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Reference (Gold): simpy

Pytest Summary for test tests

status count
passed 140
total 140
collected 150
deselected 10

Failed pytests:

Patch diff

diff --git a/src/simpy/ b/src/simpy/
index 10c88fb..a479855 100644
--- a/src/simpy/
+++ b/src/simpy/
@@ -3,12 +3,37 @@ Core components for event-discrete simulation environments.

 from __future__ import annotations
 from heapq import heappop, heappush
 from itertools import count
 from types import MethodType
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Generic, Iterable, List, Optional, Tuple, Type, TypeVar, Union
-from import NORMAL, URGENT, AllOf, AnyOf, Event, EventPriority, Process, ProcessGenerator, Timeout
-Infinity: float = float('inf')
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Generic,
+    Iterable,
+    List,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
+    Type,
+    TypeVar,
+    Union,
+from import (
+    NORMAL,
+    URGENT,
+    AllOf,
+    AnyOf,
+    Event,
+    EventPriority,
+    Process,
+    ProcessGenerator,
+    Timeout,
+Infinity: float = float('inf')  #: Convenience alias for infinity
 T = TypeVar('T')

@@ -24,17 +49,23 @@ class BoundClass(Generic[T]):
     def __init__(self, cls: Type[T]):
         self.cls = cls

-    def __get__(self, instance: Optional[BoundClass], owner: Optional[Type[
-        BoundClass]]=None) ->Union[Type[T], MethodType]:
+    def __get__(
+        self,
+        instance: Optional[BoundClass],
+        owner: Optional[Type[BoundClass]] = None,
+    ) -> Union[Type[T], MethodType]:
         if instance is None:
             return self.cls
         return MethodType(self.cls, instance)

-    def bind_early(instance: object) ->None:
+    def bind_early(instance: object) -> None:
         """Bind all :class:`BoundClass` attributes of the *instance's* class
         to the instance itself to increase performance."""
-        pass
+        for name, obj in instance.__class__.__dict__.items():
+            if type(obj) is BoundClass:
+                bound_class = getattr(instance, name)
+                setattr(instance, name, bound_class)

 class EmptySchedule(Exception):
@@ -46,10 +77,13 @@ class StopSimulation(Exception):
     """Indicates that the simulation should stop now."""

-    def callback(cls, event: Event) ->None:
+    def callback(cls, event: Event) -> None:
         """Used as callback in :meth:`` to stop the simulation
         when the *until* event occurred."""
-        pass
+        if event.ok:
+            raise cls(event.value)
+        else:
+            raise event._value

 SimTime = Union[int, float]
@@ -67,50 +101,59 @@ class Environment:


-    def __init__(self, initial_time: SimTime=0):
+    def __init__(self, initial_time: SimTime = 0):
         self._now = initial_time
-        self._queue: List[Tuple[SimTime, EventPriority, int, Event]] = []
-        self._eid = count()
+        self._queue: List[
+            Tuple[SimTime, EventPriority, int, Event]
+        ] = []  # The list of all currently scheduled events.
+        self._eid = count()  # Counter for event IDs
         self._active_proc: Optional[Process] = None
+        # Bind all BoundClass instances to "self" to improve performance.

-    def now(self) ->SimTime:
+    def now(self) -> SimTime:
         """The current simulation time."""
-        pass
+        return self._now

-    def active_process(self) ->Optional[Process]:
+    def active_process(self) -> Optional[Process]:
         """The currently active process of the environment."""
-        pass
+        return self._active_proc
+        # This block is only evaluated when type checking with, e.g. Mypy.
+        # These are the effective types of the methods created with BoundClass
+        # magic and are thus a useful reference for SimPy users as well as for
+        # static type checking.

-        def process(self, generator: ProcessGenerator) ->Process:
+        def process(self, generator: ProcessGenerator) -> Process:
             """Create a new :class:`` instance for
-            pass
+            return Process(self, generator)

-        def timeout(self, delay: SimTime=0, value: Optional[Any]=None
-            ) ->Timeout:
+        def timeout(self, delay: SimTime = 0, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> Timeout:
             """Return a new :class:`` event with a *delay*
             and, optionally, a *value*."""
-            pass
+            return Timeout(self, delay, value)

-        def event(self) ->Event:
+        def event(self) -> Event:
             """Return a new :class:`` instance.

             Yielding this event suspends a process until another process
             triggers the event.
-            pass
+            return Event(self)

-        def all_of(self, events: Iterable[Event]) ->AllOf:
+        def all_of(self, events: Iterable[Event]) -> AllOf:
             """Return a :class:`` condition for *events*."""
-            pass
+            return AllOf(self, events)

-        def any_of(self, events: Iterable[Event]) ->AnyOf:
+        def any_of(self, events: Iterable[Event]) -> AnyOf:
             """Return a :class:`` condition for *events*."""
-            pass
+            return AnyOf(self, events)
         process = BoundClass(Process)
         timeout = BoundClass(Timeout)
@@ -118,25 +161,49 @@ class Environment:
         all_of = BoundClass(AllOf)
         any_of = BoundClass(AnyOf)

-    def schedule(self, event: Event, priority: EventPriority=NORMAL, delay:
-        SimTime=0) ->None:
+    def schedule(
+        self,
+        event: Event,
+        priority: EventPriority = NORMAL,
+        delay: SimTime = 0,
+    ) -> None:
         """Schedule an *event* with a given *priority* and a *delay*."""
-        pass
+        heappush(self._queue, (self._now + delay, priority, next(self._eid), event))

-    def peek(self) ->SimTime:
+    def peek(self) -> SimTime:
         """Get the time of the next scheduled event. Return
         :data:`~simpy.core.Infinity` if there is no further event."""
-        pass
+        try:
+            return self._queue[0][0]
+        except IndexError:
+            return Infinity

-    def step(self) ->None:
+    def step(self) -> None:
         """Process the next event.

         Raise an :exc:`EmptySchedule` if no further events are available.

