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Reference (Gold): imapclient

Pytest Summary for test tests

status count
passed 267
total 267
collected 267

Failed pytests:

Patch diff

diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index f098591..76e8dc8 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import argparse
 import configparser
 import json
@@ -6,19 +10,210 @@ import ssl
 import urllib.parse
 import urllib.request
 from typing import Any, Callable, Dict, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, TypeVar
 import imapclient

-def parse_config_file(filename: str) ->argparse.Namespace:
+def getenv(name: str, default: Optional[str]) -> Optional[str]:
+    return os.environ.get("imapclient_" + name, default)
+def get_config_defaults() -> Dict[str, Any]:
+    return {
+        "username": getenv("username", None),
+        "password": getenv("password", None),
+        "ssl": True,
+        "ssl_check_hostname": True,
+        "ssl_verify_cert": True,
+        "ssl_ca_file": None,
+        "timeout": None,
+        "starttls": False,
+        "stream": False,
+        "oauth2": False,
+        "oauth2_client_id": getenv("oauth2_client_id", None),
+        "oauth2_client_secret": getenv("oauth2_client_secret", None),
+        "oauth2_refresh_token": getenv("oauth2_refresh_token", None),
+        "expect_failure": None,
+    }
+def parse_config_file(filename: str) -> argparse.Namespace:
     """Parse INI files containing IMAP connection details.

     Used by and
-    pass

+    parser = configparser.ConfigParser(get_string_config_defaults())
+    conf = _read_config_section(parser, "DEFAULT")
+    if conf.expect_failure:
+        raise ValueError("expect_failure should not be set for the DEFAULT section")
+    conf.alternates = {}
+    for section in parser.sections():
+        # pylint: disable=no-member
+        conf.alternates[section] = _read_config_section(parser, section)
+    return conf
+def get_string_config_defaults() -> Dict[str, str]:
+    out = {}
+    for k, v in get_config_defaults().items():
+        if v is True:
+            v = "true"
+        elif v is False:
+            v = "false"
+        elif not v:
+            v = ""
+        out[k] = v
+    return out
+T = TypeVar("T")
+def _read_config_section(
+    parser: configparser.ConfigParser, section: str
+) -> argparse.Namespace:
+    def get(name: str) -> str:
+        return parser.get(section, name)
+    def getboolean(name: str) -> bool:
+        return parser.getboolean(section, name)
+    def get_allowing_none(name: str, typefunc: Callable[[str], T]) -> Optional[T]:
+        try:
+            v = parser.get(section, name)
+        except configparser.NoOptionError:
+            return None
+        if not v:
+            return None
+        return typefunc(v)
+    def getint(name: str) -> Optional[int]:
+        return get_allowing_none(name, int)
+    def getfloat(name: str) -> Optional[float]:
+        return get_allowing_none(name, float)

-T = TypeVar('T')
-    '', '':
-    ''}
+    ssl_ca_file = get("ssl_ca_file")
+    if ssl_ca_file:
+        ssl_ca_file = os.path.expanduser(ssl_ca_file)
+    return argparse.Namespace(
+        host=get("host"),
+        port=getint("port"),
+        ssl=getboolean("ssl"),
+        starttls=getboolean("starttls"),
+        ssl_check_hostname=getboolean("ssl_check_hostname"),
+        ssl_verify_cert=getboolean("ssl_verify_cert"),
+        ssl_ca_file=ssl_ca_file,
+        timeout=getfloat("timeout"),
+        stream=getboolean("stream"),
+        username=get("username"),
+        password=get("password"),
+        oauth2=getboolean("oauth2"),
+        oauth2_client_id=get("oauth2_client_id"),
+        oauth2_client_secret=get("oauth2_client_secret"),
+        oauth2_refresh_token=get("oauth2_refresh_token"),
+        expect_failure=get("expect_failure"),
+    )
+    "": "",
+    "": "",
+def refresh_oauth2_token(
+    hostname: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, refresh_token: str
+) -> str:
+    url = OAUTH2_REFRESH_URLS.get(hostname)
+    if not url:
+        raise ValueError("don't know where to refresh OAUTH2 token for %r" % hostname)
+    post = {
+        "client_id": client_id.encode("ascii"),
+        "client_secret": client_secret.encode("ascii"),
+        "refresh_token": refresh_token.encode("ascii"),
+        "grant_type": b"refresh_token",
+    }
+    with urllib.request.urlopen(
+        url, urllib.parse.urlencode(post).encode("ascii")
+    ) as request:
+        response =
+    result = json.loads(response.decode("ascii"))["access_token"]
+        assert isinstance(result, str)
+    return result
+# Tokens are expensive to refresh so use the same one for the duration of the process.
 _oauth2_cache: Dict[Tuple[str, str, str, str], str] = {}
+def get_oauth2_token(
+    hostname: str, client_id: str, client_secret: str, refresh_token: str
+) -> str:
+    cache_key = (hostname, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token)
+    token = _oauth2_cache.get(cache_key)
+    if token:
+        return token
+    token = refresh_oauth2_token(hostname, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token)
+    _oauth2_cache[cache_key] = token
+    return token
+def create_client_from_config(
+    conf: argparse.Namespace, login: bool = True
+) -> imapclient.IMAPClient:
+    assert, "missing host"
+    ssl_context = None
+    if conf.ssl:
+        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context()
+        ssl_context.check_hostname = conf.ssl_check_hostname
+        if not conf.ssl_verify_cert:
+            ssl_context.verify_mode = ssl.CERT_NONE
+        if conf.ssl_ca_file:
+            ssl_context.load_verify_locations(cafile=conf.ssl_ca_file)
+    client = imapclient.IMAPClient(
+        port=conf.port,
+        ssl=conf.ssl,
+        ssl_context=ssl_context,
+        timeout=conf.timeout,
+    )
+    if not login:
+        return client
+    try:
+        if conf.starttls:
+            client.starttls()
+        if conf.oauth2:
+            assert conf.oauth2_client_id, "missing oauth2 id"
+            assert conf.oauth2_client_secret, "missing oauth2 secret"
+            assert conf.oauth2_refresh_token, "missing oauth2 refresh token"
+            access_token = get_oauth2_token(
+      ,
+                conf.oauth2_client_id,
+                conf.oauth2_client_secret,
+                conf.oauth2_refresh_token,
+            )
+            client.oauth2_login(conf.username, access_token)
+        elif not
+            assert conf.username, "missing username"
+            assert conf.password, "missing password"
+            client.login(conf.username, conf.password)
+        return client
+    except:  # noqa: E722
+        client.shutdown()
+        raise
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 57a44c4..060f889 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import re
 from datetime import datetime
 from email.utils import parsedate_tz
 from .fixed_offset import FixedOffset
-_SHORT_MONTHS = ' Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec'.split(' ')
+_SHORT_MONTHS = " Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec".split(" ")

-def parse_to_datetime(timestamp: bytes, normalise: bool=True) ->datetime:
+def parse_to_datetime(timestamp: bytes, normalise: bool = True) -> datetime:
     """Convert an IMAP datetime string to a datetime.

     If normalise is True (the default), then the returned datetime
@@ -14,22 +20,51 @@ def parse_to_datetime(timestamp: bytes, normalise: bool=True) ->datetime:
     If normalise is False, then the returned datetime will be
     unadjusted but will contain timezone information as per the input.
-    pass
+    time_tuple = parsedate_tz(_munge(timestamp))
+    if time_tuple is None:
+        raise ValueError("couldn't parse datetime %r" % timestamp)
+    tz_offset_seconds = time_tuple[-1]
+    tz = None
+    if tz_offset_seconds is not None:
+        tz = FixedOffset(tz_offset_seconds / 60)
+    dt = datetime(*time_tuple[:6], tzinfo=tz)
+    if normalise and tz:
+        dt = datetime_to_native(dt)

+    return dt

-def datetime_to_INTERNALDATE(dt: datetime) ->str:
+def datetime_to_native(dt: datetime) -> datetime:
+    return dt.astimezone(FixedOffset.for_system()).replace(tzinfo=None)
+def datetime_to_INTERNALDATE(dt: datetime) -> str:
     """Convert a datetime instance to a IMAP INTERNALDATE string.

     If timezone information is missing the current system
     timezone is used.
-    pass
+    if not dt.tzinfo:
+        dt = dt.replace(tzinfo=FixedOffset.for_system())
+    fmt = "%d-" + _SHORT_MONTHS[dt.month] + "-%Y %H:%M:%S %z"
+    return dt.strftime(fmt)
+# Matches timestamp strings where the time separator is a dot (see
+# issue #154). For example: 'Sat, 8 May 2010 16.03.09 +0200'
+_rfc822_dotted_time = re.compile(r"\w+, ?\d{1,2} \w+ \d\d(\d\d)? \d\d?\.\d\d?\.\d\d?.*")

-_rfc822_dotted_time = re.compile(
-    '\\w+, ?\\d{1,2} \\w+ \\d\\d(\\d\\d)? \\d\\d?\\.\\d\\d?\\.\\d\\d?.*')
+def _munge(timestamp: bytes) -> str:
+    s = timestamp.decode("latin-1")  # parsedate_tz only works with strings
+    if _rfc822_dotted_time.match(s):
+        return s.replace(".", ":")
+    return s

-def format_criteria_date(dt: datetime) ->bytes:
+def format_criteria_date(dt: datetime) -> bytes:
     """Format a date or datetime instance for use in IMAP search criteria."""
-    pass
+    out = "%02d-%s-%d" % (, _SHORT_MONTHS[dt.month], dt.year)
+    return out.encode("ascii")
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index a29d919..725af2f 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,4 +1,10 @@
 import imaplib
+# Base class allowing to catch any IMAPClient related exceptions
+# To ensure backward compatibility, we "rename" the imaplib general
+# exception class, so we can catch its exceptions without having to
+# deal with it in IMAPClient codebase
 IMAPClientError = imaplib.IMAP4.error
 IMAPClientAbortError = imaplib.IMAP4.abort
 IMAPClientReadOnlyError = imaplib.IMAP4.readonly
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index b9e7df9..344df46 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,6 +1,11 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import datetime
 import time
 from typing import Optional
 ZERO = datetime.timedelta(0)

@@ -10,17 +15,31 @@ class FixedOffset(datetime.tzinfo):
     east from UTC

-    def __init__(self, minutes: float) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, minutes: float) -> None:
         self.__offset = datetime.timedelta(minutes=minutes)
-        sign = '+'
+        sign = "+"
         if minutes < 0:
-            sign = '-'
+            sign = "-"
         hours, remaining_mins = divmod(abs(minutes), 60)
-        self.__name = '%s%02d%02d' % (sign, hours, remaining_mins)
+        self.__name = "%s%02d%02d" % (sign, hours, remaining_mins)
+    def utcoffset(self, _: Optional[datetime.datetime]) -> datetime.timedelta:
+        return self.__offset
+    def tzname(self, _: Optional[datetime.datetime]) -> str:
+        return self.__name
+    def dst(self, _: Optional[datetime.datetime]) -> datetime.timedelta:
+        return ZERO

-    def for_system(cls) ->'FixedOffset':
+    def for_system(cls) -> "FixedOffset":
         """Return a FixedOffset instance for the current working timezone and
         DST conditions.
-        pass
+        if time.localtime().tm_isdst and time.daylight:
+            offset = time.altzone
+        else:
+            offset = time.timezone
+        return cls(-offset // 60)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 2a45702..d07515e 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,11 +1,27 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import imaplib
 import socket
 from typing import Optional

 class IMAP4WithTimeout(imaplib.IMAP4):
-    def __init__(self, address: str, port: int, timeout: Optional[float]
-        ) ->None:
+    def __init__(self, address: str, port: int, timeout: Optional[float]) -> None:
         self._timeout = timeout
         imaplib.IMAP4.__init__(self, address, port)
+    def open(
+        self, host: str = "", port: int = 143, timeout: Optional[float] = None
+    ) -> None:
+        # This is overridden to make it consistent across Python versions.
+ = host
+        self.port = port
+        self.sock = self._create_socket(timeout)
+        self.file = self.sock.makefile("rb")
+    def _create_socket(self, timeout: Optional[float] = None) -> socket.socket:
+        return socket.create_connection(
+            (, self.port), timeout if timeout is not None else self._timeout
+        )
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 7a795b2..021c564 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,25 +1,108 @@
+# This file contains two main methods used to encode and decode UTF-7
+# string, described in the RFC 3501. There are some variations specific
+# to IMAP4rev1, so the built-in Python UTF-7 codec can't be used instead.
+# The main difference is the shift character (used to switch from ASCII to
+# base64 encoding context), which is & in this modified UTF-7 convention,
+# since + is considered as mainly used in mailbox names.
+# Other variations and examples can be found in the RFC 3501, section 5.1.3.
 import binascii
 from typing import List, Union

-def encode(s: Union[str, bytes]) ->bytes:
+def encode(s: Union[str, bytes]) -> bytes:
     """Encode a folder name using IMAP modified UTF-7 encoding.

