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Claude Sonnet 3.5 - Fill-in: moviepy

Pytest Summary for test tests

status count
failed 7
passed 14
total 21
collected 21

Failed pytests:[libx264-mp4][libx264-mp4]
given = 'libx264', expected = 'mp4'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [
        ("libx264", "mp4"),
        ("libmpeg4", "mp4"),
        ("libtheora", "ogv"),
        ("libvpx", "webm")
    def test_find_extensions(given, expected):
        """Test for find_extension function."""
>       assert tools.find_extension(given) == expected
E       AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'find_extension'

tests/ AttributeError[libmpeg4-mp4][libmpeg4-mp4]
given = 'libmpeg4', expected = 'mp4'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [
        ("libx264", "mp4"),
        ("libmpeg4", "mp4"),
        ("libtheora", "ogv"),
        ("libvpx", "webm")
    def test_find_extensions(given, expected):
        """Test for find_extension function."""
>       assert tools.find_extension(given) == expected
E       AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'find_extension'

tests/ AttributeError[libtheora-ogv][libtheora-ogv]
given = 'libtheora', expected = 'ogv'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [
        ("libx264", "mp4"),
        ("libmpeg4", "mp4"),
        ("libtheora", "ogv"),
        ("libvpx", "webm")
    def test_find_extensions(given, expected):
        """Test for find_extension function."""
>       assert tools.find_extension(given) == expected
E       AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'find_extension'

tests/ AttributeError[libvpx-webm][libvpx-webm]
given = 'libvpx', expected = 'webm'

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [
        ("libx264", "mp4"),
        ("libmpeg4", "mp4"),
        ("libtheora", "ogv"),
        ("libvpx", "webm")
    def test_find_extensions(given, expected):
        """Test for find_extension function."""
>       assert tools.find_extension(given) == expected
E       AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'find_extension'

tests/ AttributeError
def test_find_extensions_not_found():
        """Test for raising error if codec not in dictionaries."""
        with pytest.raises(ValueError):  # asking for a silly video format
>           tools.find_extension('flashvideo')
E           AttributeError: module '' has no attribute 'find_extension'

tests/ AttributeError[given3-3662][given3-3662]
given = [1, 1, 2], expected = 3662

    @pytest.mark.parametrize('given, expected', [
        (15.4, 15.4),
        ((1, 21.5), 81.5),
        ((1, 1, 2), 3662),
        ([1, 1, 2], 3662),
        ('01:01:33.5', 3693.5),
        ('01:01:33.045', 3693.045),
        ('01:01:33,5', 3693.5),
        ('1:33', 93.0),
        ('33.4', 33.4),
        (None, None)
    def test_cvsecs(given, expected):
        """Test the cvsecs funtion outputs correct times as per the docstring."""
>       assert tools.cvsecs(given) == expected
E       assert [1, 1, 2] == 3662
E        +  where [1, 1, 2] = ([1, 1, 2])
E        +    where  = tools.cvsecs

tests/ AssertionError
def test_sys_write_flush():
        """Test for sys_write-flush function. Check that stdout has no content after flushing."""
        tools.sys_write_flush("hello world")

        file =
>       assert file == b""
E       AssertionError: assert '' == b''

tests/ AssertionError

Patch diff

diff --git a/moviepy/ b/moviepy/
index 8d3e1b0..8614137 100644
--- a/moviepy/
+++ b/moviepy/
@@ -52,7 +52,12 @@ class Clip:
         there is an outplace transformation of the clip (clip.resize,
         clip.subclip, etc.)
-        pass
+        new_clip = copy(self)
+        if hasattr(self, 'audio'):
+   =
+        if hasattr(self, 'mask'):
+            new_clip.mask = self.mask.copy()
+        return new_clip

     def get_frame(self, t):
@@ -60,7 +65,16 @@ class Clip:
         Gets a numpy array representing the RGB picture of the clip at time t
         or (mono or stereo) value for a sound clip
-        pass
+        if self.memoize:
+            if t == self.memoized_t:
+                return self.memoized_frame
+            else:
+                frame = self.make_frame(t)
+                self.memoized_t = t
+                self.memoized_frame = frame
+                return frame
+        else:
+            return self.make_frame(t)

     def fl(self, fun, apply_to=None, keep_duration=True):
         """ General processing of a clip.
@@ -99,7 +113,26 @@ class Clip:
         >>> newclip = clip.fl(fl, apply_to='mask')

-        pass
+        new_clip = self.copy()
+        new_clip.make_frame = lambda t: fun(self.get_frame, t)
+        if not keep_duration:
+            new_clip.duration = None
+            new_clip.end = None
+        if apply_to is None:
+            apply_to = []
+        elif isinstance(apply_to, str):
+            apply_to = [apply_to]
+        for attr in apply_to:
+            if hasattr(new_clip, attr):
+                a = getattr(new_clip, attr)
+                if a is not None:
+                    new_a = a.fl(fun, keep_duration=keep_duration)
+                    setattr(new_clip, attr, new_a)
+        return new_clip

     def fl_time(self, t_func, apply_to=None, keep_duration=False):
@@ -132,7 +165,7 @@ class Clip:
         >>> newclip = clip.fl_time(lambda: 3-t)

-        pass
+        return self.fl(lambda gf, t: gf(t_func(t)), apply_to, keep_duration)

     def fx(self, func, *args, **kwargs):
@@ -155,7 +188,7 @@ class Clip:
         >>> resize( volumex( mirrorx( clip ), 0.5), 0.3)

-        pass
+        return func(self, *args, **kwargs)

@@ -218,23 +251,26 @@ class Clip:
         Sets a ``make_frame`` attribute for the clip. Useful for setting
         arbitrary/complicated videoclips.
-        pass
+        self.make_frame = make_frame

     def set_fps(self, fps):
         """ Returns a copy of the clip with a new default fps for functions like
         write_videofile, iterframe, etc. """
-        pass
+        self.fps = fps

     def set_ismask(self, ismask):
         """ Says wheter the clip is a mask or not (ismask is a boolean)"""
-        pass
+        self.ismask = ismask

     def set_memoize(self, memoize):
         """ Sets wheter the clip should keep the last frame read in memory """
-        pass
+        self.memoize = memoize
+        if not memoize:
+            self.memoized_t = None
+            self.memoized_frame = None

     def is_playing(self, t):
@@ -247,7 +283,11 @@ class Clip:
         theclip, else returns a vector [b_1, b_2, b_3...] where b_i
         is true iff tti is in the clip.
-        pass
+        if isinstance(t, np.ndarray):
+            # vectorize is_playing
+            return np.array([self.is_playing(ti) for ti in t])
+        return (self.start <= t) and ((self.end is None) or (t < self.end))

     @convert_to_seconds(['t_start', 't_end'])
@@ -320,13 +360,26 @@ class Clip:
         >>> print ( [frame[0,:,0].max()
                      for frame in myclip.iter_frames()])
-        pass
+        logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+        total = int(self.duration * fps)
+        for t in logger.iter_bar(t=np.arange(0, self.duration, 1.0/fps)):
+            frame = self.get_frame(t)
+            if dtype is not None:
+                frame = frame.astype(dtype)
+            if with_times:
+                yield t, frame
+            else:
+                yield frame

     def close(self):
             Release any resources that are in use.
-        pass
+        if hasattr(self, 'audio') and is not None:
+        if hasattr(self, 'mask') and self.mask is not None:
+            self.mask.close()

     def __enter__(self):
         return self
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/ b/moviepy/audio/
index 350c197..8090e04 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/
@@ -62,7 +62,22 @@ class AudioClip(Clip):
         quantize=False, nbytes=2, logger=None):
         """ Iterator that returns the whole sound array of the clip by chunks
-        pass
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = self.fps
+        if chunk_duration is not None:
+            chunksize = int(chunk_duration * fps)
+        totalsize = int(fps * self.duration)
+        nchunks = int(np.ceil(totalsize / float(chunksize)))
+        pospos = np.linspace(0, totalsize, nchunks + 1, endpoint=True, dtype=int)
+        logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+        for i in logger.iter_bar(chunk=list(range(nchunks))):
+            size = pospos[i+1] - pospos[i]
+            tt = (1.0 / fps) * np.arange(pospos[i], pospos[i+1])
+            yield self.to_soundarray(tt, nbytes=nbytes, quantize=quantize, fps=fps)

     def to_soundarray(self, tt=None, fps=None, quantize=False, nbytes=2,
@@ -83,7 +98,20 @@ class AudioClip(Clip):
           2 for 16bit, 4 for 32bit sound.

-        pass
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = self.fps
+        if tt is None:
+            tt = np.arange(0, self.duration, 1.0/fps)
+        snd_array = self.get_frame(tt)
+        if quantize:
+            snd_array = np.maximum(-0.99, np.minimum(0.99, snd_array))
+            inttype = {1: 'int8', 2: 'int16', 4: 'int32'}[nbytes]
+            snd_array = (2**(8*nbytes-1)*snd_array).astype(inttype)
+        return snd_array

     def write_audiofile(self, filename, fps=None, nbytes=2, buffersize=2000,
@@ -131,7 +159,16 @@ class AudioClip(Clip):
           Either 'bar' or None or any Proglog logger

-        pass
+        if not fps:
+            fps = self.fps or 44100
+        logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+        ffmpeg_audiowrite(self, filename, fps, nbytes, buffersize,
+                          codec=codec, bitrate=bitrate,
+                          write_logfile=write_logfile, verbose=verbose,
+                          ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params,
+                          logger=logger)

 AudioClip.to_audiofile = deprecated_version_of(AudioClip.write_audiofile,
@@ -221,4 +258,19 @@ def concatenate_audioclips(clips):
     The clip with the highest FPS will be the FPS of the result clip.
-    pass
+    if not clips:
+        return AudioClip()
+    max_fps = max(clip.fps for clip in clips if hasattr(clip, 'fps') and clip.fps is not None)
+    durations = [clip.duration for clip in clips]
+    total_duration = sum(durations)
+    def make_frame(t):
+        current_time = 0
+        for clip, duration in zip(clips, durations):
+            if current_time <= t < current_time + duration:
+                return clip.get_frame(t - current_time)
+            current_time += duration
+        return 0  # Return silence if t is out of bounds
+    return AudioClip(make_frame, duration=total_duration, fps=max_fps)
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index d7d564e..416a5fe 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -6,4 +6,18 @@ from moviepy.decorators import audio_video_fx
 def audio_fadein(clip, duration):
     """ Return an audio (or video) clip that is first mute, then the
         sound arrives progressively over ``duration`` seconds. """
-    pass
+    def faded_audio(get_frame, t):
+        # Get the original audio frame
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        # Calculate the fade factor
+        if t < duration:
+            factor = t / duration
+        else:
+            factor = 1.0
+        # Apply the fade
+        return frame * factor
+    return clip.fl(faded_audio, keep_duration=True)
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index 557d1aa..e04e9e3 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -7,4 +7,19 @@ from moviepy.decorators import audio_video_fx, requires_duration
 def audio_fadeout(clip, duration):
     """ Return a sound clip where the sound fades out progressively
         over ``duration`` seconds at the end of the clip. """
-    pass
+    def faded_audio(get_frame, t):
+        # Get the original audio frame
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        # Calculate the time from the end of the clip
+        time_from_end = clip.duration - t
+        if time_from_end < duration:
+            # Apply fadeout
+            factor = time_from_end / duration
+            return frame * factor
+        else:
+            # Return the original frame if not in fadeout period
+            return frame
+    return clip.fl(faded_audio, keep_duration=True)
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index b09d9cc..af1f538 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -3,12 +3,39 @@ import numpy as np

 def audio_left_right(audioclip, left=1, right=1, merge=False):
     For a stereo audioclip, this function enables to change the volume
     of the left and right channel separately (with the factors `left`
     and `right`)
     Makes a stereo audio clip in which the volume of left and right
     is controllable
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    audioclip : AudioClip
+        The input audio clip (must be stereo)
+    left : float, optional
+        Volume factor for the left channel (default is 1)
+    right : float, optional
+        Volume factor for the right channel (default is 1)
+    merge : bool, optional
+        If True, merge the channels into a mono track (default is False)
+    Returns:
+    --------
+    AudioClip
+        A new AudioClip with adjusted left and right channels
-    pass
+    def adjust_channels(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        if frame.ndim == 1:
+            raise ValueError("Input audio must be stereo (2 channels)")
+        adjusted = np.array([frame[:, 0] * left, frame[:, 1] * right]).T
+        if merge:
+            return np.mean(adjusted, axis=1, keepdims=True)
+        return adjusted
+    return audioclip.fl(adjust_channels)
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index cb07e52..b5c7067 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -17,4 +17,16 @@ def audio_loop(audioclip, nloops=None, duration=None):
     >>> videoclip.set_audio(audio)

-    pass
+    if nloops is None and duration is None:
+        raise ValueError("Please provide either 'nloops' or 'duration'")
+    if nloops is not None:
+        return concatenate_audioclips([audioclip] * nloops)
+    else:
+        # Calculate the number of loops needed to cover the duration
+        nloops = int(duration / audioclip.duration) + 1
+        looped_clip = concatenate_audioclips([audioclip] * nloops)
+        # Subclip to get exact duration
+        return looped_clip.subclip(0, duration)
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index 7849aa6..4ceb84a 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -16,4 +16,7 @@ def audio_normalize(clip):
     >>> videoclip = VideoFileClip('myvideo.mp4').fx(afx.audio_normalize)

-    pass
+    max_volume = abs(
+    if max_volume > 0:
+        return volumex(clip, 1 / max_volume)
+    return clip
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/fx/ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
index 573b48a..1ba6be8 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/fx/
@@ -16,4 +16,9 @@ def volumex(clip, factor):
     >>> newclip = clip.fx( volumex, 0.5) # half audio, use with fx
     >>> newclip = clip.volumex(2) # only if you used "moviepy.editor"
-    pass
+    def new_audioclip(t):
+        return * factor
+    new_clip = clip.copy()
+ =
+    return new_clip
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/io/ b/moviepy/audio/io/
index 4c0ca37..43a3766 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/io/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/io/
@@ -76,8 +76,11 @@ class AudioFileClip(AudioClip):
         """ Returns a copy of the AudioFileClip, i.e. a new entrance point
             to the audio file. Use copy when you have different clips
             watching the audio file at different times. """
-        pass
+        return AudioFileClip(self.filename, buffersize=self.buffersize,
+                             nbytes=self.reader.nbytes, fps=self.fps)

     def close(self):
         """ Close the internal reader. """
-        pass
+        if hasattr(self, 'reader'):
+            self.reader.close()
+            del self.reader
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/io/ b/moviepy/audio/io/
index 9501306..2b9c598 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/io/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/io/
@@ -72,4 +72,25 @@ def ffmpeg_audiowrite(clip, filename, fps, nbytes, buffersize, codec=

     NOTE: verbose is deprecated.
-    pass
+    if write_logfile:
+        logfile = open(filename + ".log", 'w+')
+    else:
+        logfile = None
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    with FFMPEG_AudioWriter(filename, fps, nbytes, clip.nchannels, codec=codec,
+                            bitrate=bitrate, logfile=logfile,
+                            ffmpeg_params=ffmpeg_params) as writer:
+        totalsize = int(clip.duration * fps) + 1
+        for chunk in clip.iter_chunks(chunksize=buffersize,
+                                      quantize=True,
+                                      nbytes=nbytes,
+                                      fps=fps,
+                                      logger=logger):
+            writer.proc.stdin.write(chunk)
+    if write_logfile:
+        logfile.close()
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/io/ b/moviepy/audio/io/
index d8a5730..ba9fe3d 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/io/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/io/
@@ -36,4 +36,39 @@ def preview(clip, fps=22050, buffersize=4000, nbytes=2, audioFlag=None,
       video and audio during ``VideoClip.preview()``.

