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Reference (Gold): voluptuous

Pytest Summary for test tests

status count
passed 149
total 149
collected 149

Failed pytests:

Patch diff

diff --git a/voluptuous/ b/voluptuous/
index f72fbe7..9dab943 100644
--- a/voluptuous/
+++ b/voluptuous/
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
+# fmt: off
 import typing

+# fmt: on

 class Error(Exception):
     """Base validation exception."""
@@ -19,35 +22,70 @@ class Invalid(Error):


-    def __init__(self, message: str, path: typing.Optional[typing.List[
-        typing.Hashable]]=None, error_message: typing.Optional[str]=None,
-        error_type: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        message: str,
+        path: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Hashable]] = None,
+        error_message: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        error_type: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         Error.__init__(self, message)
         self._path = path or []
         self._error_message = error_message or message
         self.error_type = error_type

-    def __str__(self) ->str:
-        path = ' @ data[%s]' % ']['.join(map(repr, self.path)
-            ) if self.path else ''
+    @property
+    def msg(self) -> str:
+        return self.args[0]
+    @property
+    def path(self) -> typing.List[typing.Hashable]:
+        return self._path
+    @property
+    def error_message(self) -> str:
+        return self._error_message
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
+        path = ' @ data[%s]' % ']['.join(map(repr, self.path)) if self.path else ''
         output = Exception.__str__(self)
         if self.error_type:
             output += ' for ' + self.error_type
         return output + path

+    def prepend(self, path: typing.List[typing.Hashable]) -> None:
+        self._path = path + self.path

-class MultipleInvalid(Invalid):

-    def __init__(self, errors: typing.Optional[typing.List[Invalid]]=None
-        ) ->None:
+class MultipleInvalid(Invalid):
+    def __init__(self, errors: typing.Optional[typing.List[Invalid]] = None) -> None:
         self.errors = errors[:] if errors else []

-    def __repr__(self) ->str:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return 'MultipleInvalid(%r)' % self.errors

-    def __str__(self) ->str:
+    @property
+    def msg(self) -> str:
+        return self.errors[0].msg
+    @property
+    def path(self) -> typing.List[typing.Hashable]:
+        return self.errors[0].path
+    @property
+    def error_message(self) -> str:
+        return self.errors[0].error_message
+    def add(self, error: Invalid) -> None:
+        self.errors.append(error)
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         return str(self.errors[0])

+    def prepend(self, path: typing.List[typing.Hashable]) -> None:
+        for error in self.errors:
+            error.prepend(path)

 class RequiredFieldInvalid(Invalid):
     """Required field was missing."""
@@ -171,9 +209,11 @@ class ExactSequenceInvalid(Invalid):

 class NotEnoughValid(Invalid):
     """The value did not pass enough validations."""

 class TooManyValid(Invalid):
     """The value passed more than expected validations."""
diff --git a/voluptuous/ b/voluptuous/
index 2902871..eabfd02 100644
--- a/voluptuous/
+++ b/voluptuous/
@@ -1,14 +1,57 @@
+# fmt: off
 import typing
 from voluptuous import Invalid, MultipleInvalid
 from voluptuous.error import Error
 from voluptuous.schema_builder import Schema
+# fmt: on

-def humanize_error(data, validation_error: Invalid, max_sub_error_length:
+def _nested_getitem(
+    data: typing.Any, path: typing.List[typing.Hashable]
+) -> typing.Optional[typing.Any]:
+    for item_index in path:
+        try:
+            data = data[item_index]
+        except (KeyError, IndexError, TypeError):
+            # The index is not present in the dictionary, list or other
+            # indexable or data is not subscriptable
+            return None
+    return data
+def humanize_error(
+    data,
+    validation_error: Invalid,
+    max_sub_error_length: int = MAX_VALIDATION_ERROR_ITEM_LENGTH,
+) -> str:
     """Provide a more helpful + complete validation error message than that provided automatically
     Invalid and MultipleInvalid do not include the offending value in error messages,
     and MultipleInvalid.__str__ only provides the first error.
-    pass
+    if isinstance(validation_error, MultipleInvalid):
+        return '\n'.join(
+            sorted(
+                humanize_error(data, sub_error, max_sub_error_length)
+                for sub_error in validation_error.errors
+            )
+        )
+    else:
+        offending_item_summary = repr(_nested_getitem(data, validation_error.path))
+        if len(offending_item_summary) > max_sub_error_length:
+            offending_item_summary = (
+                offending_item_summary[: max_sub_error_length - 3] + '...'
+            )
+        return '%s. Got %s' % (validation_error, offending_item_summary)
+def validate_with_humanized_errors(
+    data, schema: Schema, max_sub_error_length: int = MAX_VALIDATION_ERROR_ITEM_LENGTH
+) -> typing.Any:
+    try:
+        return schema(data)
+    except (Invalid, MultipleInvalid) as e:
+        raise Error(humanize_error(data, e, max_sub_error_length))
diff --git a/voluptuous/ b/voluptuous/
index de2b53c..cdeb514 100644
--- a/voluptuous/
+++ b/voluptuous/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+# fmt: off
 from __future__ import annotations
 import collections
 import inspect
 import itertools
@@ -8,15 +10,23 @@ import typing
 from import Generator
 from contextlib import contextmanager
 from functools import cache, wraps
 from voluptuous import error as er
 from voluptuous.error import Error

+# fmt: on

-class Undefined(object):
+# options for extra keys
+PREVENT_EXTRA = 0  # any extra key not in schema will raise an error
+ALLOW_EXTRA = 1  # extra keys not in schema will be included in output
+REMOVE_EXTRA = 2  # extra keys not in schema will be excluded from output
+def _isnamedtuple(obj):
+    return isinstance(obj, tuple) and hasattr(obj, '_fields')

+class Undefined(object):
     def __nonzero__(self):
         return False

@@ -25,19 +35,56 @@ class Undefined(object):

 UNDEFINED = Undefined()
+def Self() -> None:
+    raise er.SchemaError('"Self" should never be called')
 DefaultFactory = typing.Union[Undefined, typing.Callable[[], typing.Any]]

-def Extra(_) ->None:
+def default_factory(value) -> DefaultFactory:
+    if value is UNDEFINED or callable(value):
+        return value
+    return lambda: value
+def raises(
+    exc, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None, regex: typing.Optional[re.Pattern] = None
+) -> Generator[None, None, None]:
+    try:
+        yield
+    except exc as e:
+        if msg is not None:
+            assert str(e) == msg, '%r != %r' % (str(e), msg)
+        if regex is not None:
+            assert, str(e)), '%r does not match %r' % (str(e), regex)
+    else:
+        raise AssertionError(f"Did not raise exception {exc.__name__}")
+def Extra(_) -> None:
     """Allow keys in the data that are not present in the schema."""
-    pass
+    raise er.SchemaError('"Extra" should never be called')

+# As extra() is never called there's no way to catch references to the
+# deprecated object, so we just leave an alias here instead.
 extra = Extra
-primitive_types = bool, bytes, int, str, float, complex
-Schemable = typing.Union['Schema', 'Object',, list,
-    tuple, frozenset, set, bool, bytes, int, str, float, complex, type,
-    object, dict, None, typing.Callable]
+primitive_types = (bool, bytes, int, str, float, complex)
+# fmt: off
+Schemable = typing.Union[
+    'Schema', 'Object',
+    list, tuple, frozenset, set,
+    bool, bytes, int, str, float, complex,
+    type, object, dict, None, typing.Callable
+# fmt: on

 class Schema(object):
@@ -61,11 +108,16 @@ class Schema(object):
             >>> assert v != v2

-    _extra_to_name = {REMOVE_EXTRA: 'REMOVE_EXTRA', ALLOW_EXTRA:

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, required: bool=False, extra: int=
-        PREVENT_EXTRA) ->None:
+    _extra_to_name = {
+    }
+    def __init__(
+        self, schema: Schemable, required: bool = False, extra: int = PREVENT_EXTRA
+    ) -> None:
         """Create a new Schema.

         :param schema: Validation schema. See :module:`voluptuous` for details.
@@ -82,11 +134,11 @@ class Schema(object):
         self.schema: typing.Any = schema
         self.required = required
-        self.extra = int(extra)
+        self.extra = int(extra)  # ensure the value is an integer
         self._compiled = self._compile(schema)

-    def infer(cls, data, **kwargs) ->Schema:
+    def infer(cls, data, **kwargs) -> Schema:
         """Create a Schema from concrete data (e.g. an API response).

