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back to Claude Sonnet 3.5 - Fill-in summary

Claude Sonnet 3.5 - Fill-in: click

Failed to run pytests for test tests

ImportError while loading conftest '/testbed/tests/'.
tests/ in <module>
    from click.testing import CliRunner
src/click/ in <module>
    from .core import Argument as Argument
src/click/ in <module>
    from . import types
src/click/ in <module>
    from ._compat import _get_argv_encoding
src/click/ in <module>
    _default_text_stdin = _make_cached_stream_func(lambda : sys.stdin,
E   NameError: name '_make_cached_stream_func' is not defined

Patch diff

diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 7f5b9af..0cb3f81 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -13,12 +13,13 @@ _ansi_re = re.compile('\\033\\[[;?0-9]*[a-zA-Z]')

 def is_ascii_encoding(encoding: str) ->bool:
     """Checks if a given encoding is ascii."""
-    pass
+    return encoding.replace('-', '').lower() in {'ascii', 'us_ascii'}

 def get_best_encoding(stream: t.IO[t.Any]) ->str:
     """Returns the default stream encoding if not found."""
-    pass
+    rv = getattr(stream, 'encoding', None) or sys.getdefaultencoding()
+    return rv if rv != 'ascii' else 'utf-8'

 class _NonClosingTextIOWrapper(io.TextIOWrapper):
@@ -59,7 +60,7 @@ class _FixupStream:

 def _stream_is_misconfigured(stream: t.TextIO) ->bool:
     """A stream is misconfigured if its encoding is ASCII."""
-    pass
+    return is_ascii_encoding(getattr(stream, 'encoding', None) or '')

 def _is_compat_stream_attr(stream: t.TextIO, attr: str, value: t.Optional[str]
@@ -68,7 +69,8 @@ def _is_compat_stream_attr(stream: t.TextIO, attr: str, value: t.Optional[str]
     desired value or the desired value is unset and the attribute
     has a value.
-    pass
+    stream_value = getattr(stream, attr, None)
+    return stream_value == value or (value is None and stream_value is not None)

 def _is_compatible_text_stream(stream: t.TextIO, encoding: t.Optional[str],
@@ -76,13 +78,15 @@ def _is_compatible_text_stream(stream: t.TextIO, encoding: t.Optional[str],
     """Check if a stream's encoding and errors attributes are
     compatible with the desired values.
-    pass
+    return _is_compat_stream_attr(stream, 'encoding', encoding) and _is_compat_stream_attr(stream, 'errors', errors)

 def _wrap_io_open(file: t.Union[str, 'os.PathLike[str]', int], mode: str,
     encoding: t.Optional[str], errors: t.Optional[str]) ->t.IO[t.Any]:
     """Handles not passing ``encoding`` and ``errors`` in binary mode."""
-    pass
+    if 'b' in mode:
+        return open(file, mode)
+    return open(file, mode, encoding=encoding, errors=errors)

 class _AtomicFile:
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 4ed4097..3419b62 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -120,19 +120,40 @@ class ProgressBar(t.Generic[V]):
             Only render when the number of steps meets the
             ``update_min_steps`` threshold.
-        pass
+        self.pos += n_steps
+        if current_item is not None:
+            self.current_item = current_item
+        self._completed_intervals += n_steps
+        if self._completed_intervals >= self.update_min_steps:
+            self._completed_intervals = 0
+            self.render_progress()

     def generator(self) ->t.Iterator[V]:
         """Return a generator which yields the items added to the bar
         during construction, and updates the progress bar *after* the
         yielded block returns.
-        pass
+        for item in self.iter:
+            yield item
+            self.update(1, item)
+        self.finish()

 def pager(generator: t.Iterable[str], color: t.Optional[bool]=None) ->None:
     """Decide what method to use for paging through text."""
-    pass
+    stdout = _default_text_stdout()
+    if not isatty(stdout):
+        return _nullpager(stdout, generator, color)
+    pager_cmd = os.environ.get('PAGER', 'more')
+    if pager_cmd == 'more' and WIN:
+        return _tempfilepager(generator, 'more <', color)
+    if 'less' in pager_cmd and not WIN:
+        return _pipepager(generator, 'less -R', color)
+    return _tempfilepager(generator, pager_cmd, color)

 def _pipepager(generator: t.Iterable[str], cmd: str, color: t.Optional[bool]
@@ -140,19 +161,50 @@ def _pipepager(generator: t.Iterable[str], cmd: str, color: t.Optional[bool]
     """Page through text by feeding it to another program.  Invoking a
     pager through this might support colors.
-    pass
+    import subprocess
+    env = dict(os.environ)
+    env['LESS'] = 'FRSX'
+    c = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, env=env)
+    encoding = get_best_encoding(c.stdin)
+    try:
+        for text in generator:
+            if not color:
+                text = strip_ansi(text)
+            c.stdin.write(text.encode(encoding, 'replace'))
+    except (IOError, KeyboardInterrupt):
+        pass
+    else:
+        c.stdin.close()
+    finally:
+        c.wait()

 def _tempfilepager(generator: t.Iterable[str], cmd: str, color: t.Optional[
     bool]) ->None:
     """Page through text by invoking a program on a temporary file."""
-    pass
+    import tempfile
+    filename = tempfile.mktemp()
+    with open_stream(filename, 'wb')[0] as f:
+        for text in generator:
+            if not color:
+                text = strip_ansi(text)
+            f.write(text.encode('utf-8'))
+    try:
+        os.system(cmd + ' "' + filename + '"')
+    finally:
+        os.unlink(filename)

 def _nullpager(stream: t.TextIO, generator: t.Iterable[str], color: t.
     Optional[bool]) ->None:
     """Simply print unformatted text.  This is the ultimate fallback."""
-    pass
+    for text in generator:
+        if not color:
+            text = strip_ansi(text)
+        stream.write(text)

 class Editor:
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 681ea25..5fad1c0 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -4,4 +4,39 @@ from contextlib import contextmanager

 class TextWrapper(textwrap.TextWrapper):
-    pass
+    def __init__(self, *args: t.Any, **kwargs: t.Any) -> None:
+        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
+        self._current_indent = 0
+    def wrap(self, text: str) -> t.List[str]:
+        """Wraps the single paragraph in text and returns a list of wrapped lines.
+        This method overrides the base class method to apply the current indent.
+        """
+        lines = super().wrap(text)
+        return [self._current_indent * ' ' + line for line in lines]
+    @contextmanager
+    def extra_indent(self, indent: int) -> t.Generator[None, None, None]:
+        """A context manager for temporarily increasing the indentation."""
+        self._current_indent += indent
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            self._current_indent -= indent
+    def dedent(self) -> None:
+        """Decrease the current indentation by one level."""
+        if self._current_indent > 0:
+            self._current_indent -= 1
+    def indent(self) -> None:
+        """Increase the current indentation by one level."""
+        self._current_indent += 1
+    def fill(self, text: str) -> str:
+        """Fill a single paragraph of text, returning a new string.
+        This method overrides the base class method to apply the current indent.
+        """
+        return '\n'.join(self.wrap(text))
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 514d97e..0b5802c 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -69,11 +69,48 @@ class _WindowsConsoleRawIOBase(io.RawIOBase):

