_key()
+ padder = padding.PSS(
+ mgf=padding.MGF1(self.hash_alg()),
+ salt_length=padding.PSS.MAX_LENGTH
+ )
+ try:
+ verifier.verify(sig, msg, padder, self.hash_alg())
+ return True
+ except InvalidSignature:
+ return False
class OKPAlgorithm(Algorithm):
@@ -151,6 +486,27 @@ if has_crypto:
def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None:
+ def prepare_key(self, key: Union[str, bytes, AllowedOKPKeys]) -> AllowedOKPKeys:
+ if isinstance(key, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey, Ed448PrivateKey, Ed448PublicKey)):
+ return key
+ key = force_bytes(key)
+ if is_pem_format(key):
+ try:
+ return load_pem_private_key(key, password=None, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ try:
+ return load_pem_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid PEM format')
+ elif is_ssh_key(key):
+ try:
+ return load_ssh_public_key(key, backend=default_backend())
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid SSH key format')
+ else:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid key format')
def sign(self, msg: str | bytes, key: Ed25519PrivateKey | Ed448PrivateKey) -> bytes:
Sign a message ``msg`` using the EdDSA private key ``key``
@@ -159,7 +515,11 @@ if has_crypto:
or :class:`.Ed448PrivateKey` isinstance
:return bytes signature: The signature, as bytes
- pass
+ msg_bytes = force_bytes(msg)
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if not isinstance(key_obj, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed448PrivateKey)):
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an Ed25519PrivateKey or Ed448PrivateKey instance')
+ return key_obj.sign(msg_bytes)
def verify(self, msg: str | bytes, key: AllowedOKPKeys, sig: str | bytes) -> bool:
@@ -171,4 +531,85 @@ if has_crypto:
A private or public EdDSA key instance
:return bool verified: True if signature is valid, False if not.
- pass
\ No newline at end of file
+ msg_bytes = force_bytes(msg)
+ sig_bytes = force_bytes(sig)
+ key_obj = self.prepare_key(key)
+ if isinstance(key_obj, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed448PrivateKey)):
+ verifier = key_obj.public_key()
+ else:
+ verifier = key_obj
+ try:
+ verifier.verify(sig_bytes, msg_bytes)
+ return True
+ except InvalidSignature:
+ return False
+ @staticmethod
+ def to_jwk(key_obj: AllowedOKPKeys, as_dict: bool = False) -> Union[str, JWKDict]:
+ if isinstance(key_obj, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed25519PublicKey)):
+ crv = 'Ed25519'
+ elif isinstance(key_obj, (Ed448PrivateKey, Ed448PublicKey)):
+ crv = 'Ed448'
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Key must be an EdDSA key instance')
+ if isinstance(key_obj, (Ed25519PrivateKey, Ed448PrivateKey)):
+ private_bytes = key_obj.private_bytes(
+ encoding=Encoding.Raw,
+ format=PrivateFormat.Raw,
+ encryption_algorithm=NoEncryption()
+ )
+ public_bytes = key_obj.public_key().public_bytes(
+ encoding=Encoding.Raw,
+ format=PublicFormat.Raw
+ )
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'OKP',
+ 'crv': crv,
+ 'x': base64url_encode(public_bytes).decode('ascii'),
+ 'd': base64url_encode(private_bytes).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ else:
+ public_bytes = key_obj.public_bytes(
+ encoding=Encoding.Raw,
+ format=PublicFormat.Raw
+ )
+ jwk = {
+ 'kty': 'OKP',
+ 'crv': crv,
+ 'x': base64url_encode(public_bytes).decode('ascii')
+ }
+ if as_dict:
+ return jwk
+ return json.dumps(jwk)
+ @staticmethod
+ def from_jwk(jwk: Union[str, JWKDict]) -> AllowedOKPKeys:
+ if isinstance(jwk, str):
+ jwk = json.loads(jwk)
+ if not isinstance(jwk, dict):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key must be a dict or a string')
+ if jwk.get('kty') != 'OKP':
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Not an OKP key')
+ curve = jwk.get('crv')
+ if curve not in ['Ed25519', 'Ed448']:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid curve')
+ x = base64url_decode(jwk['x'])
+ if 'd' in jwk:
+ # Private key
+ d = base64url_decode(jwk['d'])
+ if curve == 'Ed25519':
+ return Ed25519PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d)
+ else:
+ return Ed448PrivateKey.from_private_bytes(d)
+ else:
+ # Public key
+ if curve == 'Ed25519':
+ return Ed25519PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x)
+ else:
+ return Ed448PublicKey.from_public_bytes(x)
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index 1d55501..89f1902 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -49,6 +49,34 @@ class PyJWK:
raise PyJWKError(f'Unable to find an algorithm for key: {self._jwk_data}')
self.key = self.Algorithm.from_jwk(self._jwk_data)
+ @property
+ def key_id(self) -> str | None:
+ return self._jwk_data.get('kid')
+ @property
+ def public_key_use(self) -> str | None:
+ return self._jwk_data.get('use')
+ @property
+ def key_type(self) -> str:
+ return self._jwk_data.get('kty')
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: JWKDict, algorithm: str | None=None) -> 'PyJWK':
+ """Creates a PyJWK from a dict object."""