         For example, this will take a dict like:
@@ -113,7 +165,20 @@ class Schema(object):

         Note: only very basic inference is supported.
-        pass
+        def value_to_schema_type(value):
+            if isinstance(value, dict):
+                if len(value) == 0:
+                    return dict
+                return {k: value_to_schema_type(v) for k, v in value.items()}
+            if isinstance(value, list):
+                if len(value) == 0:
+                    return list
+                else:
+                    return [value_to_schema_type(v) for v in value]
+            return type(value)
+        return cls(value_to_schema_type(data), **kwargs)

     def __eq__(self, other):
         if not isinstance(other, Schema):
@@ -121,15 +186,18 @@ class Schema(object):
         return other.schema == self.schema

     def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not self == other
+        return not (self == other)

     def __str__(self):
         return str(self.schema)

     def __repr__(self):
-        return '<Schema(%s, extra=%s, required=%s) object at 0x%x>' % (self
-            .schema, self._extra_to_name.get(self.extra, '??'), self.
-            required, id(self))
+        return "<Schema(%s, extra=%s, required=%s) object at 0x%x>" % (
+            self.schema,
+            self._extra_to_name.get(self.extra, '??'),
+            self.required,
+            id(self),
+        )

     def __call__(self, data):
         """Validate data against this schema."""
@@ -139,10 +207,183 @@ class Schema(object):
         except er.Invalid as e:
             raise er.MultipleInvalid([e])
+            # return self.validate([], self.schema, data)
+    def _compile(self, schema):
+        if schema is Extra:
+            return lambda _, v: v
+        if schema is Self:
+            return lambda p, v: self._compiled(p, v)
+        elif hasattr(schema, "__voluptuous_compile__"):
+            return schema.__voluptuous_compile__(self)
+        if isinstance(schema, Object):
+            return self._compile_object(schema)
+        if isinstance(schema,
+            return self._compile_dict(schema)
+        elif isinstance(schema, list):
+            return self._compile_list(schema)
+        elif isinstance(schema, tuple):
+            return self._compile_tuple(schema)
+        elif isinstance(schema, (frozenset, set)):
+            return self._compile_set(schema)
+        type_ = type(schema)
+        if inspect.isclass(schema):
+            type_ = schema
+        if type_ in (*primitive_types, object, type(None)) or callable(schema):
+            return _compile_scalar(schema)
+        raise er.SchemaError('unsupported schema data type %r' % type(schema).__name__)

     def _compile_mapping(self, schema, invalid_msg=None):
         """Create validator for given mapping."""
-        pass
+        invalid_msg = invalid_msg or 'mapping value'
+        # Keys that may be required
+        all_required_keys = set(
+            key
+            for key in schema
+            if key is not Extra
+            and (
+                (self.required and not isinstance(key, (Optional, Remove)))
+                or isinstance(key, Required)
+            )
+        )
+        # Keys that may have defaults
+        all_default_keys = set(
+            key
+            for key in schema
+            if isinstance(key, Required) or isinstance(key, Optional)
+        )
+        _compiled_schema = {}
+        for skey, svalue in schema.items():
+            new_key = self._compile(skey)
+            new_value = self._compile(svalue)
+            _compiled_schema[skey] = (new_key, new_value)
+        candidates = list(_iterate_mapping_candidates(_compiled_schema))
+        # After we have the list of candidates in the correct order, we want to apply some optimization so that each
+        # key in the data being validated will be matched against the relevant schema keys only.
+        # No point in matching against different keys
+        additional_candidates = []
+        candidates_by_key = {}
+        for skey, (ckey, cvalue) in candidates:
+            if type(skey) in primitive_types:
+                candidates_by_key.setdefault(skey, []).append((skey, (ckey, cvalue)))
+            elif isinstance(skey, Marker) and type(skey.schema) in primitive_types:
+                candidates_by_key.setdefault(skey.schema, []).append(
+                    (skey, (ckey, cvalue))
+                )
+            else:
+                # These are wildcards such as 'int', 'str', 'Remove' and others which should be applied to all keys
+                additional_candidates.append((skey, (ckey, cvalue)))
+        def validate_mapping(path, iterable, out):
+            required_keys = all_required_keys.copy()
+            # Build a map of all provided key-value pairs.
+            # The type(out) is used to retain ordering in case a ordered
+            # map type is provided as input.
+            key_value_map = type(out)()
+            for key, value in iterable:
+                key_value_map[key] = value
+            # Insert default values for non-existing keys.
+            for key in all_default_keys:
+                if (
+                    not isinstance(key.default, Undefined)
+                    and key.schema not in key_value_map
+                ):
+                    # A default value has been specified for this missing
+                    # key, insert it.
+                    key_value_map[key.schema] = key.default()
+            errors = []
+            for key, value in key_value_map.items():
+                key_path = path + [key]
+                remove_key = False
+                # Optimization. Validate against the matching key first, then fallback to the rest
+                relevant_candidates = itertools.chain(
+                    candidates_by_key.get(key, []), additional_candidates
+                )
+                # compare each given key/value against all compiled key/values
+                # schema key, (compiled key, compiled value)
+                error = None
+                for skey, (ckey, cvalue) in relevant_candidates:
+                    try:
+                        new_key = ckey(key_path, key)
+                    except er.Invalid as e:
+                        if len(e.path) > len(key_path):
+                            raise
+                        if not error or len(e.path) > len(error.path):
+                            error = e
+                        continue
+                    # Backtracking is not performed once a key is selected, so if
+                    # the value is invalid we immediately throw an exception.
+                    exception_errors = []
+                    # check if the key is marked for removal
+                    is_remove = new_key is Remove
+                    try:
+                        cval = cvalue(key_path, value)
+                        # include if it's not marked for removal
+                        if not is_remove:
+                            out[new_key] = cval
+                        else:
+                            remove_key = True
+                            continue
+                    except er.MultipleInvalid as e:
+                        exception_errors.extend(e.errors)
+                    except er.Invalid as e:
+                        exception_errors.append(e)
+                    if exception_errors:
+                        if is_remove or remove_key:
+                            continue
+                        for err in exception_errors:
+                            if len(err.path) <= len(key_path):
+                                err.error_type = invalid_msg
+                            errors.append(err)
+                        # If there is a validation error for a required
+                        # key, this means that the key was provided.
+                        # Discard the required key so it does not
+                        # create an additional, noisy exception.
+                        required_keys.discard(skey)
+                        break
+                    # Key and value okay, mark as found in case it was
+                    # a Required() field.
+                    required_keys.discard(skey)
+                    break
+                else:
+                    if remove_key:
+                        # remove key
+                        continue
+                    elif self.extra == ALLOW_EXTRA:
+                        out[key] = value
+                    elif error:
+                        errors.append(error)
+                    elif self.extra != REMOVE_EXTRA:
+                        errors.append(er.Invalid('extra keys not allowed', key_path))
+                        # else REMOVE_EXTRA: ignore the key so it's removed from output
+            # for any required keys left that weren't found and don't have defaults:
+            for key in required_keys:
+                msg = (
+                    key.msg
+                    if hasattr(key, 'msg') and key.msg
+                    else 'required key not provided'
+                )
+                errors.append(er.RequiredFieldInvalid(msg, path + [key]))
+            if errors:
+                raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
+            return out
+        return validate_mapping

     def _compile_object(self, schema):
         """Validate an object.
@@ -162,7 +403,17 @@ class Schema(object):
             ...   validate(Structure(one='three'))

-        pass
+        base_validate = self._compile_mapping(schema, invalid_msg='object value')
+        def validate_object(path, data):
+            if schema.cls is not UNDEFINED and not isinstance(data, schema.cls):
+                raise er.ObjectInvalid('expected a {0!r}'.format(schema.cls), path)
+            iterable = _iterate_object(data)
+            iterable = filter(lambda item: item[1] is not None, iterable)
+            out = base_validate(path, iterable, {})
+            return type(data)(**out)
+        return validate_object

     def _compile_dict(self, schema):
         """Validate a dictionary.
@@ -240,7 +491,64 @@ class Schema(object):
          "expected str for dictionary value @ data['adict']['strfield']"]