-        pass
-    def run(self, until: Optional[Union[SimTime, Event]]=None) ->Optional[Any]:
+        try:
+            self._now, _, _, event = heappop(self._queue)
+        except IndexError:
+            raise EmptySchedule from None
+        # Process callbacks of the event. Set the events callbacks to None
+        # immediately to prevent concurrent modifications.
+        callbacks, event.callbacks = event.callbacks, None  # type: ignore
+        for callback in callbacks:
+            callback(event)
+        if not event._ok and not hasattr(event, '_defused'):
+            # The event has failed and has not been defused. Crash the
+            # environment.
+            # Create a copy of the failure exception with a new traceback.
+            exc = type(event._value)(*event._value.args)
+            exc.__cause__ = event._value
+            raise exc
+    def run(self, until: Optional[Union[SimTime, Event]] = None) -> Optional[Any]:
         """Executes :meth:`step()` until the given criterion *until* is met.

         - If it is ``None`` (which is the default), this method will return
@@ -151,4 +218,39 @@ class Environment:
           until the environment's time reaches *until*.

-        pass
+        if until is not None:
+            if not isinstance(until, Event):
+                # Assume that *until* is a number if it is not None and
+                # not an event.  Create a Timeout(until) in this case.
+                at: SimTime = until if isinstance(until, int) else float(until)
+                if at <=
+                    raise ValueError(
+                        f'until ({at}) must be greater than the current simulation time'
+                    )
+                # Schedule the event before all regular timeouts.
+                until = Event(self)
+                until._ok = True
+                until._value = None
+                self.schedule(until, URGENT, at -
+            elif until.callbacks is None:
+                # Until event has already been processed.
+                return until.value
+            until.callbacks.append(StopSimulation.callback)
+        try:
+            while True:
+                self.step()
+        except StopSimulation as exc:
+            return exc.args[0]  # == until.value
+        except EmptySchedule:
+            if until is not None:
+                assert not until.triggered
+                raise RuntimeError(
+                    f'No scheduled events left but "until" event was not '
+                    f'triggered: {until}'
+                ) from None
+        return None
diff --git a/src/simpy/ b/src/simpy/
index 128ed75..28d4433 100644
--- a/src/simpy/
+++ b/src/simpy/
@@ -14,14 +14,34 @@ used, there are several specialized subclasses of it.

 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, Dict, Generator, Iterable, Iterator, List, NewType, Optional, Tuple, TypeVar
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Callable,
+    Dict,
+    Generator,
+    Iterable,
+    Iterator,
+    List,
+    NewType,
+    Optional,
+    Tuple,
+    TypeVar,
 from simpy.exceptions import Interrupt
     from types import FrameType
     from simpy.core import Environment, SimTime
 PENDING: object = object()
 """Unique object to identify pending values of events."""
 EventPriority = NewType('EventPriority', int)
 URGENT: EventPriority = EventPriority(0)
 """Priority of interrupts and process initialization events."""
 NORMAL: EventPriority = EventPriority(1)
@@ -58,6 +78,7 @@ class Event:
     of them.

     _ok: bool
     _defused: bool
     _value: Any = PENDING
@@ -68,29 +89,29 @@ class Event:
         self.callbacks: EventCallbacks = []
         """List of functions that are called when the event is processed."""

-    def __repr__(self) ->str:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
         """Return the description of the event (see :meth:`_desc`) with the id
         of the event."""
         return f'<{self._desc()} object at {id(self):#x}>'

-    def _desc(self) ->str:
+    def _desc(self) -> str:
         """Return a string *Event()*."""
-        pass
+        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}()'

-    def triggered(self) ->bool:
+    def triggered(self) -> bool:
         """Becomes ``True`` if the event has been triggered and its callbacks
         are about to be invoked."""
-        pass
+        return self._value is not PENDING

-    def processed(self) ->bool:
+    def processed(self) -> bool:
         """Becomes ``True`` if the event has been processed (e.g., its
         callbacks have been invoked)."""
-        pass
+        return self.callbacks is None

-    def ok(self) ->bool:
+    def ok(self) -> bool:
         """Becomes ``True`` when the event has been triggered successfully.

         A "successful" event is one triggered with :meth:`succeed()`.
@@ -98,10 +119,10 @@ class Event:
         :raises AttributeError: if accessed before the event is triggered.

-        pass
+        return self._ok

-    def defused(self) ->bool:
+    def defused(self) -> bool:
         """Becomes ``True`` when the failed event's exception is "defused".

         When an event fails (i.e. with :meth:`fail()`), the failed event's
@@ -115,10 +136,14 @@ class Event:
         processed by the :class:`~simpy.core.Environment`.

-        pass
+        return hasattr(self, '_defused')
+    @defused.setter
+    def defused(self, value: bool) -> None:
+        self._defused = True

-    def value(self) ->Optional[Any]:
+    def value(self) -> Optional[Any]:
         """The value of the event if it is available.

         The value is available when the event has been triggered.
@@ -126,9 +151,11 @@ class Event:
         Raises :exc:`AttributeError` if the value is not yet available.

-        pass
+        if self._value is PENDING:
+            raise AttributeError(f'Value of {self} is not yet available')
+        return self._value

-    def trigger(self, event: Event) ->None:
+    def trigger(self, event: Event) -> None:
         """Trigger the event with the state and value of the provided *event*.
         Return *self* (this event instance).

@@ -136,18 +163,26 @@ class Event:
         chain reactions.

-        pass
+        self._ok = event._ok
+        self._value = event._value
+        self.env.schedule(self)

-    def succeed(self, value: Optional[Any]=None) ->Event:
+    def succeed(self, value: Optional[Any] = None) -> Event:
         """Set the event's value, mark it as successful and schedule it for
         processing by the environment. Returns the event instance.

         Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if this event has already been triggerd.

-        pass
+        if self._value is not PENDING:
+            raise RuntimeError(f'{self} has already been triggered')

-    def fail(self, exception: Exception) ->Event:
+        self._ok = True
+        self._value = value
+        self.env.schedule(self)
+        return self
+    def fail(self, exception: Exception) -> Event:
         """Set *exception* as the events value, mark it as failed and schedule
         it for processing by the environment. Returns the event instance.

@@ -156,14 +191,21 @@ class Event:
         Raises :exc:`RuntimeError` if this event has already been triggered.