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Invalid JWK format')
+ return cls(obj, algorithm)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, data: str, algorithm: str | None=None) -> 'PyJWK':
+ """Creates a PyJWK from a JSON-encoded string."""
+ try:
+ obj = json.loads(data)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise InvalidKeyError(f'Invalid JWK format: {str(e)}')
+ return cls.from_dict(obj, algorithm)
class PyJWKSet:
def __init__(self, keys: list[JWKDict]) -> None:
@@ -71,8 +99,25 @@ class PyJWKSet:
return key
raise KeyError(f'keyset has no key for kid: {kid}')
+ @classmethod
+ def from_dict(cls, obj: dict[str, Any]) -> 'PyJWKSet':
+ """Creates a PyJWKSet from a dict object."""
+ if not isinstance(obj, dict):
+ raise PyJWKSetError('Invalid JWK Set value')
+ keys = obj.get('keys', [])
+ return cls(keys)
+ @classmethod
+ def from_json(cls, data: str) -> 'PyJWKSet':
+ """Creates a PyJWKSet from a JSON-encoded string."""
+ try:
+ obj = json.loads(data)
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise PyJWKSetError(f'Invalid JWK Set value: {str(e)}')
+ return cls.from_dict(obj)
class PyJWTSetWithTimestamp:
- def __init__(self, jwk_set: PyJWKSet):
+ def __init__(self, jwk_set: PyJWKSet, timestamp: float | None=None):
self.jwk_set = jwk_set
- self.timestamp = time.monotonic()
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.timestamp = timestamp if timestamp is not None else time.monotonic()
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index 9a20466..84bc60d 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -23,24 +23,38 @@ class PyJWS:
options = {}
self.options = {**self._get_default_options(), **options}
+ def _get_default_options(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Returns the default options for this instance."""
+ return {
+ 'verify_signature': True
+ }
def register_algorithm(self, alg_id: str, alg_obj: Algorithm) -> None:
Registers a new Algorithm for use when creating and verifying tokens.
- pass
+ if not isinstance(alg_obj, Algorithm):
+ raise TypeError('Algorithm must be an instance of Algorithm')
+ if alg_id in self._algorithms:
+ raise ValueError(f'Algorithm {alg_id} is already registered')
+ self._algorithms[alg_id] = alg_obj
+ self._valid_algs.add(alg_id)
def unregister_algorithm(self, alg_id: str) -> None:
Unregisters an Algorithm for use when creating and verifying tokens
Throws KeyError if algorithm is not registered.
- pass
+ if alg_id not in self._algorithms:
+ raise KeyError(f'Algorithm {alg_id} not found')
+ del self._algorithms[alg_id]
+ self._valid_algs.remove(alg_id)
def get_algorithms(self) -> list[str]:
Returns a list of supported values for the 'alg' parameter.