-        pass
+        base_validate = self._compile_mapping(schema, invalid_msg='dictionary value')
+        groups_of_exclusion = {}
+        groups_of_inclusion = {}
+        for node in schema:
+            if isinstance(node, Exclusive):
+                g = groups_of_exclusion.setdefault(node.group_of_exclusion, [])
+                g.append(node)
+            elif isinstance(node, Inclusive):
+                g = groups_of_inclusion.setdefault(node.group_of_inclusion, [])
+                g.append(node)
+        def validate_dict(path, data):
+            if not isinstance(data, dict):
+                raise er.DictInvalid('expected a dictionary', path)
+            errors = []
+            for label, group in groups_of_exclusion.items():
+                exists = False
+                for exclusive in group:
+                    if exclusive.schema in data:
+                        if exists:
+                            msg = (
+                                exclusive.msg
+                                if hasattr(exclusive, 'msg') and exclusive.msg
+                                else "two or more values in the same group of exclusion '%s'"
+                                % label
+                            )
+                            next_path = path + [VirtualPathComponent(label)]
+                            errors.append(er.ExclusiveInvalid(msg, next_path))
+                            break
+                        exists = True
+            if errors:
+                raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
+            for label, group in groups_of_inclusion.items():
+                included = [node.schema in data for node in group]
+                if any(included) and not all(included):
+                    msg = (
+                        "some but not all values in the same group of inclusion '%s'"
+                        % label
+                    )
+                    for g in group:
+                        if hasattr(g, 'msg') and g.msg:
+                            msg = g.msg
+                            break
+                    next_path = path + [VirtualPathComponent(label)]
+                    errors.append(er.InclusiveInvalid(msg, next_path))
+                    break
+            if errors:
+                raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
+            out = data.__class__()
+            return base_validate(path, data.items(), out)
+        return validate_dict

     def _compile_sequence(self, schema, seq_type):
         """Validate a sequence type.
@@ -255,7 +563,49 @@ class Schema(object):
         >>> validator([1])
-        pass
+        _compiled = [self._compile(s) for s in schema]
+        seq_type_name = seq_type.__name__
+        def validate_sequence(path, data):
+            if not isinstance(data, seq_type):
+                raise er.SequenceTypeInvalid('expected a %s' % seq_type_name, path)
+            # Empty seq schema, reject any data.
+            if not schema:
+                if data:
+                    raise er.MultipleInvalid(
+                        [er.ValueInvalid('not a valid value', path if path else data)]
+                    )
+                return data
+            out = []
+            invalid = None
+            errors = []
+            index_path = UNDEFINED
+            for i, value in enumerate(data):
+                index_path = path + [i]
+                invalid = None
+                for validate in _compiled:
+                    try:
+                        cval = validate(index_path, value)
+                        if cval is not Remove:  # do not include Remove values
+                            out.append(cval)
+                        break
+                    except er.Invalid as e:
+                        if len(e.path) > len(index_path):
+                            raise
+                        invalid = e
+                else:
+                    errors.append(invalid)
+            if errors:
+                raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
+            if _isnamedtuple(data):
+                return type(data)(*out)
+            else:
+                return type(data)(out)
+        return validate_sequence

     def _compile_tuple(self, schema):
         """Validate a tuple.
@@ -270,7 +620,7 @@ class Schema(object):
         >>> validator((1,))
-        pass
+        return self._compile_sequence(schema, tuple)

     def _compile_list(self, schema):
         """Validate a list.
@@ -285,7 +635,7 @@ class Schema(object):
         >>> validator([1])
-        pass
+        return self._compile_sequence(schema, list)

     def _compile_set(self, schema):
         """Validate a set.
@@ -300,10 +650,39 @@ class Schema(object):
         >>> with raises(er.MultipleInvalid, 'invalid value in set'):
         ...   validator(set(['a']))
-        pass
-    def extend(self, schema: Schemable, required: typing.Optional[bool]=
-        None, extra: typing.Optional[int]=None) ->Schema:
+        type_ = type(schema)
+        type_name = type_.__name__
+        def validate_set(path, data):
+            if not isinstance(data, type_):
+                raise er.Invalid('expected a %s' % type_name, path)
+            _compiled = [self._compile(s) for s in schema]
+            errors = []
+            for value in data:
+                for validate in _compiled:
+                    try:
+                        validate(path, value)
+                        break
+                    except er.Invalid:
+                        pass
+                else:
+                    invalid = er.Invalid('invalid value in %s' % type_name, path)
+                    errors.append(invalid)
+            if errors:
+                raise er.MultipleInvalid(errors)
+            return data
+        return validate_set
+    def extend(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        required: typing.Optional[bool] = None,
+        extra: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+    ) -> Schema:
         """Create a new `Schema` by merging this and the provided `schema`.

         Neither this `Schema` nor the provided `schema` are modified. The
@@ -316,7 +695,51 @@ class Schema(object):
         :param required: if set, overrides `required` of this `Schema`
         :param extra: if set, overrides `extra` of this `Schema`
-        pass
+        assert isinstance(self.schema, dict) and isinstance(
+            schema, dict
+        ), 'Both schemas must be dictionary-based'
+        result = self.schema.copy()
+        # returns the key that may have been passed as an argument to Marker constructor
+        def key_literal(key):
+            return key.schema if isinstance(key, Marker) else key
+        # build a map that takes the key literals to the needed objects
+        # literal -> Required|Optional|literal
+        result_key_map = dict((key_literal(key), key) for key in result)
+        # for each item in the extension schema, replace duplicates
+        # or add new keys
+        for key, value in schema.items():
+            # if the key is already in the dictionary, we need to replace it
+            # transform key to literal before checking presence
+            if key_literal(key) in result_key_map:
+                result_key = result_key_map[key_literal(key)]
+                result_value = result[result_key]
+                # if both are dictionaries, we need to extend recursively
+                # create the new extended sub schema, then remove the old key and add the new one
+                if isinstance(result_value, dict) and isinstance(value, dict):
+                    new_value = Schema(result_value).extend(value).schema
+                    del result[result_key]
+                    result[key] = new_value
+                # one or the other or both are not sub-schemas, simple replacement is fine
+                # remove old key and add new one
+                else:
+                    del result[result_key]
+                    result[key] = value
+            # key is new and can simply be added
+            else:
+                result[key] = value
+        # recompile and send old object
+        result_cls = type(self)
+        result_required = required if required is not None else self.required
+        result_extra = extra if extra is not None else self.extra
+        return result_cls(result, required=result_required, extra=result_extra)

 def _compile_scalar(schema):
@@ -338,12 +761,78 @@ def _compile_scalar(schema):
     >>> with raises(er.Invalid, 'not a valid value'):
     ...   _compile_scalar(lambda v: float(v))([], 'a')
-    pass
+    if inspect.isclass(schema):
+        def validate_instance(path, data):
+            if isinstance(data, schema):
+                return data
+            else:
+                msg = 'expected %s' % schema.__name__
+                raise er.TypeInvalid(msg, path)
+        return validate_instance
+    if callable(schema):
+        def validate_callable(path, data):
+            try:
+                return schema(data)
+            except ValueError:
+                raise er.ValueInvalid('not a valid value', path)
+            except er.Invalid as e:
+                e.prepend(path)
+                raise
+        return validate_callable
+    def validate_value(path, data):
+        if data != schema:
+            raise er.ScalarInvalid('not a valid value', path)
+        return data
+    return validate_value

 def _compile_itemsort():
-    """return sort function of mappings"""
-    pass
+    '''return sort function of mappings'''
+    def is_extra(key_):
+        return key_ is Extra
+    def is_remove(key_):
+        return isinstance(key_, Remove)
+    def is_marker(key_):
+        return isinstance(key_, Marker)
+    def is_type(key_):
+        return inspect.isclass(key_)
+    def is_callable(key_):
+        return callable(key_)
+    # priority list for map sorting (in order of checking)
+    # We want Extra to match last, because it's a catch-all. On the other hand,
+    # Remove markers should match first (since invalid values will not
+    # raise an Error, instead the validator will check if other schemas match
+    # the same value).
+    priority = [
+        (1, is_remove),  # Remove highest priority after values
+        (2, is_marker),  # then other Markers
+        (4, is_type),  # types/classes lowest before Extra
+        (3, is_callable),  # callables after markers
+        (5, is_extra),  # Extra lowest priority
+    ]
+    def item_priority(item_):
+        key_ = item_[0]
+        for i, check_ in priority:
+            if check_(key_):
+                return i
+        # values have highest priorities
+        return 0
+    return item_priority

 _sort_item = _compile_itemsort()
@@ -351,7 +840,10 @@ _sort_item = _compile_itemsort()

 def _iterate_mapping_candidates(schema):
     """Iterate over schema in a meaningful order."""
-    pass
+    # Without this, Extra might appear first in the iterator, and fail to
+    # validate a key even though it's a Required that has its own validation,
+    # generating a false positive.
+    return sorted(schema.items(), key=_sort_item)

 def _iterate_object(obj):
@@ -359,7 +851,23 @@ def _iterate_object(obj):
     defined __slots__.

