diff --git a/geopandas/_compat.py b/geopandas/_compat.py
index 99d27b11..957d041f 100644
--- a/geopandas/_compat.py
+++ b/geopandas/_compat.py
@@ -32,7 +32,27 @@ def import_optional_dependency(name: str, extra: str=''):
- pass
+ try:
+ module = importlib.import_module(name)
+ return module
+ except ImportError as e:
+ msg = f"Missing optional dependency '{name}'. {extra} "
+ msg += f"Use pip or conda to install {name}."
+ raise ImportError(msg) from e
+import functools
+def requires_pyproj(func):
+ """Decorator to check if pyproj is installed."""
+ @functools.wraps(func)
+ def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+ if not HAS_PYPROJ:
+ raise ImportError(
+ "The pyproj package is required for this functionality. "
+ f"Import error: {pyproj_import_error}"
+ )
+ return func(*args, **kwargs)
+ return wrapper
import pyproj
diff --git a/geopandas/_config.py b/geopandas/_config.py
index 849a9efb..7e221bbc 100644
--- a/geopandas/_config.py
+++ b/geopandas/_config.py
@@ -5,6 +5,25 @@ Based on https://github.com/topper-123/optioneer, but simplified (don't deal
with nested options, deprecated options, ..), just the attribute-style dict
like holding the options and giving a nice repr.
+def _validate_display_precision(value):
+ if value is not None:
+ if not isinstance(value, int):
+ raise ValueError("display_precision must be an integer or None")
+ if value < 0:
+ raise ValueError("display_precision must be non-negative")
+def _validate_io_engine(value):
+ if value is not None and value not in ('pyogrio', 'fiona'):
+ raise ValueError("io_engine must be one of 'pyogrio', 'fiona', or None")
+def _warn_use_pygeos_deprecated(value):
+ if value:
+ warnings.warn(
+ "The use_pygeos option is deprecated and will be removed in GeoPandas 1.1.",
+ FutureWarning,
+ stacklevel=2
+ )
import textwrap
import warnings
from collections import namedtuple
diff --git a/geopandas/base.py b/geopandas/base.py
index bfba310e..0daf2736 100644
--- a/geopandas/base.py
+++ b/geopandas/base.py
@@ -9,6 +9,22 @@ from shapely.geometry.base import BaseGeometry
from . import _compat as compat
from .array import GeometryArray, GeometryDtype, points_from_xy
+def _delegate_property(property_name):
+ """Create a property that delegates to the underlying geometry array.
+ Parameters
+ ----------
+ property_name : str
+ The name of the property to delegate to the geometry array.
+ Returns
+ -------
+ property
+ """
+ def _property_getter(self):
+ return getattr(self.geometry.values, property_name)
+ return property(_property_getter)
def is_geometry_type(data):
Check if the data is of geometry dtype.
diff --git a/geopandas/plotting.py b/geopandas/plotting.py
index 267f28a0..d8118912 100644
--- a/geopandas/plotting.py
+++ b/geopandas/plotting.py
@@ -24,7 +24,30 @@ def _sanitize_geoms(geoms, prefix='Multi'):
component_index : index array
indices are repeated for all components in the same Multi geometry
- pass
+ components = []
+ component_index = []
+ if isinstance(geoms, (pd.Series, pd.DataFrame)):
+ geoms_index = np.arange(len(geoms))
+ else:
+ geoms_index = np.arange(len(list(geoms)))
+ for geom, idx in zip(geoms, geoms_index):
+ if geom is None or geom.is_empty:
+ continue
+ if prefix == 'Multi' and geom.type.startswith('Multi'):
+ for component in geom.geoms:
+ components.append(component)
+ component_index.append(idx)
+ elif prefix == 'Geom' and geom.type == 'GeometryCollection':
+ for component in geom.geoms:
+ components.append(component)
+ component_index.append(idx)
+ else:
+ components.append(geom)
+ component_index.append(idx)
+ return components, np.array(component_index)
def _expand_kwargs(kwargs, multiindex):
@@ -33,7 +56,19 @@ def _expand_kwargs(kwargs, multiindex):
it (in place) to the correct length/formats with help of 'multiindex', unless
the value appears to already be a valid (single) value for the key.