- pass
+ return list(self._valid_algs)
def get_algorithm_by_name(self, alg_name: str) -> Algorithm:
@@ -50,7 +64,9 @@ class PyJWS:
>>> jws_obj.get_algorithm_by_name("RS256")
- pass
+ if alg_name not in self._algorithms:
+ raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
+ return self._algorithms[alg_name]
def get_unverified_header(self, jwt: str | bytes) -> dict[str, Any]:
"""Returns back the JWT header parameters as a dict()
@@ -58,7 +74,277 @@ class PyJWS:
Note: The signature is not verified so the header parameters
should not be fully trusted until signature verification is complete
- pass
+ if not isinstance(jwt, (str, bytes)):
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Invalid token type')
+ if isinstance(jwt, str):
+ jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
+ try:
+ signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
+ header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
+ try:
+ header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
+ except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
+ try:
+ header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
+ if not isinstance(header, dict):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
+ return header
+ def encode(self, payload: bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None, is_payload_detached: bool=False, sort_headers: bool=False) -> str:
+ """Creates a JWT using the given algorithm.
+ Args:
+ payload: The claims content to sign
+ key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used
+ algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
+ headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
+ json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
+ is_payload_detached: If True, the payload will be detached from the JWS.
+ sort_headers: If True, sort the header keys.
+ """
+ # Check that we have a mapping
+ if not isinstance(payload, bytes):
+ raise TypeError('Payload must be bytes')
+ if algorithm is None:
+ algorithm = 'none'
+ if algorithm not in self._valid_algs:
+ raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
+ if algorithm != 'none' and key is None:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
+ # Header
+ header = {'alg': algorithm}
+ if self.header_typ is not None and 'typ' not in (headers or {}):
+ header['typ'] = self.header_typ
+ if headers:
+ header.update(headers)
+ if header.get('typ') == '':
+ del header['typ']
+ elif header.get('typ') is None:
+ del header['typ']
+ if is_payload_detached:
+ header['b64'] = False
+ if not payload:
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Payload cannot be empty when using detached content')
+ if sort_headers:
+ header = dict(sorted(header.items()))
+ json_header = json.dumps(header, separators=(',', ':'), cls=json_encoder).encode('utf-8')
+ header_input = base64url_encode(json_header)
+ if is_payload_detached:
+ payload_input = b''
+ else:
+ payload_input = base64url_encode(payload)
+ signing_input = b'.'.join([header_input, payload_input])
+ try:
+ alg_obj = self._algorithms[algorithm]
+ if algorithm == 'none':
+ key = None
+ elif key is None:
+ raise TypeError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
+ else:
+ key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
+ signature = alg_obj.sign(signing_input if not is_payload_detached else payload, key)
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise TypeError('Unable to encode JWT: %s' % e)
+ encoded_signature = base64url_encode(signature)
+ encoded_jwt = b'.'.join([signing_input, encoded_signature])
+ return encoded_jwt.decode('utf-8')
+ def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
+ Args:
+ jwt: The JWT to decode.
+ key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
+ algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
+ options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
+ detached_payload: The detached payload to use for verification.
+ **kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
+ Returns:
+ A dict including:
+ - header: A dict of the JWT header
+ - payload: The decoded payload
+ - signature: The signature of the JWT
+ """
+ deprecated_kwargs = {
+ 'verify': 'verify_signature',
+ 'verify_exp': 'verify_exp',
+ 'verify_iat': 'verify_iat',
+ 'verify_nbf': 'verify_nbf',
+ 'verify_aud': 'verify_aud',
+ 'verify_iss': 'verify_iss',
+ }
+ options = options or {}
+ for old_name, new_name in deprecated_kwargs.items():
+ if old_name in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f'The {old_name} parameter is deprecated. '
+ f'Please use {new_name} in options instead.',
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ options[new_name] = kwargs.pop(old_name)
+ for kwarg in kwargs:
+ warnings.warn(
+ f'The "{kwarg}" argument is not supported and will be ignored.',
+ category=RemovedInPyjwt3Warning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ merged_options = {**self.options}
+ if options:
+ if not isinstance(options, dict):
+ raise TypeError('options must be a dict')
+ merged_options.update(options)
+ if isinstance(jwt, str):
+ jwt = jwt.encode('utf-8')
+ if not isinstance(jwt, bytes):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid token type')
+ try:
+ signing_input, crypto_segment = jwt.rsplit(b'.', 1)
+ header_segment, payload_segment = signing_input.split(b'.', 1)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Not enough segments')
+ try:
+ header_data = base64url_decode(header_segment)
+ except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header padding')
+ try:
+ header = json.loads(header_data.decode('utf-8'))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: %s' % e)
+ if not isinstance(header, dict):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid header string: must be a json object')
+ if header.get('b64', True):
+ try:
+ payload = base64url_decode(payload_segment)
+ except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid payload padding')
+ else:
+ if detached_payload is None:
+ raise DecodeError('It is required that you pass in a value for the "detached_payload" argument to decode a message using unencoded payload.')