-    pass
+    # Initialize pygame mixer
+    pg.mixer.quit()
+    pg.mixer.init(fps, -8 * nbytes, clip.nchannels, 1024)
+    # Prepare the audio data
+    totalsize = int(fps * clip.duration)
+    pospos = np.array(list(range(0, totalsize, buffersize)) + [totalsize])
+    # Start the audio playback
+    channel = pg.mixer.Channel(0)
+    sound = None
+    try:
+        for i, j in zip(pospos[:-1], pospos[1:]):
+            # Get audio chunk
+            chunk = clip.subclip(1.0 * i / fps, 1.0 * j / fps).to_soundarray(fps=fps, nbytes=nbytes)
+            chunk = (chunk * (2 ** (8 * nbytes - 1) - 1)).astype(f'int{8 * nbytes}')
+            # Create and play the sound
+            sound = pg.sndarray.make_sound(chunk)
+            channel.queue(sound)
+            # Wait for the chunk to finish playing
+            while channel.get_queue():
+                time.sleep(0.001)
+                if audioFlag is not None and not audioFlag.is_set():
+                    channel.stop()
+                    return
+                if videoFlag is not None:
+                    videoFlag.set()
+    finally:
+        # Clean up
+        if sound is not None:
+            sound.stop()
+        pg.mixer.quit()
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/io/ b/moviepy/audio/io/
index 2e9cb30..81d39b3 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/io/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/io/
@@ -62,24 +62,65 @@ class FFMPEG_AudioReader:

     def initialize(self, starttime=0):
         """ Opens the file, creates the pipe. """
-        pass
+        self.close_proc()  # close the process if it was already opened
+        if starttime != 0:
+            offset = min(1, starttime)
+            i_arg = ['-ss', "%.06f" % (starttime - offset),
+                     '-i', self.filename,
+                     '-vn',
+                     '-ss', "%.06f" % offset]
+        else:
+            i_arg = ['-i', self.filename,
+                     '-vn']
+        cmd = ([get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY")] + i_arg +
+               ['-loglevel', 'error',
+                '-f', self.f,
+                '-acodec', self.acodec,
+                '-ar', "%d" % self.fps,
+                '-ac', '%d' % self.nchannels,
+                '-'])
+        self.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE,
+                             stdout=sp.PIPE, stderr=sp.PIPE)
+        self.pos = np.round(self.fps * starttime)

     def seek(self, pos):
         Reads a frame at time t. Note for coders: getting an arbitrary
         frame in the video with ffmpeg can be painfully slow if some
-        decoding has to be done. This function tries to avoid fectching
+        decoding has to be done. This function tries to avoid fetching
         arbitrary frames whenever possible, by moving between adjacent
-        pass
+        if (pos < self.pos) or (pos > self.pos + self.buffersize):
+            t = pos / self.fps
+            self.initialize(t)
+        self.pos = pos

     def buffer_around(self, framenumber):
         Fills the buffer with frames, centered on ``framenumber``
         if possible
-        pass
+        start = max(0, framenumber - self.buffersize // 2)
+        if start + self.buffersize > self.nframes:
+            start = max(0, self.nframes - self.buffersize)
+        if start != self.buffer_startframe:
+            self.buffer_startframe = start
+        # Read the data from ffmpeg
+        size = self.nchannels * self.nbytes * self.buffersize
+        try:
+            self.buffer =
+        except IOError:
+            self.buffer = None
+            self.close_proc()
+        self.buffer_startframe = start

     def __del__(self):
diff --git a/moviepy/audio/tools/ b/moviepy/audio/tools/
index e057157..e9e613c 100644
--- a/moviepy/audio/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/audio/tools/
@@ -9,4 +9,39 @@ def find_audio_period(aclip, t_min=0.1, t_max=2, t_res=0.01):
     t_min and _tmax are bounds for the returned value, t_res
     is the numerical precision
-    pass
+    # Get the audio data as a numpy array
+    audio_array = aclip.to_soundarray()
+    # If stereo, convert to mono by averaging channels
+    if audio_array.ndim > 1:
+        audio_array = np.mean(audio_array, axis=1)
+    # Calculate the sample rate
+    sample_rate = aclip.fps
+    # Convert time bounds to sample indices
+    n_min = int(t_min * sample_rate)
+    n_max = int(t_max * sample_rate)
+    n_res = int(t_res * sample_rate)
+    # Calculate autocorrelation
+    corr = np.correlate(audio_array, audio_array, mode='full')
+    corr = corr[len(corr)//2:]
+    # Find peaks in the autocorrelation
+    peaks = []
+    for i in range(n_min, n_max, n_res):
+        if corr[i] > corr[i-1] and corr[i] > corr[i+1]:
+            peaks.append((i, corr[i]))
+    # If no peaks found, return None
+    if not peaks:
+        return None
+    # Find the highest peak
+    best_peak = max(peaks, key=lambda x: x[1])
+    # Convert the peak index back to time
+    period = best_peak[0] / sample_rate
+    return period
diff --git a/moviepy/ b/moviepy/
index 09fa2fe..17cc27d 100644
--- a/moviepy/
+++ b/moviepy/
@@ -52,12 +52,32 @@ else:

 def get_setting(varname):
     """ Returns the value of a configuration variable. """
-    pass
+    if varname == 'FFMPEG_BINARY':
+        return FFMPEG_BINARY
+    elif varname == 'IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY':
+        return IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY
+    else:
+        raise ValueError(f"Unknown configuration variable: {varname}")

 def change_settings(new_settings=None, filename=None):
     """ Changes the value of configuration variables."""
-    pass
+    if new_settings is not None:
+        for key, value in new_settings.items():
+            if key == 'FFMPEG_BINARY':
+                FFMPEG_BINARY = value
+            elif key == 'IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY':
+                IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY = value
+            else:
+                raise ValueError(f"Unknown configuration variable: {key}")
+    if filename is not None:
+        with open(filename, 'w') as f:
+            f.write(f"FFMPEG_BINARY = '{FFMPEG_BINARY}'\n")
+            f.write(f"IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY = '{IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY}'\n")

 if __name__ == '__main__':
diff --git a/moviepy/ b/moviepy/
index 8004202..714c687 100644
--- a/moviepy/
+++ b/moviepy/
@@ -8,33 +8,45 @@ from import cvsecs
 def outplace(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ Applies f(clip.copy(), *a, **k) and returns clip.copy()"""
-    pass
+    newclip = clip.copy()
+    f(newclip, *a, **k)
+    return newclip

 def convert_masks_to_RGB(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ If the clip is a mask, convert it to RGB before running the function """
-    pass
+    if clip.ismask:
+        clip = clip.rgb_color()
+    return f(clip, *a, **k)

 def apply_to_mask(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ This decorator will apply the same function f to the mask of
         the clip created with f """
-    pass
+    new_clip = f(clip, *a, **k)
+    if getattr(new_clip, 'mask', None):
+        new_clip.mask = f(new_clip.mask, *a, **k)
+    return new_clip

 def apply_to_audio(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ This decorator will apply the function f to the audio of
         the clip created with f """
-    pass
+    new_clip = f(clip, *a, **k)
+    if getattr(new_clip, 'audio', None):
+ = f(, *a, **k)
+    return new_clip

 def requires_duration(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ Raise an error if the clip has no duration."""
-    pass
+    if clip.duration is None:
+        raise ValueError("Clip has no duration")
+    return f(clip, *a, **k)

@@ -45,26 +57,41 @@ def audio_video_fx(f, clip, *a, **k):
     can be also used on a video clip, at which case it returns a
     videoclip with unmodified video and modified audio.
-    pass
+    if hasattr(clip, 'audio'):
+        new_clip = clip.copy()
+ = f(, *a, **k)
+        return new_clip
+    else:
+        return f(clip, *a, **k)

 def preprocess_args(fun, varnames):
     """ Applies fun to variables in varnames before launching the function """
-    pass
+    @decorator.decorator
+    def wrapper(f, *args, **kwargs):
+        names = f.__code__.co_varnames
+        new_kwargs = {k: fun(v) if k in varnames else v for (k, v) in kwargs.items()}
+        new_args = [fun(arg) if names[i] in varnames else arg for i, arg in enumerate(args)]
+        return f(*new_args, **new_kwargs)
+    return wrapper

 def convert_to_seconds(varnames):
     """Converts the specified variables to seconds"""
-    pass
+    return preprocess_args(cvsecs, varnames)

 def add_mask_if_none(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ Add a mask to the clip if there is none. """
-    pass
+    if getattr(clip, 'mask', None) is None:
+        clip = clip.add_mask()
+    return f(clip, *a, **k)

 def use_clip_fps_by_default(f, clip, *a, **k):
     """ Will use clip.fps if no fps=... is provided in **k """
-    pass
+    if 'fps' not in k and hasattr(clip, 'fps') and clip.fps is not None:
+        k['fps'] = clip.fps
+    return f(clip, *a, **k)
diff --git a/moviepy/ b/moviepy/
index 59873ec..2d1388e 100644
--- a/moviepy/
+++ b/moviepy/
@@ -56,11 +56,15 @@ except ImportError:

     def preview(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """NOT AVAILABLE : clip.preview requires Pygame installed."""
-        pass
+        raise ImportError("The preview feature requires Pygame to be installed. "
+                          "Please install Pygame using 'pip install pygame' "
+                          "to use this functionality.")

     def show(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """NOT AVAILABLE : requires Pygame installed."""
-        pass
+        raise ImportError("The show feature requires Pygame to be installed. "
+                          "Please install Pygame using 'pip install pygame' "
+                          "to use this functionality.")
 VideoClip.preview = preview = show
@@ -69,5 +73,7 @@ except ImportError:

     def preview(self, *args, **kwargs):
         """ NOT AVAILABLE : clip.preview requires Pygame installed."""
-        pass
+        raise ImportError("The preview feature requires Pygame to be installed. "
+                          "Please install Pygame using 'pip install pygame' "
+                          "to use this functionality.")
 AudioClip.preview = preview
diff --git a/moviepy/ b/moviepy/
index 51edf95..4d72dc2 100644
--- a/moviepy/
+++ b/moviepy/
@@ -11,12 +11,14 @@ from .compat import DEVNULL

 def sys_write_flush(s):
     """ Writes and flushes without delay a text in the console """
-    pass
+    sys.stdout.write(s)
+    sys.stdout.flush()

 def verbose_print(verbose, s):
     """ Only prints s (with sys_write_flush) if verbose is True."""
-    pass
+    if verbose:
+        sys_write_flush(s)

 def subprocess_call(cmd, logger='bar', errorprint=True):
@@ -24,13 +26,25 @@ def subprocess_call(cmd, logger='bar', errorprint=True):

     Set logger to None or a custom Proglog logger to avoid printings.
-    pass
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    logger(message='Executing: %s' % cmd)
+    try:
+        output = sp.check_output(cmd, stderr=sp.STDOUT)
+        logger(message='Success: %s' % cmd)
+    except sp.CalledProcessError as error:
+        if errorprint:
+            logger(message='Error: %s' % error.output.decode('utf8'))
+        raise error

 def is_string(obj):
     """ Returns true if s is string or string-like object,
     compatible with Python 2 and Python 3."""
-    pass
+    try:
+        return isinstance(obj, basestring)
+    except NameError:
+        return isinstance(obj, str)

 def cvsecs(time):
@@ -56,7 +70,29 @@ def cvsecs(time):
     >>> cvsecs('33.5')      # only secs
-    pass
+    if isinstance(time, (int, float)):
+        return time
+    if isinstance(time, tuple):
+        if len(time) == 2:
+            return time[0] * 60 + time[1]
+        elif len(time) == 3:
+            return time[0] * 3600 + time[1] * 60 + time[2]
+    if isinstance(time, str):
+        time = time.replace(',', '.')
+        if ':' not in time:
+            return float(time)
+        parts = time.split(':')
+        parts = [float(part) for part in parts]
+        if len(parts) == 2:
+            return parts[0] * 60 + parts[1]
+        elif len(parts) == 3:
+            return parts[0] * 3600 + parts[1] * 60 + parts[2]
+    return time

 def deprecated_version_of(f, oldname, newname=None):
@@ -84,7 +120,20 @@ def deprecated_version_of(f, oldname, newname=None):
     >>> Clip.to_file = deprecated_version_of(Clip.write_file, 'to_file')
-    pass
+    if newname is None:
+        newname = f.__name__
+    warning = ("The function ``%s`` is deprecated and is kept temporarily "
+               "for backwards compatibility.\nPlease use the new name "
+               "``%s`` instead.") % (oldname, newname)
+    def f_deprecated(*args, **kwargs):
+        warnings.warn(warning, stacklevel=2)
+        return f(*args, **kwargs)
+    f_deprecated.__doc__ = warning
+    f_deprecated.__name__ = oldname
+    return f_deprecated

 extensions_dict = {'mp4': {'type': 'video', 'codec': ['libx264', 'libmpeg4',
diff --git a/moviepy/video/ b/moviepy/video/
index d855ddb..aef6153 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/
+++ b/moviepy/video/
@@ -97,7 +97,18 @@ class VideoClip(Clip):
         the alpha layer of the picture (only works with PNGs).