 class _WindowsConsoleReader(_WindowsConsoleRawIOBase):
-    pass
+    def readable(self):
+        return True
+    def readinto(self, b):
+        bytes_to_be_read = len(b)
+        if not bytes_to_be_read:
+            return 0
+        buffer = (c_char * bytes_to_be_read)()
+        bytes_read = c_ulong(0)
+        success = ReadConsoleW(self.handle, buffer, bytes_to_be_read, byref(bytes_read), None)
+        if not success:
+            raise IOError(f"Windows error: {GetLastError()}")
+        if bytes_read.value:
+            b[:bytes_read.value] = buffer.raw[:bytes_read.value]
+        return bytes_read.value

 class _WindowsConsoleWriter(_WindowsConsoleRawIOBase):
-    pass
+    def writable(self):
+        return True
+    def write(self, b):
+        bytes_to_be_written = len(b)
+        if not bytes_to_be_written:
+            return 0
+        buffer = c_char_p(b)
+        bytes_written = c_ulong(0)
+        while bytes_written.value < bytes_to_be_written:
+            chunk = min(bytes_to_be_written - bytes_written.value, MAX_BYTES_WRITTEN)
+            success = WriteConsoleW(self.handle, buffer, chunk, byref(bytes_written), None)
+            if not success:
+                raise IOError(f"Windows error: {GetLastError()}")
+            buffer = c_char_p(b[bytes_written.value:])
+        return bytes_written.value

 class ConsoleStream:
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 354452a..8f8ec25 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -50,14 +50,27 @@ def _complete_visible_commands(ctx: 'Context', incomplete: str) ->t.Iterator[t
     :param ctx: Invocation context for the group.
     :param incomplete: Value being completed. May be empty.
-    pass
+    for name, command in ctx.command.commands.items():
+        if (
+            not command.hidden
+            and name.startswith(incomplete)
+            and not ctx.resilient_parsing
+        ):
+            yield name, command

 def augment_usage_errors(ctx: 'Context', param: t.Optional['Parameter']=None
     ) ->t.Iterator[None]:
     """Context manager that attaches extra information to exceptions."""
-    pass
+    try:
+        yield
+    except UsageError as e:
+        if e.ctx is None:
+            e.ctx = ctx
+        if param is not None and e.param is None:
+            e.param = param
+        raise

 def iter_params_for_processing(invocation_order: t.Sequence['Parameter'],
@@ -66,7 +79,13 @@ def iter_params_for_processing(invocation_order: t.Sequence['Parameter'],
     for processing and an iterable of parameters that exist, this returns
     a list in the correct order as they should be processed.
-    pass
+    def sort_key(param: 'Parameter') -> t.Tuple[bool, int]:
+        if param not in declaration_order:
+            return (True, -1)
+        idx = declaration_order.index(param)
+        return (False, idx)
+    return sorted(invocation_order, key=sort_key)

 class ParameterSource(enum.Enum):
@@ -784,7 +803,9 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):

         Calls :meth:`format_usage` internally.
-        pass
+        formatter = ctx.make_formatter()
+        self.format_usage(ctx, formatter)
+        return formatter.getvalue().rstrip('\n')

     def format_usage(self, ctx: Context, formatter: HelpFormatter) ->None:
         """Writes the usage line into the formatter.
@@ -797,7 +818,15 @@ class Command(BaseCommand):
         """Returns all the pieces that go into the usage line and returns
         it as a list of strings.
-        pass
+        pieces = []
+        for param in self.get_params(ctx):
+            if param.nargs == -1:
+                pieces.append(f'[{param.make_metavar()}]...')
+            elif param.nargs > 1:
+                pieces.append(f'{param.make_metavar()}...')
+            else:
+                pieces.append(param.make_metavar())
+        return pieces

     def get_help_option_names(self, ctx: Context) ->t.List[str]:
         """Returns the names for the help option."""
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index ec1bfc9..9e17579 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -25,7 +25,10 @@ def pass_context(f: 't.Callable[te.Concatenate[Context, P], R]'
     """Marks a callback as wanting to receive the current context
     object as first argument.
-    pass
+    @t.wraps(f)
+    def new_func(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
+        return f(get_current_context(), *args, **kwargs)
+    return t.cast('t.Callable[P, R]', new_func)

 def pass_obj(f: 't.Callable[te.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]'
@@ -34,7 +37,10 @@ def pass_obj(f: 't.Callable[te.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]'
     context onwards (:attr:`Context.obj`).  This is useful if that object
     represents the state of a nested system.
-    pass
+    @t.wraps(f)
+    def new_func(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
+        return f(get_current_context().obj, *args, **kwargs)
+    return t.cast('t.Callable[P, R]', new_func)

 def make_pass_decorator(object_type: t.Type[T], ensure: bool=False
@@ -61,7 +67,19 @@ def make_pass_decorator(object_type: t.Type[T], ensure: bool=False
     :param ensure: if set to `True`, a new object will be created and
                    remembered on the context if it's not there yet.
-    pass
+    def decorator(f: 't.Callable[te.Concatenate[T, P], R]') -> 't.Callable[P, R]':
+        @t.wraps(f)
+        def new_func(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
+            ctx = get_current_context()
+            obj = ctx.find_object(object_type)
+            if obj is None and ensure:
+                obj = object_type()
+                ctx.ensure_object(object_type)
+            if obj is None:
+                raise RuntimeError(f'Managed to invoke callback without a context object of type {object_type.__name__} existing')
+            return ctx.invoke(f, obj, *args, **kwargs)
+        return t.cast('t.Callable[P, R]', new_func)
+    return decorator

 def pass_meta_key(key: str, *, doc_description: t.Optional[str]=None
@@ -77,7 +95,21 @@ def pass_meta_key(key: str, *, doc_description: t.Optional[str]=None

     .. versionadded:: 8.0
-    pass
+    if doc_description is None:
+        doc_description = f"the '{key}' key from Context.meta"
+    def decorator(f: t.Callable[te.Concatenate[t.Any, P], R]) -> t.Callable[P, R]:
+        @t.wraps(f)
+        def new_func(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> R:
+            ctx = get_current_context()
+            if key not in ctx.meta:
+                raise RuntimeError(f"'{key}' not found in Context.meta")
+            return f(ctx.meta[key], *args, **kwargs)
+        new_func.__doc__ = f"Decorator that passes {doc_description} as the first argument to the decorated function.\n\n{new_func.__doc__}"
+        return t.cast(t.Callable[P, R], new_func)
+    return decorator