     Input is unicode; output is bytes (Python 3) or str (Python 2). If
     non-unicode input is provided, the input is returned unchanged.
-    pass
+    if not isinstance(s, str):
+        return s
+    res = bytearray()
+    b64_buffer: List[str] = []
+    def consume_b64_buffer(buf: List[str]) -> None:
+        """
+        Consume the buffer by encoding it into a modified base 64 representation
+        and surround it with shift characters & and -
+        """
+        if buf:
+            res.extend(b"&" + base64_utf7_encode(buf) + b"-")
+            del buf[:]
+    for c in s:
+        # printable ascii case should not be modified
+        o = ord(c)
+        if 0x20 <= o <= 0x7E:
+            consume_b64_buffer(b64_buffer)
+            # Special case: & is used as shift character so we need to escape it in ASCII
+            if o == 0x26:  # & = 0x26
+                res.extend(b"&-")
+            else:
+                res.append(o)
+        # Bufferize characters that will be encoded in base64 and append them later
+        # in the result, when iterating over ASCII character or the end of string
+        else:
+            b64_buffer.append(c)
+    # Consume the remaining buffer if the string finish with non-ASCII characters
+    consume_b64_buffer(b64_buffer)
+    return bytes(res)

-AMPERSAND_ORD = ord('&')
-DASH_ORD = ord('-')
+AMPERSAND_ORD = ord("&")
+DASH_ORD = ord("-")

-def decode(s: Union[bytes, str]) ->str:
+def decode(s: Union[bytes, str]) -> str:
     """Decode a folder name from IMAP modified UTF-7 encoding to unicode.

     Input is bytes (Python 3) or str (Python 2); output is always
     unicode. If non-bytes/str input is provided, the input is returned
-    pass
+    if not isinstance(s, bytes):
+        return s
+    res = []
+    # Store base64 substring that will be decoded once stepping on end shift character
+    b64_buffer = bytearray()
+    for c in s:
+        # Shift character without anything in buffer -> starts storing base64 substring
+        if c == AMPERSAND_ORD and not b64_buffer:
+            b64_buffer.append(c)
+        # End shift char. -> append the decoded buffer to the result and reset it
+        elif c == DASH_ORD and b64_buffer:
+            # Special case &-, representing "&" escaped
+            if len(b64_buffer) == 1:
+                res.append("&")
+            else:
+                res.append(base64_utf7_decode(b64_buffer[1:]))
+            b64_buffer = bytearray()
+        # Still buffering between the shift character and the shift back to ASCII
+        elif b64_buffer:
+            b64_buffer.append(c)
+        # No buffer initialized yet, should be an ASCII printable char
+        else:
+            res.append(chr(c))
+    # Decode the remaining buffer if any
+    if b64_buffer:
+        res.append(base64_utf7_decode(b64_buffer[1:]))
+    return "".join(res)
+def base64_utf7_encode(buffer: List[str]) -> bytes:
+    s = "".join(buffer).encode("utf-16be")
+    return binascii.b2a_base64(s).rstrip(b"\n=").replace(b"/", b",")
+def base64_utf7_decode(s: bytearray) -> str:
+    s_utf7 = b"+" + s.replace(b",", b"/") + b"-"
+    return s_utf7.decode("utf-7")
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 1b399f1..eea281a 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import dataclasses
 import functools
 import imaplib
@@ -12,57 +16,103 @@ from datetime import date, datetime
 from logging import getLogger, LoggerAdapter
 from operator import itemgetter
 from typing import List, Optional
 from . import exceptions, imap4, response_lexer, tls
 from .datetime_util import datetime_to_INTERNALDATE, format_criteria_date
 from .imap_utf7 import decode as decode_utf7
 from .imap_utf7 import encode as encode_utf7
 from .response_parser import parse_fetch_response, parse_message_list, parse_response
 from .util import assert_imap_protocol, chunk, to_bytes, to_unicode
-if hasattr(select, 'poll'):
+if hasattr(select, "poll"):
     POLL_SUPPORT = True
+    # Fallback to select() on systems that don't support poll()
     POLL_SUPPORT = False
 logger = getLogger(__name__)
-__all__ = ['IMAPClient', 'SocketTimeout', 'DELETED', 'SEEN', 'ANSWERED',
-if 'XLIST' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['XLIST'] = 'NONAUTH', 'AUTH', 'SELECTED'
-if 'IDLE' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['IDLE'] = 'NONAUTH', 'AUTH', 'SELECTED'
-if 'STARTTLS' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['STARTTLS'] = 'NONAUTH',
-if 'ID' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['ID'] = 'NONAUTH', 'AUTH', 'SELECTED'
-if 'UNSELECT' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['UNSELECT'] = 'AUTH', 'SELECTED'
-if 'ENABLE' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['ENABLE'] = 'AUTH',
-if 'MOVE' not in imaplib.Commands:
-    imaplib.Commands['MOVE'] = 'AUTH', 'SELECTED'
-DELETED = b'\\Deleted'
-SEEN = b'\\Seen'
-ANSWERED = b'\\Answered'
-FLAGGED = b'\\Flagged'
-DRAFT = b'\\Draft'
-RECENT = b'\\Recent'
-ALL = b'\\All'
-ARCHIVE = b'\\Archive'
-DRAFTS = b'\\Drafts'
-JUNK = b'\\Junk'
-SENT = b'\\Sent'
-TRASH = b'\\Trash'
-_POPULAR_SPECIAL_FOLDERS = {SENT: ('Sent', 'Sent Items', 'Sent items'),
-    DRAFTS: ('Drafts',), ARCHIVE: ('Archive',), TRASH: ('Trash',
-    'Deleted Items', 'Deleted Messages', 'Deleted'), JUNK: ('Junk', 'Spam')}
-_RE_SELECT_RESPONSE = re.compile(
-    b'\\[(?P<key>[A-Z-]+)( \\((?P<data>.*)\\))?\\]')

+__all__ = [
+    "IMAPClient",
+    "SocketTimeout",
+    "DELETED",
+    "SEEN",
+    "ANSWERED",
+    "FLAGGED",
+    "DRAFT",
+    "RECENT",
+# We also offer the gmail-specific XLIST command...
+if "XLIST" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["XLIST"] = ("NONAUTH", "AUTH", "SELECTED")
+# ...and IDLE
+if "IDLE" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["IDLE"] = ("NONAUTH", "AUTH", "SELECTED")
+# ..and STARTTLS
+if "STARTTLS" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["STARTTLS"] = ("NONAUTH",)
+# ...and ID. RFC2971 says that this command is valid in all states,
+# but not that some servers (*cough* FastMail *cough*) don't seem to
+# accept it in state NONAUTH.
+if "ID" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["ID"] = ("NONAUTH", "AUTH", "SELECTED")
+# ... and UNSELECT. RFC3691 does not specify the state but there is no
+# reason to use the command without AUTH state and a mailbox selected.
+if "UNSELECT" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["UNSELECT"] = ("AUTH", "SELECTED")
+# .. and ENABLE.
+if "ENABLE" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["ENABLE"] = ("AUTH",)
+# .. and MOVE for RFC6851.
+if "MOVE" not in imaplib.Commands:
+    imaplib.Commands["MOVE"] = ("AUTH", "SELECTED")
+# System flags
+DELETED = rb"\Deleted"
+SEEN = rb"\Seen"
+ANSWERED = rb"\Answered"
+FLAGGED = rb"\Flagged"
+DRAFT = rb"\Draft"
+RECENT = rb"\Recent"  # This flag is read-only
+# Special folders, see RFC6154
+# \Flagged is omitted because it is the same as the flag defined above
+ALL = rb"\All"
+ARCHIVE = rb"\Archive"
+DRAFTS = rb"\Drafts"
+JUNK = rb"\Junk"
+SENT = rb"\Sent"
+TRASH = rb"\Trash"
+# Personal namespaces that are common among providers
+# used as a fallback when the server does not support the NAMESPACE capability
+# Names of special folders that are common among providers
+    SENT: ("Sent", "Sent Items", "Sent items"),
+    DRAFTS: ("Drafts",),
+    ARCHIVE: ("Archive",),
+    TRASH: ("Trash", "Deleted Items", "Deleted Messages", "Deleted"),
+    JUNK: ("Junk", "Spam"),
+_RE_SELECT_RESPONSE = re.compile(rb"\[(?P<key>[A-Z-]+)( \((?P<data>.*)\))?\]")

-class Namespace(tuple):

+class Namespace(tuple):
     def __new__(cls, personal, other, shared):
         return tuple.__new__(cls, (personal, other, shared))
     personal = property(itemgetter(0))
     other = property(itemgetter(1))
     shared = property(itemgetter(2))
@@ -79,6 +129,7 @@ class SocketTimeout:
     timeout if the connection takes more than 15 seconds to establish but
     read/write operations can take up to 60 seconds once the connection is done.
     connect: float
     read: float

@@ -92,6 +143,7 @@ class MailboxQuotaRoots:
     :ivar mailbox: the mailbox
     :ivar quota_roots: list of quota roots associated with the mailbox
     mailbox: str
     quota_roots: List[str]

@@ -107,6 +159,7 @@ class Quota:
     :ivar usage: the current usage of the resource
     :ivar limit: the maximum allowed usage of the resource
     quota_root: str
     resource: str
     usage: bytes
@@ -115,7 +168,19 @@ class Quota:

 def require_capability(capability):
     """Decorator raising CapabilityError when a capability is not available."""
-    pass
+    def actual_decorator(func):
+        @functools.wraps(func)
+        def wrapper(client, *args, **kwargs):
+            if not client.has_capability(capability):
+                raise exceptions.CapabilityError(
+                    "Server does not support {} capability".format(capability)
+                )
+            return func(client, *args, **kwargs)
+        return wrapper
+    return actual_decorator

 class IMAPClient:
@@ -168,13 +233,24 @@ class IMAPClient:
     ...     client.login("", "passwd")

+    # Those exceptions are kept for backward-compatibility, since
+    # previous versions included these attributes as references to
+    # imaplib original exceptions
     Error = exceptions.IMAPClientError
     AbortError = exceptions.IMAPClientAbortError
     ReadOnlyError = exceptions.IMAPClientReadOnlyError

-    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int=None, use_uid: bool=True, ssl:
-        bool=True, stream: bool=False, ssl_context: Optional[ssl_lib.
-        SSLContext]=None, timeout: Optional[float]=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        host: str,
+        port: int = None,
+        use_uid: bool = True,
+        ssl: bool = True,
+        stream: bool = False,
+        ssl_context: Optional[ssl_lib.SSLContext] = None,
+        timeout: Optional[float] = None,
+    ):
         if stream:
             if port is not None:
                 raise ValueError("can't set 'port' when 'stream' True")
@@ -182,10 +258,14 @@ class IMAPClient:
                 raise ValueError("can't use 'ssl' when 'stream' is True")
         elif port is None:
             port = ssl and 993 or 143
         if ssl and port == 143:
-                'Attempting to establish an encrypted connection to a port (143) often used for unencrypted connections'
-                )
+                "Attempting to establish an encrypted connection "
+                "to a port (143) often used for unencrypted "
+                "connections"
+            )
+ = host
         self.port = port
         self.ssl = ssl
@@ -194,18 +274,27 @@ class IMAPClient:
         self.use_uid = use_uid
         self.folder_encode = True
         self.normalise_times = True
+        # If the user gives a single timeout value, assume it is the same for
+        # connection and read/write operations
         if not isinstance(timeout, SocketTimeout):
             timeout = SocketTimeout(timeout, timeout)
         self._timeout = timeout
         self._starttls_done = False
         self._cached_capabilities = None
         self._idle_tag = None
         self._imap = self._create_IMAP4()
-        logger.debug('Connected to host %s over %s',, 'SSL/TLS' if
-            ssl else 'plain text')
+        logger.debug(
+            "Connected to host %s over %s",
+  ,
+            "SSL/TLS" if ssl else "plain text",
+        )
-        imaplib_logger = IMAPlibLoggerAdapter(getLogger(
-            'imapclient.imaplib'), {})
+        # Small hack to make imaplib log everything to its own logger
+        imaplib_logger = IMAPlibLoggerAdapter(getLogger("imapclient.imaplib"), {})
         self._imap.debug = 5
         self._imap._mesg = imaplib_logger.debug