-        pass
+        if self._value is not PENDING:
+            raise RuntimeError(f'{self} has already been triggered')
+        if not isinstance(exception, BaseException):
+            raise TypeError(f'{exception} is not an exception.')
+        self._ok = False
+        self._value = exception
+        self.env.schedule(self)
+        return self

-    def __and__(self, other: Event) ->Condition:
+    def __and__(self, other: Event) -> Condition:
         """Return a :class:`` that will be triggered if
         both, this event and *other*, have been processed."""
         return Condition(self.env, Condition.all_events, [self, other])

-    def __or__(self, other: Event) ->Condition:
+    def __or__(self, other: Event) -> Condition:
         """Return a :class:`` that will be triggered if
         either this event or *other* have been processed (or even both, if they
         happened concurrently)."""
@@ -184,10 +226,16 @@ class Timeout(Event):


-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, delay: SimTime, value: Optional[
-        Any]=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        env: Environment,
+        delay: SimTime,
+        value: Optional[Any] = None,
+    ):
         if delay < 0:
             raise ValueError(f'Negative delay {delay}')
+        # NOTE: The following initialization code is inlined from
+        # Event.__init__() for performance reasons.
         self.env = env
         self.callbacks: EventCallbacks = []
         self._value = value
@@ -195,9 +243,10 @@ class Timeout(Event):
         self._ok = True
         env.schedule(self, NORMAL, delay)

-    def _desc(self) ->str:
+    def _desc(self) -> str:
         """Return a string *Timeout(delay[, value=value])*."""
-        pass
+        value_str = '' if self._value is None else f', value={self.value}'
+        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._delay}{value_str})'

 class Initialize(Event):
@@ -208,9 +257,15 @@ class Initialize(Event):

     def __init__(self, env: Environment, process: Process):
+        # NOTE: The following initialization code is inlined from
+        # Event.__init__() for performance reasons.
         self.env = env
         self.callbacks: EventCallbacks = [process._resume]
         self._value: Any = None
+        # The initialization events needs to be scheduled as urgent so that it
+        # will be handled before interrupts. Otherwise, a process whose
+        # generator has not yet been started could be interrupted.
         self._ok = True
         env.schedule(self, URGENT)

@@ -224,19 +279,36 @@ class Interruption(Event):

     def __init__(self, process: Process, cause: Optional[Any]):
+        # NOTE: The following initialization code is inlined from
+        # Event.__init__() for performance reasons.
         self.env = process.env
         self.callbacks: EventCallbacks = [self._interrupt]
         self._value = Interrupt(cause)
         self._ok = False
         self._defused = True
         if process._value is not PENDING:
-            raise RuntimeError(
-                f'{process} has terminated and cannot be interrupted.')
+            raise RuntimeError(f'{process} has terminated and cannot be interrupted.')
         if process is self.env.active_process:
             raise RuntimeError('A process is not allowed to interrupt itself.')
         self.process = process
         self.env.schedule(self, URGENT)

+    def _interrupt(self, event: Event) -> None:
+        # Ignore dead processes. Multiple concurrently scheduled interrupts
+        # cause this situation. If the process dies while handling the first
+        # one, the remaining interrupts must be ignored.
+        if self.process._value is not PENDING:
+            return
+        # A process never expects an interrupt and is always waiting for a
+        # target event. Remove the process from the callbacks of the target.
+        self.process._target.callbacks.remove(self.process._resume)
+        self.process._resume(self)

 ProcessGenerator = Generator[Event, Any, Any]

@@ -259,37 +331,50 @@ class Process(Event):

     def __init__(self, env: Environment, generator: ProcessGenerator):
         if not hasattr(generator, 'throw'):
+            # Implementation note: Python implementations differ in the
+            # generator types they provide. Cython adds its own generator type
+            # in addition to the CPython type, which renders a type check
+            # impractical. To work around this issue, we check for attribute
+            # name instead of type and optimistically assume that all objects
+            # with a ``throw`` attribute are generators.
+            # Remove this workaround if it causes issues in production!
             raise ValueError(f'{generator} is not a generator.')
+        # NOTE: The following initialization code is inlined from
+        # Event.__init__() for performance reasons.
         self.env = env
         self.callbacks: EventCallbacks = []
         self._generator = generator
+        # Schedule the start of the execution of the process.
         self._target: Event = Initialize(env, self)

-    def _desc(self) ->str:
+    def _desc(self) -> str:
         """Return a string *Process(process_func_name)*."""
-        pass
+        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({})'

-    def target(self) ->Event:
+    def target(self) -> Event:
         """The event that the process is currently waiting for.

         Returns ``None`` if the process is dead, or it is currently being

-        pass
+        return self._target

-    def name(self) ->str:
+    def name(self) -> str:
         """Name of the function used to start the process."""
-        pass
+        return self._generator.__name__  # type: ignore

-    def is_alive(self) ->bool:
+    def is_alive(self) -> bool:
         """``True`` until the process generator exits."""
-        pass
+        return self._value is PENDING

-    def interrupt(self, cause: Optional[Any]=None) ->None:
+    def interrupt(self, cause: Optional[Any] = None) -> None:
         """Interrupt this process optionally providing a *cause*.

         A process cannot be interrupted if it already terminated. A process can
@@ -297,13 +382,69 @@ class Process(Event):

-        pass
+        Interruption(self, cause)