 CmdType = t.TypeVar('CmdType', bound=Command)
@@ -114,7 +146,31 @@ def command(name: t.Union[t.Optional[str], _AnyCallable]=None, cls: t.
         The ``params`` argument can be used. Decorated params are
         appended to the end of the list.
-    pass
+    def decorator(f: _AnyCallable) -> t.Union[Command, CmdType]:
+        if isinstance(name, _AnyCallable):
+            # The decorator was applied without parentheses
+            cmd_name = name.__name__.replace('_', '-')
+        else:
+            cmd_name = name or f.__name__.replace('_', '-')
+        cmd_cls = cls or Command
+        cmd_attrs = attrs.copy()
+        # If 'params' is in attrs, we need to append any decorated params
+        if 'params' in cmd_attrs:
+            cmd_attrs['params'] = list(cmd_attrs['params'])
+        else:
+            cmd_attrs['params'] = []
+        cmd_attrs['params'].extend(getattr(f, '__click_params__', []))
+        cmd = cmd_cls(name=cmd_name, callback=f, **cmd_attrs)
+        cmd.__doc__ = f.__doc__
+        return cmd
+    if callable(name):
+        # The decorator was applied without parentheses
+        return decorator(name)
+    return decorator

 GrpType = t.TypeVar('GrpType', bound=Group)
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 2586652..ec937dd 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -26,7 +26,25 @@ def wrap_text(text: str, width: int=78, initial_indent: str='',
     :param preserve_paragraphs: if this flag is set then the wrapping will
                                 intelligently handle paragraphs.
-    pass
+    from textwrap import TextWrapper
+    if not preserve_paragraphs:
+        wrapper = TextWrapper(width=width, initial_indent=initial_indent,
+                              subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent)
+        return wrapper.fill(text)
+    paragraphs = text.split('\n\n')
+    wrapped_paragraphs = []
+    for paragraph in paragraphs:
+        if paragraph.startswith('\b'):
+            wrapped_paragraphs.append(paragraph[1:])
+        else:
+            wrapper = TextWrapper(width=width, initial_indent=initial_indent,
+                                  subsequent_indent=subsequent_indent)
+            wrapped_paragraphs.append(wrapper.fill(paragraph))
+    return '\n\n'.join(wrapped_paragraphs)

 class HelpFormatter:
@@ -58,15 +76,15 @@ class HelpFormatter:

     def write(self, string: str) ->None:
         """Writes a unicode string into the internal buffer."""
-        pass
+        self.buffer.append(string)

     def indent(self) ->None:
         """Increases the indentation."""
-        pass
+        self.current_indent += self.indent_increment

     def dedent(self) ->None:
         """Decreases the indentation."""
-        pass
+        self.current_indent = max(0, self.current_indent - self.indent_increment)

     def write_usage(self, prog: str, args: str='', prefix: t.Optional[str]=None
         ) ->None:
@@ -77,21 +95,29 @@ class HelpFormatter:
         :param prefix: The prefix for the first line. Defaults to
             ``"Usage: "``.
-        pass
+        if prefix is None:
+            prefix = _("Usage: ")
+        usage = f"{prefix}{prog} {args}".rstrip()
+        self.write(wrap_text(usage, width=self.width, initial_indent=self.current_indent * " ",
+                             subsequent_indent=self.current_indent * " " + " " * len(prefix)))
+        self.write("\n")

     def write_heading(self, heading: str) ->None:
         """Writes a heading into the buffer."""
-        pass
+        self.write(f"{' ' * self.current_indent}{heading}:\n")

     def write_paragraph(self) ->None:
         """Writes a paragraph into the buffer."""
-        pass
+        self.write("\n")

     def write_text(self, text: str) ->None:
         """Writes re-indented text into the buffer.  This rewraps and
         preserves paragraphs.
-        pass
+        indent = " " * self.current_indent
+        self.write(wrap_text(text, width=self.width, initial_indent=indent,
+                             subsequent_indent=indent, preserve_paragraphs=True))
+        self.write("\n")

     def write_dl(self, rows: t.Sequence[t.Tuple[str, str]], col_max: int=30,
         col_spacing: int=2) ->None:
@@ -103,7 +129,20 @@ class HelpFormatter:
         :param col_spacing: the number of spaces between the first and
                             second column.
-        pass
+        indent = " " * self.current_indent
+        for first, second in rows:
+            first_width = term_len(first)
+            if first_width <= col_max:
+                self.write(f"{indent}{first}")
+                self.write(" " * (col_max - first_width))
+                self.write(" " * col_spacing)
+            else:
+                self.write(f"{indent}{first}\n")
+                self.write(" " * (col_max + col_spacing))
+            wrapped_text = wrap_text(second, width=self.width - col_max - col_spacing,
+                                     initial_indent="", subsequent_indent=" " * (col_max + col_spacing))
+            self.write(f"{wrapped_text}\n")

     def section(self, name: str) ->t.Iterator[None]:
@@ -112,16 +151,26 @@ class HelpFormatter:

         :param name: the section name that is written as heading.
-        pass
+        self.write_paragraph()
+        self.write_heading(name)
+        self.indent()
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            self.dedent()

     def indentation(self) ->t.Iterator[None]:
         """A context manager that increases the indentation."""
-        pass
+        self.indent()
+        try:
+            yield
+        finally:
+            self.dedent()

     def getvalue(self) ->str:
         """Returns the buffer contents."""
-        pass
+        return "".join(self.buffer)

 def join_options(options: t.Sequence[str]) ->t.Tuple[str, bool]:
@@ -130,4 +179,17 @@ def join_options(options: t.Sequence[str]) ->t.Tuple[str, bool]:
     any_prefix_is_slash)`` where the second item in the tuple is a flag that
     indicates if any of the option prefixes was a slash.
-    pass
+    rv = []
+    any_prefix_is_slash = False
+    for opt in options:
+        prefix = split_opt(opt)[0]
+        if prefix == '/':
+            any_prefix_is_slash = True
+        rv.append((len(prefix), opt))
+    rv.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
+    rv = [x[1] for x in rv]
+    if len(rv) == 1:
+        return rv[0], any_prefix_is_slash
+    return f"{' / '.join(rv)}", any_prefix_is_slash
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index ca86d44..efbf733 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -21,17 +21,27 @@ def get_current_context(silent: bool=False) ->t.Optional['Context']:
                    is available.  The default behavior is to raise a
-    pass
+    try:
+        return t.cast('Context', _local.stack[-1])
+    except (AttributeError, IndexError):
+        if silent:
+            return None
+        raise RuntimeError('There is no active click context.') from None