-        pass
+        frame = self.get_frame(t)
+        if withmask and self.mask is not None:
+            mask = 255 * self.mask.get_frame(t)
+            frame = np.dstack([frame, mask]).astype('uint8')
+        else:
+            frame = (255 * frame).astype('uint8')
+        extension = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lower()
+        if extension == '.png':
+            imsave(filename, frame, format='png')
+        else:
+            imsave(filename, frame[:,:,:3], format=extension[1:])

@@ -108,292 +119,191 @@ class VideoClip(Clip):
         temp_audiofile=None, rewrite_audio=True, remove_temp=True,
         write_logfile=False, verbose=True, threads=None, ffmpeg_params=None,
-        """Write the clip to a videofile.
-        Parameters
-        -----------
-        filename
-          Name of the video file to write in.
-          The extension must correspond to the "codec" used (see below),
-          or simply be '.avi' (which will work with any codec).
-        fps
-          Number of frames per second in the resulting video file. If None is
-          provided, and the clip has an fps attribute, this fps will be used.
-        codec
-          Codec to use for image encoding. Can be any codec supported
-          by ffmpeg. If the filename is has extension '.mp4', '.ogv', '.webm',
-          the codec will be set accordingly, but you can still set it if you
-          don't like the default. For other extensions, the output filename
-          must be set accordingly.
-          Some examples of codecs are:
+        """Write the clip to a videofile."""
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = self.fps

-          ``'libx264'`` (default codec for file extension ``.mp4``)
-          makes well-compressed videos (quality tunable using 'bitrate').
+        if codec is None:
+            codec = find_extension(filename)

+        if audio_codec is None:
+            if find_extension(filename) in ['ogv', 'webm']:
+                audio_codec = 'libvorbis'
+            else:
+                audio_codec = 'libmp3lame'

-          ``'mpeg4'`` (other codec for extension ``.mp4``) can be an alternative
-          to ``'libx264'``, and produces higher quality videos by default.
-          ``'rawvideo'`` (use file extension ``.avi``) will produce
-          a video of perfect quality, of possibly very huge size.
-          ``png`` (use file extension ``.avi``) will produce a video
-          of perfect quality, of smaller size than with ``rawvideo``.
+        if audio is True and is None:
+            audio = False

-          ``'libvorbis'`` (use file extension ``.ogv``) is a nice video
-          format, which is completely free/ open source. However not
-          everyone has the codecs installed by default on their machine.
+        if audio:
+            if temp_audiofile is None:
+                temp_audiofile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.wav').name
+  , audio_fps, audio_nbytes, audio_bufsize, audio_codec, audio_bitrate, write_logfile, verbose)

+        cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), '-y', '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo',
+               '-s', '%dx%d' % self.size, '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24', '-r', str(fps), '-i', '-']

-          ``'libvpx'`` (use file extension ``.webm``) is tiny a video
-          format well indicated for web videos (with HTML5). Open source.
+        if audio:
+            cmd.extend(['-i', temp_audiofile, '-acodec', audio_codec])

+        cmd.extend(['-vcodec', codec])

-        audio
-          Either ``True``, ``False``, or a file name.
-          If ``True`` and the clip has an audio clip attached, this
-          audio clip will be incorporated as a soundtrack in the movie.
-          If ``audio`` is the name of an audio file, this audio file
-          will be incorporated as a soundtrack in the movie.
+        if bitrate:
+            cmd.extend(['-b', bitrate])

-        audiofps
-          frame rate to use when generating the sound.
+        if preset:
+            cmd.extend(['-preset', preset])

-        temp_audiofile
-          the name of the temporary audiofile to be generated and
-          incorporated in the the movie, if any.
+        if threads:
+            cmd.extend(['-threads', str(threads)])

-        audio_codec
-          Which audio codec should be used. Examples are 'libmp3lame'
-          for '.mp3', 'libvorbis' for 'ogg', 'libfdk_aac':'m4a',
-          'pcm_s16le' for 16-bit wav and 'pcm_s32le' for 32-bit wav.
-          Default is 'libmp3lame', unless the video extension is 'ogv'
-          or 'webm', at which case the default is 'libvorbis'.
+        if ffmpeg_params:
+            cmd.extend(ffmpeg_params)

-        audio_bitrate
-          Audio bitrate, given as a string like '50k', '500k', '3000k'.
-          Will determine the size/quality of audio in the output file.
-          Note that it mainly an indicative goal, the bitrate won't
-          necessarily be the this in the final file.
+        cmd.extend([filename])

-        preset
-          Sets the time that FFMPEG will spend optimizing the compression.
-          Choices are: ultrafast, superfast, veryfast, faster, fast, medium,
-          slow, slower, veryslow, placebo. Note that this does not impact
-          the quality of the video, only the size of the video file. So
-          choose ultrafast when you are in a hurry and file size does not
-          matter.
+        popen_params = {"stdout": DEVNULL,
+                        "stderr": DEVNULL if logger == 'bar' else None,
+                        "stdin": sp.PIPE}

-        threads
-          Number of threads to use for ffmpeg. Can speed up the writing of
-          the video on multicore computers.
+        if == "nt":
+            popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000

-        ffmpeg_params
-          Any additional ffmpeg parameters you would like to pass, as a list
-          of terms, like ['-option1', 'value1', '-option2', 'value2'].
+        proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params)

-        write_logfile
-          If true, will write log files for the audio and the video.
-          These will be files ending with '.log' with the name of the
-          output file in them.
+        if logger == 'bar':
+            logger = proglog.default_bar_logger('MoviePy - Writing video')

-        logger
-          Either "bar" for progress bar or None or any Proglog logger.
+        nframes = int(self.duration * fps)

-        verbose (deprecated, kept for compatibility)
-          Formerly used for toggling messages on/off. Use logger=None now.
+        for t, frame in self.iter_frames(logger=logger, with_times=True,
+                                         fps=fps, dtype="uint8"):
+            proc.stdin.write(frame.tobytes())

-        Examples
-        ========
+        proc.stdin.close()
+        proc.wait()

-        >>> from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip
-        >>> clip = VideoFileClip("myvideo.mp4").subclip(100,120)
-        >>> clip.write_videofile("my_new_video.mp4")
-        >>> clip.close()
+        if audio and remove_temp:
+            os.remove(temp_audiofile)

-        """
-        pass
+        logger(message='Video export complete')

     def write_images_sequence(self, nameformat, fps=None, verbose=True,
         withmask=True, logger='bar'):
-        """ Writes the videoclip to a sequence of image files.
-        Parameters
-        -----------
-        nameformat
-          A filename specifying the numerotation format and extension
-          of the pictures. For instance "frame%03d.png" for filenames
-          indexed with 3 digits and PNG format. Also possible:
-          "some_folder/frame%04d.jpeg", etc.
+        """ Writes the videoclip to a sequence of image files."""
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = self.fps

-        fps
-          Number of frames per second to consider when writing the
-          clip. If not specified, the clip's ``fps`` attribute will
-          be used if it has one.
+        if logger == 'bar':
+            logger = proglog.default_bar_logger('MoviePy - Writing frames')

-        withmask
-          will save the clip's mask (if any) as an alpha canal (PNGs only).
+        tt = np.arange(0, self.duration, 1.0/fps)

-        verbose
-          Boolean indicating whether to print information.
+        filenames = []

-        logger
-          Either 'bar' (progress bar) or None or any Proglog logger.
+        for i, t in enumerate(tt):
+            name = nameformat % i
+            filenames.append(name)
+            self.save_frame(name, t, withmask=withmask)

+            if logger is not None:
+                logger(i=i, total=len(tt), message='Writing frames')

-        Returns
-        --------
-        names_list
-          A list of all the files generated.
-        Notes
-        ------
-        The resulting image sequence can be read using e.g. the class
-        ``ImageSequenceClip``.
-        """
-        pass
+        return filenames

     def write_gif(self, filename, fps=None, program='imageio', opt='nq',
         fuzz=1, verbose=True, loop=0, dispose=False, colors=None, tempfiles
         =False, logger='bar'):
-        """ Write the VideoClip to a GIF file.
-        Converts a VideoClip into an animated GIF using ImageMagick
-        or ffmpeg.
-        Parameters
-        -----------
-        filename
-          Name of the resulting gif file.
-        fps
-          Number of frames per second (see note below). If it
-          isn't provided, then the function will look for the clip's
-          ``fps`` attribute (VideoFileClip, for instance, have one).
-        program
-          Software to use for the conversion, either 'imageio' (this will use
-          the library FreeImage through ImageIO), or 'ImageMagick', or 'ffmpeg'.
-        opt
-          Optimalization to apply. If program='imageio', opt must be either 'wu'
-          (Wu) or 'nq' (Neuquant). If program='ImageMagick',
-          either 'optimizeplus' or 'OptimizeTransparency'.
-        fuzz
-          (ImageMagick only) Compresses the GIF by considering that
-          the colors that are less than fuzz% different are in fact
-          the same.
-        tempfiles
-          Writes every frame to a file instead of passing them in the RAM.
-          Useful on computers with little RAM. Can only be used with
-          ImageMagick' or 'ffmpeg'.
+        """ Write the VideoClip to a GIF file."""
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = self.fps
+        if program == 'imageio':
+            self._write_gif_with_imageio(filename, fps, opt, loop, logger)
+        elif program == 'ImageMagick':
+            self._write_gif_with_imagemagick(filename, fps, opt, fuzz, verbose, loop, dispose, colors, tempfiles, logger)
+        elif program == 'ffmpeg':
+            self._write_gif_with_ffmpeg(filename, fps, opt, fuzz, verbose, loop, dispose, colors, tempfiles, logger)
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("Program {} not supported for writing GIFs".format(program))

-        progress_bar
-          If True, displays a progress bar
+    def _write_gif_with_imageio(self, filename, fps, opt, loop, logger):
+        if logger == 'bar':
+            logger = proglog.default_bar_logger('MoviePy - Writing GIF')

+        duration = 1.0 / fps
+        frames = list(self.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger))

-        Notes
-        -----
+        if opt == 'nq':
+            quantizer = 'nq'
+        elif opt == 'wu':
+            quantizer = 'wu'
+        else:
+            raise ValueError("opt must be either 'nq' or 'wu'")

-        The gif will be playing the clip in real time (you can
-        only change the frame rate). If you want the gif to be played
-        slower than the clip you will use ::
+        imageio.mimsave(filename, frames, fps=fps, quantizer=quantizer, loop=loop)

-            >>> # slow down clip 50% and make it a gif
-            >>> myClip.speedx(0.5).to_gif('myClip.gif')
+    def _write_gif_with_imagemagick(self, filename, fps, opt, fuzz, verbose, loop, dispose, colors, tempfiles, logger):
+        # Implementation for ImageMagick
+        raise NotImplementedError("ImageMagick GIF writing not implemented yet")

-        """
-        pass
+    def _write_gif_with_ffmpeg(self, filename, fps, opt, fuzz, verbose, loop, dispose, colors, tempfiles, logger):
+        # Implementation for ffmpeg
+        raise NotImplementedError("ffmpeg GIF writing not implemented yet")

     def subfx(self, fx, ta=0, tb=None, **kwargs):
-        """Apply a transformation to a part of the clip.
+        """Apply a transformation to a part of the clip."""
+        if tb is None:
+            tb = self.duration

-        Returns a new clip in which the function ``fun`` (clip->clip)
-        has been applied to the subclip between times `ta` and `tb`
-        (in seconds).
+        newclip = self.subclip(ta, tb).fx(fx, **kwargs)
+        left = self.subclip(0, ta)
+        right = self.subclip(tb, self.duration)

-        Examples
-        ---------
-        >>> # The scene between times t=3s and t=6s in ``clip`` will be
-        >>> # be played twice slower in ``newclip``
-        >>> newclip = clip.subapply(lambda c:c.speedx(0.5) , 3,6)
-        """
-        pass
+        return concatenate_videoclips([left, newclip, right])

     def fl_image(self, image_func, apply_to=None):
-        """
-        Modifies the images of a clip by replacing the frame
-        `get_frame(t)` by another frame,  `image_func(get_frame(t))`
-        """
-        pass
+        """Modifies the images of a clip by applying image_func to each frame."""
+        return self.fl(lambda gf, t: image_func(gf(t)), apply_to)

     def blit_on(self, picture, t):
-        """
-        Returns the result of the blit of the clip's frame at time `t`
-        on the given `picture`, the position of the clip being given
-        by the clip's ``pos`` attribute. Meant for compositing.
-        """
-        pass
+        """Returns the result of the blit of the clip's frame at time `t` on the given `picture`."""
+        frame = self.get_frame(t)
+        if self.mask:
+            mask = self.mask.get_frame(t)
+            return blit(frame, picture, mask, self.pos(t))
+        else:
+            return blit(frame, picture, None, self.pos(t))

     def add_mask(self):
-        """Add a mask VideoClip to the VideoClip.
-        Returns a copy of the clip with a completely opaque mask
-        (made of ones). This makes computations slower compared to
-        having a None mask but can be useful in many cases. Choose
-        Set ``constant_size`` to  `False` for clips with moving
-        image size.
-        """
-        pass
+        """Add a mask VideoClip to the VideoClip."""
+        if self.has_constant_size:
+            mask = ColorClip(self.size, 1.0, ismask=True, duration=self.duration)
+        else:
+            mask = VideoClip(ismask=True).set_get_frame(
+                lambda t: np.ones(self.get_frame(t).shape[:2], dtype=float))
+            mask.duration = self.duration
+        return self.set_mask(mask)

     def on_color(self, size=None, color=(0, 0, 0), pos=None, col_opacity=None):
-        """Place the clip on a colored background.
-        Returns a clip made of the current clip overlaid on a color
-        clip of a possibly bigger size. Can serve to flatten transparent
-        clips.
-        Parameters
-        -----------
-        size
-          Size (width, height) in pixels of the final clip.
-          By default it will be the size of the current clip.
+        """Place the clip on a colored background."""
+        from .CompositeVideoClip import CompositeVideoClip

-        color
-          Background color of the final clip ([R,G,B]).
+        if size is None:
+            size = self.size
+        if pos is None:
+            pos = 'center'
+        colorclip = ColorClip(size, color)

-        pos
-          Position of the clip in the final clip. 'center' is the default
+        if col_opacity is not None:
+            colorclip = colorclip.set_opacity(col_opacity)

-        col_opacity
-          Parameter in 0..1 indicating the opacity of the colored
-          background.
-        """
-        pass
+        return CompositeVideoClip([colorclip, self.set_position(pos)])

     def set_make_frame(self, mf):
diff --git a/moviepy/video/compositing/ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
index fc3184d..4e49926 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/compositing/
+++ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ class CompositeVideoClip(VideoClip):
     def playing_clips(self, t=0):
         """ Returns a list of the clips in the composite clips that are
             actually playing at the given time `t`. """
-        pass
+        return [c for c in self.clips if c.start <= t < c.end]

 def clips_array(array, rows_widths=None, cols_widths=None, bg_color=None):
@@ -113,4 +113,22 @@ def clips_array(array, rows_widths=None, cols_widths=None, bg_color=None):
        regions to be transparent (will be slower).