@@ -224,7 +313,32 @@ class IMAPClient:
             except Exception as e:
-      'Could not close the connection cleanly: %s', e)
+      "Could not close the connection cleanly: %s", e)
+    def _create_IMAP4(self):
+        if
+            return imaplib.IMAP4_stream(
+        connect_timeout = getattr(self._timeout, "connect", None)
+        if self.ssl:
+            return tls.IMAP4_TLS(
+      ,
+                self.port,
+                self.ssl_context,
+                connect_timeout,
+            )
+        return imap4.IMAP4WithTimeout(, self.port, connect_timeout)
+    def _set_read_timeout(self):
+        if self._timeout is not None:
+            self.socket().settimeout(
+    @property
+    def _sock(self):
+        warnings.warn("_sock is deprecated. Use socket().", DeprecationWarning)
+        return self.socket()

     def socket(self):
         """Returns socket used to connect to server.
@@ -239,9 +353,11 @@ class IMAPClient:
            This includes reading from and writing to the socket,
            as they are likely to break internal bookkeeping of messages.
-        pass
+        # In py2, imaplib has sslobj (for SSL connections), and sock for non-SSL.
+        # In the py3 version it's just sock.
+        return getattr(self._imap, "sslobj", self._imap.sock)

-    @require_capability('STARTTLS')
+    @require_capability("STARTTLS")
     def starttls(self, ssl_context=None):
         """Switch to an SSL encrypted connection by sending a STARTTLS command.

@@ -259,22 +375,55 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Raises :py:exc:`AbortError` if the server does not support STARTTLS
         or an SSL connection is already established.
-        pass
+        if self.ssl or self._starttls_done:
+            raise exceptions.IMAPClientAbortError("TLS session already established")
+        typ, data = self._imap._simple_command("STARTTLS")
+        self._checkok("starttls", typ, data)
+        self._starttls_done = True
+        self._imap.sock = tls.wrap_socket(self._imap.sock, ssl_context,
+        self._imap.file = self._imap.sock.makefile("rb")
+        return data[0]

     def login(self, username: str, password: str):
         """Login using *username* and *password*, returning the
         server response.
-        pass
-    def oauth2_login(self, user: str, access_token: str, mech: str=
-        'XOAUTH2', vendor: Optional[str]=None):
+        try:
+            rv = self._command_and_check(
+                "login",
+                to_unicode(username),
+                to_unicode(password),
+                unpack=True,
+            )
+        except exceptions.IMAPClientError as e:
+            raise exceptions.LoginError(str(e))
+        logger.debug("Logged in as %s", username)
+        return rv
+    def oauth2_login(
+        self,
+        user: str,
+        access_token: str,
+        mech: str = "XOAUTH2",
+        vendor: Optional[str] = None,
+    ):
         """Authenticate using the OAUTH2 or XOAUTH2 methods.

         Gmail and Yahoo both support the 'XOAUTH2' mechanism, but Yahoo requires
         the 'vendor' portion in the payload.
-        pass
+        auth_string = "user=%s\1auth=Bearer %s\1" % (user, access_token)
+        if vendor:
+            auth_string += "vendor=%s\1" % vendor
+        auth_string += "\1"
+        try:
+            return self._command_and_check("authenticate", mech, lambda x: auth_string)
+        except exceptions.IMAPClientError as e:
+            raise exceptions.LoginError(str(e))

     def oauthbearer_login(self, identity, access_token):
         """Authenticate using the OAUTHBEARER method.
@@ -282,11 +431,35 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This is supported by Gmail and is meant to supersede the non-standard
         'OAUTH2' and 'XOAUTH2' mechanisms.
-        pass
+        #
+        # Technically this is the authorization_identity, but at least for Gmail it's
+        # mandatory and practically behaves like the regular username/identity.
+        if identity:
+            gs2_header = "n,a=%s," % identity.replace("=", "=3D").replace(",", "=2C")
+        else:
+            gs2_header = "n,,"
+        #
+        http_authz = "Bearer %s" % access_token
+        #
+        auth_string = "%s\1auth=%s\1\1" % (gs2_header, http_authz)
+        try:
+            return self._command_and_check(
+                "authenticate", "OAUTHBEARER", lambda x: auth_string
+            )
+        except exceptions.IMAPClientError as e:
+            raise exceptions.LoginError(str(e))

     def plain_login(self, identity, password, authorization_identity=None):
         """Authenticate using the PLAIN method (requires server support)."""
-        pass
+        if not authorization_identity:
+            authorization_identity = ""
+        auth_string = "%s\0%s\0%s" % (authorization_identity, identity, password)
+        try:
+            return self._command_and_check(
+                "authenticate", "PLAIN", lambda _: auth_string, unpack=True
+            )
+        except exceptions.IMAPClientError as e:
+            raise exceptions.LoginError(str(e))

     def sasl_login(self, mech_name, mech_callable):
         """Authenticate using a provided SASL mechanism (requires server support).
@@ -337,21 +510,30 @@ class IMAPClient:

             imap.sasl_login("SCRAM-SHA-256", scram_mech)
-        pass
+        try:
+            return self._command_and_check(
+                "authenticate", mech_name, mech_callable, unpack=True
+            )
+        except exceptions.IMAPClientError as e:
+            raise exceptions.LoginError(str(e))

     def logout(self):
         """Logout, returning the server response."""
-        pass
+        typ, data = self._imap.logout()
+        self._check_resp("BYE", "logout", typ, data)
+        logger.debug("Logged out, connection closed")
+        return data[0]

-    def shutdown(self) ->None:
+    def shutdown(self) -> None:
         """Close the connection to the IMAP server (without logging out)

         In most cases, :py:meth:`.logout` should be used instead of
         this. The logout method also shutdown down the connection.
-        pass
+        self._imap.shutdown()
+"Connection closed")

-    @require_capability('ENABLE')
+    @require_capability("ENABLE")
     def enable(self, *capabilities):
         """Activate one or more server side capability extensions.

@@ -368,9 +550,23 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`5161` for more details.
-        pass
-    @require_capability('ID')
+        if self._imap.state != "AUTH":
+            raise exceptions.IllegalStateError(
+                "ENABLE command illegal in state %s" % self._imap.state
+            )
+        resp = self._raw_command_untagged(
+            b"ENABLE",
+            [to_bytes(c) for c in capabilities],
+            uid=False,
+            response_name="ENABLED",
+            unpack=True,
+        )
+        if not resp:
+            return []
+        return resp.split()
+    @require_capability("ID")
     def id_(self, parameters=None):
         """Issue the ID command, returning a dict of server implementation
@@ -378,7 +574,19 @@ class IMAPClient:
         *parameters* should be specified as a dictionary of field/value pairs,
         for example: ``{"name": "IMAPClient", "version": "0.12"}``
-        pass
+        if parameters is None:
+            args = "NIL"
+        else:
+            if not isinstance(parameters, dict):
+                raise TypeError("'parameters' should be a dictionary")
+            args = seq_to_parenstr(
+                _quote(v) for v in itertools.chain.from_iterable(parameters.items())
+            )
+        typ, data = self._imap._simple_command("ID", args)
+        self._checkok("id", typ, data)
+        typ, data = self._imap._untagged_response(typ, data, "ID")
+        return parse_response(data)

     def capabilities(self):
         """Returns the server capability list.
@@ -392,13 +600,51 @@ class IMAPClient:
         If the session is not yet authenticated, the capabilities
         requested at connection time will be returned.
-        pass
+        # Ensure cached capabilities aren't used post-STARTTLS. As per
+        #
+        if self._starttls_done and self._imap.state == "NONAUTH":
+            self._cached_capabilities = None
+            return self._do_capabilites()
+        # If a capability response has been cached, use that.
+        if self._cached_capabilities:
+            return self._cached_capabilities
+        # If the server returned an untagged CAPABILITY response
+        # (during authentication), cache it and return that.
+        untagged = _dict_bytes_normaliser(self._imap.untagged_responses)
+        response = untagged.pop("CAPABILITY", None)
+        if response:
+            self._cached_capabilities = self._normalise_capabilites(response[0])
+            return self._cached_capabilities
+        # If authenticated, but don't have a capability response, ask for one
+        if self._imap.state in ("SELECTED", "AUTH"):
+            self._cached_capabilities = self._do_capabilites()
+            return self._cached_capabilities
+        # Return capabilities that imaplib requested at connection
+        # time (pre-auth)
+        return tuple(to_bytes(c) for c in self._imap.capabilities)
+    def _do_capabilites(self):
+        raw_response = self._command_and_check("capability", unpack=True)
+        return self._normalise_capabilites(raw_response)
+    def _normalise_capabilites(self, raw_response):
+        raw_response = to_bytes(raw_response)
+        return tuple(raw_response.upper().split())

     def has_capability(self, capability):
         """Return ``True`` if the IMAP server has the given *capability*."""
-        pass
-    @require_capability('NAMESPACE')
+        # FIXME: this will not detect capabilities that are backwards
+        # compatible with the current level. For instance the SORT
+        # capabilities may in the future be named SORT2 which is
+        # still compatible with the current standard and will not
+        # be detected by this method.
+        return to_bytes(capability).upper() in self.capabilities()
+    @require_capability("NAMESPACE")
     def namespace(self):
         """Return the namespace for the account as a (personal, other,
         shared) tuple.
@@ -412,9 +658,21 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`2342` for more details.
-        pass
-    def list_folders(self, directory='', pattern='*'):
+        data = self._command_and_check("namespace")
+        parts = []
+        for item in parse_response(data):
+            if item is None:
+                parts.append(item)
+            else:
+                converted = []
+                for prefix, separator in item:
+                    if self.folder_encode:
+                        prefix = decode_utf7(prefix)
+                    converted.append((prefix, to_unicode(separator)))
+                parts.append(tuple(converted))
+        return Namespace(*parts)
+    def list_folders(self, directory="", pattern="*"):
         """Get a listing of folders on the server as a list of
         ``(flags, delimiter, name)`` tuples.

@@ -435,10 +693,10 @@ class IMAPClient:
         decoded from modified UTF-7, except if folder_decode is not
-        pass
+        return self._do_list("LIST", directory, pattern)

-    @require_capability('XLIST')
-    def xlist_folders(self, directory='', pattern='*'):
+    @require_capability("XLIST")
+    def xlist_folders(self, directory="", pattern="*"):
         """Execute the XLIST command, returning ``(flags, delimiter,
         name)`` tuples.

@@ -467,16 +725,44 @@ class IMAPClient:
         The *directory* and *pattern* arguments are as per
-        pass
+        return self._do_list("XLIST", directory, pattern)

-    def list_sub_folders(self, directory='', pattern='*'):
+    def list_sub_folders(self, directory="", pattern="*"):
         """Return a list of subscribed folders on the server as
         ``(flags, delimiter, name)`` tuples.