 def push_context(ctx: 'Context') ->None:
     """Pushes a new context to the current stack."""
-    pass
+    if not hasattr(_local, 'stack'):
+        _local.stack = []
+    _local.stack.append(ctx)

 def pop_context() ->None:
     """Removes the top level from the stack."""
-    pass
+    try:
+        _local.stack.pop()
+    except (AttributeError, IndexError):
+        raise RuntimeError('Cannot pop context. There is no active click context.') from None

 def resolve_color_default(color: t.Optional[bool]=None) ->t.Optional[bool]:
@@ -39,4 +49,9 @@ def resolve_color_default(color: t.Optional[bool]=None) ->t.Optional[bool]:
     value is passed it's returned unchanged, otherwise it's looked up from
     the current context.
-    pass
+    if color is not None:
+        return color
+    ctx = get_current_context(silent=True)
+    if ctx is not None:
+        return ctx.color
+    return None
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 5baffed..f836ae3 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -46,7 +46,25 @@ def _unpack_args(args: t.Sequence[str], nargs_spec: t.Sequence[int]) ->t.Tuple[

     Missing items are filled with `None`.
-    pass
+    args = list(args)
+    nargs_spec = list(nargs_spec)
+    unpacked = []
+    remaining = []
+    for nargs in nargs_spec:
+        if nargs == -1:
+            unpacked.append(args)
+            break
+        if len(args) < nargs:
+            unpacked.append(args + [None] * (nargs - len(args)))
+            break
+        unpacked.append(args[:nargs])
+        args = args[nargs:]
+    if args:
+        remaining = args
+    return unpacked, remaining

 def split_arg_string(string: str) ->t.List[str]:
@@ -64,7 +82,14 @@ def split_arg_string(string: str) ->t.List[str]:

     :param string: String to split.
-    pass
+    import shlex
+    lex = shlex.shlex(string, posix=True)
+    lex.whitespace_split = True
+    lex.commenters = ''
+    try:
+        return list(lex)
+    except ValueError:
+        return string.split()

 class Option:
@@ -149,7 +174,12 @@ class OptionParser:
         The `obj` can be used to identify the option in the order list
         that is returned from the parser.
-        pass
+        option = Option(obj, opts, dest, action, nargs, const)
+        self._opt_prefixes.update(option.prefixes)
+        for opt in option._short_opts:
+            self._short_opt[opt] = option
+        for opt in option._long_opts:
+            self._long_opt[opt] = option

     def add_argument(self, obj: 'CoreArgument', dest: t.Optional[str],
         nargs: int=1) ->None:
@@ -158,7 +188,7 @@ class OptionParser:
         The `obj` can be used to identify the option in the order list
         that is returned from the parser.
-        pass
+        self._args.append(Argument(obj, dest, nargs))

     def parse_args(self, args: t.List[str]) ->t.Tuple[t.Dict[str, t.Any], t
         .List[str], t.List['CoreParameter']]:
@@ -168,4 +198,119 @@ class OptionParser:
         appear on the command line.  If arguments appear multiple times they
         will be memorized multiple times as well.
-        pass
+        state = ParsingState(args)
+        try:
+            self._process_args_for_options(state)
+            self._process_args_for_args(state)
+        except UsageError:
+            if self.ctx is None or not self.ctx.resilient_parsing:
+                raise
+        return state.opts, state.largs, state.order
+    def _process_args_for_options(self, state: ParsingState) ->None:
+        while state.rargs:
+            arg = state.rargs.pop(0)
+            arglen = len(arg)
+            # Double dashes
+            if arg == '--':
+                return
+            # Long option
+            elif arg.startswith('--'):
+                self._process_long_opt(arg[2:], state)
+            # Short option
+            elif arg[:1] in self._opt_prefixes and arglen > 1:
+                self._process_short_opts(arg, state)
+            elif self.allow_interspersed_args:
+                state.largs.append(arg)
+            else:
+                state.rargs.insert(0, arg)
+                return
+    def _process_args_for_args(self, state: ParsingState) ->None:
+        state.largs.extend(state.rargs)
+        state.rargs[:] = []
+        for idx, arg_spec in enumerate(self._args):
+            nargs = arg_spec.nargs
+            if len(state.largs) < nargs:
+                if nargs == -1:
+                    break
+                raise BadArgumentUsage(f'Missing argument "{arg_spec.dest}"')
+            if nargs == -1:
+                state.opts[arg_spec.dest] = state.largs[idx:]
+                state.order.append(arg_spec.obj)
+                break
+            state.opts[arg_spec.dest] = state.largs[idx:idx + nargs]
+            state.order.append(arg_spec.obj)
+    def _process_long_opt(self, opt: str, state: ParsingState) ->None:
+        if '=' in opt:
+            opt, next_arg = opt.split('=', 1)
+        else:
+            next_arg = None
+        try:
+            option = self._long_opt[opt]
+        except KeyError:
+            if self.ignore_unknown_options:
+                return
+            raise NoSuchOption(opt)
+        if option.nargs == 0:
+            if next_arg:
+                raise BadOptionUsage(f'Option "--{opt}" does not take a value')
+        elif option.nargs == 1:
+            if next_arg is None:
+                if not state.rargs:
+                    raise BadOptionUsage(f'Option "--{opt}" requires an argument')
+                next_arg = state.rargs.pop(0)
+        else:
+            if next_arg is None:
+                if not state.rargs:
+                    raise BadOptionUsage(f'Option "--{opt}" requires {option.nargs} arguments')
+                next_arg = state.rargs[:option.nargs]
+                state.rargs[:] = state.rargs[option.nargs:]
+            else:
+                next_arg = [next_arg] + state.rargs[:option.nargs - 1]
+                state.rargs[:] = state.rargs[option.nargs - 1:]
+        self._process_option(option, opt, next_arg, state)
+    def _process_short_opts(self, arg: str, state: ParsingState) ->None:
+        i = 1
+        prefix = arg[0]
+        while i < len(arg):
+            opt = arg[i]
+            i += 1
+            try:
+                option = self._short_opt[f'{prefix}{opt}']
+            except KeyError:
+                if self.ignore_unknown_options:
+                    continue
+                raise NoSuchOption(opt)
+            if option.nargs == 0:
+                self._process_option(option, opt, None, state)
+            else:
+                if i < len(arg):
+                    next_arg = arg[i:]
+                    i = len(arg)
+                else:
+                    if not state.rargs:
+                        raise BadOptionUsage(f'Option "-{opt}" requires an argument')
+                    next_arg = state.rargs.pop(0)
+                self._process_option(option, opt, next_arg, state)
+    def _process_option(self, option: Option, opt: str, value: t.Any, state: ParsingState) ->None:
+        state.order.append(option.obj)
+        if option.action == 'store':
+            state.opts[option.dest] = value
+        elif option.action == 'store_const':
+            state.opts[option.dest] = option.const
+        elif option.action == 'append':
+            state.opts.setdefault(option.dest, []).append(value)
+        elif option.action == 'append_const':
+            state.opts.setdefault(option.dest, []).append(option.const)
+        elif option.action == 'count':
+            state.opts[option.dest] = state.opts.get(option.dest, 0) + 1
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(f'Unknown action "{option.action}"')
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 6956829..055be50 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -27,7 +27,15 @@ def shell_complete(cli: BaseCommand, ctx_args: t.MutableMapping[str, t.Any],
         instruction and shell, in the form ``instruction_shell``.
     :return: Status code to exit with.
-    pass
+    shell, _, _ = instruction.partition("_")
+    comp_cls = get_completion_class(shell)
+    if comp_cls is None:
+        return 1
+    comp = comp_cls(cli, ctx_args, prog_name, complete_var)
+    completion = comp.complete()
+    echo(completion)
+    return 0