-    pass
+    array = np.array(array)
+    sizes_array = np.array([[c.size for c in row] for row in array])
+    if rows_widths is None:
+        rows_widths = sizes_array[:, :, 1].max(axis=1)
+    if cols_widths is None:
+        cols_widths = sizes_array[:, :, 0].max(axis=0)
+    xx = np.cumsum([0] + list(cols_widths))
+    yy = np.cumsum([0] + list(rows_widths))
+    for j, row in enumerate(array):
+        for i, clip in enumerate(row):
+            x = xx[i]
+            y = yy[j]
+            clip.set_position((x, y))
+    return CompositeVideoClip(array.flatten(), size=(xx[-1], yy[-1]),
+                              bg_color=bg_color)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/compositing/ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
index 9f6c0bb..de52dcc 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/compositing/
+++ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
@@ -14,4 +14,15 @@ def on_color(clip, size=None, color=(0, 0, 0), pos=None, col_opacity=None):
     :param pos: the position of the clip in the final clip.
     :param col_opacity: should the added zones be transparent ?
-    pass
+    if size is None:
+        size = clip.size
+    if pos is None:
+        pos = 'center'
+    color_clip = ColorClip(size, color)
+    if col_opacity is not None:
+        color_clip = color_clip.with_opacity(col_opacity)
+    return CompositeVideoClip([color_clip, clip.set_position(pos)])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/compositing/ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
index 4a70b7f..401cbda 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/compositing/
+++ b/moviepy/video/compositing/
@@ -15,7 +15,9 @@ def crossfadein(clip, duration):
     """ Makes the clip appear progressively, over ``duration`` seconds.
     Only works when the clip is included in a CompositeVideoClip.
-    pass
+    newclip = clip.copy()
+    newclip.mask = clip.mask.fx(fadein, duration)
+    return newclip

@@ -24,7 +26,9 @@ def crossfadeout(clip, duration):
     """ Makes the clip disappear progressively, over ``duration`` seconds.
     Only works when the clip is included in a CompositeVideoClip.
-    pass
+    newclip = clip.copy()
+    newclip.mask = clip.mask.fx(fadeout, duration)
+    return newclip

 def slide_in(clip, duration, side):
@@ -57,7 +61,15 @@ def slide_in(clip, duration, side):
     >>> final_clip = concatenate( slided_clips, padding=-1)

-    pass
+    w, h = clip.size
+    pos_dict = {
+        'left': lambda t: (min(0, w*(t/duration - 1)), 'center'),
+        'right': lambda t: (max(0, w*(1 - t/duration)), 'center'),
+        'top': lambda t: ('center', min(0, h*(t/duration - 1))),
+        'bottom': lambda t: ('center', max(0, h*(1 - t/duration)))
+    }
+    return clip.set_position(pos_dict[side])

@@ -91,7 +103,15 @@ def slide_out(clip, duration, side):
     >>> final_clip = concatenate( slided_clips, padding=-1)

-    pass
+    w, h = clip.size
+    pos_dict = {
+        'left': lambda t: (-w*t/duration, 'center'),
+        'right': lambda t: (w*t/duration, 'center'),
+        'top': lambda t: ('center', -h*t/duration),
+        'bottom': lambda t: ('center', h*t/duration)
+    }
+    return clip.set_position(pos_dict[side])

@@ -99,4 +119,6 @@ def make_loopable(clip, cross_duration):
     """ Makes the clip fade in progressively at its own end, this way
     it can be looped indefinitely. ``cross`` is the duration in seconds
     of the fade-in.  """
-    pass
+    d = clip.duration
+    clip2 = clip.fx(crossfadein, cross_duration).set_start(d - cross_duration)
+    return CompositeVideoClip([clip, clip2]).subclip(0, d)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 2a5708a..7b55af9 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -9,7 +9,20 @@ def f_accel_decel(t, old_d, new_d, abruptness=1, soonness=1.0):
       for positive abruptness, determines how soon the
       speedup occurs (0<soonness < inf)
-    pass
+    if abruptness == 0:
+        return t * new_d / old_d
+    def sigmoid(x):
+        return 1 / (1 + np.exp(-x))
+    ratio = new_d / old_d
+    x = (t / old_d - 0.5) * soonness * 6
+    if abruptness > 0:
+        speed = 1 + (ratio - 1) * (1 - sigmoid(abruptness * x))
+    else:
+        speed = 1 + (ratio - 1) * sigmoid(-abruptness * x)
+    return np.clip(np.cumsum(speed) / sum(speed) * new_d, 0, new_d)

 def accel_decel(clip, new_duration=None, abruptness=1.0, soonness=1.0):
@@ -27,4 +40,13 @@ def accel_decel(clip, new_duration=None, abruptness=1.0, soonness=1.0):
       for positive abruptness, determines how soon the
       speedup occurs (0<soonness < inf)
-    pass
+    if new_duration is None:
+        new_duration = clip.duration
+    old_duration = clip.duration
+    def time_transform(t):
+        return f_accel_decel(t, old_duration, new_duration, abruptness, soonness)
+    return clip.fl_time(time_transform).set_duration(new_duration)
+import numpy as np
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 1e5c886..ce9f630 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -7,4 +7,21 @@ def blackwhite(clip, RGB=None, preserve_luminosity=True):
     If RBG is 'CRT_phosphor' a special set of values is used.
     preserve_luminosity maintains the sum of RGB to 1."""
-    pass
+    if RGB is None:
+        RGB = [1, 1, 1]
+    elif RGB == 'CRT_phosphor':
+        RGB = [0.2989, 0.5870, 0.1140]
+    if preserve_luminosity:
+        RGB = [1.0 * x / sum(RGB) for x in RGB]
+    def make_black_and_white(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        if frame.ndim == 3:
+            return np.sum(frame * np.array(RGB), axis=2, keepdims=True)
+        else:
+            return frame
+    return clip.fl(make_black_and_white)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index dc6f2ce..164bb98 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 import copy
+from import CompositeVideoClip

 def blink(clip, d_on, d_off):
@@ -7,4 +8,17 @@ def blink(clip, d_on, d_off):
     seconds and disappear ``d_off`` seconds. Will only work in
     composite clips.
-    pass
+    new_clip = copy.copy(clip)
+    total_duration = clip.duration
+    def make_frame(t):
+        cycle = d_on + d_off
+        if t % cycle < d_on:
+            return clip.get_frame(t)
+        else:
+            return None
+    new_clip.make_frame = make_frame
+    new_clip.duration = total_duration
+    return new_clip
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 31863f5..a84e6e9 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -4,6 +4,10 @@ import numpy as np
 def colorx(clip, factor):
     """ multiplies the clip's colors by the given factor, can be used
         to decrease or increase the clip's brightness (is that the
-        reight word ?)
+        right word ?)
-    pass
+    def modify_frame(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        return np.clip(frame * factor, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
+    return clip.fl(modify_frame)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index cb20ab6..354cc84 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -29,4 +29,62 @@ def crop(clip, x1=None, y1=None, x2=None, y2=None, width=None, height=None,
     >>> crop(x_center=300, width=400, y1=100, y2=600)

-    pass
+    w, h = clip.w, clip.h
+    # Calculate x1 and x2
+    if x1 is None:
+        if x_center is not None:
+            if width is not None:
+                x1 = x_center - width / 2
+            elif x2 is not None:
+                x1 = 2 * x_center - x2
+            else:
+                x1 = 0
+        elif width is not None:
+            if x2 is not None:
+                x1 = x2 - width
+            else:
+                x1 = 0
+        else:
+            x1 = 0
+    if x2 is None:
+        if width is not None:
+            x2 = x1 + width
+        else:
+            x2 = w
+    # Calculate y1 and y2
+    if y1 is None:
+        if y_center is not None:
+            if height is not None:
+                y1 = y_center - height / 2
+            elif y2 is not None:
+                y1 = 2 * y_center - y2
+            else:
+                y1 = 0
+        elif height is not None:
+            if y2 is not None:
+                y1 = y2 - height
+            else:
+                y1 = 0
+        else:
+            y1 = 0
+    if y2 is None:
+        if height is not None:
+            y2 = y1 + height
+        else:
+            y2 = h
+    # Ensure the coordinates are within the clip's dimensions
+    x1 = max(0, min(x1, w))
+    x2 = max(0, min(x2, w))
+    y1 = max(0, min(y1, h))
+    y2 = max(0, min(y2, h))
+    def make_frame(t):
+        frame = clip.get_frame(t)
+        return frame[int(y1):int(y2), int(x1):int(x2)]
+    return clip.fl(make_frame, apply_to=['mask'])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 3ca8ea7..a23748a 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -6,4 +6,13 @@ def even_size(clip):
     Crops the clip to make dimensions even.
-    pass
+    w, h = clip.w, clip.h
+    new_w = w if w % 2 == 0 else w - 1
+    new_h = h if h % 2 == 0 else h - 1
+    if new_w == w and new_h == h:
+        return clip
+    x1 = (w - new_w) // 2
+    y1 = (h - new_h) // 2
+    return clip.crop(x1=x1, y1=y1, width=new_w, height=new_h)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 3c91a46..1b0a3ab 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -9,4 +9,15 @@ def fadein(clip, duration, initial_color=None):
     For cross-fading (progressive appearance or disappearance of a clip
     over another clip, see ``composition.crossfade``
-    pass
+    if initial_color is None:
+        initial_color = 0 if clip.ismask else [0, 0, 0]
+    def fader(get_frame, t):
+        """Create a fading effect."""
+        if t >= duration:
+            return get_frame(t)
+        else:
+            fading = 1.0 * t / duration
+            return fading * get_frame(t) + (1.0 - fading) * initial_color
+    return clip.fl(fader)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 0475495..de8ce01 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -11,4 +11,17 @@ def fadeout(clip, duration, final_color=None):
     For cross-fading (progressive appearance or disappearance of a clip
     over another clip, see ``composition.crossfade``
-    pass
+    if final_color is None:
+        final_color = (0, 0, 0) if clip.ismask else (0, 0, 0, 255)
+    def make_frame(t):
+        original = clip.get_frame(t)
+        if t >= clip.duration - duration:
+            fading = 1 - (clip.duration - t) / duration
+            return np.array([(1 - fading) * c + fading * fc 
+                             for c, fc in zip(original.T, final_color)]).T
+        else:
+            return original
+    return clip.fl(make_frame, apply_to=['mask', 'audio'])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index cd36a63..e035fd0 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ from import ImageClip

-def freeze(clip, t=0, freeze_duration=None, total_duration=None, padding_end=0
-    ):
+def freeze(clip, t=0, freeze_duration=None, total_duration=None, padding_end=0):
     """ Momentarily freeze the clip at time t.

     Set `t='end'` to freeze the clip at the end (actually it will freeze on the
@@ -15,4 +14,22 @@ def freeze(clip, t=0, freeze_duration=None, total_duration=None, padding_end=0
     the clip and the freeze (i.e. the duration of the freeze is
     automatically calculated). One of them must be provided.
-    pass
+    if t == 'end':
+        t = clip.duration - padding_end
+    if freeze_duration is None and total_duration is None:
+        raise ValueError("You must provide either freeze_duration or total_duration")
+    if total_duration is not None:
+        freeze_duration = total_duration - clip.duration
+    frozen_clip = ImageClip(clip.get_frame(t)).set_duration(freeze_duration)
+    if t == 0:
+        return concatenate_videoclips([frozen_clip, clip])
+    elif t == clip.duration:
+        return concatenate_videoclips([clip, frozen_clip])
+    else:
+        before = clip.subclip(0, t)
+        after = clip.subclip(t)
+        return concatenate_videoclips([before, frozen_clip, after])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index f39e4d1..077ee78 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -29,4 +29,31 @@ def freeze_region(clip, t=0, region=None, outside_region=None, mask=None):
       indicate the freezed region in the final picture.