-    def _resume(self, event: Event) ->None:
+    def _resume(self, event: Event) -> None:
         """Resumes the execution of the process with the value of *event*. If
         the process generator exits, the process itself will get triggered with
         the return value or the exception of the generator."""
-        pass
+        # Mark the current process as active.
+        self.env._active_proc = self
+        while True:
+            # Get next event from process
+            try:
+                if event._ok:
+                    event = self._generator.send(event._value)
+                else:
+                    # The process has no choice but to handle the failed event
+                    # (or fail itself).
+                    event._defused = True
+                    # Create an exclusive copy of the exception for this
+                    # process to prevent traceback modifications by other
+                    # processes.
+                    exc = type(event._value)(*event._value.args)
+                    exc.__cause__ = event._value
+                    event = self._generator.throw(exc)
+            except StopIteration as e:
+                # Process has terminated.
+                event = None  # type: ignore
+                self._ok = True
+                self._value = e.args[0] if len(e.args) else None
+                self.env.schedule(self)
+                break
+            except BaseException as e:
+                # Process has failed.
+                event = None  # type: ignore
+                self._ok = False
+                # Strip the frame of this function from the traceback as it
+                # does not add any useful information.
+                e.__traceback__ = e.__traceback__.tb_next  # type: ignore
+                self._value = e
+                self.env.schedule(self)
+                break
+            # Process returned another event to wait upon.
+            try:
+                # Be optimistic and blindly access the callbacks attribute.
+                if event.callbacks is not None:
+                    # The event has not yet been triggered. Register callback
+                    # to resume the process if that happens.
+                    event.callbacks.append(self._resume)
+                    break
+            except AttributeError:
+                # Our optimism didn't work out, figure out what went wrong and
+                # inform the user.
+                if hasattr(event, 'callbacks'):
+                    raise
+                msg = f'Invalid yield value "{event}"'
+                descr = _describe_frame(self._generator.gi_frame)
+                raise RuntimeError(f'\n{descr}{msg}') from None
+        self._target = event
+        self.env._active_proc = None

 class ConditionValue:
@@ -311,18 +452,19 @@ class ConditionValue:
     dict-like access to the triggered events and their values. The events are
     ordered by their occurrences in the condition."""

-    def __init__(self) ->None:
+    def __init__(self) -> None: List[Event] = []

-    def __getitem__(self, key: Event) ->Any:
+    def __getitem__(self, key: Event) -> Any:
         if key not in
             raise KeyError(str(key))
         return key._value

-    def __contains__(self, key: Event) ->bool:
+    def __contains__(self, key: Event) -> bool:
         return key in

-    def __eq__(self, other: object) ->bool:
+    def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool:
         if isinstance(other, ConditionValue):
             return ==
         elif isinstance(other, dict):
@@ -330,12 +472,24 @@ class ConditionValue:
             return NotImplemented

-    def __repr__(self) ->str:
+    def __repr__(self) -> str:
         return f'<ConditionValue {self.todict()}>'

-    def __iter__(self) ->Iterator[Event]:
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[Event]:
         return self.keys()

+    def keys(self) -> Iterator[Event]:
+        return (event for event in
+    def values(self) -> Iterator[Any]:
+        return (event._value for event in
+    def items(self) -> Iterator[Tuple[Event, Any]]:
+        return ((event, event._value) for event in
+    def todict(self) -> Dict[Event, Any]:
+        return {event: event._value for event in}

 class Condition(Event):
     """An event that gets triggered once the condition function *evaluate*
@@ -359,42 +513,64 @@ class Condition(Event):


-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, evaluate: Callable[[Tuple[Event,
-        ...], int], bool], events: Iterable[Event]):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        env: Environment,
+        evaluate: Callable[[Tuple[Event, ...], int], bool],
+        events: Iterable[Event],
+    ):
         self._evaluate = evaluate
         self._events = tuple(events)
         self._count = 0
         if not self._events:
+            # Immediately succeed if no events are provided.
+        # Check if events belong to the same environment.
         for event in self._events:
             if self.env != event.env:
                 raise ValueError(
                     'It is not allowed to mix events from different environments'
-                    )
+                )
+        # Check if the condition is met for each processed event. Attach
+        # _check() as a callback otherwise.
         for event in self._events:
             if event.callbacks is None:
+        # Register a callback which will build the value of this condition
+        # after it has been triggered.
         assert isinstance(self.callbacks, list)

-    def _desc(self) ->str:
+    def _desc(self) -> str:
         """Return a string *Condition(evaluate, [events])*."""
-        pass
+        return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self._evaluate.__name__}, {self._events})'

-    def _populate_value(self, value: ConditionValue) ->None:
+    def _populate_value(self, value: ConditionValue) -> None:
         """Populate the *value* by recursively visiting all nested
-        pass

-    def _build_value(self, event: Event) ->None:
+        for event in self._events:
+            if isinstance(event, Condition):
+                event._populate_value(value)
+            elif event.callbacks is None:
+    def _build_value(self, event: Event) -> None:
         """Build the value of this condition."""
-        pass
+        self._remove_check_callbacks()
+        if event._ok:
+            self._value = ConditionValue()
+            self._populate_value(self._value)

-    def _remove_check_callbacks(self) ->None:
+    def _remove_check_callbacks(self) -> None:
         """Remove _check() callbacks from events recursively.

         Once the condition has triggered, the condition's events no longer need
@@ -403,24 +579,40 @@ class Condition(Event):
         untriggered events.

-        pass
+        for event in self._events:
+            if event.callbacks and self._check in event.callbacks:
+                event.callbacks.remove(self._check)
+            if isinstance(event, Condition):
+                event._remove_check_callbacks()

-    def _check(self, event: Event) ->None:
+    def _check(self, event: Event) -> None:
         """Check if the condition was already met and schedule the *event* if
-        pass
+        if self._value is not PENDING:
+            return
+        self._count += 1
+        if not event._ok:
+            # Abort if the event has failed.
+            event._defused = True
+        elif self._evaluate(self._events, self._count):
+            # The condition has been met. The _build_value() callback will
+            # populate the ConditionValue once this condition is processed.
+            self.succeed()

-    def all_events(events: Tuple[Event, ...], count: int) ->bool:
+    def all_events(events: Tuple[Event, ...], count: int) -> bool:
         """An evaluation function that returns ``True`` if all *events* have
         been triggered."""
-        pass
+        return len(events) == count

-    def any_events(events: Tuple[Event, ...], count: int) ->bool:
+    def any_events(events: Tuple[Event, ...], count: int) -> bool:
         """An evaluation function that returns ``True`` if at least one of
         *events* has been triggered."""
-        pass
+        return count > 0 or len(events) == 0

 class AllOf(Condition):
@@ -445,6 +637,16 @@ class AnyOf(Condition):
         super().__init__(env, Condition.any_events, events)