 class CompletionItem:
@@ -185,7 +193,7 @@ class ShellComplete:
         """The name of the shell function defined by the completion
-        pass
+        return f"_{self.prog_name}_completion"

     def source_vars(self) ->t.Dict[str, t.Any]:
         """Vars for formatting :attr:`source_template`.
@@ -193,7 +201,11 @@ class ShellComplete:
         By default this provides ``complete_func``, ``complete_var``,
         and ``prog_name``.
-        pass
+        return {
+            "complete_func": self.func_name,
+            "complete_var": self.complete_var,
+            "prog_name": self.prog_name,
+        }

     def source(self) ->str:
         """Produce the shell script that defines the completion
@@ -201,7 +213,7 @@ class ShellComplete:
         :attr:`source_template` with the dict returned by
-        pass
+        return self.source_template % self.source_vars()

     def get_completion_args(self) ->t.Tuple[t.List[str], str]:
         """Use the env vars defined by the shell script to return a
@@ -273,7 +285,11 @@ def add_completion_class(cls: ShellCompleteType, name: t.Optional[str]=None
     :param name: Name to register the class under. Defaults to the
         class's ``name`` attribute.
-    pass
+    if name is None:
+        name =
+    _available_shells[name] = cls
+    return cls

 def get_completion_class(shell: str) ->t.Optional[t.Type[ShellComplete]]:
@@ -283,7 +299,7 @@ def get_completion_class(shell: str) ->t.Optional[t.Type[ShellComplete]]:

     :param shell: Name the class is registered under.
-    pass
+    return _available_shells.get(shell)

 def _is_incomplete_argument(ctx: Context, param: Parameter) ->bool:
@@ -294,12 +310,20 @@ def _is_incomplete_argument(ctx: Context, param: Parameter) ->bool:
         parsed complete args.
     :param param: Argument object being checked.
-    pass
+    if not isinstance(param, Argument):
+        return False
+    value = ctx.params.get(
+    if value is None:
+        return True
+    if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)):
+        return param.nargs == -1 or len(value) < param.nargs
+    return False

 def _start_of_option(ctx: Context, value: str) ->bool:
     """Check if the value looks like the start of an option."""
-    pass
+    return value and value[:1] in ctx.command.params.get("prefix_chars", "-")

 def _is_incomplete_option(ctx: Context, args: t.List[str], param: Parameter
@@ -309,7 +333,25 @@ def _is_incomplete_option(ctx: Context, args: t.List[str], param: Parameter
     :param args: List of complete args before the incomplete value.
     :param param: Option object being checked.
-    pass
+    if not isinstance(param, Option):
+        return False
+    if param.is_flag:
+        return False
+    last_option = None
+    for index, arg in enumerate(reversed(args)):
+        if index + 1 > param.nargs:
+            break
+        if _start_of_option(ctx, arg):
+            last_option = arg
+    if last_option is None:
+        return False
+    if param.opts:
+        return last_option in param.opts
+    return last_option in param.secondary_opts

 def _resolve_context(cli: BaseCommand, ctx_args: t.MutableMapping[str, t.
@@ -322,7 +364,22 @@ def _resolve_context(cli: BaseCommand, ctx_args: t.MutableMapping[str, t.
     :param prog_name: Name of the executable in the shell.
     :param args: List of complete args before the incomplete value.
-    pass
+    ctx = cli.make_context(prog_name, args, **ctx_args)
+    args = list(args)
+    while args:
+        try:
+            if isinstance(ctx.command, MultiCommand):
+                cmd_name, cmd, args = ctx.command.resolve_command(ctx, args)
+                if cmd is None:
+                    return ctx
+                ctx = cmd.make_context(cmd_name, args, parent=ctx)
+            else:
+                break
+        except Exception:
+            break
+    return ctx

 def _resolve_incomplete(ctx: Context, args: t.List[str], incomplete: str
@@ -335,4 +392,17 @@ def _resolve_incomplete(ctx: Context, args: t.List[str], incomplete: str
     :param args: List of complete args before the incomplete value.
     :param incomplete: Value being completed. May be empty.
-    pass
+    params = ctx.command.get_params(ctx)
+    for param in params:
+        if _is_incomplete_argument(ctx, param):
+            return param, incomplete
+    if _start_of_option(ctx, incomplete):
+        return ctx.command, incomplete
+    for param in params:
+        if _is_incomplete_option(ctx, args, param):
+            return param, incomplete
+    return ctx.command, incomplete
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 277721a..6582c5b 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -71,7 +71,46 @@ def prompt(text: str, default: t.Optional[t.Any]=None, hide_input: bool=
         Added the `err` parameter.

-    pass
+    prompt_text = text
+    if show_choices and isinstance(type, Choice):
+        prompt_text += f" ({', '.join(type.choices)})"
+    if default is not None and show_default:
+        prompt_text += f" [{default}]"
+    prompt_text += prompt_suffix
+    while True:
+        try:
+            if hide_input:
+                value = visible_prompt_func(prompt_text)
+            else:
+                value = input(prompt_text)
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+            raise Abort()
+        if value == "" and default is not None:
+            value = default
+        if value_proc is not None:
+            try:
+                value = value_proc(value)
+            except UsageError as e:
+                echo(f"Error: {e.message}", err=err)
+                continue
+        if type is not None:
+            try:
+                value = type(value)
+            except ValueError:
+                echo(f"Error: Invalid input type. Expected {type.__name__}.", err=err)
+                continue
+        if confirmation_prompt:
+            confirm_text = "Repeat for confirmation: " if confirmation_prompt is True else confirmation_prompt
+            if value != prompt(confirm_text, type=type, value_proc=value_proc, hide_input=hide_input, err=err):
+                echo("Error: The two entered values do not match", err=err)
+                continue
+        return value