         The default behaviour will list all subscribed folders. The
         *directory* and *pattern* arguments are as per list_folders().
-        pass
+        return self._do_list("LSUB", directory, pattern)
+    def _do_list(self, cmd, directory, pattern):
+        directory = self._normalise_folder(directory)
+        pattern = self._normalise_folder(pattern)
+        typ, dat = self._imap._simple_command(cmd, directory, pattern)
+        self._checkok(cmd, typ, dat)
+        typ, dat = self._imap._untagged_response(typ, dat, cmd)
+        return self._proc_folder_list(dat)
+    def _proc_folder_list(self, folder_data):
+        # Filter out empty strings and None's.
+        # This also deals with the special case of - no 'untagged'
+        # responses (ie, no folders). This comes back as [None].
+        folder_data = [item for item in folder_data if item not in (b"", None)]
+        ret = []
+        parsed = parse_response(folder_data)
+        for flags, delim, name in chunk(parsed, size=3):
+            if isinstance(name, int):
+                # Some IMAP implementations return integer folder names
+                # with quotes. These get parsed to ints so convert them
+                # back to strings.
+                name = str(name)
+            elif self.folder_encode:
+                name = decode_utf7(name)
+            ret.append((flags, delim, name))
+        return ret

     def find_special_folder(self, folder_flag):
         """Try to locate a special folder, like the Sent or Trash folder.
@@ -490,7 +776,27 @@ class IMAPClient:

         Returns the name of the folder if found, or None otherwise.
-        pass
+        # Detect folder by looking for known attributes
+        # TODO: avoid listing all folders by using extended LIST (RFC6154)
+        for folder in self.list_folders():
+            if folder and len(folder[0]) > 0 and folder_flag in folder[0]:
+                return folder[2]
+        # Detect folder by looking for common names
+        # We only look for folders in the "personal" namespace of the user
+        if self.has_capability("NAMESPACE"):
+            personal_namespaces = self.namespace().personal
+        else:
+            personal_namespaces = _POPULAR_PERSONAL_NAMESPACES
+        for personal_namespace in personal_namespaces:
+            for pattern in _POPULAR_SPECIAL_FOLDERS.get(folder_flag, tuple()):
+                pattern = personal_namespace[0] + pattern
+                sent_folders = self.list_folders(pattern=pattern)
+                if sent_folders:
+                    return sent_folders[0][2]
+        return None

     def select_folder(self, folder, readonly=False):
         """Set the current folder on the server.
@@ -510,18 +816,54 @@ class IMAPClient:
              b'UIDNEXT': 11,
              b'UIDVALIDITY': 1239278212}
-        pass
+        self._command_and_check("select", self._normalise_folder(folder), readonly)
+        return self._process_select_response(self._imap.untagged_responses)

-    @require_capability('UNSELECT')
+    @require_capability("UNSELECT")
     def unselect_folder(self):
-        """Unselect the current folder and release associated resources.
+        r"""Unselect the current folder and release associated resources.

         Unlike ``close_folder``, the ``UNSELECT`` command does not expunge
-        the mailbox, keeping messages with \\Deleted flag set for example.
+        the mailbox, keeping messages with \Deleted flag set for example.

         Returns the UNSELECT response string returned by the server.
-        pass
+        logger.debug("< UNSELECT")
+        # IMAP4 class has no `unselect` method so we can't use `_command_and_check` there
+        _typ, data = self._imap._simple_command("UNSELECT")
+        return data[0]
+    def _process_select_response(self, resp):
+        untagged = _dict_bytes_normaliser(resp)
+        out = {}
+        # imaplib doesn't parse these correctly (broken regex) so replace
+        # with the raw values out of the OK section
+        for line in untagged.get("OK", []):
+            match = _RE_SELECT_RESPONSE.match(line)
+            if match:
+                key ="key")
+                if key == b"PERMANENTFLAGS":
+                    out[key] = tuple("data").split())
+        for key, value in untagged.items():
+            key = key.upper()
+            if key in (b"OK", b"PERMANENTFLAGS"):
+                continue  # already handled above
+            if key in (
+                b"EXISTS",
+                b"RECENT",
+                b"UIDNEXT",
+                b"UIDVALIDITY",
+                b"HIGHESTMODSEQ",
+            ):
+                value = int(value[0])
+            elif key == b"READ-WRITE":
+                value = True
+            elif key == b"FLAGS":
+                value = tuple(value[0][1:-1].split())
+            out[key] = value
+        return out

     def noop(self):
         """Execute the NOOP command.
@@ -539,9 +881,10 @@ class IMAPClient:
               (6, b'FETCH', (b'FLAGS', (b'sne',)))])

-        pass
+        tag = self._imap._command("NOOP")
+        return self._consume_until_tagged_response(tag, "NOOP")

-    @require_capability('IDLE')
+    @require_capability("IDLE")
     def idle(self):
         """Put the server into IDLE mode.

@@ -557,7 +900,10 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`2177` for more information about the IDLE extension.
-        pass
+        self._idle_tag = self._imap._command("IDLE")
+        resp = self._imap._get_response()
+        if resp is not None:
+            raise exceptions.IMAPClientError("Unexpected IDLE response: %s" % resp)

     def _poll_socket(self, sock, timeout=None):
@@ -565,7 +911,10 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This implementation is more scalable because it ALLOWS your process
         to have more than 1024 file descriptors.
-        pass
+        poller = select.poll()
+        poller.register(sock.fileno(), select.POLLIN)
+        timeout = timeout * 1000 if timeout is not None else None
+        return poller.poll(timeout)

     def _select_poll_socket(self, sock, timeout=None):
@@ -574,9 +923,9 @@ class IMAPClient:
         has more than 1024 file descriptors.
         We still need this for Windows and some other niche systems.
-        pass
+        return[sock], [], [], timeout)[0]

-    @require_capability('IDLE')
+    @require_capability("IDLE")
     def idle_check(self, timeout=None):
         """Check for any IDLE responses sent by the server.

@@ -595,9 +944,42 @@ class IMAPClient:
              (1, b'EXISTS'),
              (1, b'FETCH', (b'FLAGS', (b'\\NotJunk',)))]
-        pass
+        sock = self.socket()
+        # make the socket non-blocking so the timeout can be
+        # implemented for this call
+        sock.settimeout(None)
+        sock.setblocking(0)
+        if POLL_SUPPORT:
+            poll_func = self._poll_socket
+        else:
+            poll_func = self._select_poll_socket

-    @require_capability('IDLE')
+        try:
+            resps = []
+            events = poll_func(sock, timeout)
+            if events:
+                while True:
+                    try:
+                        line = self._imap._get_line()
+                    except (socket.timeout, socket.error):
+                        break
+                    except IMAPClient.AbortError:
+                        # An imaplib.IMAP4.abort with "EOF" is raised
+                        # under Python 3
+                        err = sys.exc_info()[1]
+                        if "EOF" in err.args[0]:
+                            break
+                        raise
+                    else:
+                        resps.append(_parse_untagged_response(line))
+            return resps
+        finally:
+            sock.setblocking(1)
+            self._set_read_timeout()
+    @require_capability("IDLE")
     def idle_done(self):
         """Take the server out of IDLE mode.

@@ -612,7 +994,9 @@ class IMAPClient:
         any). These are returned in parsed form as per
-        pass
+        logger.debug("< DONE")
+        self._imap.send(b"DONE\r\n")
+        return self._consume_until_tagged_response(self._idle_tag, "IDLE")

     def folder_status(self, folder, what=None):
         """Return the status of *folder*.
@@ -624,39 +1008,58 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Returns a dictionary of the status items for the folder with
         keys matching *what*.
-        pass
+        if what is None:
+            what = ("MESSAGES", "RECENT", "UIDNEXT", "UIDVALIDITY", "UNSEEN")
+        else:
+            what = normalise_text_list(what)
+        what_ = "(%s)" % (" ".join(what))
+        fname = self._normalise_folder(folder)
+        data = self._command_and_check("status", fname, what_)
+        response = parse_response(data)
+        status_items = response[-1]
+        return dict(as_pairs(status_items))

     def close_folder(self):
         """Close the currently selected folder, returning the server
         response string.
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check("close", unpack=True)

     def create_folder(self, folder):
         """Create *folder* on the server returning the server response string."""
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "create", self._normalise_folder(folder), unpack=True
+        )

     def rename_folder(self, old_name, new_name):
         """Change the name of a folder on the server."""
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "rename",
+            self._normalise_folder(old_name),
+            self._normalise_folder(new_name),
+            unpack=True,
+        )

     def delete_folder(self, folder):
         """Delete *folder* on the server returning the server response string."""
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "delete", self._normalise_folder(folder), unpack=True
+        )

     def folder_exists(self, folder):
         """Return ``True`` if *folder* exists on the server."""
-        pass
+        return len(self.list_folders("", folder)) > 0

     def subscribe_folder(self, folder):
         """Subscribe to *folder*, returning the server response string."""
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check("subscribe", self._normalise_folder(folder))

     def unsubscribe_folder(self, folder):
         """Unsubscribe to *folder*, returning the server response string."""
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check("unsubscribe", self._normalise_folder(folder))

-    def search(self, criteria='ALL', charset=None):
+    def search(self, criteria="ALL", charset=None):
         """Return a list of messages ids from the currently selected
         folder matching *criteria*.

@@ -716,10 +1119,10 @@ class IMAPClient:
         in the search).

-        pass
+        return self._search(criteria, charset)

-    @require_capability('X-GM-EXT-1')
-    def gmail_search(self, query, charset='UTF-8'):
+    @require_capability("X-GM-EXT-1")
+    def gmail_search(self, query, charset="UTF-8"):
         """Search using Gmail's X-GM-RAW attribute.

         *query* should be a valid Gmail search query string. For
@@ -733,10 +1136,40 @@ class IMAPClient:
         for more info.
-        pass
+        return self._search([b"X-GM-RAW", query], charset)
+    def _search(self, criteria, charset):
+        args = []
+        if charset:
+            args.extend([b"CHARSET", to_bytes(charset)])
+        args.extend(_normalise_search_criteria(criteria, charset))
+        try:
+            data = self._raw_command_untagged(b"SEARCH", args)
+        except imaplib.IMAP4.error as e:
+            # Make BAD IMAP responses easier to understand to the user, with a link to the docs
+            m = re.match(r"SEARCH command error: BAD \[(.+)\]", str(e))
+            if m:
+                raise exceptions.InvalidCriteriaError(
+                    "{original_msg}\n\n"
+                    "This error may have been caused by a syntax error in the criteria: "
+                    "{criteria}\nPlease refer to the documentation for more information "
+                    "about search criteria syntax..\n"
+                    "".format(
+              ,
+                        criteria='"%s"' % criteria
+                        if not isinstance(criteria, list)
+                        else criteria,
+                    )
+                )
+            # If the exception is not from a BAD IMAP response, re-raise as-is
+            raise

-    @require_capability('SORT')
-    def sort(self, sort_criteria, criteria='ALL', charset='UTF-8'):
+        return parse_message_list(data)
+    @require_capability("SORT")
+    def sort(self, sort_criteria, criteria="ALL", charset="UTF-8"):
         """Return a list of message ids from the currently selected
         folder, sorted by *sort_criteria* and optionally filtered by
@@ -758,9 +1191,15 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Note that SORT is an extension to the IMAP4 standard so it may
         not be supported by all IMAP servers.
-        pass
-    def thread(self, algorithm='REFERENCES', criteria='ALL', charset='UTF-8'):
+        args = [
+            _normalise_sort_criteria(sort_criteria),
+            to_bytes(charset),
+        ]
+        args.extend(_normalise_search_criteria(criteria, charset))
+        ids = self._raw_command_untagged(b"SORT", args, unpack=True)
+        return [int(i) for i in ids.split()]
+    def thread(self, algorithm="REFERENCES", criteria="ALL", charset="UTF-8"):
         """Return a list of messages threads from the currently
         selected folder which match *criteria*.