-    pass
+    d = {}
+    try:
+        d = vars(obj)
+    except TypeError:
+        # maybe we have named tuple here?
+        if hasattr(obj, '_asdict'):
+            d = obj._asdict()
+    for item in d.items():
+        yield item
+    try:
+        slots = obj.__slots__
+    except AttributeError:
+        pass
+    else:
+        for key in slots:
+            if key != '__dict__':
+                yield (key, getattr(obj, key))

 class Msg(object):
@@ -391,11 +899,16 @@ class Msg(object):
     ...   assert isinstance(e.errors[0], er.RangeInvalid)

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, msg: str, cls: typing.Optional[
-        typing.Type[Error]]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        msg: str,
+        cls: typing.Optional[typing.Type[Error]] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         if cls and not issubclass(cls, er.Invalid):
             raise er.SchemaError(
-                'Msg can only use subclases of Invalid as custom class')
+                "Msg can only use subclases of Invalid as custom class"
+            )
         self._schema = schema
         self.schema = Schema(schema)
         self.msg = msg
@@ -417,13 +930,12 @@ class Msg(object):
 class Object(dict):
     """Indicate that we should work with attributes, not keys."""

-    def __init__(self, schema: typing.Any, cls: object=UNDEFINED) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, schema: typing.Any, cls: object = UNDEFINED) -> None:
         self.cls = cls
         super(Object, self).__init__(schema)

 class VirtualPathComponent(str):
     def __str__(self):
         return '<' + self + '>'

@@ -437,15 +949,20 @@ class Marker(object):
     `description` is an optional field, unused by Voluptuous itself, but can be
     introspected by any external tool, for example to generate schema documentation.
-    __slots__ = 'schema', '_schema', 'msg', 'description', '__hash__'

-    def __init__(self, schema_: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None,
-        description: (typing.Any | None)=None) ->None:
+    __slots__ = ('schema', '_schema', 'msg', 'description', '__hash__')
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema_: Schemable,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
         self.schema: typing.Any = schema_
         self._schema = Schema(schema_)
         self.msg = msg
         self.description = description
-        self.__hash__ = cache(lambda : hash(schema_))
+        self.__hash__ = cache(lambda: hash(schema_))  # type: ignore[method-assign]

     def __call__(self, v):
@@ -470,7 +987,7 @@ class Marker(object):
         return self.schema == other

     def __ne__(self, other):
-        return not self.schema == other
+        return not (self.schema == other)

 class Optional(Marker):
@@ -496,11 +1013,14 @@ class Optional(Marker):
     {'key2': 'value'}

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None,
-        default: typing.Any=UNDEFINED, description: (typing.Any | None)=None
-        ) ->None:
-        super(Optional, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=description
-            )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        default: typing.Any = UNDEFINED,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        super(Optional, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=description)
         self.default = default_factory(default)

@@ -540,11 +1060,14 @@ class Exclusive(Optional):
     ...             'social': {'social_network': 'barfoo', 'token': 'tEMp'}})

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, group_of_exclusion: str, msg:
-        typing.Optional[str]=None, description: (typing.Any | None)=None
-        ) ->None:
-        super(Exclusive, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=
-            description)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        group_of_exclusion: str,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        super(Exclusive, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=description)
         self.group_of_exclusion = group_of_exclusion

@@ -590,11 +1113,17 @@ class Inclusive(Optional):

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, group_of_inclusion: str, msg:
-        typing.Optional[str]=None, description: (typing.Any | None)=None,
-        default: typing.Any=UNDEFINED) ->None:
-        super(Inclusive, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, default=default,
-            description=description)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        group_of_inclusion: str,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+        default: typing.Any = UNDEFINED,
+    ) -> None:
+        super(Inclusive, self).__init__(
+            schema, msg=msg, default=default, description=description
+        )
         self.group_of_inclusion = group_of_inclusion

@@ -613,11 +1142,14 @@ class Required(Marker):
     {'key': []}

-    def __init__(self, schema: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None,
-        default: typing.Any=UNDEFINED, description: (typing.Any | None)=None
-        ) ->None:
-        super(Required, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=description
-            )
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema: Schemable,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        default: typing.Any = UNDEFINED,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
+        super(Required, self).__init__(schema, msg=msg, description=description)
         self.default = default_factory(default)

@@ -636,21 +1168,27 @@ class Remove(Marker):
     [1, 2, 3, 5, '7']

-    def __init__(self, schema_: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None,
-        description: (typing.Any | None)=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        schema_: Schemable,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        description: typing.Any | None = None,
+    ) -> None:
         super().__init__(schema_, msg, description)
-        self.__hash__ = cache(lambda : object.__hash__(self))
+        self.__hash__ = cache(lambda: object.__hash__(self))  # type: ignore[method-assign]

     def __call__(self, schema: Schemable):
         super(Remove, self).__call__(schema)
         return self.__class__

     def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Remove(%r)' % (self.schema,)
+        return "Remove(%r)" % (self.schema,)

-def message(default: typing.Optional[str]=None, cls: typing.Optional[typing
-    .Type[Error]]=None) ->typing.Callable:
+def message(
+    default: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    cls: typing.Optional[typing.Type[Error]] = None,
+) -> typing.Callable:
     """Convenience decorator to allow functions to provide a message.

     Set a default message:
@@ -678,20 +1216,56 @@ def message(default: typing.Optional[str]=None, cls: typing.Optional[typing
         ... except er.MultipleInvalid as e:
         ...   assert isinstance(e.errors[0], IntegerInvalid)
-    pass
+    if cls and not issubclass(cls, er.Invalid):
+        raise er.SchemaError(
+            "message can only use subclases of Invalid as custom class"
+        )
+    def decorator(f):
+        @wraps(f)
+        def check(msg=None, clsoverride=None):
+            @wraps(f)
+            def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+                try:
+                    return f(*args, **kwargs)
+                except ValueError:
+                    raise (clsoverride or cls or er.ValueInvalid)(
+                        msg or default or 'invalid value'
+                    )
+            return wrapper
+        return check
+    return decorator

 def _args_to_dict(func, args):
     """Returns argument names as values as key-value pairs."""
-    pass
+    if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
+        arg_count = func.__code__.co_argcount
+        arg_names = func.__code__.co_varnames[:arg_count]
+    else:
+        arg_count = func.func_code.co_argcount
+        arg_names = func.func_code.co_varnames[:arg_count]
+    arg_value_list = list(args)
+    arguments = dict(
+        (arg_name, arg_value_list[i])
+        for i, arg_name in enumerate(arg_names)
+        if i < len(arg_value_list)
+    )
+    return arguments

 def _merge_args_with_kwargs(args_dict, kwargs_dict):
     """Merge args with kwargs."""
-    pass
+    ret = args_dict.copy()
+    ret.update(kwargs_dict)
+    return ret

-def validate(*a, **kw) ->typing.Callable:
+def validate(*a, **kw) -> typing.Callable:
     """Decorator for validating arguments of a function against a given schema.