-def _describe_frame(frame: FrameType) ->str:
+def _describe_frame(frame: FrameType) -> str:
     """Print filename, line number and function name of a stack frame."""
-    pass
+    filename, name = frame.f_code.co_filename, frame.f_code.co_name
+    lineno = frame.f_lineno
+    with open(filename) as f:
+        for no, line in enumerate(f):
+            if no + 1 == lineno:
+                return (
+                    f'  File "{filename}", line {lineno}, in {name}\n'
+                    f'    {line.strip()}\n'
+                )
+        return f'  File "{filename}", line {lineno}, in {name}\n'
diff --git a/src/simpy/ b/src/simpy/
index d45300e..5bbde43 100644
--- a/src/simpy/
+++ b/src/simpy/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ SimPy specific exceptions.

 from __future__ import annotations
 from typing import Any, Optional

@@ -25,10 +26,10 @@ class Interrupt(SimPyException):
     def __init__(self, cause: Optional[Any]):

-    def __str__(self) ->str:
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         return f'{self.__class__.__name__}({self.cause!r})'

-    def cause(self) ->Optional[Any]:
+    def cause(self) -> Optional[Any]:
         """The cause of the interrupt or ``None`` if no cause was provided."""
-        pass
+        return self.args[0]
diff --git a/src/simpy/resources/ b/src/simpy/resources/
index a7d0b96..4cf9ee1 100644
--- a/src/simpy/resources/
+++ b/src/simpy/resources/
@@ -7,11 +7,25 @@ These events are triggered once the request has been completed.

 from __future__ import annotations
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, ClassVar, ContextManager, Generic, MutableSequence, Optional, Type, TypeVar, Union
+from typing import (
+    ClassVar,
+    ContextManager,
+    Generic,
+    MutableSequence,
+    Optional,
+    Type,
+    TypeVar,
+    Union,
 from simpy.core import BoundClass, Environment
 from import Event, Process
     from types import TracebackType
 ResourceType = TypeVar('ResourceType', bound='BaseResource')

@@ -34,20 +48,24 @@ class Put(Event, ContextManager['Put'], Generic[ResourceType]):
         self.resource = resource
         self.proc: Optional[Process] = self.env.active_process
-        resource.put_queue.append(self)
+        resource.put_queue.append(self)  # pyright: ignore

-    def __enter__(self) ->Put:
+    def __enter__(self) -> Put:
         return self

-    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value:
-        Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]
-        ) ->Optional[bool]:
+    def __exit__(
+        self,
+        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+        exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
+        traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
+    ) -> Optional[bool]:
         return None

-    def cancel(self) ->None:
+    def cancel(self) -> None:
         """Cancel this put request.

         This method has to be called if the put request must be aborted, for
@@ -58,7 +76,8 @@ class Put(Event, ContextManager['Put'], Generic[ResourceType]):
         method is called automatically.

-        pass
+        if not self.triggered:
+            self.resource.put_queue.remove(self)  # pyright: ignore

 class Get(Event, ContextManager['Get'], Generic[ResourceType]):
@@ -80,20 +99,24 @@ class Get(Event, ContextManager['Get'], Generic[ResourceType]):
         self.resource = resource
         self.proc = self.env.active_process
-        resource.get_queue.append(self)
+        resource.get_queue.append(self)  # pyright: ignore

-    def __enter__(self) ->Get:
+    def __enter__(self) -> Get:
         return self

-    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value:
-        Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]
-        ) ->Optional[bool]:
+    def __exit__(
+        self,
+        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+        exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
+        traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
+    ) -> Optional[bool]:
         return None

-    def cancel(self) ->None:
+    def cancel(self) -> None:
         """Cancel this get request.

         This method has to be called if the get request must be aborted, for
@@ -104,7 +127,8 @@ class Get(Event, ContextManager['Get'], Generic[ResourceType]):
         method is called automatically.

-        pass
+        if not self.triggered:
+            self.resource.get_queue.remove(self)  # pyright: ignore

 PutType = TypeVar('PutType', bound=Put)
@@ -129,11 +153,13 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
       ``_do_get()`` and ``_do_put()``.

     PutQueue: ClassVar[Type[MutableSequence]] = list
     """The type to be used for the :attr:`put_queue`. It is a plain
     :class:`list` by default. The type must support index access (e.g.
     ``__getitem__()`` and ``__len__()``) as well as provide ``append()`` and
     ``pop()`` operations."""
     GetQueue: ClassVar[Type[MutableSequence]] = list
     """The type to be used for the :attr:`get_queue`. It is a plain
     :class:`list` by default. The type must support index access (e.g.
@@ -147,30 +173,34 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
         """Queue of pending *put* requests."""
         self.get_queue: MutableSequence[GetType] = self.GetQueue()
         """Queue of pending *get* requests."""
+        # Bind event constructors as methods

-    def capacity(self) ->Union[float, int]:
+    def capacity(self) -> Union[float, int]:
         """Maximum capacity of the resource."""
-        pass
+        return self._capacity

-        def put(self) ->Put:
+        def put(self) -> Put:
             """Request to put something into the resource and return a
             :class:`Put` event, which gets triggered once the request
-            pass
+            return Put(self)

-        def get(self) ->Get:
+        def get(self) -> Get:
             """Request to get something from the resource and return a
             :class:`Get` event, which gets triggered once the request
-            pass
+            return Get(self)
         put = BoundClass(Put)
         get = BoundClass(Get)

-    def _do_put(self, event: PutType) ->Optional[bool]:
+    def _do_put(self, event: PutType) -> Optional[bool]:
         """Perform the *put* operation.

         This method needs to be implemented by subclasses. If the conditions
@@ -181,9 +211,9 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
         :attr:`put_queue`, as long as the return value does not evaluate
-        pass
+        raise NotImplementedError(self)

-    def _trigger_put(self, get_event: Optional[GetType]) ->None:
+    def _trigger_put(self, get_event: Optional[GetType]) -> None:
         """This method is called once a new put event has been created or a get
         event has been processed.

@@ -191,9 +221,24 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
         calls :meth:`_do_put` to check if the conditions for the event are met.
         If :meth:`_do_put` returns ``False``, the iteration is stopped early.
-        pass

-    def _do_get(self, event: GetType) ->Optional[bool]:
+        # Maintain queue invariant: All put requests must be untriggered.
+        # This code is not very pythonic because the queue interface should be
+        # simple (only append(), pop(), __getitem__() and __len__() are
+        # required).
+        idx = 0
+        while idx < len(self.put_queue):
+            put_event = self.put_queue[idx]
+            proceed = self._do_put(put_event)
+            if not put_event.triggered:
+                idx += 1
+            elif self.put_queue.pop(idx) != put_event:
+                raise RuntimeError('Put queue invariant violated')
+            if not proceed:
+                break
+    def _do_get(self, event: GetType) -> Optional[bool]:
         """Perform the *get* operation.