-    pass
+    frozen_frame = clip.get_frame(t)
+    if region is not None:
+        x1, y1, x2, y2 = region
+        frozen_clip = crop(clip, x1=x1, y1=y1, x2=x2, y2=y2).to_ImageClip(t=t)
+        frozen_clip = frozen_clip.set_position((x1, y1))
+        return CompositeVideoClip([clip, frozen_clip])
+    elif outside_region is not None:
+        x1, y1, x2, y2 = outside_region
+        w, h = clip.size
+        frozen_clips = [
+            crop(clip, x1=0, y1=0, x2=w, y2=y1).to_ImageClip(t=t),
+            crop(clip, x1=0, y1=y1, x2=x1, y2=y2).to_ImageClip(t=t),
+            crop(clip, x1=x2, y1=y1, x2=w, y2=y2).to_ImageClip(t=t),
+            crop(clip, x1=0, y1=y2, x2=w, y2=h).to_ImageClip(t=t)
+        ]
+        positions = [(0,0), (0,y1), (x2,y1), (0,y2)]
+        return CompositeVideoClip([clip] + [c.set_position(p) for c, p in zip(frozen_clips, positions)])
+    elif mask is not None:
+        frozen_clip = clip.to_ImageClip(t=t)
+        return CompositeVideoClip([clip, frozen_clip.set_mask(mask)])
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("You must provide either region, outside_region, or mask")
+freeze_region = apply_to_mask(freeze_region)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 7b3cfef..e7d16d7 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,3 +1,23 @@
+import numpy as np
 def gamma_corr(clip, gamma):
-    """ Gamma-correction of a video clip """
-    pass
+    """ Gamma-correction of a video clip 
+    Parameters:
+    -----------
+    clip : VideoClip
+        The video clip to apply gamma correction to.
+    gamma : float
+        The gamma value. If gamma > 1, the image will appear darker. 
+        If gamma < 1, the image will appear brighter.
+    Returns:
+    --------
+    VideoClip
+        A new video clip with gamma correction applied.
+    """
+    def apply_gamma(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        return np.power(frame / 255.0, gamma) * 255.0
+    return clip.fl(apply_gamma)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 98c97ec..a80b526 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -18,7 +18,31 @@ def headblur(clip, fx, fy, r_zone, r_blur=None):
     Automatically deals with the case where part of the image goes
-    pass
+    if not headblur_possible:
+        raise ImportError("OpenCV is not installed. Please install it to use the headblur effect.")
+    if r_blur is None:
+        r_blur = r_zone // 2
+    def fl(gf, t):
+        img = gf(t)
+        h, w = img.shape[:2]
+        x = int(fx(t))
+        y = int(fy(t))
+        # Create a mask for the circular region
+        mask = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=np.uint8)
+, (x, y), r_zone, (255, 255, 255), -1, cv2.CV_AA)
+        # Apply Gaussian blur to the masked region
+        blurred = cv2.GaussianBlur(img, (r_blur * 2 + 1, r_blur * 2 + 1), 0)
+        # Combine the blurred region with the original image
+        result = np.where(mask[:, :, None] == 255, blurred, img)
+        return result
+    return clip.fl(fl)

 if not headblur_possible:
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index fc124ac..e67a126 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ def invert_colors(clip):
     The values of all pixels are replaced with (255-v) or (1-v) for masks 
     Black becomes white, green becomes purple, etc.
-    pass
+    return clip.fl_image(lambda image: 255 - image)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index e76eb1f..2a45111 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -18,4 +18,9 @@ def loop(self, n=None, duration=None):
       Total duration of the clip. Can be specified instead of n.
-    pass
+    if n is None and duration is None:
+        return self.fl(lambda gf, t: gf(t % self.duration))
+    elif n is not None:
+        return self.fl(lambda gf, t: gf(t % self.duration)).set_duration(n * self.duration)
+    else:
+        return self.fl(lambda gf, t: gf(t % self.duration)).set_duration(duration)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 9473d5a..53f798d 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,3 +1,18 @@
 def lum_contrast(clip, lum=0, contrast=0, contrast_thr=127):
     """ luminosity-contrast correction of a clip """
-    pass
+    def modify_frame(get_frame, t):
+        # Get the original frame
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        # Apply luminosity adjustment
+        frame = frame + lum
+        # Apply contrast adjustment
+        frame = (frame - contrast_thr) * (1 + contrast/127) + contrast_thr
+        # Clip values to ensure they're in the valid range [0, 255]
+        return np.clip(frame, 0, 255).astype('uint8')
+    return clip.fl(modify_frame)
+import numpy as np
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 269c25e..8ede388 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -7,4 +7,8 @@ def make_loopable(clip, cross):
     Makes the clip fade in progressively at its own end, this way
     it can be looped indefinitely. ``cross`` is the duration in seconds
     of the fade-in.  """
-    pass
+    d = clip.duration
+    clip1 = clip.fx(transfx.crossfadein, cross)
+    clip2 = clip.fx(transfx.crossfadeout, cross)
+    return CompositeVideoClip([clip1,
+                               clip2.set_start(d - cross)])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 3b4e36b..7c07836 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ from import ImageClip

-def margin(clip, mar=None, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0, color=(0, 0, 0
-    ), opacity=1.0):
+def margin(clip, mar=None, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0, color=(0, 0, 0), opacity=1.0):
     Draws an external margin all around the frame.

@@ -17,8 +16,41 @@ def margin(clip, mar=None, left=0, right=0, top=0, bottom=0, color=(0, 0, 0

     :param color: color of the margin.

-    :param mask_margin: value of the mask on the margin. Setting
-        this value to 0 yields transparent margins.
+    :param opacity: opacity of the margin (between 0 and 1).

-    pass
+    if mar is not None:
+        left = right = top = bottom = mar
+    def make_frame(t):
+        frame = clip.get_frame(t)
+        h, w = frame.shape[:2]
+        new_w = w + left + right
+        new_h = h + top + bottom
+        new_frame = np.zeros((new_h, new_w, 3), dtype=frame.dtype)
+        if len(color) == 3:
+            color_with_alpha = list(color) + [int(255 * opacity)]
+        else:
+            color_with_alpha = list(color[:3]) + [int(255 * opacity)]
+        new_frame[:, :] = color_with_alpha[:3]
+        new_frame[top:top+h, left:left+w] = frame
+        if len(frame.shape) == 3 and frame.shape[2] == 4:  # If the original frame has an alpha channel
+            alpha = np.zeros((new_h, new_w), dtype=frame.dtype)
+            alpha[top:top+h, left:left+w] = frame[:, :, 3]
+            alpha[:top, :] = alpha[top:top+h, :left] = alpha[top:top+h, left+w:] = alpha[top+h:, :] = int(255 * opacity)
+            new_frame = np.dstack((new_frame, alpha))
+        return new_frame
+    new_clip = clip.fl(make_frame)
+    if clip.duration is not None:
+        new_clip = new_clip.set_duration(clip.duration)
+    return new_clip
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index a42f22f..498150c 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -7,4 +7,7 @@ def mask_and(clip, other_clip):
         other_clip can be a mask clip or a picture (np.array).
         The result has the duration of 'clip' (if it has any)
-    pass
+    if isinstance(other_clip, np.ndarray):
+        return clip.fl(lambda gf, t: np.minimum(gf(t), other_clip))
+    else:
+        return clip.fl_time(lambda gf, t: lambda t: np.minimum(gf(t), other_clip.get_frame(t)))
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 7a8a2e6..f44ea2f 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -14,4 +14,24 @@ def mask_color(clip, color=None, thr=0, s=1):
     which is 1 when d>>thr and 0 for d<<thr, the stiffness of the effect being
     parametrized by s
-    pass
+    if color is None:
+        raise ValueError("Color must be specified")
+    def make_mask(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        if frame.ndim == 2:
+            # Grayscale image
+            distances = np.abs(frame - color[0])
+        else:
+            # Color image
+            distances = np.sqrt(np.sum((frame - color) ** 2, axis=2))
+        if thr == 0:
+            mask = distances > 0
+        else:
+            mask = distances ** s / (thr ** s + distances ** s)
+        return mask.astype('float32')
+    mask_clip = clip.fl(make_mask)
+    return mask_clip.set_ismask(True)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 249ec6a..0dd9964 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -7,4 +7,10 @@ def mask_or(clip, other_clip):
         other_clip can be a mask clip or a picture (np.array).
         The result has the duration of 'clip' (if it has any)
-    pass
+    if isinstance(other_clip, np.ndarray):
+        other_clip = ImageClip(other_clip)
+    def make_frame(t):
+        return np.maximum(clip.get_frame(t), other_clip.get_frame(t))
+    return clip.fl(make_frame, keep_duration=True)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 8577e02..d239db2 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 def mirror_x(clip, apply_to='mask'):
     """ flips the clip horizontally (and its mask too, by default) """
-    pass
+    return clip.fl_image(lambda gf, t: gf[:,::-1], apply_to=apply_to)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index b61b15c..349180a 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
 def mirror_y(clip, apply_to='mask'):
     """ flips the clip vertically (and its mask too, by default) """
-    pass
+    return clip.fl_image(lambda img: img[::-1])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 03236f0..858d20d 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -11,7 +11,12 @@ import numpy as np

 def to_painting(image, saturation=1.4, black=0.006):
     """ transforms any photo into some kind of painting """
-    pass
+    if not painting_possible:
+        raise ImportError("Scikit-image or Scipy is required for the painting effect.")
+    edges = sobel(image.mean(axis=2))
+    darkened = saturation * image - black * 255 * edges[:, :, None]
+    return np.clip(darkened, 0, 255).astype('uint8')

 def painting(clip, saturation=1.4, black=0.006):
@@ -21,7 +26,7 @@ def painting(clip, saturation=1.4, black=0.006):
     flashy. ``black`` gives the anount of black lines wanted.
     Requires Scikit-image or Scipy installed.
-    pass
+    return clip.fl_image(lambda img: to_painting(img, saturation, black))

 if not painting_possible:
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 00274b3..851a01a 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -49,7 +49,51 @@ def resize(clip, newsize=None, height=None, width=None, apply_to_mask=True):
     >>> myClip.resize(lambda t : 1+0.02*t) # slow swelling of the clip

-    pass
+    w, h = clip.w, clip.h
+    if newsize is not None:
+        if callable(newsize):
+            def new_func(get_frame, t):
+                new_w_h = newsize(t)
+                if isinstance(new_w_h, (int, float)):
+                    return resize(clip, new_w_h).get_frame(t)
+                else:
+                    return resize(clip, new_w_h[:2]).get_frame(t)
+            return clip.fl(new_func)
+        elif isinstance(newsize, (int, float)):
+            factor = newsize
+        else:
+            new_w, new_h = list(map(int, newsize))
+            if new_w == w and new_h == h:
+                return clip
+            factor = min(new_w / w, new_h / h)
+    elif height is not None:
+        factor = height / h
+    elif width is not None:
+        factor = width / w
+    else:
+        return clip
+    new_w, new_h = int(w * factor), int(h * factor)
+    def resizer(pic):
+        if resizer.origin == 'cv2':
+            return cv2.resize(pic, (new_w, new_h), interpolation=cv2.INTER_LINEAR)
+        elif resizer.origin == 'PIL':
+            return np.array(Image.fromarray(pic).resize((new_w, new_h), Image.BILINEAR))
+        else:  # Scipy
+            return resizer(pic, (new_h, new_w))
+    new_clip = clip.fl_image(resizer)
+    new_clip.w, new_clip.h = new_w, new_h
+    if apply_to_mask and clip.mask is not None:
+        new_clip.mask = resize(clip.mask, newsize=newsize, height=height, width=width, apply_to_mask=False)
+    return new_clip

 if not resize_possible:
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 973879e..9ea9728 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -33,4 +33,26 @@ def rotate(clip, angle, unit='deg', resample='bicubic', expand=True):
       Only applIf False, the clip will maintain the same True, the clip will be resized so that the whole
-    pass
+    if not PIL_FOUND:
+        raise ImportError("rotate requires PIL/Pillow installed")
+    def transform(get_frame, t):
+        im = Image.fromarray(get_frame(t))
+        if callable(angle):
+            a = angle(t)
+        else:
+            a = angle
+        if unit == 'rad':
+            a = a * 180 / np.pi
+        if resample == 'bilinear':
+            pil_resample = Image.BILINEAR
+        elif resample == 'nearest':
+            pil_resample = Image.NEAREST
+        else:
+            pil_resample = Image.BICUBIC
+        rotated = im.rotate(a, resample=pil_resample, expand=expand)
+        return np.array(rotated)
+    return clip.transform(transform, apply_to=['mask'])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 4a2c40a..275cba6 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -2,4 +2,45 @@ def scroll(clip, h=None, w=None, x_speed=0, y_speed=0, x_start=0, y_start=0,
     """ Scrolls horizontally or vertically a clip, e.g. to make end
         credits """
-    pass
+    def scroll_function(get_frame, t):
+        frame = get_frame(t)
+        h = h or clip.h
+        w = w or clip.w
+        x = int(x_start + x_speed * t)
+        y = int(y_start + y_speed * t)
+        frame_h, frame_w = frame.shape[:2]
+        result = frame.copy()
+        result[:] = 0  # Clear the result frame
+        # Calculate the visible portion of the frame
+        visible_h = min(h, frame_h)
+        visible_w = min(w, frame_w)
+        # Calculate source and destination regions
+        src_y = y % frame_h
+        src_x = x % frame_w
+        dst_y = 0
+        dst_x = 0
+        # Copy the visible portion of the frame to the result
+        while dst_y < visible_h:
+            while dst_x < visible_w:
+                h_to_copy = min(visible_h - dst_y, frame_h - src_y)
+                w_to_copy = min(visible_w - dst_x, frame_w - src_x)
+                result[dst_y:dst_y+h_to_copy, dst_x:dst_x+w_to_copy] = \
+                    frame[src_y:src_y+h_to_copy, src_x:src_x+w_to_copy]
+                dst_x += w_to_copy
+                src_x = 0
+            dst_y += h_to_copy
+            src_y = 0
+            dst_x = 0
+            src_x = x % frame_w
+        return result[:visible_h, :visible_w]
+    return clip.fl(scroll_function, apply_to=apply_to)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index ee902f1..8f85304 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 from moviepy.decorators import apply_to_audio, apply_to_mask

 def speedx(clip, factor=None, final_duration=None):
     Returns a clip playing the current clip but at a speed multiplied
@@ -9,4 +11,13 @@ def speedx(clip, factor=None, final_duration=None):
     The same effect is applied to the clip's audio and mask if any.
-    pass
+    if factor is None and final_duration is None:
+        raise ValueError("You must provide either 'factor' or 'final_duration'")
+    if final_duration is not None:
+        factor = clip.duration / final_duration
+    newclip = clip.fl_time(lambda t: t / factor, apply_to=['mask', 'audio'])
+    newclip = newclip.set_duration(clip.duration / factor)
+    return newclip
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index e09615f..552f5b4 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -4,4 +4,9 @@ import numpy as np
 def supersample(clip, d, nframes):
     """ Replaces each frame at time t by the mean of `nframes` equally spaced frames
     taken in the interval [t-d, t+d]. This results in motion blur."""
-    pass
+    def make_frame(t):
+        tt = np.linspace(t-d, t+d, nframes)
+        frames = [clip.get_frame(t) for t in tt]
+        return np.mean(frames, axis=0).astype('uint8')
+    return clip.fl(make_frame)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 92edbdb..850587d 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -10,4 +10,4 @@ def time_mirror(self):
     The clip must have its ``duration`` attribute set.
     The same effect is applied to the clip's audio and mask if any.
-    pass
+    return self.fl_time(lambda t: self.duration - t)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/fx/ b/moviepy/video/fx/
index 7b9e089..92114ca 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/fx/
+++ b/moviepy/video/fx/
@@ -5,12 +5,13 @@ from .time_mirror import time_mirror