     Set restrictions for arguments:
@@ -707,4 +1281,35 @@ def validate(*a, **kw) ->typing.Callable:
         ...   return arg1 * 2

-    pass
+    RETURNS_KEY = '__return__'
+    def validate_schema_decorator(func):
+        returns_defined = False
+        returns = None
+        schema_args_dict = _args_to_dict(func, a)
+        schema_arguments = _merge_args_with_kwargs(schema_args_dict, kw)
+        if RETURNS_KEY in schema_arguments:
+            returns_defined = True
+            returns = schema_arguments[RETURNS_KEY]
+            del schema_arguments[RETURNS_KEY]
+        input_schema = (
+            Schema(schema_arguments, extra=ALLOW_EXTRA)
+            if len(schema_arguments) != 0
+            else lambda x: x
+        )
+        output_schema = Schema(returns) if returns_defined else lambda x: x
+        @wraps(func)
+        def func_wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
+            args_dict = _args_to_dict(func, args)
+            arguments = _merge_args_with_kwargs(args_dict, kwargs)
+            validated_arguments = input_schema(arguments)
+            output = func(**validated_arguments)
+            return output_schema(output)
+        return func_wrapper
+    return validate_schema_decorator
diff --git a/voluptuous/ b/voluptuous/
index fe15b1a..0bf9302 100644
--- a/voluptuous/
+++ b/voluptuous/
@@ -1,59 +1,65 @@
+# F401: "imported but unused"
+# fmt: off
 import typing
-from voluptuous import validators
-from voluptuous.error import Invalid, LiteralInvalid, TypeInvalid
-from voluptuous.schema_builder import DefaultFactory
-from voluptuous.schema_builder import Schema, default_factory, raises
+from voluptuous import validators  # noqa: F401
+from voluptuous.error import Invalid, LiteralInvalid, TypeInvalid  # noqa: F401
+from voluptuous.schema_builder import DefaultFactory  # noqa: F401
+from voluptuous.schema_builder import Schema, default_factory, raises  # noqa: F401
+# fmt: on
 __author__ = 'tusharmakkar08'

-def Lower(v: str) ->str:
+def Lower(v: str) -> str:
     """Transform a string to lower case.

     >>> s = Schema(Lower)
     >>> s('HI')
-    pass
+    return str(v).lower()

-def Upper(v: str) ->str:
+def Upper(v: str) -> str:
     """Transform a string to upper case.

     >>> s = Schema(Upper)
     >>> s('hi')
-    pass
+    return str(v).upper()

-def Capitalize(v: str) ->str:
+def Capitalize(v: str) -> str:
     """Capitalise a string.

     >>> s = Schema(Capitalize)
     >>> s('hello world')
     'Hello world'
-    pass
+    return str(v).capitalize()

-def Title(v: str) ->str:
+def Title(v: str) -> str:
     """Title case a string.

     >>> s = Schema(Title)
     >>> s('hello world')
     'Hello World'
-    pass
+    return str(v).title()

-def Strip(v: str) ->str:
+def Strip(v: str) -> str:
     """Strip whitespace from a string.

     >>> s = Schema(Strip)
     >>> s('  hello world  ')
     'hello world'
-    pass
+    return str(v).strip()

 class DefaultTo(object):
@@ -67,7 +73,7 @@ class DefaultTo(object):

-    def __init__(self, default_value, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, default_value, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self.default_value = default_factory(default_value)
         self.msg = msg

@@ -90,7 +96,7 @@ class SetTo(object):

-    def __init__(self, value) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, value) -> None:
         self.value = default_factory(value)

     def __call__(self, v):
@@ -112,15 +118,14 @@ class Set(object):
     ...   s([set([1, 2]), set([3, 4])])

-    def __init__(self, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self.msg = msg

     def __call__(self, v):
             set_v = set(v)
         except Exception as e:
-            raise TypeInvalid(self.msg or 'cannot be presented as set: {0}'
-                .format(e))
+            raise TypeInvalid(self.msg or 'cannot be presented as set: {0}'.format(e))
         return set_v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -128,14 +133,12 @@ class Set(object):

 class Literal(object):
-    def __init__(self, lit) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, lit) -> None:
         self.lit = lit

-    def __call__(self, value, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None):
+    def __call__(self, value, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None):
         if self.lit != value:
-            raise LiteralInvalid(msg or '%s not match for %s' % (value,
-                self.lit))
+            raise LiteralInvalid(msg or '%s not match for %s' % (value, self.lit))
             return self.lit

diff --git a/voluptuous/ b/voluptuous/
index 88b50f6..d385260 100644
--- a/voluptuous/
+++ b/voluptuous/
@@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
+# fmt: off
 from __future__ import annotations
 import datetime
 import os
 import re
@@ -6,30 +8,73 @@ import sys
 import typing
 from decimal import Decimal, InvalidOperation
 from functools import wraps
-from voluptuous.error import AllInvalid, AnyInvalid, BooleanInvalid, CoerceInvalid, ContainsInvalid, DateInvalid, DatetimeInvalid, DirInvalid, EmailInvalid, ExactSequenceInvalid, FalseInvalid, FileInvalid, InInvalid, Invalid, LengthInvalid, MatchInvalid, MultipleInvalid, NotEnoughValid, NotInInvalid, PathInvalid, RangeInvalid, TooManyValid, TrueInvalid, TypeInvalid, UrlInvalid
-from voluptuous.schema_builder import Schema, Schemable, message, raises
+from voluptuous.error import (
+    AllInvalid, AnyInvalid, BooleanInvalid, CoerceInvalid, ContainsInvalid, DateInvalid,
+    DatetimeInvalid, DirInvalid, EmailInvalid, ExactSequenceInvalid, FalseInvalid,
+    FileInvalid, InInvalid, Invalid, LengthInvalid, MatchInvalid, MultipleInvalid,
+    NotEnoughValid, NotInInvalid, PathInvalid, RangeInvalid, TooManyValid, TrueInvalid,
+    TypeInvalid, UrlInvalid,
+# F401: flake8 complains about 'raises' not being used, but it is used in doctests
+from voluptuous.schema_builder import Schema, Schemable, message, raises  # noqa: F401
 if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
     from _typeshed import SupportsAllComparisons
+# fmt: on
 Enum: typing.Union[type, None]
     from enum import Enum
 except ImportError:
     Enum = None
 if sys.version_info >= (3,):
     import urllib.parse as urlparse
     basestring = str
     import urlparse
+# Taken from
+# fmt: off
 USER_REGEX = re.compile(
-    '(?:(^[-!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+(\\.[-!#$%&\'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*$|^"([\\001-\\010\\013\\014\\016-\\037!#-\\[\\]-\\177]|\\\\[\\001-\\011\\013\\014\\016-\\177])*"$))\\Z'
-    , re.IGNORECASE)
+    # start anchor, because fullmatch is not available in python 2.7
+    "(?:"
+    # dot-atom
+    r"(^[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+"
+    r"(\.[-!#$%&'*+/=?^_`{}|~0-9A-Z]+)*$"
+    # quoted-string
+    r'|^"([\001-\010\013\014\016-\037!#-\[\]-\177]|'
+    r"""\\[\001-\011\013\014\016-\177])*"$)"""
+    # end anchor, because fullmatch is not available in python 2.7
+    r")\Z",
 DOMAIN_REGEX = re.compile(
-    '(?:(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\\.)+(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\\.?$)|^\\[(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]?\\d?\\d)(\\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\\d|[0-1]?\\d?\\d)){3}\\]$)\\Z'
-    , re.IGNORECASE)
+    # start anchor, because fullmatch is not available in python 2.7
+    "(?:"
+    # domain
+    r'(?:[A-Z0-9](?:[A-Z0-9-]{0,61}[A-Z0-9])?\.)+'
+    # tld
+    r'(?:[A-Z]{2,6}\.?|[A-Z0-9-]{2,}\.?$)'
+    # literal form, ipv4 address (SMTP 4.1.3)
+    r'|^\[(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)'
+    r'(\.(25[0-5]|2[0-4]\d|[0-1]?\d?\d)){3}\]$'
+    # end anchor, because fullmatch is not available in python 2.7
+    r")\Z",
+# fmt: on
 __author__ = 'tusharmakkar08'

-def truth(f: typing.Callable) ->typing.Callable:
+def truth(f: typing.Callable) -> typing.Callable:
     """Convenience decorator to convert truth functions into validators.