         This method needs to be implemented by subclasses. If the conditions
@@ -204,9 +249,9 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
         :attr:`get_queue`, as long as the return value does not evaluate
-        pass
+        raise NotImplementedError(self)

-    def _trigger_get(self, put_event: Optional[PutType]) ->None:
+    def _trigger_get(self, put_event: Optional[PutType]) -> None:
         """Trigger get events.

         This method is called once a new get event has been created or a put
@@ -216,4 +261,19 @@ class BaseResource(Generic[PutType, GetType]):
         calls :meth:`_do_get` to check if the conditions for the event are met.
         If :meth:`_do_get` returns ``False``, the iteration is stopped early.
-        pass
+        # Maintain queue invariant: All get requests must be untriggered.
+        # This code is not very pythonic because the queue interface should be
+        # simple (only append(), pop(), __getitem__() and __len__() are
+        # required).
+        idx = 0
+        while idx < len(self.get_queue):
+            get_event = self.get_queue[idx]
+            proceed = self._do_get(get_event)
+            if not get_event.triggered:
+                idx += 1
+            elif self.get_queue.pop(idx) != get_event:
+                raise RuntimeError('Get queue invariant violated')
+            if not proceed:
+                break
diff --git a/src/simpy/resources/ b/src/simpy/resources/
index 00aa6de..8fb6a2a 100644
--- a/src/simpy/resources/
+++ b/src/simpy/resources/
@@ -8,9 +8,12 @@ fuel tanks.

 from __future__ import annotations
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Optional, Union
 from simpy.core import BoundClass, Environment
 from simpy.resources import base
 ContainerAmount = Union[int, float]

@@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ class ContainerPut(base.Put):
             raise ValueError(f'amount(={amount}) must be > 0.')
         self.amount = amount
         """The amount of matter to be put into the container."""

@@ -43,6 +47,7 @@ class ContainerGet(base.Get):
             raise ValueError(f'amount(={amount}) must be > 0.')
         self.amount = amount
         """The amount of matter to be taken out of the container."""

@@ -63,30 +68,58 @@ class Container(base.BaseResource):


-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: ContainerAmount=float(
-        'inf'), init: ContainerAmount=0):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        env: Environment,
+        capacity: ContainerAmount = float('inf'),
+        init: ContainerAmount = 0,
+    ):
         if capacity <= 0:
             raise ValueError('"capacity" must be > 0.')
         if init < 0:
             raise ValueError('"init" must be >= 0.')
         if init > capacity:
             raise ValueError('"init" must be <= "capacity".')
         super().__init__(env, capacity)
         self._level = init

-    def level(self) ->ContainerAmount:
+    def level(self) -> ContainerAmount:
         """The current amount of the matter in the container."""
-        pass
+        return self._level

-        def put(self, amount: ContainerAmount) ->ContainerPut:
+        def put(  # type: ignore[override]
+            self, amount: ContainerAmount
+        ) -> ContainerPut:
             """Request to put *amount* of matter into the container."""
-            pass
+            return ContainerPut(self, amount)

-        def get(self, amount: ContainerAmount) ->ContainerGet:
+        def get(  # type: ignore[override]
+            self, amount: ContainerAmount
+        ) -> ContainerGet:
             """Request to get *amount* of matter out of the container."""
-            pass
+            return ContainerGet(self, amount)
         put = BoundClass(ContainerPut)
         get = BoundClass(ContainerGet)
+    def _do_put(self, event: ContainerPut) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if self._capacity - self._level >= event.amount:
+            self._level += event.amount
+            event.succeed()
+            return True
+        else:
+            return None
+    def _do_get(self, event: ContainerGet) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if self._level >= event.amount:
+            self._level -= event.amount
+            event.succeed()
+            return True
+        else:
+            return None
diff --git a/src/simpy/resources/ b/src/simpy/resources/
index 2c4f6dd..d48eb1c 100644
--- a/src/simpy/resources/
+++ b/src/simpy/resources/
@@ -29,11 +29,15 @@ whose resource users can be preempted by requests with a higher priority.

 from __future__ import annotations
 from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, List, Optional, Type
 from simpy.core import BoundClass, Environment, SimTime
 from simpy.resources import base
     from types import TracebackType
     from import Process

@@ -43,8 +47,12 @@ class Preempted:


-    def __init__(self, by: Optional[Process], usage_since: Optional[SimTime
-        ], resource: Resource):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        by: Optional[Process],
+        usage_since: Optional[SimTime],
+        resource: Resource,
+    ): = by
         """The preempting :class:``."""
         self.usage_since = usage_since
@@ -67,13 +75,21 @@ class Request(base.Put):
     a :keyword:`with` statement.

     resource: Resource
+    #: The time at which the request succeeded.
     usage_since: Optional[SimTime] = None

-    def __exit__(self, exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]], exc_value:
-        Optional[BaseException], traceback: Optional[TracebackType]
-        ) ->Optional[bool]:
+    def __exit__(
+        self,
+        exc_type: Optional[Type[BaseException]],
+        exc_value: Optional[BaseException],
+        traceback: Optional[TracebackType],
+    ) -> Optional[bool]:
         super().__exit__(exc_type, exc_value, traceback)
+        # Don't release the resource on generator cleanups. This seems to
+        # create un-claimable circular references otherwise.
         if exc_type is not GeneratorExit:
         return None
@@ -103,21 +119,24 @@ class PriorityRequest(Request):


-    def __init__(self, resource: Resource, priority: int=0, preempt: bool=True
-        ):
+    def __init__(self, resource: Resource, priority: int = 0, preempt: bool = True):
         self.priority = priority
         """The priority of this request. A smaller number means higher
         self.preempt = preempt
         """Indicates whether the request should preempt a resource user or not
         (:class:`PriorityResource` ignores this flag)."""
         self.time =
         """The time at which the request was made."""
-        self.key = self.priority, self.time, not self.preempt
+        self.key = (self.priority, self.time, not self.preempt)
         """Key for sorting events. Consists of the priority (lower value is
         more important), the time at which the request was made (earlier
         requests are more important) and finally the preemption flag (preempt
         requests are more important)."""