 def confirm(text: str, default: t.Optional[bool]=False, abort: bool=False,
@@ -97,7 +136,35 @@ def confirm(text: str, default: t.Optional[bool]=False, abort: bool=False,
     .. versionadded:: 4.0
         Added the ``err`` parameter.
-    pass
+    prompt_text = text
+    if show_default:
+        if default is None:
+            prompt_text += " (y/n)"
+        elif default:
+            prompt_text += " [Y/n]"
+        else:
+            prompt_text += " [y/N]"
+    prompt_text += prompt_suffix
+    while True:
+        try:
+            value = prompt(prompt_text, err=err).lower().strip()
+        except Abort:
+            raise
+        if value in ('y', 'yes'):
+            rv = True
+        elif value in ('n', 'no'):
+            rv = False
+        elif value == '' and default is not None:
+            rv = default
+        else:
+            echo("Error: invalid input", err=err)
+            continue
+        if abort and not rv:
+            raise Abort()
+        return rv

 def echo_via_pager(text_or_generator: t.Union[t.Iterable[str], t.Callable[[
@@ -113,7 +180,8 @@ def echo_via_pager(text_or_generator: t.Union[t.Iterable[str], t.Callable[[
     :param color: controls if the pager supports ANSI colors or not.  The
                   default is autodetection.
-    pass
+    from ._termui_impl import pager
+    pager(text_or_generator, color)

 def progressbar(iterable: t.Optional[t.Iterable[V]]=None, length: t.
@@ -237,7 +305,24 @@ def progressbar(iterable: t.Optional[t.Iterable[V]]=None, length: t.

     .. versionadded:: 2.0
-    pass
+    from ._termui_impl import ProgressBar
+    return ProgressBar(
+        iterable=iterable,
+        length=length,
+        show_eta=show_eta,
+        show_percent=show_percent,
+        show_pos=show_pos,
+        item_show_func=item_show_func,
+        fill_char=fill_char,
+        empty_char=empty_char,
+        bar_template=bar_template,
+        info_sep=info_sep,
+        file=file,
+        label=label,
+        width=width,
+        color=color,
+        update_min_steps=update_min_steps,
+    )

 def clear() ->None:
@@ -247,7 +332,15 @@ def clear() ->None:

     .. versionadded:: 2.0
-    pass
+    if not isatty(sys.stdout):
+        return
+    # If we're on Windows, use os.system()
+    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+        os.system('cls')
+    else:
+        # Otherwise, assume POSIX-like system
+        sys.stdout.write('\033[2J\033[1;1H')
+    sys.stdout.flush()

 def style(text: t.Any, fg: t.Optional[t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, int, int],
@@ -333,7 +426,47 @@ def style(text: t.Any, fg: t.Optional[t.Union[int, t.Tuple[int, int, int],

     .. versionadded:: 2.0
-    pass
+    if not isinstance(text, str):
+        text = str(text)
+    bits = []
+    if fg:
+        try:
+            bits.append(f'\033[38;5;{_ansi_colors[fg]}m')
+        except KeyError:
+            if isinstance(fg, int):
+                bits.append(f'\033[38;5;{fg}m')
+            elif isinstance(fg, tuple):
+                bits.append(f'\033[38;2;{fg[0]};{fg[1]};{fg[2]}m')
+    if bg:
+        try:
+            bits.append(f'\033[48;5;{_ansi_colors[bg]}m')
+        except KeyError:
+            if isinstance(bg, int):
+                bits.append(f'\033[48;5;{bg}m')
+            elif isinstance(bg, tuple):
+                bits.append(f'\033[48;2;{bg[0]};{bg[1]};{bg[2]}m')
+    if bold is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[1m' if bold else '\033[22m')
+    if dim is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[2m' if dim else '\033[22m')
+    if underline is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[4m' if underline else '\033[24m')
+    if overline is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[53m' if overline else '\033[55m')
+    if italic is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[3m' if italic else '\033[23m')
+    if blink is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[5m' if blink else '\033[25m')
+    if reverse is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[7m' if reverse else '\033[27m')
+    if strikethrough is not None:
+        bits.append('\033[9m' if strikethrough else '\033[29m')
+    bits.append(text)
+    if reset:
+        bits.append(_ansi_reset_all)
+    return ''.join(bits)

 def unstyle(text: str) ->str:
@@ -345,7 +478,7 @@ def unstyle(text: str) ->str:

     :param text: the text to remove style information from.
-    pass
+    return strip_ansi(text)

 def secho(message: t.Optional[t.Any]=None, file: t.Optional[t.IO[t.AnyStr]]
@@ -371,7 +504,14 @@ def secho(message: t.Optional[t.Any]=None, file: t.Optional[t.IO[t.AnyStr]]

     .. versionadded:: 2.0
-    pass
+    if message is not None:
+        if isinstance(message, bytes):
+            echo(message, file, nl, err, color)
+            return
+        else:
+            message = style(message, **styles)
+    echo(message, file, nl, err, color)

 def edit(text: t.Optional[t.AnyStr]=None, editor: t.Optional[str]=None, env:
@@ -405,7 +545,42 @@ def edit(text: t.Optional[t.AnyStr]=None, editor: t.Optional[str]=None, env:
                      provided text contents.  It will not use a temporary
                      file as an indirection in that case.
-    pass
+    import tempfile
+    import subprocess
+    if filename is None:
+        if text is None:
+            raise UsageError("Either 'text' or 'filename' must be provided.")
+        with tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix=extension, delete=False) as f:
+            if isinstance(text, bytes):
+                f.write(text)
+            else:
+                f.write(text.encode('utf-8'))
+            filename =
+    if editor is None:
+        editor = os.environ.get('EDITOR', 'vim')
+    if env is None:
+        env = {}
+    try:
+        c = subprocess.Popen([editor, filename], env=env)
+        exit_code = c.wait()
+        if exit_code != 0:
+            raise UsageError(f"{editor}: Editing failed!")
+        if require_save and os.path.getsize(filename) == 0:
+            return None
+        with open(filename, 'rb') as f:
+            rv =
+        return rv.decode('utf-8')
+    finally:
+        if filename and text is not None:
+            os.unlink(filename)

 def launch(url: str, wait: bool=False, locate: bool=False) ->int:
@@ -432,7 +607,45 @@ def launch(url: str, wait: bool=False, locate: bool=False) ->int:
                    might have weird effects if the URL does not point to
                    the filesystem.
-    pass
+    import subprocess
+    def _launch_windows(url, wait=False, locate=False):
+        if locate:
+            cmd = 'explorer /select,"{}"'.format(os.path.normpath(url))
+        else:
+            cmd = 'start "" "{}"'.format(url)
+        exit_code = os.system(cmd)
+        if wait:
+            os.system('pause')
+        return exit_code
+    def _launch_macos(url, wait=False, locate=False):
+        cmd = ['open']
+        if locate:
+            cmd.append('-R')
+        cmd.append(url)
+        c = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+        if wait:
+            return c.wait()
+        return 0
+    def _launch_linux(url, wait=False, locate=False):
+        cmd = ['xdg-open']
+        if locate:
+            cmd.append(os.path.dirname(url))
+        else:
+            cmd.append(url)
+        c = subprocess.Popen(cmd)
+        if wait:
+            return c.wait()
+        return 0
+    if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+        return _launch_windows(url, wait, locate)
+    elif sys.platform == 'darwin':
+        return _launch_macos(url, wait, locate)
+    else:
+        return _launch_linux(url, wait, locate)