+ payload = detached_payload
+ try:
+ signature = base64url_decode(crypto_segment)
+ except (TypeError, binascii.Error):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid crypto padding')
+ if algorithms is None:
+ algorithms = list(self._valid_algs)
+ if not algorithms and merged_options['verify_signature']:
+ raise DecodeError('No algorithms were specified')
+ try:
+ alg = header['alg']
+ except KeyError:
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Missing algorithm ("alg") in headers')
+ if alg not in algorithms:
+ raise InvalidAlgorithmError('The specified alg value is not allowed')
+ if alg == 'none':
+ if merged_options['verify_signature']:
+ raise DecodeError('Algorithm "none" not allowed')
+ if key not in [None, '', 'none']:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('When alg = "none", key must be empty or "none"')
+ if signature != b'':
+ raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
+ return {
+ 'header': header,
+ 'payload': payload,
+ 'signature': signature
+ }
+ try:
+ alg_obj = self._algorithms[alg]
+ except KeyError:
+ raise InvalidAlgorithmError('Algorithm not supported')
+ if merged_options['verify_signature']:
+ try:
+ if key is None:
+ raise InvalidKeyError('Key is required when algorithm is not "none"')
+ key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
+ except InvalidKeyError:
+ raise
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise InvalidTokenError('Unable to parse signature key: %s' % e)
+ try:
+ if not alg_obj.verify(signing_input if header.get('b64', True) else payload, key, signature):
+ raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed')
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise InvalidSignatureError('Signature verification failed: %s' % e)
+ elif key is not None and key not in [None, '', 'none']:
+ try:
+ key = alg_obj.prepare_key(key)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ if not algorithms and not merged_options['verify_signature']:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'It is required that you pass in a value for the "algorithms" argument when calling decode(). '
+ 'This argument will be mandatory in a future version.',
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ if not merged_options['verify_signature'] and not algorithms:
+ warnings.warn(
+ 'The "algorithms" argument is not optional when "verify_signature" is False. '
+ 'This argument will be mandatory in a future version.',
+ category=DeprecationWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
+ return {
+ 'header': header,
+ 'payload': payload,
+ 'signature': signature
+ }
+ def decode(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, detached_payload: bytes | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> bytes:
+ """Decodes a JWT and returns the payload.
+ This is a shortcut to :meth:`decode_complete()` that returns just the payload.
+ """
+ decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, detached_payload, **kwargs)
+ return decoded['payload']
_jws_global_obj = PyJWS()
encode = _jws_global_obj.encode
decode_complete = _jws_global_obj.decode_complete
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index a61eb5f..75fdc2e 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -18,6 +18,18 @@ class PyJWT:
options = {}
self.options: dict[str, Any] = {**self._get_default_options(), **options}
+ def _get_default_options(self) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """Returns the default options for this instance."""
+ return {
+ 'verify_signature': True,
+ 'verify_exp': True,
+ 'verify_nbf': True,
+ 'verify_iat': True,
+ 'verify_aud': True,
+ 'verify_iss': True,
+ 'require': []
+ }
def _encode_payload(self, payload: dict[str, Any], headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None) -> bytes:
Encode a given payload to the bytes to be signed.
@@ -25,7 +37,8 @@ class PyJWT:
This method is intended to be overridden by subclasses that need to
encode the payload in a different way, e.g. compress the payload.
- pass
+ json_str = json.dumps(payload, separators=(',', ':'), cls=json_encoder).encode('utf-8')
+ return json_str
def _decode_payload(self, decoded: dict[str, Any]) -> Any:
@@ -35,7 +48,127 @@ class PyJWT:
decode the payload in a different way, e.g. decompress compressed
- pass
+ try:
+ payload = json.loads(decoded['payload'].decode('utf-8'))
+ except ValueError as e:
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid payload string: %s' % e)
+ if not isinstance(payload, dict):
+ raise DecodeError('Invalid payload string: must be a json object')
+ return payload
+ def encode(self, payload: dict[str, Any], key: str | bytes | AllowedPrivateKeys | None=None, algorithm: str | None=None, headers: dict[str, Any] | None=None, json_encoder: type[json.JSONEncoder] | None=None) -> str:
+ """
+ Encode a JWT from a payload and optional headers.