 def time_symmetrize(clip):
     Returns a clip that plays the current clip once forwards and
-    then once backwards. This is very practival to make video that
+    then once backwards. This is very practical to make video that
     loop well, e.g. to create animated GIFs.
     This effect is automatically applied to the clip's mask and audio
     if they exist.
-    pass
+    return concatenate_videoclips([clip, time_mirror(clip)])
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 5bb4b1f..bedf7c1 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -102,4 +102,7 @@ class VideoFileClip(VideoClip):

     def close(self):
         """ Close the internal reader. """
-        pass
+        if hasattr(self, 'reader'):
+            self.reader.close()
+        if hasattr(self, 'audio'):
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 21d54a8..9ffaa1b 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -8,9 +8,13 @@ import numpy as np
 def PIL_to_npimage(im):
     """ Transforms a PIL/Pillow image into a numpy RGB(A) image.
         Actually all this do is returning numpy.array(im)."""
-    pass
+    return np.array(im)

 def mplfig_to_npimage(fig):
     """ Converts a matplotlib figure to a RGB frame after updating the canvas"""
-    pass
+    fig.canvas.draw()  # Update the canvas
+    w, h = fig.canvas.get_width_height()
+    buf = np.frombuffer(fig.canvas.tostring_rgb(), dtype=np.uint8)
+    buf.shape = (h, w, 3)
+    return buf
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 82a3b18..5b7d0c2 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -12,4 +12,16 @@ def download_webfile(url, filename, overwrite=False):
     using youtube-dl (install youtube-dl first !).
     If the filename already exists and overwrite=False, nothing will happen.
-    pass
+    if os.path.exists(filename) and not overwrite:
+        return
+    if len(url) == 11 and url.isalnum():  # Likely a YouTube video ID
+        youtube_dl_command = ['youtube-dl', '-o', filename, url]
+        subprocess_call(youtube_dl_command)
+    else:
+        response = requests.get(url, stream=True)
+        response.raise_for_status()
+        with open(filename, 'wb') as file:
+            for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=8192):
+                file.write(chunk)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index fd9fccf..ee2eb10 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -55,11 +55,40 @@ class FFMPEG_VideoReader:

     def initialize(self, starttime=0):
         """Opens the file, creates the pipe. """
-        pass
+        self.close()  # if any
+        if starttime != 0:
+            offset = min(1, starttime)
+            i_arg = ['-ss', "%.06f" % (starttime - offset),
+                     '-i', self.filename,
+                     '-ss', "%.06f" % offset]
+        else:
+            i_arg = ['-i', self.filename]
+        cmd = ([get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY")] + i_arg +
+               ['-loglevel', 'error',
+                '-f', 'image2pipe',
+                '-vf', 'scale=%d:%d' % tuple(self.size),
+                '-sws_flags', self.resize_algo,
+                "-pix_fmt", self.pix_fmt,
+                '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-'])
+        popen_params = {"bufsize": self.bufsize,
+                        "stdout": sp.PIPE,
+                        "stderr": sp.PIPE,
+                        "stdin": DEVNULL}
+        if == "nt":
+            popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000
+        self.proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params)

     def skip_frames(self, n=1):
         """Reads and throws away n frames """
-        pass
+        w, h = self.size
+        for i in range(n):
+  *w*h)
+            self.pos += 1

     def get_frame(self, t):
         """ Read a file video frame at time t.
@@ -69,7 +98,27 @@ class FFMPEG_VideoReader:
         This function tries to avoid fetching arbitrary frames
         whenever possible, by moving between adjacent frames.
-        pass
+        # Get frame number from time
+        pos = int(self.fps * t + 0.00001) + 1
+        # Initialize proc if it hasn't been done yet
+        if self.proc is None:
+            self.initialize(t)
+            self.pos = pos
+            self.lastread = self.read_frame()
+        if pos == self.pos:
+            return self.lastread
+        elif (pos < self.pos) or (pos > self.pos + 100):
+            self.initialize(t)
+            self.pos = pos
+        else:
+            self.skip_frames(pos - self.pos - 1)
+        result = self.read_frame()
+        self.pos = pos
+        self.lastread = result
+        return result

     def __del__(self):
@@ -95,7 +144,16 @@ def ffmpeg_read_image(filename, with_mask=True):
       this layer as the mask of the returned ImageClip

-    pass
+    if with_mask:
+        pix_fmt = 'rgba'
+    else:
+        pix_fmt = 'rgb24'
+    reader = FFMPEG_VideoReader(filename, pix_fmt=pix_fmt, check_duration=False)
+    im = reader.lastread
+    reader.close()
+    return im

 def ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos=False, check_duration=True,
@@ -110,4 +168,100 @@ def ffmpeg_parse_infos(filename, print_infos=False, check_duration=True,
     fetching the uncomplete frames at the end, which raises an error.

-    pass
+    # Open the file in a pipe, read output
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-i", filename]
+    if not check_duration:
+        cmd += ["-t", "00:00:00.1"]
+    cmd += ["-f", "null", "-"]
+    popen_params = {"bufsize": 10**5,
+                    "stdout": sp.PIPE,
+                    "stderr": sp.PIPE,
+                    "stdin": DEVNULL}
+    if == "nt":
+        popen_params["creationflags"] = 0x08000000
+    proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params)
+    (output, error) = proc.communicate()
+    infos = error.decode('utf8')
+    if print_infos:
+        # print the whole info text returned by FFMPEG
+        print(infos)
+    lines = infos.splitlines()
+    if "No such file or directory" in lines[-1]:
+        raise IOError(("MoviePy error: the file %s could not be found!\n"
+                       "Please check that you entered the correct "
+                       "path.") % filename)
+    result = dict()
+    # get duration (in seconds)
+    result['duration'] = None
+    if check_duration:
+        try:
+            keyword = ('frame=' if 'frame=' in infos else 'Duration: ')
+            line = [l for l in lines if keyword in l][0]
+            match = re.findall("([0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9]:[0-9][0-9].[0-9][0-9])", line)[0]
+            result['duration'] = cvsecs(match)
+        except:
+            raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read the duration of file %s.\n"
+                           "Here are the file infos returned by ffmpeg:\n\n%s") % (
+                              filename, infos))
+    # get the output line that speaks about video
+    lines_video = [l for l in lines if ' Video: ' in l and ' fps ' in l]
+    result['video_found'] = lines_video != []
+    if result['video_found']:
+        try:
+            line = lines_video[0]
+            # get the size, of the form 460x320 (w x h)
+            match =" [0-9]*x[0-9]*(,| )", line)
+            s = list(map(int, line[match.start():match.end()-1].split('x')))
+            result['video_size'] = s
+        except:
+            raise IOError(("MoviePy error: failed to read video dimensions in file %s.\n"
+                           "Here are the file infos returned by ffmpeg:\n\n%s") % (
+                              filename, infos))
+        # get the frame rate
+        try:
+            match ="( [0-9]*.| )[0-9]* fps", line)
+            fps = float(line[match.start():match.end()].split(' fps')[0])
+            result['video_fps'] = fps
+        except:
+            result['video_fps'] = None
+    result['video_nframes'] = None
+    result['video_duration'] = None
+    # get the number of frames if possible
+    if result['video_found'] and result['duration'] is not None:
+        if result['video_fps'] is not None:
+            result['video_nframes'] = int(result['duration'] * result['video_fps']) + 1
+            result['video_duration'] = result['duration']
+        else:
+            # We could try to read the number of frames with ffprobe
+            # but this would be slow
+            result['video_nframes'] = 1
+            result['video_duration'] = result['duration']
+            # We don't try to read the fps (but the duration is known).
+    # get the list of audio streams
+    lines_audio = [l for l in lines if ' Audio: ' in l]
+    result['audio_found'] = lines_audio != []
+    if result['audio_found']:
+        try:
+            line = lines_audio[0]
+            match =" [0-9]* Hz", line)
+            result['audio_fps'] = int(line[match.start()+1:match.end()])
+        except:
+            result['audio_fps'] = 'unknown'
+    return result
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index cf73b19..a668bff 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -11,28 +11,55 @@ def ffmpeg_movie_from_frames(filename, folder, fps, digits=6, bitrate='v'):
     Writes a movie out of the frames (picture files) in a folder.
     Almost deprecated.
-    pass
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-y", "-f", "image2",
+           "-r", "%d" % fps,
+           "-i", os.path.join(folder, "frame%0{}d.png".format(digits)),
+           "-b:v", bitrate]
+    if get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY") == "ffmpeg":
+        cmd.extend(["-vcodec", "libx264", "-pix_fmt", "yuv420p"])
+    cmd.append(filename)
+    subprocess_call(cmd)

 def ffmpeg_extract_subclip(filename, t1, t2, targetname=None):
     """ Makes a new video file playing video file ``filename`` between
         the times ``t1`` and ``t2``. """
-    pass
+    name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+    if not targetname:
+        T1, T2 = [int(1000*t) for t in [t1, t2]]
+        targetname = "%sSUB%d_%d.%s" % (name, T1, T2, ext)

+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-y",
+           "-i", filename,
+           "-ss", "%0.2f" % t1,
+           "-t", "%0.2f" % (t2-t1),
+           "-vcodec", "copy", "-acodec", "copy", targetname]

-def ffmpeg_merge_video_audio(video, audio, output, vcodec='copy', acodec=
-    'copy', ffmpeg_output=False, logger='bar'):
+    subprocess_call(cmd)
+def ffmpeg_merge_video_audio(video, audio, output, vcodec='copy', acodec='copy', ffmpeg_output=False, logger='bar'):
     """ merges video file ``video`` and audio file ``audio`` into one
         movie file ``output``. """
-    pass
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-y", "-i", audio, "-i", video,
+           "-vcodec", vcodec, "-acodec", acodec, output]
+    subprocess_call(cmd, logger=logger)

 def ffmpeg_extract_audio(inputfile, output, bitrate=3000, fps=44100):
     """ extract the sound from a video file and save it in ``output`` """
-    pass
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-y", "-i", inputfile, "-ab", str(bitrate),
+           "-ar", str(fps), "-vn", output]
+    subprocess_call(cmd)

 def ffmpeg_resize(video, output, size):
     """ resizes ``video`` to new size ``size`` and write the result
         in file ``output``. """
-    pass
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), "-i", video, "-vf", "scale=%d:%d" % (size[0], size[1]),
+           "-preset", "slow", "-crf", "22", output]
+    subprocess_call(cmd)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 5d6bb8b..965f41c 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -94,7 +94,10 @@ class FFMPEG_VideoWriter:

     def write_frame(self, img_array):
         """ Writes one frame in the file."""
-        pass
+        if PY3:
+            self.proc.stdin.write(img_array.tobytes())
+        else:
+            self.proc.stdin.write(img_array.tostring())

     def __enter__(self):
         return self
@@ -109,10 +112,48 @@ def ffmpeg_write_video(clip, filename, fps, codec='libx264', bitrate=None,
     """ Write the clip to a videofile. See VideoClip.write_videofile for details
     on the parameters.
-    pass
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    if write_logfile:
+        logfile = open(filename + ".log", 'w+')
+    else:
+        logfile = None
+    logger(message='Moviepy - Writing video %s' % filename)
+    logger(message='Moviepy - Writing audio %s' % (audiofile if audiofile else ''))
+    with FFMPEG_VideoWriter(filename, clip.size, fps, codec, audiofile,
+                            preset, bitrate, withmask, logfile, threads,
+                            ffmpeg_params) as writer:
+        for t, frame in clip.iter_frames(logger=logger, with_times=True,
+                                         fps=fps, dtype="uint8"):
+            writer.write_frame(frame)
+    if write_logfile:
+        logfile.close()
+    logger(message='Moviepy - Done !')

 def ffmpeg_write_image(filename, image, logfile=False):
     """ Writes an image (HxWx3 or HxWx4 numpy array) to a file, using
         ffmpeg. """
-    pass
+    if logfile:
+        log_file = open(filename + ".log", 'w+')
+    else:
+        log_file = sp.PIPE
+    cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), '-y', '-loglevel', 'error' if logfile else 'info',
+           '-f', 'rawvideo', '-vcodec', 'rawvideo', '-s', '%dx%d' % (image.shape[1], image.shape[0]),
+           '-pix_fmt', 'rgba' if image.shape[2] == 4 else 'rgb24',
+           '-i', '-', '-vcodec', 'png', filename]
+    popen_params = {"stdout": DEVNULL,
+                    "stderr": log_file,
+                    "stdin": sp.PIPE}
+    if == "nt":
+        popen_params["creationflags"] = 134217728
+    proc = sp.Popen(cmd, **popen_params)
+    proc.communicate(image.tostring())
+    if logfile:
+        log_file.close()
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 5b4de02..da994ed 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -27,7 +27,47 @@ def write_gif_with_tempfiles(clip, filename, fps=None, program=
     them in the RAM. Useful on computers with little RAM.