@@ -777,7 +1216,17 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`5256` for more details.
-        pass
+        algorithm = to_bytes(algorithm)
+        if not self.has_capability(b"THREAD=" + algorithm):
+            raise exceptions.CapabilityError(
+                "The server does not support %s threading algorithm" % algorithm
+            )
+        args = [algorithm, to_bytes(charset)] + _normalise_search_criteria(
+            criteria, charset
+        )
+        data = self._raw_command_untagged(b"THREAD", args)
+        return parse_response(data)

     def get_flags(self, messages):
         """Return the flags set for each message in *messages* from
@@ -786,7 +1235,8 @@ class IMAPClient:
         The return value is a dictionary structured like this: ``{
         msgid1: (flag1, flag2, ... ), }``.
-        pass
+        response = self.fetch(messages, ["FLAGS"])
+        return self._filter_fetch_dict(response, b"FLAGS")

     def add_flags(self, messages, flags, silent=False):
         """Add *flags* to *messages* in the currently selected folder.
@@ -796,7 +1246,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Returns the flags set for each modified message (see
         *get_flags*), or None if *silent* is true.
-        pass
+        return self._store(b"+FLAGS", messages, flags, b"FLAGS", silent=silent)

     def remove_flags(self, messages, flags, silent=False):
         """Remove one or more *flags* from *messages* in the currently
@@ -807,7 +1257,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Returns the flags set for each modified message (see
         *get_flags*), or None if *silent* is true.
-        pass
+        return self._store(b"-FLAGS", messages, flags, b"FLAGS", silent=silent)

     def set_flags(self, messages, flags, silent=False):
         """Set the *flags* for *messages* in the currently selected
@@ -818,7 +1268,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Returns the flags set for each modified message (see
         *get_flags*), or None if *silent* is true.
-        pass
+        return self._store(b"FLAGS", messages, flags, b"FLAGS", silent=silent)

     def get_gmail_labels(self, messages):
         """Return the label set for each message in *messages* in the
@@ -830,7 +1280,9 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This only works with IMAP servers that support the X-GM-LABELS
         attribute (eg. Gmail).
-        pass
+        response = self.fetch(messages, [b"X-GM-LABELS"])
+        response = self._filter_fetch_dict(response, b"X-GM-LABELS")
+        return {msg: utf7_decode_sequence(labels) for msg, labels in response.items()}

     def add_gmail_labels(self, messages, labels, silent=False):
         """Add *labels* to *messages* in the currently selected folder.
@@ -843,7 +1295,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This only works with IMAP servers that support the X-GM-LABELS
         attribute (eg. Gmail).
-        pass
+        return self._gm_label_store(b"+X-GM-LABELS", messages, labels, silent=silent)

     def remove_gmail_labels(self, messages, labels, silent=False):
         """Remove one or more *labels* from *messages* in the
@@ -857,7 +1309,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This only works with IMAP servers that support the X-GM-LABELS
         attribute (eg. Gmail).
-        pass
+        return self._gm_label_store(b"-X-GM-LABELS", messages, labels, silent=silent)

     def set_gmail_labels(self, messages, labels, silent=False):
         """Set the *labels* for *messages* in the currently selected
@@ -871,7 +1323,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         This only works with IMAP servers that support the X-GM-LABELS
         attribute (eg. Gmail).
-        pass
+        return self._gm_label_store(b"X-GM-LABELS", messages, labels, silent=silent)

     def delete_messages(self, messages, silent=False):
         """Delete one or more *messages* from the currently selected
@@ -880,7 +1332,7 @@ class IMAPClient:
         Returns the flags set for each modified message (see
-        pass
+        return self.add_flags(messages, DELETED, silent=silent)

     def fetch(self, messages, data, modifiers=None):
         """Retrieve selected *data* associated with one or more
@@ -922,7 +1374,22 @@ class IMAPClient:
                     b'SEQ': 110}}

-        pass
+        if not messages:
+            return {}
+        args = [
+            "FETCH",
+            join_message_ids(messages),
+            seq_to_parenstr_upper(data),
+            seq_to_parenstr_upper(modifiers) if modifiers else None,
+        ]
+        if self.use_uid:
+            args.insert(0, "UID")
+        tag = self._imap._command(*args)
+        typ, data = self._imap._command_complete("FETCH", tag)
+        self._checkok("fetch", typ, data)
+        typ, data = self._imap._untagged_response(typ, data, "FETCH")
+        return parse_fetch_response(data, self.normalise_times, self.use_uid)

     def append(self, folder, msg, flags=(), msg_time=None):
         """Append a message to *folder*.
@@ -941,9 +1408,21 @@ class IMAPClient:

         Returns the APPEND response as returned by the server.
-        pass
-    @require_capability('MULTIAPPEND')
+        if msg_time:
+            time_val = '"%s"' % datetime_to_INTERNALDATE(msg_time)
+            time_val = to_unicode(time_val)
+        else:
+            time_val = None
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "append",
+            self._normalise_folder(folder),
+            seq_to_parenstr(flags),
+            time_val,
+            to_bytes(msg),
+            unpack=True,
+        )
+    @require_capability("MULTIAPPEND")
     def multiappend(self, folder, msgs):
         """Append messages to *folder* using the MULTIAPPEND feature from :rfc:`3502`.

@@ -955,16 +1434,40 @@ class IMAPClient:

         Returns the APPEND response from the server.
-        pass
+        def chunks():
+            for m in msgs:
+                if isinstance(m, dict):
+                    if "flags" in m:
+                        yield to_bytes(seq_to_parenstr(m["flags"]))
+                    if "date" in m:
+                        yield to_bytes('"%s"' % datetime_to_INTERNALDATE(m["date"]))
+                    yield _literal(to_bytes(m["msg"]))
+                else:
+                    yield _literal(to_bytes(m))
+        msgs = list(chunks())
+        return self._raw_command(
+            b"APPEND",
+            [self._normalise_folder(folder)] + msgs,
+            uid=False,
+        )

     def copy(self, messages, folder):
         """Copy one or more messages from the current folder to
         *folder*. Returns the COPY response string returned by the
-        pass
-    @require_capability('MOVE')
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "copy",
+            join_message_ids(messages),
+            self._normalise_folder(folder),
+            uid=True,
+            unpack=True,
+        )
+    @require_capability("MOVE")
     def move(self, messages, folder):
         """Atomically move messages to another folder.

@@ -973,7 +1476,13 @@ class IMAPClient:
         :param messages: List of message UIDs to move.
         :param folder: The destination folder name.
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "move",
+            join_message_ids(messages),
+            self._normalise_folder(folder),
+            uid=True,
+            unpack=True,
+        )

     def expunge(self, messages=None):
         """Use of the *messages* argument is discouraged.
@@ -1008,9 +1517,16 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`4315#section-2.1` section 2.1 for more details.
-        pass
-    @require_capability('UIDPLUS')
+        if messages:
+            if not self.use_uid:
+                raise ValueError("cannot EXPUNGE by ID when not using uids")
+            return self._command_and_check(
+                "EXPUNGE", join_message_ids(messages), uid=True
+            )
+        tag = self._imap._command("EXPUNGE")
+        return self._consume_until_tagged_response(tag, "EXPUNGE")
+    @require_capability("UIDPLUS")
     def uid_expunge(self, messages):
         """Expunge deleted messages with the specified message ids from the
@@ -1019,34 +1535,39 @@ class IMAPClient:

         See :rfc:`4315#section-2.1` section 2.1 for more details.
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check("EXPUNGE", join_message_ids(messages), uid=True)

-    @require_capability('ACL')
+    @require_capability("ACL")
     def getacl(self, folder):
         """Returns a list of ``(who, acl)`` tuples describing the
         access controls for *folder*.
-        pass
+        data = self._command_and_check("getacl", self._normalise_folder(folder))
+        parts = list(response_lexer.TokenSource(data))
+        parts = parts[1:]  # First item is folder name
+        return [(parts[i], parts[i + 1]) for i in range(0, len(parts), 2)]

-    @require_capability('ACL')
+    @require_capability("ACL")
     def setacl(self, folder, who, what):
         """Set an ACL (*what*) for user (*who*) for a folder.

         Set *what* to an empty string to remove an ACL. Returns the
         server response string.
-        pass
+        return self._command_and_check(
+            "setacl", self._normalise_folder(folder), who, what, unpack=True
+        )

-    @require_capability('QUOTA')
-    def get_quota(self, mailbox='INBOX'):
+    @require_capability("QUOTA")
+    def get_quota(self, mailbox="INBOX"):
         """Get the quotas associated with a mailbox.

         Returns a list of Quota objects.
-        pass
+        return self.get_quota_root(mailbox)[1]

-    @require_capability('QUOTA')
-    def _get_quota(self, quota_root=''):
+    @require_capability("QUOTA")
+    def _get_quota(self, quota_root=""):
         """Get the quotas associated with a quota root.

         This method is not private but put behind an underscore to show that
@@ -1055,9 +1576,9 @@ class IMAPClient:

         Returns a list of Quota objects.
-        pass
+        return _parse_quota(self._command_and_check("getquota", _quote(quota_root)))

-    @require_capability('QUOTA')
+    @require_capability("QUOTA")
     def get_quota_root(self, mailbox):
         """Get the quota roots for a mailbox.

@@ -1068,22 +1589,78 @@ class IMAPClient:

         Return a tuple of MailboxQuotaRoots and list of Quota associated
-        pass
-    @require_capability('QUOTA')
+        quota_root_rep = self._raw_command_untagged(
+            b"GETQUOTAROOT", to_bytes(mailbox), uid=False, response_name="QUOTAROOT"
+        )
+        quota_rep = self._imap.untagged_responses.pop("QUOTA", [])
+        quota_root_rep = parse_response(quota_root_rep)
+        quota_root = MailboxQuotaRoots(
+            to_unicode(quota_root_rep[0]), [to_unicode(q) for q in quota_root_rep[1:]]
+        )
+        return quota_root, _parse_quota(quota_rep)
+    @require_capability("QUOTA")
     def set_quota(self, quotas):
         """Set one or more quotas on resources.

         :param quotas: list of Quota objects
-        pass
+        if not quotas:
+            return
+        quota_root = None
+        set_quota_args = []
+        for quota in quotas:
+            if quota_root is None:
+                quota_root = quota.quota_root
+            elif quota_root != quota.quota_root:
+                raise ValueError("set_quota only accepts a single quota root")
+            set_quota_args.append("{} {}".format(quota.resource, quota.limit))
+        set_quota_args = " ".join(set_quota_args)
+        args = [to_bytes(_quote(quota_root)), to_bytes("({})".format(set_quota_args))]
+        response = self._raw_command_untagged(
+            b"SETQUOTA", args, uid=False, response_name="QUOTA"
+        )
+        return _parse_quota(response)

     def _check_resp(self, expected, command, typ, data):
         """Check command responses for errors.

         Raises IMAPClient.Error if the command fails.
-        pass
+        if typ != expected:
+            raise exceptions.IMAPClientError(
+                "%s failed: %s" % (command, to_unicode(data[0]))
+            )
+    def _consume_until_tagged_response(self, tag, command):
+        tagged_commands = self._imap.tagged_commands
+        resps = []
+        while True:
+            line = self._imap._get_response()
+            if tagged_commands[tag]:
+                break
+            resps.append(_parse_untagged_response(line))
+        typ, data = tagged_commands.pop(tag)
+        self._checkok(command, typ, data)
+        return data[0], resps
+    def _raw_command_untagged(
+        self, command, args, response_name=None, unpack=False, uid=True
+    ):
+        # TODO: eventually this should replace _command_and_check (call it _command)
+        typ, data = self._raw_command(command, args, uid=uid)
+        if response_name is None:
+            response_name = command
+        typ, data = self._imap._untagged_response(typ, data, to_unicode(response_name))
+        self._checkok(to_unicode(command), typ, data)
+        if unpack:
+            return data[0]
+        return data

     def _raw_command(self, command, args, uid=True):
         """Run the specific command with the arguments given. 8-bit arguments
@@ -1096,23 +1673,184 @@ class IMAPClient:
         *command* should be specified as bytes.
         *args* should be specified as a list of bytes.
-        pass
+        command = command.upper()
+        if isinstance(args, tuple):
+            args = list(args)
+        if not isinstance(args, list):
+            args = [args]
+        tag = self._imap._new_tag()
+        prefix = [to_bytes(tag)]
+        if uid and self.use_uid:
+            prefix.append(b"UID")
+        prefix.append(command)
+        line = []
+        for item, is_last in _iter_with_last(prefix + args):
+            if not isinstance(item, bytes):
+                raise ValueError("command args must be passed as bytes")
+            if _is8bit(item):
+                # If a line was already started send it
+                if line:
+                    out = b" ".join(line)
+                    logger.debug("> %s", out)
+                    self._imap.send(out)
+                    line = []
+                # Now send the (unquoted) literal
+                if isinstance(item, _quoted):
+                    item = item.original
+                self._send_literal(tag, item)
+                if not is_last:
+                    self._imap.send(b" ")
+            else:
+                line.append(item)
+        if line:
+            out = b" ".join(line)
+            logger.debug("> %s", out)
+            self._imap.send(out)
+        self._imap.send(b"\r\n")
+        return self._imap._command_complete(to_unicode(command), tag)