+ Takes a payload and signs it using the specified algorithm.
+ Arguments:
+ payload: A dict of claims for the JWT.
+ key: The key to use for signing the claim. Note: if the algorithm is None, the key is not used.
+ algorithm: The signing algorithm to use. If none is specified then 'none' is used.
+ headers: A dict of additional headers to use.
+ json_encoder: A custom JSON encoder to use for encoding the JWT.
+ """
+ # Check that we have a mapping
+ if not isinstance(payload, dict):
+ raise TypeError('Payload must be a dict')
+ # Add reserved claims
+ for time_claim in ['exp', 'iat', 'nbf']:
+ if time_claim in payload:
+ value = payload[time_claim]
+ if isinstance(value, datetime):
+ payload[time_claim] = timegm(value.utctimetuple())
+ elif isinstance(value, str):
+ try:
+ payload[time_claim] = int(value)
+ except ValueError:
+ raise TypeError(f'{time_claim} must be a valid timestamp')
+ elif not isinstance(value, (int, float)):
+ raise TypeError(f'{time_claim} must be a valid timestamp')
+ json_payload = self._encode_payload(payload, headers, json_encoder)
+ return api_jws.encode(json_payload, key, algorithm, headers, json_encoder)
+ def decode_complete(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Decodes a JWT and returns a dict of the token contents.
+ Args:
+ jwt: The JWT to decode.
+ key: The key to use for verifying the claim. Note: if the algorithm is 'none', the key is not used.
+ algorithms: A list of allowed algorithms. If None, default to the algorithms registered.
+ options: A dict of options for decoding. If None, use default options.
+ **kwargs: Additional options for decoding.
+ Returns:
+ A dict including:
+ - header: A dict of the JWT header
+ - payload: The decoded payload
+ - signature: The signature of the JWT
+ """
+ merged_options = {**self.options, **(options or {})}
+ decoded = api_jws.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, merged_options)
+ payload = self._decode_payload(decoded)
+ if merged_options['verify_exp'] and 'exp' in payload:
+ now = kwargs.get('now',
+ exp = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['exp'], tz=timezone.utc)
+ leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
+ if now > exp + leeway:
+ raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
+ if merged_options['verify_nbf'] and 'nbf' in payload:
+ now = kwargs.get('now',
+ nbf = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['nbf'], tz=timezone.utc)
+ leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
+ if now < nbf - leeway:
+ raise ImmatureSignatureError('The token is not yet valid (nbf)')
+ if merged_options['verify_iat'] and 'iat' in payload:
+ now = kwargs.get('now',
+ iat = datetime.fromtimestamp(payload['iat'], tz=timezone.utc)
+ leeway = timedelta(seconds=kwargs.get('leeway', 0))
+ if now < iat - leeway:
+ raise InvalidIssuedAtError('Issued at claim (iat) cannot be in the future')
+ if merged_options['verify_iss']:
+ expected_issuer = kwargs.get('issuer', None)
+ if expected_issuer is not None:
+ if 'iss' not in payload:
+ raise MissingRequiredClaimError('Issuer claim expected but not present')
+ if payload['iss'] != expected_issuer:
+ raise InvalidIssuerError('Invalid issuer')
+ if merged_options['verify_aud']:
+ expected_audience = kwargs.get('audience', None)
+ if expected_audience is not None:
+ if 'aud' not in payload:
+ raise MissingRequiredClaimError('Audience claim expected but not present')
+ audience = payload['aud']
+ if isinstance(audience, str):
+ audience = [audience]
+ if not isinstance(audience, Iterable) or not all(isinstance(aud, str) for aud in audience):
+ raise InvalidAudienceError('Invalid claim format in token')
+ if expected_audience not in audience:
+ raise InvalidAudienceError('Invalid audience')
+ if merged_options['require']:
+ for claim in merged_options['require']:
+ if claim not in payload:
+ raise MissingRequiredClaimError(f'Token is missing the "{claim}" claim')
+ decoded['payload'] = payload
+ return decoded
+ def decode(self, jwt: str | bytes, key: str | bytes | AllowedPublicKeys | None=None, algorithms: list[str] | None=None, options: dict[str, Any] | None=None, **kwargs: Any) -> dict[str, Any]:
+ """
+ Decodes a JWT and returns the payload.