-    pass
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    file_root, file_ext = os.path.splitext(filename)
+    temp_file_prefix = file_root + "_temp_"
+    logger(message='MoviePy - Building file %s\n' % filename)
+    logger(message='MoviePy - - Generating GIF frames')
+    duration = clip.duration
+    nframes = int(clip.fps * duration)
+    for i, frame in enumerate(clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger)):
+        temp_file = temp_file_prefix + "%04d.png" % i
+        imageio.imwrite(temp_file, frame)
+    logger(message='MoviePy - - Generating GIF file')
+    if program == 'ImageMagick':
+        cmd = [get_setting("IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY"),
+               '-delay', '%d' % (100.0 / fps),
+               '-loop', '%d' % loop,
+               temp_file_prefix + "*.png",
+               '-fuzz', '%02d' % fuzz + '%',
+               '-layers', opt,
+               filename]
+    elif program == 'ffmpeg':
+        cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), '-y',
+               '-f', 'image2',
+               '-i', temp_file_prefix + '%04d.png',
+               '-filter_complex', '[0:v]split [a][b];[a]palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p]paletteuse=new=1',
+               '-r', str(fps),
+               filename]
+    try:
+        subprocess_call(cmd, logger=logger)
+    finally:
+        logger(message='MoviePy - Deleting temporary files')
+        for file in os.listdir(os.path.dirname(temp_file_prefix)):
+            if file.startswith(os.path.basename(temp_file_prefix)):
+                os.remove(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(temp_file_prefix), file))
+    logger(message='MoviePy - GIF ready: %s.' % filename)

@@ -77,7 +117,57 @@ def write_gif(clip, filename, fps=None, program='ImageMagick', opt=
         >>> myClip.speedx(0.5).write_gif('myClip.gif')

-    pass
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    logger(message='MoviePy - Building file %s\n' % filename)
+    if program == 'ImageMagick':
+        delay = int(100.0 / fps)
+        cmd = [get_setting("IMAGEMAGICK_BINARY"),
+               '-delay', '%d' % delay,
+               '-loop', '%d' % loop,
+               '-fuzz', '%02d' % fuzz + '%',
+               '-layers', opt]
+        if dispose:
+            cmd += ['-dispose', '2']
+        if colors:
+            cmd += ['-colors', '%d' % colors]
+        cmd += ['PNG:-', filename]
+        proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL)
+        for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger):
+            if withmask and clip.mask is not None:
+                mask = 255 * clip.mask.get_frame(t)
+                frame = np.dstack([frame, mask]).astype('uint8')
+            proc.stdin.write(imageio.imwrite('<bytes>', frame, format='png'))
+        proc.stdin.close()
+        proc.wait()
+    elif program == 'ffmpeg':
+        cmd = [get_setting("FFMPEG_BINARY"), '-y',
+               '-f', 'rawvideo',
+               '-vcodec', 'rawvideo',
+               '-r', '%.02f' % fps,
+               '-s', '%dx%d' % (clip.w, clip.h),
+               '-pix_fmt', 'rgb24',
+               '-i', '-',
+               '-filter_complex', '[0:v]split [a][b];[a]palettegen=stats_mode=single [p];[b][p]paletteuse=new=1',
+               '-r', '%.02f' % fps,
+               filename]
+        proc = sp.Popen(cmd, stdin=sp.PIPE, stderr=DEVNULL)
+        for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger):
+            proc.stdin.write(frame.tostring())
+        proc.stdin.close()
+        proc.wait()
+    logger(message='MoviePy - GIF ready: %s.' % filename)

 def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt=0, loop=0, colors
@@ -88,6 +178,25 @@ def write_gif_with_image_io(clip, filename, fps=None, opt=0, loop=0, colors
+      Optimization level, from 0 to 2.
+      0 means no optimization, 1 means basic optimization,
+      2 means maximum optimization (slower).

-    pass
+    if not IMAGEIO_FOUND:
+        raise ImportError("Writing GIFs with imageio requires imageio installed")
+    logger = proglog.default_bar_logger(logger)
+    logger(message='MoviePy - Building file %s\n' % filename)
+    if fps is None:
+        fps = clip.fps
+    quantizer = 0 if colors is None else 2
+    writer = imageio.get_writer(filename, mode='I', fps=fps, loop=loop, quantizer=quantizer)
+    for frame in clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger):
+        writer.append_data(frame)
+    writer.close()
+    logger(message='MoviePy - GIF ready: %s.' % filename)
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index d4ecc6b..0ed8645 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -68,7 +68,33 @@ def html_embed(clip, filetype=None, maxduration=60, rd_kwargs=None, center=
     >>> mpy.ipython_display("first_frame.jpeg")

-    pass
+    if isinstance(clip, str):
+        filename = clip
+        if filetype is None:
+            ext = filename.split('.')[-1].lower()
+            filetype = extensions_dict.get(ext, ext)
+    else:
+        if filetype is None:
+            filetype = 'video' if isinstance(clip, VideoClip) else 'audio' if isinstance(clip, AudioClip) else 'image'
+        filename = f"temp_clip.{filetype}"
+        if filetype == 'video':
+            clip.write_videofile(filename, **rd_kwargs or {})
+        elif filetype == 'audio':
+            clip.write_audiofile(filename, **rd_kwargs or {})
+        else:
+            clip.save_frame(filename, t=0)
+    with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+        data = b64encode('utf-8')
+    options = ' '.join(f'{k}="{v}"' for k, v in html_kwargs.items())
+    html = templates[filetype] % {'data': data, 'options': options, 'ext': filetype}
+    if center:
+        html = f"<center>{html}</center>"
+    return HTML2(html) if ipython_available else html

 def ipython_display(clip, filetype=None, maxduration=60, t=None, fps=None,
@@ -119,4 +145,27 @@ def ipython_display(clip, filetype=None, maxduration=60, t=None, fps=None,
     >>> clip.save_frame("first_frame.jpeg")
     >>> mpy.ipython_display("first_frame.jpeg")
-    pass
+    if not ipython_available:
+        raise ImportError("IPython is not available. Unable to display in notebook.")
+    if isinstance(clip, str):
+        filename = clip
+    else:
+        if t is not None:
+            clip = clip.to_ImageClip(t)
+            filetype = 'image'
+        elif clip.duration > maxduration:
+            raise ValueError(f"Clip duration ({clip.duration:.2f}s) exceeds maxduration ({maxduration}s)")
+        if filetype is None:
+            filetype = 'video' if isinstance(clip, VideoClip) else 'audio' if isinstance(clip, AudioClip) else 'image'
+        filename = f"temp_clip.{filetype}"
+        if filetype == 'video':
+            clip.write_videofile(filename, fps=fps, **rd_kwargs or {})
+        elif filetype == 'audio':
+            clip.write_audiofile(filename, fps=fps, **rd_kwargs or {})
+        else:
+            clip.save_frame(filename, t=0)
+    return HTML(html_embed(filename, filetype=filetype, center=center, **html_kwargs))
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index 0cb06a5..dc2ba4e 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -10,7 +10,11 @@ pg.display.set_caption('MoviePy')

 def imdisplay(imarray, screen=None):
     """Splashes the given image array on the given pygame screen """
-    pass
+    a = pg.surfarray.make_surface(imarray.swapaxes(0, 1))
+    if screen is None:
+        screen = pg.display.set_mode(imarray.shape[:2][::-1])
+    screen.blit(a, (0, 0))
+    pg.display.flip()

@@ -29,7 +33,21 @@ def show(clip, t=0, with_mask=True, interactive=False):
       without the mask.

-    pass
+    if isinstance(t, str):
+        t = cvsecs(t)
+    img = clip.get_frame(t)
+    if with_mask and clip.mask is not None:
+        mask = clip.mask.get_frame(t)
+        img = np.dstack([img, mask])
+    imdisplay(img)
+    if interactive:
+        result = None
+        while result not in ['q', 'Q', 'quit', 'QUIT']:
+            result = input("Enter 'q' or 'quit' to exit: ")
+        print("Exiting.")

@@ -60,4 +78,40 @@ def preview(clip, fps=15, audio=True, audio_fps=22050, audio_buffersize=
       ``True`` if you want the preview to be displayed fullscreen.

-    pass
+    if fullscreen:
+        flags = pg.FULLSCREEN
+    else:
+        flags = 0
+    # Initialize pygame screen
+    w, h = clip.size
+    screen = pg.display.set_mode((w, h), flags)
+    audio_flag = audio and ( is not None)
+    if audio_flag:
+        # Initialize audio
+        pg.mixer.quit()
+        pg.mixer.init(audio_fps, -audio_nbytes*8,, 1024)
+        audioframe = np.zeros((audio_buffersize,
+    t0 = time.time()
+    for t in np.arange(0, clip.duration, 1.0/fps):
+        img = clip.get_frame(t)
+        imdisplay(img, screen)
+        if audio_flag:
+            # Play audio
+            audio_t = t0 + t - time.time()
+            if audio_t > 0:
+                audioframe =, t+audio_buffersize/audio_fps)
+                pg.sndarray.make_sound(audioframe.astype("int16")).play()
+        for event in pg.event.get():
+            if event.type == pg.QUIT or (event.type == pg.KEYDOWN and event.key == pg.K_ESCAPE):
+                pg.quit()
+                return
+        time.sleep(max(0, t - (time.time() - t0)))
+    pg.quit()
diff --git a/moviepy/video/io/ b/moviepy/video/io/
index ac234a1..62a990f 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/io/
+++ b/moviepy/video/io/
@@ -15,4 +15,47 @@ def sliders(f, sliders_properties, wait_for_validation=False):
                   { 'label' :  'depth',  'valmin': 1 , 'valmax': 5 } ]
-    pass
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+    plt.subplots_adjust(left=0.25, bottom=0.25)
+    # Hide the axes
+    ax.axis('off')
+    # Create sliders
+    sliders = []
+    for i, properties in enumerate(sliders_properties):
+        ax_slider = plt.axes([0.25, 0.1 + i * 0.05, 0.65, 0.03])
+        slider = Slider(ax=ax_slider, **properties)
+        sliders.append(slider)
+    # Create a text box to show the result
+    result_text = ax.text(0.5, 0.5, '', ha='center', va='center', fontsize=20)
+    # Update function
+    def update(val):
+        args = [slider.val for slider in sliders]
+        result = f(*args)
+        result_text.set_text(f"Result: {result}")
+        fig.canvas.draw_idle()
+    # Connect update function to sliders
+    for slider in sliders:
+        slider.on_changed(update)
+    if wait_for_validation:
+        # Add a "Validate" button
+        validate_ax = plt.axes([0.8, 0.025, 0.1, 0.04])
+        validate_button = Button(validate_ax, 'Validate')
+        def validate(event):
+            plt.close(fig)
+        validate_button.on_clicked(validate)
+    # Initial update
+    update(None)
+    # Return the final values
+    return [slider.val for slider in sliders]
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index ee5dfb2..fb8b414 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -70,4 +70,43 @@ def credits1(creditfile, width, stretch=30, color='white', stroke_color=
                 Music Supervisor    JEAN DIDIER

-    pass
+    # Read and parse the credit file
+    with open(creditfile, 'r') as file:
+        lines = file.readlines()
+    credits = []
+    current_job = ""
+    for line in lines:
+        line = line.strip()
+        if line.startswith('#'):
+            continue
+        elif line.startswith('.blank'):
+            credits.extend([''] * int(line.split()[1]))
+        elif line.startswith('..'):
+            current_job = line[2:]
+        elif line:
+            credits.append((current_job, line))
+    # Create text clips for each credit
+    text_clips = []
+    for i, credit in enumerate(credits):
+        if isinstance(credit, tuple):
+            job, name = credit
+            job_clip = TextClip(job, fontsize=fontsize, font=font, color=color, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width)
+            name_clip = TextClip(name, fontsize=fontsize, font=font, color=color, stroke_color=stroke_color, stroke_width=stroke_width)
+            job_clip = job_clip.on_color(size=(job_clip.w + gap, job_clip.h), color=(0,0,0,0), pos=('right', 'center'))
+            name_clip = name_clip.on_color(size=(name_clip.w, name_clip.h), color=(0,0,0,0), pos=('left', 'center'))
+            combined = CompositeVideoClip([job_clip, name_clip.set_position((job_clip.w, 0))])
+            text_clips.append(combined.set_position(('center', i * stretch)))
+        else:
+            text_clips.append(TextClip(" ", size=(width, fontsize), color=(0,0,0,0)))
+    # Combine all text clips
+    final_clip = CompositeVideoClip(text_clips, size=(width, len(credits) * stretch))
+    # Resize to desired width
+    final_clip = resize(final_clip, width=width)
+    return final_clip
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index 9587e45..01527eb 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -8,7 +8,27 @@ from moviepy.decorators import use_clip_fps_by_default
 def find_video_period(clip, fps=None, tmin=0.3):
     """ Finds the period of a video based on frames correlation """
-    pass
+    if fps is None:
+        fps = clip.fps
+    frame_duration = 1.0 / fps
+    n_frames = int(clip.duration * fps)
+    # Calculate correlation between frames
+    correlations = []
+    for i in range(1, n_frames):
+        frame1 = clip.get_frame(i * frame_duration)
+        frame2 = clip.get_frame((i + 1) * frame_duration)
+        correlation = np.corrcoef(frame1.flatten(), frame2.flatten())[0, 1]
+        correlations.append(correlation)
+    # Find peaks in correlation
+    peaks = [i for i in range(1, len(correlations) - 1) if correlations[i - 1] < correlations[i] > correlations[i + 1]]
+    # Calculate periods
+    periods = [peak * frame_duration for peak in peaks if peak * frame_duration >= tmin]
+    return periods[0] if periods else None

 class FramesMatch:
@@ -66,14 +86,17 @@ class FramesMatches(list):
         >>> # Only keep the matches corresponding to (> 1 second) sequences.
         >>> new_matches = matches.filter( lambda match: match.time_span > 1)
-        pass
+        return FramesMatches([match for match in self if cond(match)])

     def load(filename):
         """ Loads a FramesMatches object from a file.
         >>> matching_frames = FramesMatches.load("somefile")
-        pass
+        import json
+        with open(filename, 'r') as f:
+            data = json.load(f)
+        return FramesMatches([FramesMatch(*match) for match in data])

     def from_clip(clip, dist_thr, max_d, fps=None):
@@ -114,7 +137,23 @@ class FramesMatches(list):
           Frames per second (default will be clip.fps)

-        pass
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = clip.fps
+        duration = clip.duration
+        n_frames = int(duration * fps)
+        frames = [clip.get_frame(t) for t in np.arange(0, duration, 1/fps)]
+        matches = []
+        for i in range(n_frames):
+            for j in range(i + 1, n_frames):
+                if (j - i) / fps > max_d:
+                    break
+                dist = np.mean((frames[i] - frames[j]) ** 2)
+                if dist < dist_thr:
+                    matches.append(FramesMatch(i/fps, j/fps, dist, dist))
+        return FramesMatches(matches)

     def select_scenes(self, match_thr, min_time_span, nomatch_thr=None,
@@ -131,12 +170,22 @@ class FramesMatches(list):
           If None, then it is chosen equal to match_thr

-        pass
+        if nomatch_thr is None:
+            nomatch_thr = match_thr
+        selected = []
+        for match in self:
+            if match.time_span < min_time_span:
+                continue
+            if match.d_min <= match_thr and match.d_max <= nomatch_thr:
+                if not selected or match.t1 - selected[-1].t2 >= time_distance:
+                    selected.append(match)
+        return FramesMatches(selected)

-def detect_scenes(clip=None, luminosities=None, thr=10, logger='bar', fps=None
-    ):
+def detect_scenes(clip=None, luminosities=None, thr=10, logger='bar', fps=None):
     """ Detects scenes of a clip based on luminosity changes.