@@ -127,18 +146,22 @@ class SortedQueue(list):


-    def __init__(self, maxlen: Optional[int]=None):
+    def __init__(self, maxlen: Optional[int] = None):
         self.maxlen = maxlen
         """Maximum length of the queue."""

-    def append(self, item: Any) ->None:
+    def append(self, item: Any) -> None:
         """Sort *item* into the queue.

         Raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` if the queue is full.

-        pass
+        if self.maxlen is not None and len(self) >= self.maxlen:
+            raise RuntimeError('Cannot append event. Queue is full.')
+        super().append(item)
+        super().sort(key=lambda e: e.key)

 class Resource(base.BaseResource):
@@ -153,10 +176,12 @@ class Resource(base.BaseResource):


-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: int=1):
+    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: int = 1):
         if capacity <= 0:
             raise ValueError('"capacity" must be > 0.')
         super().__init__(env, capacity)
         self.users: List[Request] = []
         """List of :class:`Request` events for the processes that are currently
         using the resource."""
@@ -166,22 +191,37 @@ class Resource(base.BaseResource):

-    def count(self) ->int:
+    def count(self) -> int:
         """Number of users currently using the resource."""
-        pass
+        return len(self.users)

-        def request(self) ->Request:
+        def request(self) -> Request:
             """Request a usage slot."""
-            pass
+            return Request(self)

-        def release(self, request: Request) ->Release:
+        def release(self, request: Request) -> Release:
             """Release a usage slot."""
-            pass
+            return Release(self, request)
         request = BoundClass(Request)
         release = BoundClass(Release)

+    def _do_put(self, event: Request) -> None:
+        if len(self.users) < self.capacity:
+            self.users.append(event)
+            event.usage_since =
+            event.succeed()
+    def _do_get(self, event: Release) -> None:
+        try:
+            self.users.remove(event.request)  # type: ignore
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+        event.succeed()

 class PriorityResource(Resource):
     """A :class:`~simpy.resources.resource.Resource` supporting prioritized
@@ -191,25 +231,30 @@ class PriorityResource(Resource):
     order by their *priority* (that means lower values are more important).

     PutQueue = SortedQueue
     """Type of the put queue. See
     :attr:`~simpy.resources.base.BaseResource.put_queue` for details."""
     GetQueue = list
     """Type of the get queue. See
     :attr:`~simpy.resources.base.BaseResource.get_queue` for details."""

-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: int=1):
+    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: int = 1):
         super().__init__(env, capacity)

-        def request(self, priority: int=0, preempt: bool=True
-            ) ->PriorityRequest:
+        def request(self, priority: int = 0, preempt: bool = True) -> PriorityRequest:
             """Request a usage slot with the given *priority*."""
-            pass
+            return PriorityRequest(self, priority, preempt)

-        def release(self, request: PriorityRequest) ->Release:
+        def release(  # type: ignore[override]
+            self, request: PriorityRequest
+        ) -> Release:
             """Release a usage slot."""
-            pass
+            return Release(self, request)
         request = BoundClass(PriorityRequest)
         release = BoundClass(Release)
@@ -223,4 +268,23 @@ class PreemptiveResource(PriorityResource):

-    users: List[PriorityRequest]
+    users: List[PriorityRequest]  # type: ignore
+    def _do_put(  # type: ignore[override]
+        self, event: PriorityRequest
+    ) -> None:
+        if len(self.users) >= self.capacity and event.preempt:
+            # Check if we can preempt another process
+            preempt = sorted(self.users, key=lambda e: e.key)[-1]
+            if preempt.key > event.key:
+                self.users.remove(preempt)
+                preempt.proc.interrupt(  # type: ignore
+                    Preempted(
+                        by=event.proc,
+                        usage_since=preempt.usage_since,
+                        resource=self,
+                    )
+                )
+        return super()._do_put(event)
diff --git a/src/simpy/resources/ b/src/simpy/resources/
index 5875e6d..13ac1ca 100644
--- a/src/simpy/resources/
+++ b/src/simpy/resources/
@@ -9,8 +9,18 @@ matching a given criterion.

 from __future__ import annotations
 from heapq import heappop, heappush
-from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Any, Callable, List, NamedTuple, Optional, Union
+from typing import (
+    Any,
+    Callable,
+    List,
+    NamedTuple,
+    Optional,
+    Union,
 from simpy.core import BoundClass, Environment
 from simpy.resources import base

@@ -45,8 +55,11 @@ class FilterStoreGet(StoreGet):


-    def __init__(self, resource: FilterStore, filter: Callable[[Any], bool]
-        =lambda item: True):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        resource: FilterStore,
+        filter: Callable[[Any], bool] = lambda item: True,
+    ):
         self.filter = filter
         """The filter function to filter items in the store."""
@@ -62,26 +75,42 @@ class Store(base.BaseResource):


-    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: Union[float, int]=float(
-        'inf')):
+    def __init__(self, env: Environment, capacity: Union[float, int] = float('inf')):
         if capacity <= 0:
             raise ValueError('"capacity" must be > 0.')
         super().__init__(env, capacity)
         self.items: List[Any] = []
         """List of the items available in the store."""

-        def put(self, item: Any) ->StorePut:
+        def put(  # type: ignore[override]
+            self, item: Any
+        ) -> StorePut:
             """Request to put *item* into the store."""
-            pass
+            return StorePut(self, item)

-        def get(self) ->StoreGet:
+        def get(self) -> StoreGet:  # type: ignore[override]
             """Request to get an *item* out of the store."""
-            pass
+            return StoreGet(self)
         put = BoundClass(StorePut)
         get = BoundClass(StoreGet)

+    def _do_put(self, event: StorePut) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if len(self.items) < self._capacity:
+            self.items.append(event.item)
+            event.succeed()
+        return None
+    def _do_get(self, event: StoreGet) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if self.items:
+            event.succeed(self.items.pop(0))
+        return None

 class PriorityItem(NamedTuple):
     """Wrap an arbitrary *item* with an order-able *priority*.
@@ -91,10 +120,16 @@ class PriorityItem(NamedTuple):
     unorderable items in a :class:`PriorityStore` instance.