+ This is a shortcut to :meth:`decode_complete()` that returns just the payload.
+ """
+ decoded = self.decode_complete(jwt, key, algorithms, options, **kwargs)
+ return decoded['payload']
_jwt_global_obj = PyJWT()
encode = _jwt_global_obj.encode
decode_complete = _jwt_global_obj.decode_complete
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index e57abb8..87cba70 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -6,4 +6,22 @@ class JWKSetCache:
def __init__(self, lifespan: int) -> None:
self.jwk_set_with_timestamp: Optional[PyJWTSetWithTimestamp] = None
- self.lifespan = lifespan
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.lifespan = lifespan
+ @property
+ def jwk_set(self) -> PyJWKSet:
+ if self.jwk_set_with_timestamp is None:
+ raise ValueError('No JWK set has been cached')
+ return self.jwk_set_with_timestamp.jwk_set
+ @jwk_set.setter
+ def jwk_set(self, value: PyJWKSet) -> None:
+ self.jwk_set_with_timestamp = PyJWTSetWithTimestamp(value, int(time.time()))
+ def is_expired(self) -> bool:
+ if self.jwk_set_with_timestamp is None:
+ return True
+ return int(time.time()) - self.jwk_set_with_timestamp.timestamp > self.lifespan
+ def delete(self) -> None:
+ self.jwk_set_with_timestamp = None
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index 34c461f..a717851 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -26,4 +26,101 @@ class PyJWKClient:
self.jwk_set_cache = None
if cache_keys:
- self.get_signing_key = lru_cache(maxsize=max_cached_keys)(self.get_signing_key)
\ No newline at end of file
+ self.get_signing_key = lru_cache(maxsize=max_cached_keys)(self.get_signing_key)
+ def fetch_data(self) -> str:
+ """Fetch the JWKS data from the uri provided during instantiation."""
+ try:
+ request = urllib.request.Request(self.uri, headers=self.headers)
+ if self.ssl_context:
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout, context=self.ssl_context)
+ else:
+ response = urllib.request.urlopen(request, timeout=self.timeout)
+ data =
+ if isinstance(data, str):
+ return data
+ return data.decode('utf-8')
+ except URLError as e:
+ raise PyJWKClientConnectionError(f'Failed to fetch JWKS from {self.uri}. Error: {str(e)}')
+ def get_jwk_set(self, refresh: bool=False) -> PyJWKSet:
+ """Return the fetched PyJWKSet.
+ Args:
+ refresh: Force a refetch of the JWKS.
+ """
+ if not refresh and self.jwk_set_cache and not self.jwk_set_cache.is_expired():
+ return self.jwk_set_cache.jwk_set
+ data = self.fetch_data()
+ try:
+ jwk_set = PyJWKSet.from_json(data)
+ except Exception as e:
+ if self.jwk_set_cache:
+ self.jwk_set_cache.delete()
+ raise PyJWKClientError(f'Failed to parse JWKS: {str(e)}')
+ if self.jwk_set_cache:
+ self.jwk_set_cache.jwk_set = jwk_set
+ return jwk_set
+ def get_signing_keys(self) -> List[PyJWK]:
+ """Return a list of signing keys from the JWKS."""
+ jwk_set = self.get_jwk_set()
+ signing_keys = []
+ for jwk_key in jwk_set.keys:
+ if jwk_key.public_key_use == 'sig' or not jwk_key.public_key_use:
+ signing_keys.append(jwk_key)
+ if not signing_keys:
+ raise PyJWKClientError('No signing keys found in JWKS')
+ return signing_keys
+ def get_signing_key(self, kid: str) -> PyJWK:
+ """Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the provided kid.
+ Args:
+ kid: The key ID to search for.