     def _send_literal(self, tag, item):
         """Send a single literal for the command with *tag*."""
-        pass
+        if b"LITERAL+" in self._cached_capabilities:
+            out = b" {" + str(len(item)).encode("ascii") + b"+}\r\n" + item
+            logger.debug("> %s", debug_trunc(out, 64))
+            self._imap.send(out)
+            return
+        out = b" {" + str(len(item)).encode("ascii") + b"}\r\n"
+        logger.debug("> %s", out)
+        self._imap.send(out)
+        # Wait for continuation response
+        while self._imap._get_response():
+            tagged_resp = self._imap.tagged_commands.get(tag)
+            if tagged_resp:
+                raise exceptions.IMAPClientAbortError(
+                    "unexpected response while waiting for continuation response: "
+                    + repr(tagged_resp)
+                )
+        logger.debug("   (literal) > %s", debug_trunc(item, 256))
+        self._imap.send(item)
+    def _command_and_check(
+        self, command, *args, unpack: bool = False, uid: bool = False
+    ):
+        if uid and self.use_uid:
+            command = to_unicode(command)  # imaplib must die
+            typ, data = self._imap.uid(command, *args)
+        else:
+            meth = getattr(self._imap, to_unicode(command))
+            typ, data = meth(*args)
+        self._checkok(command, typ, data)
+        if unpack:
+            return data[0]
+        return data
+    def _checkok(self, command, typ, data):
+        self._check_resp("OK", command, typ, data)
+    def _gm_label_store(self, cmd, messages, labels, silent):
+        response = self._store(
+            cmd, messages, self._normalise_labels(labels), b"X-GM-LABELS", silent=silent
+        )
+        return (
+            {msg: utf7_decode_sequence(labels) for msg, labels in response.items()}
+            if response
+            else None
+        )

     def _store(self, cmd, messages, flags, fetch_key, silent):
         """Worker function for the various flag manipulation methods.

         *cmd* is the STORE command to use (eg. '+FLAGS').
-        pass
+        if not messages:
+            return {}
+        if silent:
+            cmd += b".SILENT"
+        data = self._command_and_check(
+            "store", join_message_ids(messages), cmd, seq_to_parenstr(flags), uid=True
+        )
+        if silent:
+            return None
+        return self._filter_fetch_dict(parse_fetch_response(data), fetch_key)
+    def _filter_fetch_dict(self, fetch_dict, key):
+        return dict((msgid, data[key]) for msgid, data in fetch_dict.items())
+    def _normalise_folder(self, folder_name):
+        if isinstance(folder_name, bytes):
+            folder_name = folder_name.decode("ascii")
+        if self.folder_encode:
+            folder_name = encode_utf7(folder_name)
+        return _quote(folder_name)
+    def _normalise_labels(self, labels):
+        if isinstance(labels, (str, bytes)):
+            labels = (labels,)
+        return [_quote(encode_utf7(label)) for label in labels]

     def welcome(self):
         """access the server greeting message"""
-        pass
+        try:
+            return self._imap.welcome
+        except AttributeError:
+            pass
+def _quote(arg):
+    if isinstance(arg, str):
+        arg = arg.replace("\\", "\\\\")
+        arg = arg.replace('"', '\\"')
+        q = '"'
+    else:
+        arg = arg.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\")
+        arg = arg.replace(b'"', b'\\"')
+        q = b'"'
+    return q + arg + q
+def _normalise_search_criteria(criteria, charset=None):
+    if not criteria:
+        raise exceptions.InvalidCriteriaError("no criteria specified")
+    if not charset:
+        charset = "us-ascii"
+    if isinstance(criteria, (str, bytes)):
+        return [to_bytes(criteria, charset)]
+    out = []
+    for item in criteria:
+        if isinstance(item, int):
+            out.append(str(item).encode("ascii"))
+        elif isinstance(item, (datetime, date)):
+            out.append(format_criteria_date(item))
+        elif isinstance(item, (list, tuple)):
+            # Process nested criteria list and wrap in parens.
+            inner = _normalise_search_criteria(item)
+            inner[0] = b"(" + inner[0]
+            inner[-1] = inner[-1] + b")"
+            out.extend(inner)  # flatten
+        else:
+            out.append(_quoted.maybe(to_bytes(item, charset)))
+    return out
+def _normalise_sort_criteria(criteria, charset=None):
+    if isinstance(criteria, (str, bytes)):
+        criteria = [criteria]
+    return b"(" + b" ".join(to_bytes(item).upper() for item in criteria) + b")"

 class _literal(bytes):
@@ -1137,14 +1875,87 @@ class _quoted(bytes):
         holds the quoted version of the input while also providing
         access to the original unquoted source.
-        pass
+        quoted = original.replace(b"\\", b"\\\\")
+        quoted = quoted.replace(b'"', b'\\"')
+        if quoted != original or b" " in quoted or not quoted:
+            out = cls(b'"' + quoted + b'"')
+            out.original = original
+            return out
+        return original
+# normalise_text_list, seq_to_parentstr etc have to return unicode
+# because imaplib handles flags and sort criteria assuming these are
+# passed as unicode
+def normalise_text_list(items):
+    return list(_normalise_text_list(items))
+def seq_to_parenstr(items):
+    return _join_and_paren(_normalise_text_list(items))
+def seq_to_parenstr_upper(items):
+    return _join_and_paren(item.upper() for item in _normalise_text_list(items))
+def _join_and_paren(items):
+    return "(" + " ".join(items) + ")"
+def _normalise_text_list(items):
+    if isinstance(items, (str, bytes)):
+        items = (items,)
+    return (to_unicode(c) for c in items)

 def join_message_ids(messages):
     """Convert a sequence of messages ids or a single integer message id
     into an id byte string for use with IMAP commands
-    pass
+    if isinstance(messages, (str, bytes, int)):
+        messages = (to_bytes(messages),)
+    return b",".join(_maybe_int_to_bytes(m) for m in messages)
+def _maybe_int_to_bytes(val):
+    if isinstance(val, int):
+        return str(val).encode("us-ascii")
+    return to_bytes(val)
+def _parse_untagged_response(text):
+    assert_imap_protocol(text.startswith(b"* "))
+    text = text[2:]
+    if text.startswith((b"OK ", b"NO ")):
+        return tuple(text.split(b" ", 1))
+    return parse_response([text])
+def as_pairs(items):
+    i = 0
+    last_item = None
+    for item in items:
+        if i % 2:
+            yield last_item, item
+        else:
+            last_item = item
+        i += 1
+def as_triplets(items):
+    a = iter(items)
+    return zip(a, a, a)
+def _is8bit(data):
+    return isinstance(data, _literal) or any(b > 127 for b in data)
+def _iter_with_last(items):
+    last_i = len(items) - 1
+    for i, item in enumerate(items):
+        yield item, i == last_i

 _not_present = object()
@@ -1157,6 +1968,12 @@ class _dict_bytes_normaliser:

     def __init__(self, d):
         self._d = d
+    def iteritems(self):
+        for key, value in self._d.items():
+            yield to_bytes(key), value
+    # For Python 3 compatibility.
     items = iteritems

     def __contains__(self, ink):
@@ -1165,6 +1982,73 @@ class _dict_bytes_normaliser:
                 return True
         return False

+    def get(self, ink, default=_not_present):
+        for k in self._gen_keys(ink):
+            try:
+                return self._d[k]
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        if default == _not_present:
+            raise KeyError(ink)
+        return default
+    def pop(self, ink, default=_not_present):
+        for k in self._gen_keys(ink):
+            try:
+                return self._d.pop(k)
+            except KeyError:
+                pass
+        if default == _not_present:
+            raise KeyError(ink)
+        return default
+    def _gen_keys(self, k):
+        yield k
+        if isinstance(k, bytes):
+            yield to_unicode(k)
+        else:
+            yield to_bytes(k)
+def debug_trunc(v, maxlen):
+    if len(v) < maxlen:
+        return repr(v)
+    hl = maxlen // 2
+    return repr(v[:hl]) + "..." + repr(v[-hl:])
+def utf7_decode_sequence(seq):
+    return [decode_utf7(s) for s in seq]
+def _parse_quota(quota_rep):
+    quota_rep = parse_response(quota_rep)
+    rv = []
+    for quota_root, quota_resource_infos in as_pairs(quota_rep):
+        for quota_resource_info in as_triplets(quota_resource_infos):
+            rv.append(
+                Quota(
+                    quota_root=to_unicode(quota_root),
+                    resource=to_unicode(quota_resource_info[0]),
+                    usage=quota_resource_info[1],
+                    limit=quota_resource_info[2],
+                )
+            )
+    return rv

 class IMAPlibLoggerAdapter(LoggerAdapter):
     """Adapter preventing IMAP secrets from going to the logging facility."""
+    def process(self, msg, kwargs):
+        # msg is usually unicode but see #367. Convert bytes to
+        # unicode if required.
+        if isinstance(msg, bytes):
+            msg = msg.decode("ascii", "ignore")
+        for command in ("LOGIN", "AUTHENTICATE"):
+            if msg.startswith(">") and command in msg:
+                msg_start = msg.split(command)[0]
+                msg = "{}{} **REDACTED**".format(msg_start, command)
+                break
+        return super().process(msg, kwargs)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index a57a825..7abdbaa 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,6 +1,155 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2020, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import argparse
 from getpass import getpass
 from . import imapclient
 from .config import create_client_from_config, get_config_defaults, parse_config_file
-if __name__ == '__main__':
+def command_line() -> argparse.Namespace:
+    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-H", "--host", dest="host", action="store", help="IMAP host connect to"
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-u",
+        "--username",
+        dest="username",
+        action="store",
+        help="Username to login with",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-p",
+        "--password",
+        dest="password",
+        action="store",
+        help="Password to login with",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-P",
+        "--port",
+        dest="port",
+        action="store",
+        type=int,
+        default=None,
+        help="IMAP port to use (default is 993 for TLS, or 143 otherwise)",
+    )
+    ssl_group = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
+    ssl_group.add_argument(
+        "-s",
+        "--ssl",
+        dest="ssl",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=None,
+        help="Use SSL/TLS connection (default)",
+    )
+    ssl_group.add_argument(
+        "--insecure",
+        dest="insecure",
+        action="store_true",
+        default=False,
+        help="Use insecure connection (i.e. without SSL/TLS)",
+    )
+    parser.add_argument(
+        "-f",
+        "--file",
+        dest="file",
+        action="store",
+        default=None,
+        help="Config file (same as livetest)",
+    )
+    args = parser.parse_args()
+    if args.file:
+        if (
+            or args.username
+            or args.password
+            or args.port
+            or args.ssl
+            or args.insecure
+        ):
+            parser.error("If -f/--file is given no other options can be used")
+        # Use the options in the config file
+        args = parse_config_file(args.file)
+        return args
+    args.ssl = not args.insecure
+    # Scan through arguments, filling in defaults and prompting when
+    # a compulsory argument wasn't provided.
+    compulsory_args = ("host", "username", "password")
+    for name, default_value in get_config_defaults().items():
+        value = getattr(args, name, default_value)
+        if name in compulsory_args and value is None:
+            value = getpass(name + ": ")
+        setattr(args, name, value)
+    return args
+def main() -> int:
+    args = command_line()
+    print("Connecting...")
+    client = create_client_from_config(args)
+    print("Connected.")
+    banner = '\nIMAPClient instance is "c"'
+    def ptpython(c: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> None:
+        from ptpython.repl import embed  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
+        embed(globals(), locals())
+    def ipython_400(c: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> None:
+        from IPython.terminal.embed import (  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
+            InteractiveShellEmbed,
+        )
+        ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(banner1=banner)
+        ipshell("")
+    def ipython_011(c: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> None:
+        from IPython.frontend.terminal.embed import (  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
+            InteractiveShellEmbed,
+        )
+        ipshell = InteractiveShellEmbed(banner1=banner)
+        ipshell("")
+    def ipython_010(c: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> None:
+        from IPython.Shell import IPShellEmbed  # type: ignore[import-not-found]
+        IPShellEmbed("", banner=banner)()
+    def builtin(c: imapclient.IMAPClient) -> None:
+        import code
+        code.interact(banner, local={"c": c})
+    shell_attempts = (
+        ptpython,
+        ipython_400,
+        ipython_011,
+        ipython_010,
+        builtin,
+    )
+    for shell in shell_attempts:
+        try:
+            shell(client)
+        except ImportError:
+            pass
+        else:
+            break
+    return 0
+if __name__ == "__main__":
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index cd54a2b..1b7d8da 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,20 +1,29 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 A lexical analyzer class for IMAP responses.