     >>> @truth
@@ -41,7 +86,15 @@ def truth(f: typing.Callable) ->typing.Callable:
     >>> with raises(MultipleInvalid, 'not a valid value'):
     ...   validate('/notavaliddir')
-    pass
+    @wraps(f)
+    def check(v):
+        t = f(v)
+        if not t:
+            raise ValueError
+        return v
+    return check

 class Coerce(object):
@@ -65,8 +118,11 @@ class Coerce(object):
         ...   validate('foo')

-    def __init__(self, type: typing.Union[type, typing.Callable], msg:
-        typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        type: typing.Union[type, typing.Callable],
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         self.type = type
         self.msg = msg
         self.type_name = type.__name__
@@ -75,10 +131,9 @@ class Coerce(object):
             return self.type(v)
         except (ValueError, TypeError, InvalidOperation):
-            msg = self.msg or 'expected %s' % self.type_name
+            msg = self.msg or ('expected %s' % self.type_name)
             if not self.msg and Enum and issubclass(self.type, Enum):
-                msg += ' or one of %s' % str([e.value for e in self.type])[1:-1
-                    ]
+                msg += " or one of %s" % str([e.value for e in self.type])[1:-1]
             raise CoerceInvalid(msg)

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -109,7 +164,7 @@ def IsTrue(v):
     ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
     ...   assert isinstance(e.errors[0], TrueInvalid)
-    pass
+    return v

 @message('value was not false', cls=FalseInvalid)
@@ -129,7 +184,9 @@ def IsFalse(v):
     ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
     ...   assert isinstance(e.errors[0], FalseInvalid)
-    pass
+    if v:
+        raise ValueError
+    return v

 @message('expected boolean', cls=BooleanInvalid)
@@ -153,7 +210,14 @@ def Boolean(v):
     ... except MultipleInvalid as e:
     ...   assert isinstance(e.errors[0], BooleanInvalid)
-    pass
+    if isinstance(v, basestring):
+        v = v.lower()
+        if v in ('1', 'true', 'yes', 'on', 'enable'):
+            return True
+        if v in ('0', 'false', 'no', 'off', 'disable'):
+            return False
+        raise ValueError
+    return bool(v)

 class _WithSubValidators(object):
@@ -164,14 +228,15 @@ class _WithSubValidators(object):
     sub-validators are compiled by the parent `Schema`.

-    def __init__(self, *validators, msg=None, required=False, discriminant=
-        None, **kwargs) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, *validators, msg=None, required=False, discriminant=None, **kwargs
+    ) -> None:
         self.validators = validators
         self.msg = msg
         self.required = required
         self.discriminant = discriminant

-    def __voluptuous_compile__(self, schema: Schema) ->typing.Callable:
+    def __voluptuous_compile__(self, schema: Schema) -> typing.Callable:
         self._compiled = []
         old_required = schema.required
         self.schema = schema
@@ -181,12 +246,32 @@ class _WithSubValidators(object):
         schema.required = old_required
         return self._run

+    def _run(self, path: typing.List[typing.Hashable], value):
+        if self.discriminant is not None:
+            self._compiled = [
+                self.schema._compile(v)
+                for v in self.discriminant(value, self.validators)
+            ]
+        return self._exec(self._compiled, value, path)
     def __call__(self, v):
         return self._exec((Schema(val) for val in self.validators), v)

     def __repr__(self):
-        return '%s(%s, msg=%r)' % (self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(repr(
-            v) for v in self.validators), self.msg)
+        return '%s(%s, msg=%r)' % (
+            self.__class__.__name__,
+            ", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators),
+            self.msg,
+        )
+    def _exec(
+        self,
+        funcs: typing.Iterable,
+        v,
+        path: typing.Optional[typing.List[typing.Hashable]] = None,
+    ):
+        raise NotImplementedError()

 class Any(_WithSubValidators):
@@ -214,7 +299,24 @@ class Any(_WithSubValidators):
     ...   validate(4)

+    def _exec(self, funcs, v, path=None):
+        error = None
+        for func in funcs:
+            try:
+                if path is None:
+                    return func(v)
+                else:
+                    return func(path, v)
+            except Invalid as e:
+                if error is None or len(e.path) > len(error.path):
+                    error = e
+        else:
+            if error:
+                raise error if self.msg is None else AnyInvalid(self.msg, path=path)
+            raise AnyInvalid(self.msg or 'no valid value found', path=path)

+# Convenience alias
 Or = Any

@@ -239,7 +341,24 @@ class Union(_WithSubValidators):
     Without the discriminant, the exception would be "extra keys not allowed @ data['b_val']"

+    def _exec(self, funcs, v, path=None):
+        error = None
+        for func in funcs:
+            try:
+                if path is None:
+                    return func(v)
+                else:
+                    return func(path, v)
+            except Invalid as e:
+                if error is None or len(e.path) > len(error.path):
+                    error = e
+        else:
+            if error:
+                raise error if self.msg is None else AnyInvalid(self.msg, path=path)
+            raise AnyInvalid(self.msg or 'no valid value found', path=path)

+# Convenience alias
 Switch = Union

@@ -256,7 +375,19 @@ class All(_WithSubValidators):

+    def _exec(self, funcs, v, path=None):
+        try:
+            for func in funcs:
+                if path is None:
+                    v = func(v)
+                else:
+                    v = func(path, v)
+        except Invalid as e:
+            raise e if self.msg is None else AllInvalid(self.msg, path=path)
+        return v

+# Convenience alias
 And = All

@@ -279,8 +410,9 @@ class Match(object):

-    def __init__(self, pattern: typing.Union[re.Pattern, str], msg: typing.
-        Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, pattern: typing.Union[re.Pattern, str], msg: typing.Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> None:
         if isinstance(pattern, basestring):
             pattern = re.compile(pattern)
         self.pattern = pattern
@@ -290,11 +422,12 @@ class Match(object):
             match = self.pattern.match(v)
         except TypeError:
-            raise MatchInvalid('expected string or buffer')
+            raise MatchInvalid("expected string or buffer")
         if not match:
-            raise MatchInvalid(self.msg or
-                'does not match regular expression {}'.format(self.pattern.
-                pattern))
+            raise MatchInvalid(
+                self.msg
+                or 'does not match regular expression {}'.format(self.pattern.pattern)
+            )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -310,8 +443,12 @@ class Replace(object):
     'I say goodbye'

-    def __init__(self, pattern: typing.Union[re.Pattern, str], substitution:
-        str, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        pattern: typing.Union[re.Pattern, str],
+        substitution: str,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         if isinstance(pattern, basestring):
             pattern = re.compile(pattern)
         self.pattern = pattern
@@ -322,8 +459,18 @@ class Replace(object):
         return self.pattern.sub(self.substitution, v)

     def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Replace(%r, %r, msg=%r)' % (self.pattern.pattern, self.
-            substitution, self.msg)
+        return 'Replace(%r, %r, msg=%r)' % (
+            self.pattern.pattern,
+            self.substitution,
+            self.msg,
+        )
+def _url_validation(v: str) -> urlparse.ParseResult:
+    parsed = urlparse.urlparse(v)
+    if not parsed.scheme or not parsed.netloc:
+        raise UrlInvalid("must have a URL scheme and host")
+    return parsed

 @message('expected an email address', cls=EmailInvalid)
@@ -340,7 +487,16 @@ def Email(v):
     >>> s('')
-    pass
+    try:
+        if not v or "@" not in v:
+            raise EmailInvalid("Invalid email address")
+        user_part, domain_part = v.rsplit('@', 1)
+        if not (USER_REGEX.match(user_part) and DOMAIN_REGEX.match(domain_part)):
+            raise EmailInvalid("Invalid email address")
+        return v
+    except:  # noqa: E722
+        raise ValueError

 @message('expected a fully qualified domain name URL', cls=UrlInvalid)
@@ -353,7 +509,13 @@ def FqdnUrl(v):
     >>> s('')
-    pass
+    try:
+        parsed_url = _url_validation(v)
+        if "." not in parsed_url.netloc:
+            raise UrlInvalid("must have a domain name in URL")
+        return v
+    except:  # noqa: E722
+        raise ValueError

 @message('expected a URL', cls=UrlInvalid)
@@ -366,7 +528,11 @@ def Url(v):
     >>> s('')
-    pass
+    try:
+        _url_validation(v)
+        return v
+    except:  # noqa: E722
+        raise ValueError

 @message('Not a file', cls=FileInvalid)
@@ -381,7 +547,14 @@ def IsFile(v):
     >>> with raises(FileInvalid, 'Not a file'):
     ...   IsFile()(None)
-    pass
+    try:
+        if v:
+            v = str(v)
+            return os.path.isfile(v)
+        else:
+            raise FileInvalid('Not a file')
+    except TypeError:
+        raise FileInvalid('Not a file')

 @message('Not a directory', cls=DirInvalid)
@@ -394,7 +567,14 @@ def IsDir(v):
     >>> with raises(DirInvalid, 'Not a directory'):
     ...   IsDir()(None)
-    pass
+    try:
+        if v:
+            v = str(v)
+            return os.path.isdir(v)
+        else:
+            raise DirInvalid("Not a directory")
+    except TypeError:
+        raise DirInvalid("Not a directory")

 @message('path does not exist', cls=PathInvalid)
@@ -409,10 +589,17 @@ def PathExists(v):
     >>> with raises(PathInvalid, 'Not a Path'):
     ...   PathExists()(None)
-    pass
+    try:
+        if v:
+            v = str(v)
+            return os.path.exists(v)
+        else:
+            raise PathInvalid("Not a Path")
+    except TypeError:
+        raise PathInvalid("Not a Path")

-def Maybe(validator: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None):
+def Maybe(validator: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None):
     """Validate that the object matches given validator or is None.