+ """
+ signing_keys = self.get_signing_keys()
+ for key in signing_keys:
+ if key.key_id == kid:
+ return key
+ # If no key is found, try refreshing the JWKS once
+ signing_keys = self.get_signing_keys()
+ for key in signing_keys:
+ if key.key_id == kid:
+ return key
+ raise PyJWKClientError(f'Unable to find a signing key that matches: {kid}')
+ def get_signing_key_from_jwt(self, token: str, refresh_jwks: bool=True) -> PyJWK:
+ """Return the signing key from the JWKS that matches the kid in the token header.
+ Args:
+ token: The JWT token to get the key for.
+ refresh_jwks: Whether to refresh the JWKS if the key is not found.
+ """
+ try:
+ headers = decode_token(token, options={'verify_signature': False})['header']
+ except Exception as e:
+ raise PyJWKClientError(f'Failed to decode JWT headers: {str(e)}')
+ kid = headers.get('kid')
+ if not kid:
+ signing_keys = self.get_signing_keys()
+ if len(signing_keys) == 1:
+ return signing_keys[0]
+ raise PyJWKClientError('Token headers must include a key ID ("kid")')
+ try:
+ return self.get_signing_key(kid)
+ except PyJWKClientError:
+ if refresh_jwks:
+ self.get_jwk_set(refresh=True)
+ return self.get_signing_key(kid)
+ raise
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jwt/ b/jwt/
index 3115d4c..6b01bd9 100644
--- a/jwt/
+++ b/jwt/
@@ -7,6 +7,74 @@ try:
from cryptography.hazmat.primitives.asymmetric.utils import decode_dss_signature, encode_dss_signature
except ModuleNotFoundError:
+def force_bytes(value: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
+ if isinstance(value, str):
+ return value.encode('utf-8')
+ elif isinstance(value, bytes):
+ return value
+ else:
+ raise TypeError('Expected string or bytes type')
+def base64url_decode(input: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
+ if isinstance(input, str):
+ input = input.encode('ascii')
+ rem = len(input) % 4
+ if rem > 0:
+ input += b'=' * (4 - rem)
+ return base64.urlsafe_b64decode(input)
+def base64url_encode(input: bytes) -> bytes:
+ return base64.urlsafe_b64encode(input).rstrip(b'=')
+def to_base64url_uint(val: int) -> bytes:
+ if val < 0:
+ raise ValueError('Must be a positive integer')
+ if val == 0:
+ return b'AA'
+ int_bytes = val.to_bytes((val.bit_length() + 7) // 8, byteorder='big')
+ return base64url_encode(int_bytes)
+def from_base64url_uint(val: Union[str, bytes]) -> int:
+ if isinstance(val, str):
+ val = val.encode('ascii')
+ data = base64url_decode(val)
+ return int.from_bytes(data, byteorder='big')
+def der_to_raw_signature(der_sig: bytes, curve: EllipticCurve) -> bytes:
+ r, s = decode_dss_signature(der_sig)
+ key_size = (curve.key_size + 7) // 8
+ return r.to_bytes(key_size, byteorder='big') + s.to_bytes(key_size, byteorder='big')
+def raw_to_der_signature(raw_sig: bytes, curve: EllipticCurve) -> bytes:
+ key_size = (curve.key_size + 7) // 8
+ if len(raw_sig) != 2 * key_size:
+ raise ValueError('Invalid signature')
+ r = int.from_bytes(raw_sig[:key_size], byteorder='big')
+ s = int.from_bytes(raw_sig[key_size:], byteorder='big')
+ return encode_dss_signature(r, s)
+def is_pem_format(key: bytes) -> bool:
+ return bool(
+def is_ssh_key(key: bytes) -> bool:
+ if key.startswith(b'ssh-') or key.startswith(b'ecdsa-'):
+ return True
+ match = _SSH_PUBKEY_RC.match(key)
+ if not match:
+ return False
+ key_type =
+ return (key_type in _SSH_KEY_FORMATS or
+ any(key_type.endswith(suffix) for suffix in [_CERT_SUFFIX]))
_PEM_RE = re.compile(b'----[- ]BEGIN (' + b'|'.join(_PEMS) + b')[- ]----\r?\n.+?\r?\n----[- ]END \\1[- ]----\r?\n?', re.DOTALL)