 Although Lexer does all the work, TokenSource is the class to use for
 external callers.
 from typing import Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
 from .util import assert_imap_protocol
-__all__ = ['TokenSource']
+__all__ = ["TokenSource"]
 CTRL_CHARS = frozenset(c for c in range(32))
 ALL_CHARS = frozenset(c for c in range(256))
 SPECIALS = frozenset(c for c in b' ()%"[')
-WHITESPACE = frozenset(c for c in b' \t\r\n')
-BACKSLASH = ord('\\')
-OPEN_SQUARE = ord('[')
-CLOSE_SQUARE = ord(']')
+WHITESPACE = frozenset(c for c in b" \t\r\n")
+BACKSLASH = ord("\\")
+OPEN_SQUARE = ord("[")
+CLOSE_SQUARE = ord("]")
 DOUBLE_QUOTE = ord('"')

@@ -28,7 +37,13 @@ class TokenSource:
         self.lex = Lexer(text)
         self.src = iter(self.lex)

-    def __iter__(self) ->Iterator[bytes]:
+    @property
+    def current_literal(self) -> Optional[bytes]:
+        if TYPE_CHECKING:
+            assert self.lex.current_source is not None
+        return self.lex.current_source.literal
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
         return self.src

@@ -41,26 +56,99 @@ class Lexer:
         self.sources = (LiteralHandlingIter(chunk) for chunk in text)
         self.current_source: Optional[LiteralHandlingIter] = None

-    def __iter__(self) ->Iterator[bytes]:
+    def read_until(
+        self, stream_i: "PushableIterator", end_char: int, escape: bool = True
+    ) -> bytearray:
+        token = bytearray()
+        try:
+            for nextchar in stream_i:
+                if escape and nextchar == BACKSLASH:
+                    escaper = nextchar
+                    nextchar = next(stream_i)
+                    if nextchar not in (escaper, end_char):
+                        token.append(escaper)  # Don't touch invalid escaping
+                elif nextchar == end_char:
+                    break
+                token.append(nextchar)
+            else:
+                raise ValueError("No closing '%s'" % chr(end_char))
+        except StopIteration:
+            raise ValueError("No closing '%s'" % chr(end_char))
+        token.append(end_char)
+        return token
+    def read_token_stream(self, stream_i: "PushableIterator") -> Iterator[bytearray]:
+        whitespace = WHITESPACE
+        wordchars = NON_SPECIALS
+        read_until = self.read_until
+        while True:
+            # Whitespace
+            for nextchar in stream_i:
+                if nextchar not in whitespace:
+                    stream_i.push(nextchar)
+                    break  # done skipping over the whitespace
+            # Non-whitespace
+            token = bytearray()
+            for nextchar in stream_i:
+                if nextchar in wordchars:
+                    token.append(nextchar)
+                elif nextchar == OPEN_SQUARE:
+                    token.append(nextchar)
+                    token.extend(read_until(stream_i, CLOSE_SQUARE, escape=False))
+                else:
+                    if nextchar in whitespace:
+                        yield token
+                    elif nextchar == DOUBLE_QUOTE:
+                        assert_imap_protocol(not token)
+                        token.append(nextchar)
+                        token.extend(read_until(stream_i, nextchar))
+                        yield token
+                    else:
+                        # Other punctuation, eg. "(". This ends the current token.
+                        if token:
+                            yield token
+                        yield bytearray([nextchar])
+                    break
+            else:
+                if token:
+                    yield token
+                break
+    def __iter__(self) -> Iterator[bytes]:
         for source in self.sources:
             self.current_source = source
             for tok in self.read_token_stream(iter(source)):
                 yield bytes(tok)

+# imaplib has poor handling of 'literals' - it both fails to remove the
+# {size} marker, and fails to keep responses grouped into the same logical
+# 'line'.  What we end up with is a list of response 'records', where each
+# record is either a simple string, or tuple of (str_with_lit, literal) -
+# where str_with_lit is a string with the {xxx} marker at its end.  Note
+# that each element of this list does *not* correspond 1:1 with the
+# untagged responses.
+# ( also has comments about this)
+# So: we have a special object for each of these records.  When a
+# string literal is processed, we peek into this object to grab the
+# literal.
 class LiteralHandlingIter:
     def __init__(self, resp_record: Union[Tuple[bytes, bytes], bytes]):
         self.literal: Optional[bytes]
         if isinstance(resp_record, tuple):
+            # A 'record' with a string which includes a literal marker, and
+            # the literal itself.
             self.src_text = resp_record[0]
-            assert_imap_protocol(self.src_text.endswith(b'}'), self.src_text)
+            assert_imap_protocol(self.src_text.endswith(b"}"), self.src_text)
             self.literal = resp_record[1]
+            # just a line with no literals.
             self.src_text = resp_record
             self.literal = None

-    def __iter__(self) ->'PushableIterator':
+    def __iter__(self) -> "PushableIterator":
         return PushableIterator(self.src_text)

@@ -71,11 +159,16 @@ class PushableIterator: = iter(it)
         self.pushed: List[int] = []

-    def __iter__(self) ->'PushableIterator':
+    def __iter__(self) -> "PushableIterator":
         return self

-    def __next__(self) ->int:
+    def __next__(self) -> int:
         if self.pushed:
             return self.pushed.pop()
         return next(
+    # For Python 2 compatibility
     next = __next__
+    def push(self, item: int) -> None:
+        self.pushed.append(item)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index f632411..9f29e4c 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,34 +1,45 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 Parsing for IMAP command responses with focus on FETCH responses as
 returned by imaplib.

 Initially inspired by
+# TODO more exact error reporting
 import datetime
 import re
 import sys
 from collections import defaultdict
 from typing import cast, Dict, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
 from .datetime_util import parse_to_datetime
 from .exceptions import ProtocolError
 from .response_lexer import TokenSource
 from .response_types import Address, BodyData, Envelope, SearchIds
 from .typing_imapclient import _Atom
-__all__ = ['parse_response', 'parse_message_list']
+__all__ = ["parse_response", "parse_message_list"]

-def parse_response(data: List[bytes]) ->Tuple[_Atom, ...]:
+def parse_response(data: List[bytes]) -> Tuple[_Atom, ...]:
     """Pull apart IMAP command responses.

     Returns nested tuples of appropriately typed objects.
-    pass
+    if data == [None]:
+        return tuple()
+    return tuple(gen_parsed_response(data))

-_msg_id_pattern = re.compile('(\\d+(?: +\\d+)*)')
+_msg_id_pattern = re.compile(r"(\d+(?: +\d+)*)")

-def parse_message_list(data: List[Union[bytes, str]]) ->SearchIds:
+def parse_message_list(data: List[Union[bytes, str]]) -> SearchIds:
     """Parse a list of message ids and return them as a list.

     parse_response is also capable of doing this but this is
@@ -39,18 +50,238 @@ def parse_message_list(data: List[Union[bytes, str]]) ->SearchIds:
     attribute which contains the MODSEQ response (if returned by the
-    pass
+    if len(data) != 1:
+        raise ValueError("unexpected message list data")
+    message_data = data[0]
+    if not message_data:
+        return SearchIds()
+    if isinstance(message_data, bytes):
+        message_data = message_data.decode("ascii")
+    m = _msg_id_pattern.match(message_data)
+    if not m:
+        raise ValueError("unexpected message list format")
+    ids = SearchIds(int(n) for n in

+    # Parse any non-numeric part on the end using parse_response (this
+    # is likely to be the MODSEQ section).
+    extra = message_data[m.end(1) :]
+    if extra:
+        for item in parse_response([extra.encode("ascii")]):
+            if (
+                isinstance(item, tuple)
+                and len(item) == 2
+                and cast(bytes, item[0]).lower() == b"modseq"
+            ):
+                if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                    assert isinstance(item[1], int)
+                ids.modseq = item[1]
+            elif isinstance(item, int):
+                ids.append(item)
+    return ids

-_ParseFetchResponseInnerDict = Dict[bytes, Optional[Union[datetime.datetime,
-    int, BodyData, Envelope, _Atom]]]

+def gen_parsed_response(text: List[bytes]) -> Iterator[_Atom]:
+    if not text:
+        return
+    src = TokenSource(text)

-def parse_fetch_response(text: List[bytes], normalise_times: bool=True,
-    uid_is_key: bool=True) ->'defaultdict[int, _ParseFetchResponseInnerDict]':
+    token = None
+    try:
+        for token in src:
+            yield atom(src, token)
+    except ProtocolError:
+        raise
+    except ValueError:
+        _, err, _ = sys.exc_info()
+        raise ProtocolError("%s: %r" % (str(err), token))
+_ParseFetchResponseInnerDict = Dict[
+    bytes, Optional[Union[datetime.datetime, int, BodyData, Envelope, _Atom]]
+def parse_fetch_response(
+    text: List[bytes], normalise_times: bool = True, uid_is_key: bool = True
+) -> "defaultdict[int, _ParseFetchResponseInnerDict]":
     """Pull apart IMAP FETCH responses as returned by imaplib.

