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Commit0 provides a command-line agent for configuring and running AI agents to assist with code development and testing. In this example we use Aider as the baseline code completion agent

pip install aider-chat

First we assume there is an underlying commit0 project that is configured. To create a new project, run the commit0 setup command.

commit0 setup lite

Next we need to configure the backend for the agent. Currently we only support the aider backend. Config can also be used to pass in arguments.

export ANTHROPIC_API_KEY="..."
agent config aider

Finally we run the underlying agent. This will create a display that shows the current progress of the agent. Specify the branch you want to commit changes on.

agent run BRANCH


Refer to class Agents in agent/ You can design your own agent by inheriting Agents class and implement the run method.


  • Aider automatically retries certain API errors. For details, see here.
  • When increasing --max-parallel-repos, be mindful of aider's 60-second retry timeout. Set this value according to your API tier to avoid RateLimitErrors stopping processes.
  • Currently, agent will skip file with more than 1500 lines. See agent/ for details.
  • Running a full all commit0 split costs approximately $100 with Claude Sonnet 3.5.