 _getchar: t.Optional[t.Callable[[bool], str]] = None
@@ -458,7 +671,37 @@ def getchar(echo: bool=False) ->str:
     :param echo: if set to `True`, the character read will also show up on
                  the terminal.  The default is to not show it.
-    pass
+    global _getchar
+    if _getchar is None:
+        if sys.platform.startswith('win'):
+            import msvcrt
+            def _getchar_windows(echo):
+                char = msvcrt.getwch()
+                if echo:
+                    msvcrt.putwch(char)
+                return char
+            _getchar = _getchar_windows
+        else:
+            import tty
+            import termios
+            def _getchar_unix(echo):
+                fd = sys.stdin.fileno()
+                old_settings = termios.tcgetattr(fd)
+                try:
+                    tty.setraw(fd)
+                    ch =
+                finally:
+                    termios.tcsetattr(fd, termios.TCSADRAIN, old_settings)
+                if echo:
+                    sys.stdout.write(ch)
+                return ch
+            _getchar = _getchar_unix
+    return _getchar(echo)

 def pause(info: t.Optional[str]=None, err: bool=False) ->None:
@@ -477,4 +720,19 @@ def pause(info: t.Optional[str]=None, err: bool=False) ->None:
     :param err: if set to message goes to ``stderr`` instead of
                 ``stdout``, the same as with echo.
-    pass
+    if info is None:
+        info = "Press any key to continue..."
+    if not isatty(sys.stdin):
+        return
+    try:
+        if info:
+            echo(info, nl=False, err=err)
+        try:
+            getchar()
+        except (KeyboardInterrupt, EOFError):
+            pass
+    finally:
+        if info:
+            echo(err=err)
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 320d223..b588f84 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -59,17 +59,19 @@ class Result:
     def output(self) ->str:
         """The (standard) output as unicode string."""
-        pass
+        return self.stdout

     def stdout(self) ->str:
         """The standard output as unicode string."""
-        pass
+        return self.stdout_bytes.decode(self.runner.charset, 'replace')

     def stderr(self) ->str:
         """The standard error as unicode string."""
-        pass
+        if self.stderr_bytes is None:
+            return None
+        return self.stderr_bytes.decode(self.runner.charset, 'replace')

     def __repr__(self) ->str:
         exc_str = repr(self.exception) if self.exception else 'okay'
@@ -108,12 +110,15 @@ class CliRunner:
         for it.  The default is the `name` attribute or ``"root"`` if not
-        pass
+        return or "root"

     def make_env(self, overrides: t.Optional[t.Mapping[str, t.Optional[str]
         ]]=None) ->t.Mapping[str, t.Optional[str]]:
         """Returns the environment overrides for invoking a script."""
-        pass
+        env = dict(self.env)
+        if overrides:
+            env.update(overrides)
+        return env

     def isolation(self, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO[t.Any]]]
@@ -139,7 +144,71 @@ class CliRunner:
         .. versionchanged:: 4.0
             Added the ``color`` parameter.
-        pass
+        old_env = {}
+        try:
+            for key, value in self.make_env(env).items():
+                old_env[key] = os.environ.get(key)
+                if value is None:
+                    os.environ.pop(key, None)
+                else:
+                    os.environ[key] = value
+            old_stdin = sys.stdin
+            old_stdout = sys.stdout
+            old_stderr = sys.stderr
+            old_testing = termui.isatty
+            old_color = utils.should_strip_ansi
+            bytes_input = None
+            if input is not None:
+                if isinstance(input, str):
+                    bytes_input = input.encode(self.charset)
+                elif isinstance(input, bytes):
+                    bytes_input = input
+                elif hasattr(input, "read"):
+                    bytes_input =
+                    if isinstance(bytes_input, str):
+                        bytes_input = bytes_input.encode(self.charset)
+                else:
+                    raise TypeError("Invalid input type")
+                sys.stdin = io.BytesIO(bytes_input)
+            else:
+                sys.stdin = io.BytesIO(b"")
+            stdout = io.BytesIO()
+            stderr = io.BytesIO() if not self.mix_stderr else None
+            if self.echo_stdin:
+                input = EchoingStdin(input, stdout)
+            sys.stdout = _NamedTextIOWrapper(
+                stdout, "stdout", "w", encoding=self.charset, errors="backslashreplace"
+            )
+            if stderr is not None:
+                sys.stderr = _NamedTextIOWrapper(
+                    stderr, "stderr", "w", encoding=self.charset, errors="backslashreplace"
+                )
+            else:
+                sys.stderr = sys.stdout
+            def is_testing():
+                return True
+            termui.isatty = is_testing
+            utils.should_strip_ansi = lambda *args, **kwargs: not color
+            yield stdout, stderr
+        finally:
+            for key, value in old_env.items():
+                if value is None:
+                    os.environ.pop(key, None)
+                else:
+                    os.environ[key] = value
+            sys.stdin = old_stdin
+            sys.stdout = old_stdout
+            sys.stderr = old_stderr
+            termui.isatty = old_testing
+            utils.should_strip_ansi = old_color

     def invoke(self, cli: 'BaseCommand', args: t.Optional[t.Union[str, t.
         Sequence[str]]]=None, input: t.Optional[t.Union[str, bytes, t.IO[t.
@@ -180,7 +249,59 @@ class CliRunner:
             The result object has the ``exc_info`` attribute with the
             traceback if available.
-        pass
+        exc_info = None
+        with self.isolation(input=input, env=env, color=color) as outstreams:
+            return_value = None
+            exception = None
+            exit_code = 0
+            if isinstance(args, str):
+                args = shlex.split(args)
+            try:
+                prog_name = extra.pop("prog_name", None)
+                if prog_name is None:
+                    prog_name = self.get_default_prog_name(cli)
+                return_value = cli.main(
+                    args=args or (),
+                    prog_name=prog_name,
+                    standalone_mode=False,
+                    **extra
+                )
+            except SystemExit as e:
+                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+                exit_code = e.code
+                if exit_code is None:
+                    exit_code = 0
+                if exit_code != 0:
+                    exception = e
+                if not isinstance(exit_code, int):
+                    sys.stdout.write(str(exit_code))
+                    sys.stdout.write("\n")
+                    exit_code = 1
+            except Exception as e:
+                if not catch_exceptions:
+                    raise
+                exception = e
+                exit_code = 1
+                exc_info = sys.exc_info()
+            stdout_bytes = outstreams[0].getvalue()
+            stderr_bytes = outstreams[1].getvalue() if outstreams[1] else None
+        return Result(
+            runner=self,
+            stdout_bytes=stdout_bytes,
+            stderr_bytes=stderr_bytes,
+            return_value=return_value,
+            exit_code=exit_code,
+            exception=exception,
+            exc_info=exc_info,
+        )