- pass
+ for key, value in kwargs.items():
+ if isinstance(value, (np.ndarray, pd.Series)):
+ if value.shape[0] != len(multiindex):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Length of {key} sequence must match length of geometries"
+ )
+ kwargs[key] = value.take(multiindex)
+ elif isinstance(value, list):
+ if len(value) != len(multiindex):
+ raise ValueError(
+ f"Length of {key} sequence must match length of geometries"
+ )
+ kwargs[key] = np.array(value).take(multiindex)
def _PolygonPatch(polygon, **kwargs):
"""Constructs a matplotlib patch from a Polygon geometry
@@ -51,7 +86,35 @@ def _PolygonPatch(polygon, **kwargs):
(BSD license, https://pypi.org/project/descartes) for PolygonPatch, but
this dependency was removed in favor of the below matplotlib code.
- pass
+ try:
+ from matplotlib.patches import PathPatch
+ from matplotlib.path import Path
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting")
+ def ring_coding(ob):
+ # The codes will be all "LINETO" commands, except for "MOVETO"s at the
+ # beginning of each subpath
+ n = len(ob.coords)
+ codes = np.ones(n, dtype=Path.code_type) * Path.LINETO
+ codes[0] = Path.MOVETO
+ return codes
+ def pathify(polygon):
+ # Convert coordinates to path vertices. Objects produced by asShape() have
+ # coordinates in the form [(x, y), (x, y), ...]
+ vertices = np.concatenate(
+ [np.asarray(polygon.exterior.coords)[:, :2]]
+ + [np.asarray(r.coords)[:, :2] for r in polygon.interiors]
+ )
+ codes = np.concatenate(
+ [ring_coding(polygon.exterior)]
+ + [ring_coding(r) for r in polygon.interiors]
+ )
+ return Path(vertices, codes)
+ path = pathify(polygon)
+ return PathPatch(path, **kwargs)
def _plot_polygon_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, autolim=True, **kwargs):
@@ -82,7 +145,44 @@ def _plot_polygon_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, vmin
collection : matplotlib.collections.Collection that was plotted
- pass
+ try:
+ from matplotlib.collections import PatchCollection
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting")
+ geoms, multiindex = _sanitize_geoms(geoms)
+ if not geoms:
+ return None
+ # Process values and colors
+ if values is not None:
+ if color is not None:
+ warnings.warn("'color' keyword is ignored when using 'values'")
+ if cmap is None:
+ cmap = "viridis"
+ if isinstance(values, pd.Series):
+ values = values.values
+ values = np.take(values, multiindex)
+ kwargs["array"] = values
+ kwargs["cmap"] = cmap
+ if vmin is not None:
+ kwargs["vmin"] = vmin
+ if vmax is not None:
+ kwargs["vmax"] = vmax
+ elif color is not None:
+ if isinstance(color, (pd.Series, np.ndarray, list)):
+ kwargs["facecolor"] = np.take(color, multiindex)
+ else:
+ kwargs["facecolor"] = color
+ if "edgecolor" not in kwargs:
+ kwargs["edgecolor"] = "black"
+ # Create patches and collections
+ patches = [_PolygonPatch(poly) for poly in geoms]
+ collection = PatchCollection(patches, **kwargs)
+ ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=autolim)
+ return collection
def _plot_linestring_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, autolim=True, **kwargs):
@@ -106,7 +206,48 @@ def _plot_linestring_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, v
collection : matplotlib.collections.Collection that was plotted
- pass
+ try:
+ from matplotlib.collections import LineCollection
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting")
+ geoms, multiindex = _sanitize_geoms(geoms)
+ if not geoms:
+ return None
+ # Extract line segments
+ segments = []
+ for line in geoms:
+ if line.type == 'LineString':
+ segments.append(np.array(line.coords))
+ elif line.type == 'MultiLineString':
+ segments.extend(np.array(ls.coords) for ls in line.geoms)
+ # Process values and colors
+ if values is not None:
+ if color is not None:
+ warnings.warn("'color' keyword is ignored when using 'values'")
+ if cmap is None:
+ cmap = "viridis"
+ if isinstance(values, pd.Series):
+ values = values.values
+ values = np.take(values, multiindex)
+ kwargs["array"] = values
+ kwargs["cmap"] = cmap
+ if vmin is not None:
+ kwargs["vmin"] = vmin
+ if vmax is not None:
+ kwargs["vmax"] = vmax
+ elif color is not None:
+ if isinstance(color, (pd.Series, np.ndarray, list)):
+ kwargs["color"] = np.take(color, multiindex)
+ else:
+ kwargs["color"] = color
+ collection = LineCollection(segments, **kwargs)
+ ax.add_collection(collection, autolim=autolim)
+ return collection
def _plot_point_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, vmin=None, vmax=None, marker='o', markersize=None, **kwargs):
@@ -130,7 +271,53 @@ def _plot_point_collection(ax, geoms, values=None, color=None, cmap=None, vmin=N
collection : matplotlib.collections.Collection that was plotted
- pass
+ geoms, multiindex = _sanitize_geoms(geoms)
+ if not geoms:
+ return None
+ # Convert points to coordinates array
+ x = []
+ y = []
+ for point in geoms:
+ if point.type == 'Point':
+ x.append(point.x)
+ y.append(point.y)
+ elif point.type == 'MultiPoint':
+ for p in point.geoms:
+ x.append(p.x)
+ y.append(p.y)
+ # Process values and colors
+ if values is not None:
+ if color is not None:
+ warnings.warn("'color' keyword is ignored when using 'values'")
+ if cmap is None:
+ cmap = "viridis"
+ if isinstance(values, pd.Series):
+ values = values.values
+ values = np.take(values, multiindex)
+ kwargs["c"] = values
+ kwargs["cmap"] = cmap
+ if vmin is not None:
+ kwargs["vmin"] = vmin
+ if vmax is not None:
+ kwargs["vmax"] = vmax
+ elif color is not None:
+ if isinstance(color, (pd.Series, np.ndarray, list)):
+ kwargs["c"] = np.take(color, multiindex)
+ else:
+ kwargs["c"] = color
+ # Process marker size
+ if markersize is not None:
+ if isinstance(markersize, (pd.Series, np.ndarray, list)):
+ markersize = np.take(markersize, multiindex)
+ kwargs["s"] = markersize
+ kwargs["marker"] = marker
+ collection = ax.scatter(x, y, **kwargs)
+ return collection
def plot_series(s, cmap=None, color=None, ax=None, figsize=None, aspect='auto', autolim=True, **style_kwds):
@@ -178,7 +365,58 @@ def plot_series(s, cmap=None, color=None, ax=None, figsize=None, aspect='auto',
ax : matplotlib axes instance
- pass
+ try:
+ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+ except ImportError:
+ raise ImportError("matplotlib is required for plotting")
+ if ax is None:
+ fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
+ if aspect == 'auto':
+ if s.crs is not None and s.crs.is_geographic:
+ bounds = s.total_bounds
+ y_coord = np.mean([bounds[1], bounds[3]])
+ ax.set_aspect(1 / np.cos(np.deg2rad(y_coord)))
+ else:
+ ax.set_aspect('equal')
+ elif aspect is not None:
+ ax.set_aspect(aspect)
+ # Process style keywords
+ if color is not None:
+ style_kwds['color'] = color
+ # Group geometries by type
+ geoms = s.geometry.values
+ polygons = []
+ lines = []
+ points = []
+ for geom in geoms:
+ if geom is None:
+ continue
+ if geom.type.startswith('Multi'):
+ geom_type = geom.type[5:] # Remove 'Multi' prefix
+ else:
+ geom_type = geom.type
+ if geom_type == 'Polygon':
+ polygons.append(geom)
+ elif geom_type == 'LineString':
+ lines.append(geom)
+ elif geom_type == 'Point':
+ points.append(geom)
+ # Plot each geometry type
+ if polygons:
+ _plot_polygon_collection(ax, polygons, cmap=cmap, autolim=autolim, **style_kwds)
+ if lines:
+ _plot_linestring_collection(ax, lines, cmap=cmap, autolim=autolim, **style_kwds)
+ if points:
+ _plot_point_collection(ax, points, cmap=cmap, **style_kwds)
+ return ax
def plot_dataframe(df, column=None, cmap=None, color=None, ax=None, cax=None, categorical=False, legend=False, scheme=None, k=5, vmin=None, vmax=None, markersize=None, figsize=None, legend_kwds=None, categories=None, classification_kwds=None, missing_kwds=None, aspect='auto', autolim=True, **style_kwds):