     Returns a dictionary, keyed by message ID. Each value a dictionary
     keyed by FETCH field type (eg."RFC822").
-    pass
+    if text == [None]:
+        return defaultdict()
+    response = gen_parsed_response(text)
+    parsed_response: "defaultdict[int, _ParseFetchResponseInnerDict]" = defaultdict(
+        dict
+    )
+    while True:
+        try:
+            msg_id = seq = _int_or_error(next(response), "invalid message ID")
+        except StopIteration:
+            break
+        try:
+            msg_response = next(response)
+        except StopIteration:
+            raise ProtocolError("unexpected EOF")
+        if not isinstance(msg_response, tuple):
+            raise ProtocolError("bad response type: %s" % repr(msg_response))
+        if len(msg_response) % 2:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "uneven number of response items: %s" % repr(msg_response)
+            )
+        # always return the sequence of the message, so it is available
+        # even if we return keyed by UID.
+        msg_data: _ParseFetchResponseInnerDict = {b"SEQ": seq}
+        for i in range(0, len(msg_response), 2):
+            msg_attribute = msg_response[i]
+            if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                assert isinstance(msg_attribute, bytes)
+            word = msg_attribute.upper()
+            value = msg_response[i + 1]
+            if word == b"UID":
+                uid = _int_or_error(value, "invalid UID")
+                if uid_is_key:
+                    msg_id = uid
+                else:
+                    msg_data[word] = uid
+            elif word == b"INTERNALDATE":
+                msg_data[word] = _convert_INTERNALDATE(value, normalise_times)
+            elif word == b"ENVELOPE":
+                msg_data[word] = _convert_ENVELOPE(value, normalise_times)
+            elif word in (b"BODY", b"BODYSTRUCTURE"):
+                if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                    assert isinstance(value, tuple)
+                msg_data[word] = BodyData.create(value)
+            else:
+                msg_data[word] = value
+        parsed_response[msg_id].update(msg_data)
+    return parsed_response
+def _int_or_error(value: _Atom, error_text: str) -> int:
+    try:
+        return int(value)  # type: ignore[arg-type]
+    except (TypeError, ValueError):
+        raise ProtocolError("%s: %s" % (error_text, repr(value)))
+def _convert_INTERNALDATE(
+    date_string: _Atom, normalise_times: bool = True
+) -> Optional[datetime.datetime]:
+    if date_string is None:
+        return None
+    try:
+        if TYPE_CHECKING:
+            assert isinstance(date_string, bytes)
+        return parse_to_datetime(date_string, normalise=normalise_times)
+    except ValueError:
+        return None
+def _convert_ENVELOPE(
+    envelope_response: _Atom, normalise_times: bool = True
+) -> Envelope:
+        assert isinstance(envelope_response, tuple)
+    dt = None
+    if envelope_response[0]:
+        try:
+            if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                assert isinstance(envelope_response[0], bytes)
+            dt = parse_to_datetime(
+                envelope_response[0],
+                normalise=normalise_times,
+            )
+        except ValueError:
+            pass
+    subject = envelope_response[1]
+    in_reply_to = envelope_response[8]
+    message_id = envelope_response[9]
+        assert isinstance(subject, bytes)
+        assert isinstance(in_reply_to, bytes)
+        assert isinstance(message_id, bytes)
+    # addresses contains a tuple of addresses
+    # from, sender, reply_to, to, cc, bcc headers
+    addresses: List[Optional[Tuple[Address, ...]]] = []
+    for addr_list in envelope_response[2:8]:
+        addrs = []
+        if addr_list:
+            if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                assert isinstance(addr_list, tuple)
+            for addr_tuple in addr_list:
+                if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                    assert isinstance(addr_tuple, tuple)
+                if addr_tuple:
+                    if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                        addr_tuple = cast(Tuple[bytes, bytes, bytes, bytes], addr_tuple)
+                    addrs.append(Address(*addr_tuple))
+            addresses.append(tuple(addrs))
+        else:
+            addresses.append(None)
+    return Envelope(
+        date=dt,
+        subject=subject,
+        from_=addresses[0],
+        sender=addresses[1],
+        reply_to=addresses[2],
+        to=addresses[3],
+        cc=addresses[4],
+        bcc=addresses[5],
+        in_reply_to=in_reply_to,
+        message_id=message_id,
+    )
+def atom(src: TokenSource, token: bytes) -> _Atom:
+    if token == b"(":
+        return parse_tuple(src)
+    if token == b"NIL":
+        return None
+    if token[:1] == b"{":
+        literal_len = int(token[1:-1])
+        literal_text = src.current_literal
+        if literal_text is None:
+            raise ProtocolError("No literal corresponds to %r" % token)
+        if len(literal_text) != literal_len:
+            raise ProtocolError(
+                "Expecting literal of size %d, got %d"
+                % (literal_len, len(literal_text))
+            )
+        return literal_text
+    if len(token) >= 2 and (token[:1] == token[-1:] == b'"'):
+        return token[1:-1]
+    if token.isdigit() and (token[:1] != b"0" or len(token) == 1):
+        # this prevents converting items like 0123 to 123
+        return int(token)
+    return token
+def parse_tuple(src: TokenSource) -> _Atom:
+    out: List[_Atom] = []
+    for token in src:
+        if token == b")":
+            return tuple(out)
+        out.append(atom(src, token))
+    # no terminator
+    raise ProtocolError('Tuple incomplete before "(%s"' % _fmt_tuple(out))
+def _fmt_tuple(t: List[_Atom]) -> str:
+    return " ".join(str(item) for item in t)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 7d95b73..cd4631d 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,25 +1,30 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import dataclasses
 import datetime
 from email.utils import formataddr
 from typing import Any, List, Optional, Tuple, TYPE_CHECKING, Union
 from .typing_imapclient import _Atom
 from .util import to_unicode

 class Envelope:
-    """Represents envelope structures of messages. Returned when parsing
+    r"""Represents envelope structures of messages. Returned when parsing
     ENVELOPE responses.

     :ivar date: A datetime instance that represents the "Date" header.
     :ivar subject: A string that contains the "Subject" header.
-    :ivar from\\_: A tuple of Address objects that represent one or more
+    :ivar from\_: A tuple of Address objects that represent one or more
       addresses from the "From" header, or None if header does not exist.
-    :ivar sender: As for from\\_ but represents the "Sender" header.
-    :ivar reply_to: As for from\\_ but represents the "Reply-To" header.
-    :ivar to: As for from\\_ but represents the "To" header.
-    :ivar cc: As for from\\_ but represents the "Cc" header.
-    :ivar bcc: As for from\\_ but represents the "Bcc" recipients.
+    :ivar sender: As for from\_ but represents the "Sender" header.
+    :ivar reply_to: As for from\_ but represents the "Reply-To" header.
+    :ivar to: As for from\_ but represents the "To" header.
+    :ivar cc: As for from\_ but represents the "Cc" header.
+    :ivar bcc: As for from\_ but represents the "Bcc" recipients.
     :ivar in_reply_to: A string that contains the "In-Reply-To" header.
     :ivar message_id: A string that contains the "Message-Id" header.

@@ -50,12 +55,12 @@ class Envelope:
     date: Optional[datetime.datetime]
     subject: bytes
-    from_: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
-    sender: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
-    reply_to: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
-    to: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
-    cc: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
-    bcc: Optional[Tuple['Address', ...]]
+    from_: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
+    sender: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
+    reply_to: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
+    to: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
+    cc: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
+    bcc: Optional[Tuple["Address", ...]]
     in_reply_to: bytes
     message_id: bytes

@@ -83,16 +88,18 @@ class Address:
     See also :py:class:`Envelope` for information about handling of
     "group syntax".
     name: bytes
     route: bytes
     mailbox: bytes
     host: bytes

-    def __str__(self) ->str:
+    def __str__(self) -> str:
         if self.mailbox and
-            address = to_unicode(self.mailbox) + '@' + to_unicode(
+            address = to_unicode(self.mailbox) + "@" + to_unicode(
             address = to_unicode(self.mailbox or
         return formataddr((to_unicode(, address))

@@ -110,10 +117,32 @@ class SearchIds(List[int]):
         self.modseq: Optional[int] = None

-_BodyDataType = Tuple[Union[bytes, int, 'BodyData'], '_BodyDataType']
+_BodyDataType = Tuple[Union[bytes, int, "BodyData"], "_BodyDataType"]

 class BodyData(_BodyDataType):
     Returned when parsing BODY and BODYSTRUCTURE responses.
+    @classmethod
+    def create(cls, response: Tuple[_Atom, ...]) -> "BodyData":
+        # In case of multipart messages we will see at least 2 tuples
+        # at the start. Nest these in to a list so that the returned
+        # response tuple always has a consistent number of elements
+        # regardless of whether the message is multipart or not.
+        if isinstance(response[0], tuple):
+            # Multipart, find where the message part tuples stop
+            parts = []
+            for i, part in enumerate(response):
+                if isinstance(part, bytes):
+                    break
+                if TYPE_CHECKING:
+                    assert isinstance(part, tuple)
+                parts.append(part)
+            return cls(([cls.create(part) for part in parts],) + response[i:])
+        return cls(response)
+    @property
+    def is_multipart(self) -> bool:
+        return isinstance(self[0], list)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index c605b90..c583274 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,5 +1,10 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2014, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 from typing import Any, Dict
 from unittest.mock import Mock
 from .imapclient import IMAPClient

@@ -12,15 +17,23 @@ class TestableIMAPClient(IMAPClient):
     IMAP account.

-    def __init__(self) ->None:
-        super().__init__('somehost')
+    def __init__(self) -> None:
+        super().__init__("somehost")

+    def _create_IMAP4(self) -> "MockIMAP4":
+        return MockIMAP4()

-class MockIMAP4(Mock):

+class MockIMAP4(Mock):
     def __init__(self, *args: Any, **kwargs: Any):
         super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
         self.use_uid = True
-        self.sent = b''
+        self.sent = b""  # Accumulates what was given to send()
         self.tagged_commands: Dict[Any, Any] = {}
         self._starttls_done = False
+    def send(self, data: bytes) -> None:
+        self.sent += data
+    def _new_tag(self) -> str:
+        return "tag"
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index a700b1a..fe9671e 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,25 +1,68 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2023, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 This module contains IMAPClient's functionality related to Transport
 Layer Security (TLS a.k.a. SSL).
 import imaplib
 import io
 import socket
 import ssl
 from typing import Optional, TYPE_CHECKING
     from typing_extensions import Buffer

+def wrap_socket(
+    sock: socket.socket, ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext], host: str
+) -> socket.socket:
+    if ssl_context is None:
+        ssl_context = ssl.create_default_context(purpose=ssl.Purpose.SERVER_AUTH)
+    return ssl_context.wrap_socket(sock, server_hostname=host)
 class IMAP4_TLS(imaplib.IMAP4):
     """IMAP4 client class for TLS/SSL connections.

     Adapted from imaplib.IMAP4_SSL.

-    def __init__(self, host: str, port: int, ssl_context: Optional[ssl.
-        SSLContext], timeout: Optional[float]=None):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        host: str,
+        port: int,
+        ssl_context: Optional[ssl.SSLContext],
+        timeout: Optional[float] = None,
+    ):
         self.ssl_context = ssl_context
         self._timeout = timeout
         imaplib.IMAP4.__init__(self, host, port)
         self.file: io.BufferedReader
+    def open(
+        self, host: str = "", port: int = 993, timeout: Optional[float] = None
+    ) -> None:
+ = host
+        self.port = port
+        sock = socket.create_connection(
+            (host, port), timeout if timeout is not None else self._timeout
+        )
+        self.sock = wrap_socket(sock, self.ssl_context, host)
+        self.file = self.sock.makefile("rb")
+    def read(self, size: int) -> bytes:
+        return
+    def readline(self) -> bytes:
+        return self.file.readline()
+    def send(self, data: "Buffer") -> None:
+        self.sock.sendall(data)
+    def shutdown(self) -> None:
+        imaplib.IMAP4.shutdown(self)
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 2fcbe01..a9fc1af 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
 from typing import Tuple, Union
 _AtomPart = Union[None, int, bytes]
-_Atom = Union[_AtomPart, Tuple['_Atom', ...]]
+_Atom = Union[_AtomPart, Tuple["_Atom", ...]]
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 5e3fab3..8f9aa35 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,6 +1,50 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2015, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 import logging
 from typing import Iterator, Optional, Tuple, Union
 from . import exceptions
 logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
+def to_unicode(s: Union[bytes, str]) -> str:
+    if isinstance(s, bytes):
+        try:
+            return s.decode("ascii")
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            logger.warning(
+                "An error occurred while decoding %s in ASCII 'strict' mode. Fallback to "
+                "'ignore' errors handling, some characters might have been stripped",
+                s,
+            )
+            return s.decode("ascii", "ignore")
+    return s
+def to_bytes(s: Union[bytes, str], charset: str = "ascii") -> bytes:
+    if isinstance(s, str):
+        return s.encode(charset)
+    return s
+def assert_imap_protocol(condition: bool, message: Optional[bytes] = None) -> None:
+    if not condition:
+        msg = "Server replied with a response that violates the IMAP protocol"
+        if message:
+            # FIXME(jlvillal): This looks wrong as it repeats `msg` twice
+            msg += "{}: {}".format(
+                msg, message.decode(encoding="ascii", errors="ignore")
+            )
+        raise exceptions.ProtocolError(msg)
 _TupleAtomPart = Union[None, int, bytes]
-_TupleAtom = Tuple[Union[_TupleAtomPart, '_TupleAtom'], ...]
+_TupleAtom = Tuple[Union[_TupleAtomPart, "_TupleAtom"], ...]
+def chunk(lst: _TupleAtom, size: int) -> Iterator[_TupleAtom]:
+    for i in range(0, len(lst), size):
+        yield lst[i : i + size]
diff --git a/imapclient/ b/imapclient/
index 9e7d8dc..c97dfb6 100644
--- a/imapclient/
+++ b/imapclient/
@@ -1,7 +1,24 @@
+# Copyright (c) 2022, Menno Smits
+# Released subject to the New BSD License
+# Please see
 from typing import Tuple
-version_info = 3, 0, 1, 'final'
+version_info = (3, 0, 1, "final")
+def _imapclient_version_string(vinfo: Tuple[int, int, int, str]) -> str:
+    major, minor, micro, releaselevel = vinfo
+    v = "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, micro)
+    if releaselevel != "final":
+        v += "-" + releaselevel
+    return v
 version = _imapclient_version_string(version_info)
-maintainer = 'IMAPClient Maintainers'
-maintainer_email = ''
-author = 'Menno Finlay-Smits'
-author_email = ''
+maintainer = "IMAPClient Maintainers"
+maintainer_email = ""
+author = "Menno Finlay-Smits"
+author_email = ""