     :raises Invalid: If the value does not match the given validator and is not
@@ -425,7 +612,7 @@ def Maybe(validator: Schemable, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None):
     ...  s("string")

-    pass
+    return Any(None, validator, msg=msg)

 class Range(object):
@@ -449,9 +636,14 @@ class Range(object):
     ...   Schema(Range(max=10, max_included=False))(20)

-    def __init__(self, min: (SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, max: (
-        SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, min_included: bool=True,
-        max_included: bool=True, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        min: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        max: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        min_included: bool = True,
+        max_included: bool = True,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         self.min = min
         self.max = max
         self.min_included = min_included
@@ -462,28 +654,41 @@ class Range(object):
             if self.min_included:
                 if self.min is not None and not v >= self.min:
-                    raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or 
-                        'value must be at least %s' % self.min)
-            elif self.min is not None and not v > self.min:
-                raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or 
-                    'value must be higher than %s' % self.min)
+                    raise RangeInvalid(
+                        self.msg or 'value must be at least %s' % self.min
+                    )
+            else:
+                if self.min is not None and not v > self.min:
+                    raise RangeInvalid(
+                        self.msg or 'value must be higher than %s' % self.min
+                    )
             if self.max_included:
                 if self.max is not None and not v <= self.max:
-                    raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or 
-                        'value must be at most %s' % self.max)
-            elif self.max is not None and not v < self.max:
-                raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or 
-                    'value must be lower than %s' % self.max)
+                    raise RangeInvalid(
+                        self.msg or 'value must be at most %s' % self.max
+                    )
+            else:
+                if self.max is not None and not v < self.max:
+                    raise RangeInvalid(
+                        self.msg or 'value must be lower than %s' % self.max
+                    )
             return v
+        # Objects that lack a partial ordering, e.g. None or strings will raise TypeError
         except TypeError:
-            raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or
-                'invalid value or type (must have a partial ordering)')
+            raise RangeInvalid(
+                self.msg or 'invalid value or type (must have a partial ordering)'
+            )

     def __repr__(self):
-        return (
-            'Range(min=%r, max=%r, min_included=%r, max_included=%r, msg=%r)' %
-            (self.min, self.max, self.min_included, self.max_included, self
-            .msg))
+        return 'Range(min=%r, max=%r, min_included=%r, max_included=%r, msg=%r)' % (
+            self.min,
+            self.max,
+            self.min_included,
+            self.max_included,
+            self.msg,
+        )

 class Clamp(object):
@@ -500,9 +705,12 @@ class Clamp(object):

-    def __init__(self, min: (SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, max: (
-        SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None
-        ) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        min: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        max: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         self.min = min
         self.max = max
         self.msg = msg
@@ -514,9 +722,12 @@ class Clamp(object):
             if self.max is not None and v > self.max:
                 v = self.max
             return v
+        # Objects that lack a partial ordering, e.g. None or strings will raise TypeError
         except TypeError:
-            raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or
-                'invalid value or type (must have a partial ordering)')
+            raise RangeInvalid(
+                self.msg or 'invalid value or type (must have a partial ordering)'
+            )

     def __repr__(self):
         return 'Clamp(min=%s, max=%s)' % (self.min, self.max)
@@ -525,9 +736,12 @@ class Clamp(object):
 class Length(object):
     """The length of a value must be in a certain range."""

-    def __init__(self, min: (SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, max: (
-        SupportsAllComparisons | None)=None, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None
-        ) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        min: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        max: SupportsAllComparisons | None = None,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+    ) -> None:
         self.min = min
         self.max = max
         self.msg = msg
@@ -535,12 +749,16 @@ class Length(object):
     def __call__(self, v):
             if self.min is not None and len(v) < self.min:
-                raise LengthInvalid(self.msg or 
-                    'length of value must be at least %s' % self.min)
+                raise LengthInvalid(
+                    self.msg or 'length of value must be at least %s' % self.min
+                )
             if self.max is not None and len(v) > self.max:
-                raise LengthInvalid(self.msg or 
-                    'length of value must be at most %s' % self.max)
+                raise LengthInvalid(
+                    self.msg or 'length of value must be at most %s' % self.max
+                )
             return v
+        # Objects that have no length e.g. None or strings will raise TypeError
         except TypeError:
             raise RangeInvalid(self.msg or 'invalid value or type')

@@ -550,10 +768,12 @@ class Length(object):

 class Datetime(object):
     """Validate that the value matches the datetime format."""
     DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ'

-    def __init__(self, format: typing.Optional[str]=None, msg: typing.
-        Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, format: typing.Optional[str] = None, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> None:
         self.format = format or self.DEFAULT_FORMAT
         self.msg = msg

@@ -561,8 +781,9 @@ class Datetime(object):
             datetime.datetime.strptime(v, self.format)
         except (TypeError, ValueError):
-            raise DatetimeInvalid(self.msg or 
-                'value does not match expected format %s' % self.format)
+            raise DatetimeInvalid(
+                self.msg or 'value does not match expected format %s' % self.format
+            )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -571,14 +792,16 @@ class Datetime(object):

 class Date(Datetime):
     """Validate that the value matches the date format."""
     DEFAULT_FORMAT = '%Y-%m-%d'

     def __call__(self, v):
             datetime.datetime.strptime(v, self.format)
         except (TypeError, ValueError):
-            raise DateInvalid(self.msg or 
-                'value does not match expected format %s' % self.format)
+            raise DateInvalid(
+                self.msg or 'value does not match expected format %s' % self.format
+            )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -588,8 +811,9 @@ class Date(Datetime):
 class In(object):
     """Validate that a value is in a collection."""

-    def __init__(self, container: typing.Container, msg: typing.Optional[
-        str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, container: typing.Container, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> None:
         self.container = container
         self.msg = msg

@@ -600,11 +824,14 @@ class In(object):
             check = True
         if check:
-                raise InInvalid(self.msg or
-                    f'value must be one of {sorted(self.container)}')
+                raise InInvalid(
+                    self.msg or f'value must be one of {sorted(self.container)}'
+                )
             except TypeError:
-                raise InInvalid(self.msg or
-                    f'value must be one of {sorted(self.container, key=str)}')
+                raise InInvalid(
+                    self.msg
+                    or f'value must be one of {sorted(self.container, key=str)}'
+                )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -614,8 +841,9 @@ class In(object):
 class NotIn(object):
     """Validate that a value is not in a collection."""

-    def __init__(self, container: typing.Iterable, msg: typing.Optional[str
-        ]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self, container: typing.Iterable, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None
+    ) -> None:
         self.container = container
         self.msg = msg

@@ -626,12 +854,14 @@ class NotIn(object):
             check = True
         if check:
-                raise NotInInvalid(self.msg or
-                    f'value must not be one of {sorted(self.container)}')
+                raise NotInInvalid(
+                    self.msg or f'value must not be one of {sorted(self.container)}'
+                )
             except TypeError:
-                raise NotInInvalid(self.msg or
-                    f'value must not be one of {sorted(self.container, key=str)}'
-                    )
+                raise NotInInvalid(
+                    self.msg
+                    or f'value must not be one of {sorted(self.container, key=str)}'
+                )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -648,7 +878,7 @@ class Contains(object):
     ...   s([3, 2])

-    def __init__(self, item, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, item, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self.item = item
         self.msg = msg

@@ -681,8 +911,12 @@ class ExactSequence(object):
     ('hourly_report', 10, [], [])