     def isolated_filesystem(self, temp_dir: t.Optional[t.Union[str,
@@ -197,4 +318,20 @@ class CliRunner:
         .. versionchanged:: 8.0
             Added the ``temp_dir`` parameter.
-        pass
+        cwd = os.getcwd()
+        if temp_dir is not None:
+            temp_dir = os.path.abspath(temp_dir)
+            fs = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=temp_dir)
+            os.chdir(fs)
+        else:
+            fs = tempfile.mkdtemp()
+            os.chdir(fs)
+        try:
+            yield fs
+        finally:
+            os.chdir(cwd)
+            if temp_dir is None:
+                try:
+                    shutil.rmtree(fs)
+                except OSError:
+                    pass
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 4527388..f33a2a0 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -49,7 +49,10 @@ class ParamType:

         .. versionadded:: 8.0
-        pass
+        return {
+            "name":,
+            "param_type": self.__class__.__name__,
+        }

     def __call__(self, value: t.Any, param: t.Optional['Parameter']=None,
         ctx: t.Optional['Context']=None) ->t.Any:
@@ -58,7 +61,7 @@ class ParamType:

     def get_metavar(self, param: 'Parameter') ->t.Optional[str]:
         """Returns the metavar default for this param if it provides one."""
-        pass
+        return

     def get_missing_message(self, param: 'Parameter') ->t.Optional[str]:
         """Optionally might return extra information about a missing
@@ -66,7 +69,7 @@ class ParamType:

         .. versionadded:: 2.0
-        pass
+        return f"Missing {} value."

     def convert(self, value: t.Any, param: t.Optional['Parameter'], ctx: t.
         Optional['Context']) ->t.Any:
@@ -89,7 +92,7 @@ class ParamType:
         :param ctx: The current context that arrived at this value. May
             be ``None``.
-        pass
+        return value  # Default implementation: no conversion

     def split_envvar_value(self, rv: str) ->t.Sequence[str]:
         """Given a value from an environment variable this splits it up
@@ -99,12 +102,14 @@ class ParamType:
         then leading and trailing whitespace is ignored.  Otherwise, leading
         and trailing splitters usually lead to empty items being included.
-        pass
+        if self.envvar_list_splitter is None:
+            return [rv.strip()]
+        return [x for x in rv.split(self.envvar_list_splitter) if x]

     def fail(self, message: str, param: t.Optional['Parameter']=None, ctx:
         t.Optional['Context']=None) ->'t.NoReturn':
         """Helper method to fail with an invalid value message."""
-        pass
+        raise BadParameter(message, ctx=ctx, param=param)

     def shell_complete(self, ctx: 'Context', param: 'Parameter', incomplete:
         str) ->t.List['CompletionItem']:
@@ -120,7 +125,7 @@ class ParamType:

         .. versionadded:: 8.0
-        pass
+        return []  # Default implementation: no completions

 class CompositeParamType(ParamType):
diff --git a/src/click/ b/src/click/
index 0b2575c..7602f67 100644
--- a/src/click/
+++ b/src/click/
@@ -24,17 +24,35 @@ R = t.TypeVar('R')

 def safecall(func: 't.Callable[P, R]') ->'t.Callable[P, t.Optional[R]]':
     """Wraps a function so that it swallows exceptions."""
-    pass
+    def wrapper(*args: P.args, **kwargs: P.kwargs) -> t.Optional[R]:
+        try:
+            return func(*args, **kwargs)
+        except Exception:
+            return None
+    return wrapper

 def make_str(value: t.Any) ->str:
     """Converts a value into a valid string."""
-    pass
+    if isinstance(value, bytes):
+        try:
+            return value.decode('utf-8')
+        except UnicodeDecodeError:
+            return value.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+    return str(value)

 def make_default_short_help(help: str, max_length: int=45) ->str:
     """Returns a condensed version of help string."""
-    pass
+    words = help.split()
+    total_length = 0
+    result = []
+    for word in words:
+        if total_length + len(word) + 1 > max_length:
+            break
+        result.append(word)
+        total_length += len(word) + 1
+    return ' '.join(result) + ('...' if len(result) < len(words) else '')

 class LazyFile:
@@ -76,17 +94,35 @@ class LazyFile:
         a :exc:`FileError`.  Not handling this error will produce an error
         that Click shows.
-        pass
+        if self._f is not None:
+            return self._f
+        try:
+            if self.atomic:
+                import tempfile
+                f = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(
+                    mode=self.mode, encoding=self.encoding,
+                    errors=self.errors, delete=False
+                )
+                self._f = f
+            else:
+                self._f = open(, self.mode, encoding=self.encoding, errors=self.errors)
+            return self._f
+        except (IOError, OSError) as e:
+            from click import FileError
+            raise FileError(, hint=str(e))

     def close(self) ->None:
         """Closes the underlying file, no matter what."""
-        pass
+        if self._f is not None:
+            self._f.close()
+            self._f = None

     def close_intelligently(self) ->None:
         """This function only closes the file if it was opened by the lazy
         file wrapper.  For instance this will never close stdin.
-        pass
+        if self.should_close:
+            self.close()

     def __enter__(self) ->'LazyFile':
         return self
@@ -164,7 +200,30 @@ def echo(message: t.Optional[t.Any]=None, file: t.Optional[t.IO[t.Any]]=
     .. versionchanged:: 2.0
         Support colors on Windows if colorama is installed.
-    pass
+    if file is None:
+        file = _default_text_stderr() if err else _default_text_stdout()
+    if message is not None:
+        if not isinstance(message, (str, bytes, bytearray)):
+            message = str(message)
+        if isinstance(file, binary_streams):
+            if isinstance(message, str):
+                message = message.encode(file.encoding or 'utf-8', 'replace')
+        elif isinstance(message, (bytes, bytearray)):
+            message = message.decode('utf-8', 'replace')
+    if color is None:
+        color = resolve_color_default()
+    if should_strip_ansi(file, color):
+        message = strip_ansi(message)
+    if nl:
+        message = message + '\n'
+    file.write(message)
+    file.flush()

 def get_binary_stream(name: "te.Literal['stdin', 'stdout', 'stderr']"