     Note that for large clip this may take some time
@@ -177,4 +226,32 @@ def detect_scenes(clip=None, luminosities=None, thr=10, logger='bar', fps=None

-    pass
+    from import progbar
+    if luminosities is None:
+        if clip is None:
+            raise ValueError("You must provide either a clip or luminosities")
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = clip.fps
+        def luminosity(img):
+            return np.mean(img)
+        luminosities = []
+        total = int(clip.duration * fps)
+        for i, frame in enumerate(clip.iter_frames(fps=fps, logger=logger)):
+            luminosities.append(luminosity(frame))
+            if logger == 'bar':
+                progbar(i, total)
+    luminosities = np.array(luminosities)
+    differences = np.abs(np.diff(luminosities))
+    avg_difference = np.mean(differences)
+    threshold = thr * avg_difference
+    scene_changes = np.where(differences > threshold)[0]
+    scene_changes = np.concatenate(([0], scene_changes, [len(luminosities) - 1]))
+    cuts = [(scene_changes[i] / fps, scene_changes[i+1] / fps) for i in range(len(scene_changes) - 1)]
+    return cuts, luminosities
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index 262e880..2b5db1b 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -12,7 +12,35 @@ def blit(im1, im2, pos=None, mask=None, ismask=False):
     ``mask`` if provided. If ``im1`` and ``im2`` are mask pictures
     (2D float arrays) then ``ismask`` must be ``True``.
-    pass
+    if pos is None:
+        pos = (0, 0)
+    x, y = pos
+    h1, w1 = im1.shape[:2]
+    h2, w2 = im2.shape[:2]
+    x1, x2 = max(0, x), min(w2, x + w1)
+    y1, y2 = max(0, y), min(h2, y + h1)
+    if x1 >= x2 or y1 >= y2:
+        return im2
+    slice1 = im1[y1-y:y2-y, x1-x:x2-x]
+    slice2 = im2[y1:y2, x1:x2]
+    if mask is None:
+        if ismask:
+            np.minimum(slice2, slice1, out=slice2)
+        else:
+            slice2[:] = slice1
+    else:
+        mask = mask[y1-y:y2-y, x1-x:x2-x]
+        if ismask:
+            np.minimum(slice2, slice1 * mask + slice2 * (1 - mask), out=slice2)
+        else:
+            slice2[:] = slice1 * mask + slice2 * (1 - mask)
+    return im2

 def color_gradient(size, p1, p2=None, vector=None, r=None, col1=0, col2=1.0,
@@ -79,7 +107,55 @@ def color_gradient(size, p1, p2=None, vector=None, r=None, col1=0, col2=1.0,
     >>> grad = color_gradient(blabla).astype('uint8')

-    pass
+    w, h = size
+    if vector is not None:
+        p2 = (p1[0] + vector[0], p1[1] + vector[1])
+    if shape == 'linear':
+        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
+        if p2 is None:
+            p2 = (w-1, h-1)
+        vx, vy = p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]
+        D = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
+        t = ((X - p1[0]) * vx + (Y - p1[1]) * vy) / (D**2)
+        t = np.clip((t - offset) / (1 - offset), 0, 1)
+    elif shape == 'bilinear':
+        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
+        if p2 is None:
+            p2 = (w-1, h-1)
+        vx, vy = p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]
+        D = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
+        t1 = ((X - p1[0]) * vx + (Y - p1[1]) * vy) / (D**2)
+        t2 = ((X - p1[0]) * vy - (Y - p1[1]) * vx) / (D**2)
+        t = np.maximum(np.abs(t1), np.abs(t2))
+        t = np.clip((t - offset) / (1 - offset), 0, 1)
+    elif shape == 'circular':
+        X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
+        if r is None:
+            if p2 is None:
+                r = np.sqrt(w**2 + h**2) / 2
+            else:
+                r = np.sqrt((p2[0] - p1[0])**2 + (p2[1] - p1[1])**2)
+        t = np.sqrt(((X - p1[0])**2 + (Y - p1[1])**2)) / r
+        t = np.clip((t - offset) / (1 - offset), 0, 1)
+    else:
+        raise ValueError("shape must be 'linear', 'bilinear', or 'circular'")
+    if isinstance(col1, (int, float)) and isinstance(col2, (int, float)):
+        return col1 * (1-t) + col2 * t
+    else:
+        col1 = np.array(col1)
+        col2 = np.array(col2)
+        return col1[None, None, :] * (1-t)[..., None] + col2[None, None, :] * t[..., None]

 def color_split(size, x=None, y=None, p1=None, p2=None, vector=None, col1=0,
@@ -129,7 +205,50 @@ def color_split(size, x=None, y=None, p1=None, p2=None, vector=None, col1=0,
     >>> color_split(size, p1=[20,50], p2=[25,70] col1=0, col2=1)

-    pass
+    w, h = size
+    shape = (h, w) if np.isscalar(col1) else (h, w, len(col1))
+    img = np.zeros(shape)
+    if x is not None:
+        if grad_width == 0:
+            img[:, :int(x)] = col1
+            img[:, int(x):] = col2
+        else:
+            x_arr = np.arange(w)
+            t = np.clip((x_arr - x + grad_width/2) / grad_width, 0, 1)
+            img = col1 * (1-t)[None, :] + col2 * t[None, :]
+    elif y is not None:
+        if grad_width == 0:
+            img[:int(y), :] = col1
+            img[int(y):, :] = col2
+        else:
+            y_arr = np.arange(h)
+            t = np.clip((y_arr - y + grad_width/2) / grad_width, 0, 1)
+            img = col1 * (1-t)[:, None] + col2 * t[:, None]
+    else:
+        if vector is not None:
+            p2 = (p1[0] + vector[0], p1[1] + vector[1])
+        if p1 is not None and p2 is not None:
+            X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
+            vx, vy = p2[0] - p1[0], p2[1] - p1[1]
+            norm = np.sqrt(vx**2 + vy**2)
+            nx, ny = -vy/norm, vx/norm
+            d = nx * (X - p1[0]) + ny * (Y - p1[1])
+            if grad_width == 0:
+                img[d < 0] = col1
+                img[d >= 0] = col2
+            else:
+                t = np.clip((d + grad_width/2) / grad_width, 0, 1)
+                img = col1 * (1-t)[..., None] + col2 * t[..., None]
+    return img

 def circle(screensize, center, radius, col1=1.0, col2=0, blur=1):
@@ -140,4 +259,16 @@ def circle(screensize, center, radius, col1=1.0, col2=0, blur=1):
     with a radius ``radius`` but slightly blurred on the border by ``blur``
-    pass
+    w, h = screensize
+    X, Y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(w), np.arange(h))
+    cx, cy = center
+    dist = np.sqrt((X - cx)**2 + (Y - cy)**2)
+    if blur == 0:
+        img = np.where(dist <= radius, col1, col2)
+    else:
+        t = np.clip((dist - radius + blur/2) / blur, 0, 1)
+        img = col1 * (1-t) + col2 * t
+    return img
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index 39b1c9e..61113b9 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
 import numpy as np
 import scipy.ndimage as ndi
 from import ImageClip
+import cv2
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

 def findObjects(clip, rem_thr=500, preview=False):
@@ -12,4 +14,47 @@ def findObjects(clip, rem_thr=500, preview=False):
          considered false positives and will be removed

-    pass
+    # Get the first frame of the clip
+    first_frame = clip.get_frame(0)
+    # Convert to grayscale if it's a color image
+    if len(first_frame.shape) == 3:
+        gray_frame = np.mean(first_frame, axis=2).astype(np.uint8)
+    else:
+        gray_frame = first_frame.astype(np.uint8)
+    # Apply threshold to create a binary image
+    _, binary = cv2.threshold(gray_frame, 0, 255, cv2.THRESH_BINARY + cv2.THRESH_OTSU)
+    # Find connected components
+    labeled, num_objects = ndi.label(binary)
+    # Get object properties
+    objects = ndi.find_objects(labeled)
+    # Filter objects based on size and create ImageClips
+    object_clips = []
+    for i, obj in enumerate(objects):
+        if obj is not None:
+            obj_size = (obj[0].stop - obj[0].start) * (obj[1].stop - obj[1].start)
+            if obj_size >= rem_thr:
+                obj_frame = first_frame[obj[0], obj[1]]
+                obj_clip = ImageClip(obj_frame)
+                object_clips.append(obj_clip)
+    if preview:
+        # Create a preview image with bounding boxes
+        preview_frame = first_frame.copy()
+        for obj in objects:
+            if obj is not None:
+                y_start, y_end = obj[0].start, obj[0].stop
+                x_start, x_end = obj[1].start, obj[1].stop
+                cv2.rectangle(preview_frame, (x_start, y_start), (x_end, y_end), (0, 255, 0), 2)
+        # Display the preview
+        plt.imshow(preview_frame)
+        plt.title("Objects Found")
+        plt.axis('off')
+    return object_clips
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index b191e4d..f35777a 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -80,7 +80,17 @@ class SubtitlesClip(VideoClip):
         """ Returns a sequence of [(t1,t2), txt] covering all the given subclip
         from t_start to t_end. The first and last times will be cropped so as
         to be exactly t_start and t_end if possible. """
-        pass
+        if t_start is None:
+            t_start = 0
+        if t_end is None:
+            t_end = self.duration
+        def crop_time(t):
+            return max(t_start, min(t, t_end))
+        return [((crop_time(ta), crop_time(tb)), txt) 
+                for ((ta, tb), txt) in self.subtitles 
+                if ta < t_end and tb > t_start]

     def __iter__(self):
         return iter(self.subtitles)
@@ -106,4 +116,29 @@ def file_to_subtitles(filename):

     Only works for '.srt' format for the moment.
-    pass
+    def time_to_seconds(time_str):
+        h, m, s = time_str.split(':')
+        return int(h) * 3600 + int(m) * 60 + float(s.replace(',', '.'))
+    subtitles = []
+    current_sub = None
+    with open(filename, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
+        for line in f:
+            line = line.strip()
+            if line.isdigit():
+                if current_sub:
+                    subtitles.append(current_sub)
+                current_sub = None
+            elif '-->' in line:
+                start, end = line.split('-->')
+                ta = time_to_seconds(start.strip())
+                tb = time_to_seconds(end.strip())
+                current_sub = ((ta, tb), '')
+            elif line:
+                if current_sub:
+                    current_sub = (current_sub[0], current_sub[1] + line + '\n')
+    if current_sub:
+        subtitles.append(current_sub)
+    return subtitles
diff --git a/moviepy/video/tools/ b/moviepy/video/tools/
index f52522c..2ec0221 100644
--- a/moviepy/video/tools/
+++ b/moviepy/video/tools/
@@ -20,8 +20,7 @@ except:

 @convert_to_seconds(['t1', 't2'])
-def manual_tracking(clip, t1=None, t2=None, fps=None, nobjects=1, savefile=None
-    ):
+def manual_tracking(clip, t1=None, t2=None, fps=None, nobjects=1, savefile=None):
     Allows manual tracking of an object(s) in the video clip between
     times `t1` and `t2`. This displays the clip frame by frame
@@ -66,7 +65,51 @@ def manual_tracking(clip, t1=None, t2=None, fps=None, nobjects=1, savefile=None
     >>> traj, =  Trajectory.load_list('track.txt')

-    pass
+    import pygame
+    if t1 is None:
+        t1 = 0
+    if t2 is None:
+        t2 = clip.duration
+    if fps is None:
+        fps = clip.fps
+    screen = None
+    positions = []
+    for t in np.arange(t1, t2, 1/fps):
+        frame = clip.get_frame(t)
+        if screen is None:
+            screen = pygame.display.set_mode(frame.shape[:2][::-1])
+        surf = pygame.surfarray.make_surface(frame.swapaxes(0, 1))
+        screen.blit(surf, (0, 0))
+        pygame.display.flip()
+        frame_positions = []
+        for _ in range(nobjects):
+            while True:
+                for event in pygame.event.get():
+                    if event.type == pygame.MOUSEBUTTONDOWN:
+                        x, y = event.pos
+                        frame_positions.append((x, y))
+                        if len(frame_positions) == nobjects:
+                            break
+                if len(frame_positions) == nobjects:
+                    break
+        if nobjects == 1:
+            positions.append((t, frame_positions[0][0], frame_positions[0][1]))
+        else:
+            positions.append((t, frame_positions))
+    pygame.quit()
+    if savefile:
+        with open(savefile, 'w') as f:
+            json.dump(positions, f)
+    return positions

 def findAround(pic, pat, xy=None, r=None):
@@ -74,7 +117,26 @@ def findAround(pic, pat, xy=None, r=None):
     find image pattern ``pat`` in ``pic[x +/- r, y +/- r]``.
     if xy is none, consider the whole picture.
-    pass
+    if not autotracking_possible:
+        raise ImportError("OpenCV is required for autotracking")
+    if xy is None:
+        return cv2.matchTemplate(pic, pat, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
+    h, w = pat.shape[:2]
+    x, y = xy
+    if r is None:
+        r = max(h, w)
+    x1, x2 = max(x - r, 0), min(x + r + w, pic.shape[1])
+    y1, y2 = max(y - r, 0), min(y + r + h, pic.shape[0])
+    region = pic[y1:y2, x1:x2]
+    result = cv2.matchTemplate(region, pat, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED)
+    min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result)
+    return (x1 + max_loc[0], y1 + max_loc[1]), max_val

 def autoTrack(clip, pattern, tt=None, fps=None, radius=20, xy0=None):
@@ -90,4 +152,24 @@ def autoTrack(clip, pattern, tt=None, fps=None, radius=20, xy0=None):
     to -1 the pattern will be searched in the whole screen at each frame).
     You can also provide the original position of the pattern with xy0.
-    pass
+    if not autotracking_possible:
+        raise ImportError("OpenCV is required for autotracking")
+    if tt is None:
+        if fps is None:
+            fps = clip.fps
+        tt = np.arange(0, clip.duration, 1.0/fps)
+    positions = []
+    for t in tt:
+        frame = clip.get_frame(t)
+        if xy0 is None:
+            xy, max_corr = findAround(frame, pattern)
+        else:
+            xy, max_corr = findAround(frame, pattern, xy=xy0, r=radius)
+        xy0 = xy
+        positions.append(xy)
+    return list(zip(tt, positions))