-    def __init__(self, validators: typing.Iterable[Schemable], msg: typing.
-        Optional[str]=None, **kwargs) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        validators: typing.Iterable[Schemable],
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
         self.validators = validators
         self.msg = msg
         self._schemas = [Schema(val, **kwargs) for val in validators]
@@ -693,12 +927,11 @@ class ExactSequence(object):
             v = type(v)(schema(x) for x, schema in zip(v, self._schemas))
         except Invalid as e:
-            raise (e if self.msg is None else ExactSequenceInvalid(self.msg))
+            raise e if self.msg is None else ExactSequenceInvalid(self.msg)
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
-        return 'ExactSequence([%s])' % ', '.join(repr(v) for v in self.
-            validators)
+        return 'ExactSequence([%s])' % ", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators)

 class Unique(object):
@@ -727,20 +960,18 @@ class Unique(object):
     ...   s('aabbc')

-    def __init__(self, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None:
         self.msg = msg

     def __call__(self, v):
             set_v = set(v)
         except TypeError as e:
-            raise TypeInvalid(self.msg or
-                'contains unhashable elements: {0}'.format(e))
+            raise TypeInvalid(self.msg or 'contains unhashable elements: {0}'.format(e))
         if len(set_v) != len(v):
             seen = set()
             dupes = list(set(x for x in v if x in seen or seen.add(x)))
-            raise Invalid(self.msg or 'contains duplicate items: {0}'.
-                format(dupes))
+            raise Invalid(self.msg or 'contains duplicate items: {0}'.format(dupes))
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -763,15 +994,16 @@ class Equal(object):
     ...     s('foo')

-    def __init__(self, target, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, target, msg: typing.Optional[str] = None) -> None: = target
         self.msg = msg

     def __call__(self, v):
         if v !=
-            raise Invalid(self.msg or
-                'Values are not equal: value:{} != target:{}'.format(v,
+            raise Invalid(
+                self.msg
+                or 'Values are not equal: value:{} != target:{}'.format(v,
+            )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
@@ -793,8 +1025,12 @@ class Unordered(object):
     [1, 'foo']

-    def __init__(self, validators: typing.Iterable[Schemable], msg: typing.
-        Optional[str]=None, **kwargs) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        validators: typing.Iterable[Schemable],
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
         self.validators = validators
         self.msg = msg
         self._schemas = [Schema(val, **kwargs) for val in validators]
@@ -802,10 +1038,15 @@ class Unordered(object):
     def __call__(self, v):
         if not isinstance(v, (list, tuple)):
             raise Invalid(self.msg or 'Value {} is not sequence!'.format(v))
         if len(v) != len(self._schemas):
-            raise Invalid(self.msg or
-                'List lengths differ, value:{} != target:{}'.format(len(v),
-                len(self._schemas)))
+            raise Invalid(
+                self.msg
+                or 'List lengths differ, value:{} != target:{}'.format(
+                    len(v), len(self._schemas)
+                )
+            )
         consumed = set()
         missing = []
         for index, value in enumerate(v):
@@ -823,20 +1064,31 @@ class Unordered(object):
             if not found:
                 missing.append((index, value))
         if len(missing) == 1:
             el = missing[0]
-            raise Invalid(self.msg or
-                'Element #{} ({}) is not valid against any validator'.
-                format(el[0], el[1]))
+            raise Invalid(
+                self.msg
+                or 'Element #{} ({}) is not valid against any validator'.format(
+                    el[0], el[1]
+                )
+            )
         elif missing:
-            raise MultipleInvalid([Invalid(self.msg or
-                'Element #{} ({}) is not valid against any validator'.
-                format(el[0], el[1])) for el in missing])
+            raise MultipleInvalid(
+                [
+                    Invalid(
+                        self.msg
+                        or 'Element #{} ({}) is not valid against any validator'.format(
+                            el[0], el[1]
+                        )
+                    )
+                    for el in missing
+                ]
+            )
         return v

     def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Unordered([{}])'.format(', '.join(repr(v) for v in self.
-            validators))
+        return 'Unordered([{}])'.format(", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators))

 class Number(object):
@@ -854,9 +1106,13 @@ class Number(object):

-    def __init__(self, precision: typing.Optional[int]=None, scale: typing.
-        Optional[int]=None, msg: typing.Optional[str]=None, yield_decimal:
-        bool=False) ->None:
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        precision: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+        scale: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+        msg: typing.Optional[str] = None,
+        yield_decimal: bool = False,
+    ) -> None:
         self.precision = precision
         self.scale = scale
         self.msg = msg
@@ -868,33 +1124,56 @@ class Number(object):
         :return: Decimal number
         precision, scale, decimal_num = self._get_precision_scale(v)
-        if (self.precision is not None and self.scale is not None and 
-            precision != self.precision and scale != self.scale):
-            raise Invalid(self.msg or 
-                'Precision must be equal to %s, and Scale must be equal to %s'
-                 % (self.precision, self.scale))
+        if (
+            self.precision is not None
+            and self.scale is not None
+            and precision != self.precision
+            and scale != self.scale
+        ):
+            raise Invalid(
+                self.msg
+                or "Precision must be equal to %s, and Scale must be equal to %s"
+                % (self.precision, self.scale)
+            )
             if self.precision is not None and precision != self.precision:
-                raise Invalid(self.msg or 'Precision must be equal to %s' %
-                    self.precision)
+                raise Invalid(
+                    self.msg or "Precision must be equal to %s" % self.precision
+                )
             if self.scale is not None and scale != self.scale:
-                raise Invalid(self.msg or 'Scale must be equal to %s' %
-                    self.scale)
+                raise Invalid(self.msg or "Scale must be equal to %s" % self.scale)
         if self.yield_decimal:
             return decimal_num
             return v

     def __repr__(self):
-        return 'Number(precision=%s, scale=%s, msg=%s)' % (self.precision,
-            self.scale, self.msg)
+        return 'Number(precision=%s, scale=%s, msg=%s)' % (
+            self.precision,
+            self.scale,
+            self.msg,
+        )

-    def _get_precision_scale(self, number) ->typing.Tuple[int, int, Decimal]:
+    def _get_precision_scale(self, number) -> typing.Tuple[int, int, Decimal]:
         :param number:
         :return: tuple(precision, scale, decimal_number)
-        pass
+        try:
+            decimal_num = Decimal(number)
+        except InvalidOperation:
+            raise Invalid(self.msg or 'Value must be a number enclosed with string')
+        exp = decimal_num.as_tuple().exponent
+        if isinstance(exp, int):
+            return (len(decimal_num.as_tuple().digits), -exp, decimal_num)
+        else:
+            # TODO: handle infinity and NaN
+            # raise Invalid(self.msg or 'Value has no precision')
+            raise TypeError("infinity and NaN have no precision")

 class SomeOf(_WithSubValidators):
@@ -921,17 +1200,49 @@ class SomeOf(_WithSubValidators):
     ...     validate(6.2)

-    def __init__(self, validators: typing.List[Schemable], min_valid:
-        typing.Optional[int]=None, max_valid: typing.Optional[int]=None, **
-        kwargs) ->None:
-        assert min_valid is not None or max_valid is not None, 'when using "%s" you should specify at least one of min_valid and max_valid' % (
-            type(self).__name__,)
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        validators: typing.List[Schemable],
+        min_valid: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+        max_valid: typing.Optional[int] = None,
+        **kwargs,
+    ) -> None:
+        assert min_valid is not None or max_valid is not None, (
+            'when using "%s" you should specify at least one of min_valid and max_valid'
+            % (type(self).__name__,)
+        )
         self.min_valid = min_valid or 0
         self.max_valid = max_valid or len(validators)
         super(SomeOf, self).__init__(*validators, **kwargs)

+    def _exec(self, funcs, v, path=None):
+        errors = []
+        funcs = list(funcs)
+        for func in funcs:
+            try:
+                if path is None:
+                    v = func(v)
+                else:
+                    v = func(path, v)
+            except Invalid as e:
+                errors.append(e)
+        passed_count = len(funcs) - len(errors)
+        if self.min_valid <= passed_count <= self.max_valid:
+            return v
+        msg = self.msg
+        if not msg:
+            msg = ', '.join(map(str, errors))
+        if passed_count > self.max_valid:
+            raise TooManyValid(msg)
+        raise NotEnoughValid(msg)
     def __repr__(self):
-        return (
-            'SomeOf(min_valid=%s, validators=[%s], max_valid=%s, msg=%r)' %
-            (self.min_valid, ', '.join(repr(v) for v in self.validators),
-            self.max_valid, self.msg))
+        return 'SomeOf(min_valid=%s, validators=[%s], max_valid=%s, msg=%r)' % (
+            self.min_valid,
+            ", ".join(repr(v) for v in self.validators),
+            self.max_valid,
+            self.msg,
+        )