+    #: Priority of the item.
     priority: Any
+    #: The item to be stored.
     item: Any

-    def __lt__(self, other: PriorityItem) ->bool:
+    def __lt__(  # type: ignore[override]
+        self, other: PriorityItem
+    ) -> bool:
         return self.priority < other.priority

@@ -111,6 +146,17 @@ class PriorityStore(Store):


+    def _do_put(self, event: StorePut) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if len(self.items) < self._capacity:
+            heappush(self.items, event.item)
+            event.succeed()
+        return None
+    def _do_get(self, event: StoreGet) -> Optional[bool]:
+        if self.items:
+            event.succeed(heappop(self.items))
+        return None

 class FilterStore(Store):
     """Resource with *capacity* slots for storing arbitrary objects supporting
@@ -133,12 +179,25 @@ class FilterStore(Store):
         want it.


-        def get(self, filter: Callable[[Any], bool]=lambda item: True
-            ) ->FilterStoreGet:
+        def get(
+            self, filter: Callable[[Any], bool] = lambda item: True
+        ) -> FilterStoreGet:
             """Request to get an *item*, for which *filter* returns ``True``,
             out of the store."""
-            pass
+            return FilterStoreGet(self, filter)
         get = BoundClass(FilterStoreGet)
+    def _do_get(  # type: ignore[override]
+        self, event: FilterStoreGet
+    ) -> Optional[bool]:
+        for item in self.items:
+            if event.filter(item):
+                self.items.remove(item)
+                event.succeed(item)
+                break
+        return True
diff --git a/src/simpy/ b/src/simpy/
index 9d99392..284cb45 100644
--- a/src/simpy/
+++ b/src/simpy/
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ with the real-time (aka *wall-clock time*).

 from time import monotonic, sleep
 from simpy.core import EmptySchedule, Environment, Infinity, SimTime

@@ -20,27 +21,32 @@ class RealtimeEnvironment(Environment):


-    def __init__(self, initial_time: SimTime=0, factor: float=1.0, strict:
-        bool=True):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        initial_time: SimTime = 0,
+        factor: float = 1.0,
+        strict: bool = True,
+    ):
         Environment.__init__(self, initial_time)
         self.env_start = initial_time
         self.real_start = monotonic()
         self._factor = factor
         self._strict = strict

-    def factor(self) ->float:
+    def factor(self) -> float:
         """Scaling factor of the real-time."""
-        pass
+        return self._factor

-    def strict(self) ->bool:
+    def strict(self) -> bool:
         """Running mode of the environment. :meth:`step()` will raise a
         :exc:`RuntimeError` if this is set to ``True`` and the processing of
         events takes too long."""
-        pass
+        return self._strict

-    def sync(self) ->None:
+    def sync(self) -> None:
         """Synchronize the internal time with the current wall-clock time.

         This can be useful to prevent :meth:`step()` from raising an error if
@@ -48,9 +54,9 @@ class RealtimeEnvironment(Environment):
         calling :meth:`run()` or :meth:`step()`.

-        pass
+        self.real_start = monotonic()

-    def step(self) ->None:
+    def step(self) -> None:
         """Process the next event after enough real-time has passed for the
         event to happen.

@@ -59,4 +65,26 @@ class RealtimeEnvironment(Environment):
         the event is processed too slowly.

-        pass
+        evt_time = self.peek()
+        if evt_time is Infinity:
+            raise EmptySchedule
+        real_time = self.real_start + (evt_time - self.env_start) * self.factor
+        if self.strict and monotonic() - real_time > self.factor:
+            # Events scheduled for time *t* may take just up to *t+1*
+            # for their computation, before an error is raised.
+            delta = monotonic() - real_time
+            raise RuntimeError(f'Simulation too slow for real time ({delta:.3f}s).')
+        # Sleep in a loop to fix inaccuracies of windows (see
+        # for details) and to ignore
+        # interrupts.
+        while True:
+            delta = real_time - monotonic()
+            if delta <= 0:
+                break
+            sleep(delta)
+        Environment.step(self)
diff --git a/src/simpy/ b/src/simpy/
index 5e3a81a..7bb5d27 100644
--- a/src/simpy/
+++ b/src/simpy/
@@ -6,12 +6,14 @@ A collection of utility functions:

 from typing import Generator
 from simpy.core import Environment, SimTime
 from import Event, Process, ProcessGenerator

-def start_delayed(env: Environment, generator: ProcessGenerator, delay: SimTime
-    ) ->Process:
+def start_delayed(
+    env: Environment, generator: ProcessGenerator, delay: SimTime
+) -> Process:
     """Return a helper process that starts another process for *generator*
     after a certain *delay*.

@@ -33,10 +35,18 @@ def start_delayed(env: Environment, generator: ProcessGenerator, delay: SimTime
     Raise a :exc:`ValueError` if ``delay <= 0``.

-    pass
+    if delay <= 0:
+        raise ValueError(f'delay(={delay}) must be > 0.')
+    def starter() -> Generator[Event, None, Process]:
+        yield env.timeout(delay)
+        proc = env.process(generator)
+        return proc
+    return env.process(starter())

-def subscribe_at(event: Event) ->None:
+def subscribe_at(event: Event) -> None:
     """Register at the *event* to receive an interrupt when it occurs.

     The most common use case for this is to pass
@@ -45,4 +55,16 @@ def subscribe_at(event: Event) ->None:
     Raise a :exc:`RuntimeError` if ``event`` has already occurred.

-    pass
+    env = event.env
+    assert env.active_process is not None
+    subscriber = env.active_process
+    def signaller(signaller: Event, receiver: Process) -> ProcessGenerator:
+        result = yield signaller
+        if receiver.is_alive:
+            receiver.interrupt((signaller, result))
+    if event.callbacks is not None:
+        env.process(signaller(event, subscriber))
+    else:
+        raise RuntimeError(f'{event} has already terminated.')